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Drug delivery in research on nonhuman animals in the laboratory is still challenging because it is usually invasive and stressful. Stress-free voluntary oral drug administration in water lacks precise control of dose and timing of substance ingestion. Voluntary oral consumption of corticosterone has been previously successfully applied in mice using oat flakes, but protocols for oral corticosterone administration in rats remain unavailable. This study assessed the effectiveness of voluntary oral administration to rats of a palatable piece of bread soaked with corticosterone that can be rapidly prepared and is reliably dose- and timing-controllable. After three familiarization days, all rats ate the bread within 120 seconds of presentation, irrespective of the presence or absence of corticosterone or vehicle. Corticosterone plasma levels remained at basal levels with consumption of vehicle-containing bread, and they were significantly increased with corticosterone-containing bread. Hence, the method enabled corticosterone bodily assimilation while avoiding stress, making it a possible alternative for invasive and stressful procedures. This article includes a methodological refinement that lessens unnecessary discomfort to laboratory animals and is potentially suitable for acute and chronic protocol studies.  相似文献   
Up-regulation of carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) expression is an indicator of metastasis and associated with poor cancer patient prognosis. CA IX has emerged as a cancer drug target but development of isoform-specific inhibitors is challenging due to other highly conserved CA isoforms. In this study, a CA IXmimic construct was used (CA II with seven point mutations introduced, to mimic CA IX active site) while maintaining CA II solubility that make it amenable to crystallography. The structures of CA IXmimic unbound and in complex with saccharin (SAC) and a saccharin-glucose conjugate (SGC) were determined using joint X-ray and neutron protein crystallography. Previously, SAC and SGC have been shown to display CA isoform inhibitor selectivity in assays and X-ray crystal structures failed to reveal the basis of this selectivity. Joint X-ray and neutron crystallographic studies have shown active site residues, solvent, and H-bonding re-organization upon SAC and SGC binding. These observations highlighted the importance of residues 67 (Asn in CA II, Gln in CA IX) and 130 (Asp in CA II, Arg in CA IX) in selective CA inhibitor targeting.  相似文献   
We investigated the motor unit organization and precision of reinnervation in the Xenopus pectoralis muscle following different manipulations, including crush or section of the posterior pectoralis nerve, foreign nerve innervation, and crush coupled with activity modulation or block. Most fibers have two neuromuscular junctions, and multielectrode recordings were used to identify the axonal origin of all inputs to both junctions on most or all fibers covering about 25% of the muscle surface. Following simple nerve crush, a highly organized innervation pattern was restored, indistinguishable from the normal pattern, including selective innervation of fibers of similar input resistance (Rin), compact motor unit organization, and high incidence of exclusive innervation of both end plates on each fiber by the same axon (distributed mononeuronal innervation, or a/a pattern). Initial reinnervation was equally precise when nerve conduction in the regenerating nerve was blocked by tetrodotoxin. More distant or repeated nerve crush or nerve section delayed and reduced the precision of reinnervation, but the majority of fibers still received input to both end plates by the same axon, often in combination with others. A foreign nerve, the pectoralis sternalis, which in its own muscle forms only single end plates, showed less precise reinnervation, but still had an incidence of a/a innervation far above chance. These data imply the expression and recognition of remarkably precise chemospecific cues even in mature animals, superimposed on which is a further refinement by synapse elimination, probably based on an activity-dependent process. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The NMR structure of the peptide deformylase (PDF) (1–150) from Escherichia coli, which is an essential enzyme that removes the formyl group from nascent polypeptides and represents a potential target for drug discovery, was determined using 15N/13C doubly labeled protein. Nearly completely automated assignment routines were employed to assign three-dimensional triple resonance, 15N-resolved and 13C-resolved NOESY spectra using the program GARANT. This assignment strategy, demonstrated on a 17 kDa protein, is a significant advance in the automation of NMR data assignment and structure determination that will accelerate future work. A total of 2302 conformational constraints were collected as input for the distance geometry program DYANA. After restrained energy minimization with the program X-PLOR the 20 best conformers characterize a high quality structure with an average of 0.43 Å for the root-mean-square deviation calculated from the backbone atoms N, C and C, and 0.81 Å for all heavy atoms of the individual conformers relative to the mean coordinates for residues 1 to 150. The globular fold of PDF contains two -helices comprising residues 25–40, 125–138, six -strands 57–60, 70–77, 85–88, 98–101, 105–111, 117–123 and one 310 helix comprising residues 49–51. The C-terminal helix contains the HEXXH motif positioning a zinc ligand in a similar fashion to other metalloproteases, with the third ligand being cysteine and the fourth presumably a water. The three-dimensional structure of PDF affords insight into the substrate recognition and specificity for N-formylated over N-acetylated substrates and is compared to other PDF structures.  相似文献   
The structure of the 13C,15N-labeled d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, as determined by NMR spectroscopy and refined using molecular dynamics with NOE-derived distances, torsion angles, and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), is presented. Although the studied molecule is of small size, it is demonstrated that the incorporation of diminutive RDCs can significantly improve local structure determination of regions undefined by the conventional restraints. Very good correlation between the experimental and back-calculated small one- and two-bond 1H-13C, 1H-15N, 13C-13C and 13C-15N coupling constants has been attained. The final structures clearly show typical features of the miniloop architecture. The structure is discussed in context of the extraordinary stability of the d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, which originates from a complex interplay between the aromatic base stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   
Endothiapepsin is derived from the fungus Endothia parasitica and is a member of the aspartic proteinase class of enzymes. This class of enzyme is comprised of two structurally similar lobes, each lobe contributing an aspartic acid residue to form a catalytic dyad that acts to cleave the substrate peptide bond. The three-dimensional structures of endothiapepsin bound to five transition state analogue inhibitors (H189, H256, CP-80,794, PD-129,541 and PD-130,328) have been solved at atomic resolution allowing full anisotropic modelling of each complex. The active sites of the five structures have been studied with a view to studying the catalytic mechanism of the aspartic proteinases by locating the active site protons by carboxyl bond length differences and electron density analysis. In the CP-80,794 structure there is excellent electron density for the hydrogen on the inhibitory statine hydroxyl group which forms a hydrogen bond with the inner oxygen of Asp32. The location of this proton has implications for the catalytic mechanism of the aspartic proteinases as it is consistent with the proposed mechanism in which Asp32 is the negatively charged aspartate. A number of short hydrogen bonds (approximately 2.6 A) with ESD values of around 0.01 A that may have a role in catalysis have been identified within the active site of each structure; the lengths of these bonds have been confirmed using NMR techniques. The possibility and implications of low barrier hydrogen bonds in the active site are considered.  相似文献   
In the absence of a high resolution crystal structure for the ribosome, numerous research groups are carrying out low resolution structural studies using neutron diffraction, electron microscopy, fluorescence energy transfer, chemical crosslinking, chemical footprinting studies, and other methods. We have developed a computer-based refinement method for incorporating these data into low resolution three-dimensional models. The method is based on a molecular mechanics approach, with proteins represented by spherical particles of suitable diameter and the ribosomal RNA represented by a string of spherical pseudoatoms, one for each nucleotide. Experimental data are used to derive constraints that are introduced through a special force field (potential function). Models are refined by simulated annealing. Since every term in the force field is quadratic, any model that satisfies all of the input data has an energy of zero; higher energies indicate residual unsatisfied constraints. The residual energy provides a quantitative statement of model quality and can be used to identify conflicts in the experimental data. The method has been applied to the refinement of a low resolution model for the 30S subunit (the small subunit) of theE. coli ribosome. Since this is a very underdetermined system, the range of acceptable models has also been explored. This provides an estimate of the resolution of the structure, which is about 15 Å overall, with the uncertainty in position of individual nucleotides ranging from about 5 Å to 50 Å.  相似文献   
The accelerated pace of genomic sequencing has increased the demand for structural models of gene products. Improved quantitative methods are needed to study the many systems (e.g., macromolecular assemblies) for which data are scarce. Here, we describe a new molecular dynamics method for protein structure determination and molecular modeling. An energy function, or database potential, is derived from distributions of interatomic distances obtained from a database of known structures. X-ray crystal structures are refined by molecular dynamics with the new energy function replacing the Van der Waals potential. Compared to standard methods, this method improved the atomic positions, interatomic distances, and side-chain dihedral angles of structures randomized to mimic the early stages of refinement. The greatest enhancement in side-chain placement was observed for groups that are characteristically buried. More accurate calculated model phases will follow from improved interatomic distances. Details usually seen only in high-resolution refinements were improved, as is shown by an R-factor analysis. The improvements were greatest when refinements were carried out using X-ray data truncated at 3.5 A. The database potential should therefore be a valuable tool for determining X-ray structures, especially when only low-resolution data are available.  相似文献   
One of the major limitations of computational protein structure prediction is the deviation of predicted models from their experimentally derived true, native structures. The limitations often hinder the possibility of applying computational protein structure prediction methods in biochemical assignment and drug design that are very sensitive to structural details. Refinement of these low‐resolution predicted models to high‐resolution structures close to the native state, however, has proven to be extremely challenging. Thus, protein structure refinement remains a largely unsolved problem. Critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction (CASP) specifically indicated that most predictors participating in the refinement category still did not consistently improve model quality. Here, we propose a two‐step refinement protocol, called 3Drefine, to consistently bring the initial model closer to the native structure. The first step is based on optimization of hydrogen bonding (HB) network and the second step applies atomic‐level energy minimization on the optimized model using a composite physics and knowledge‐based force fields. The approach has been evaluated on the CASP benchmark data and it exhibits consistent improvement over the initial structure in both global and local structural quality measures. 3Drefine method is also computationally inexpensive, consuming only few minutes of CPU time to refine a protein of typical length (300 residues). 3Drefine web server is freely available at http://sysbio.rnet.missouri.edu/3Drefine/ . Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Most crystallized homo‐oligomeric ion channels are highly symmetric, which dramatically decreases conformational space and facilitates building homology models (HMs). However, in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations channels deviate from ideal symmetry and accumulate thermal defects, which complicate the refinement of HMs using MD. In this work we evaluate the ability of symmetry constrained MD simulations to improve HMs accuracy, using an approach conceptually similar to Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction (CASP) competition: build HMs of channels with known structure and evaluate the efficiency of proposed methods in improving HMs accuracy (measured as deviation from experimental structure). Results indicate that unrestrained MD does not improve the accuracy of HMs, instantaneous symmetrization improves accuracy but not stability of HMs during subsequent unrestrained MD, while gradually imposing symmetry constraints improves both accuracy (by 5–50%) and stability of HMs. Moreover, accuracy and stability are strongly correlated, making stability a reliable criterion in predicting the accuracy of new HMs. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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