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We reported previously that the product of DIN7, a DNA damage-inducible gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, belongs to the XPG family of proteins, which are involved in DNA repair and replication. This family includes the S. cerevisiae protein Rad2p and its human homolog XPGC, Rad27p and its mammalian homolog FEN-1, and Exonuclease I (Exo I). Interestingly, Din7p is the only member of the XPG family which specifically functions in mitochondria. We reported previously that overexpression of DIN7 results in a mitochondrial mutator phenotype. In the present study we wished to test the hypothesis that this phenotype is dependent on the nuclease activity of Din7p. For this purpose, we constructed two alleles, din7-D78A and din7-D173A, which encode proteins in which highly conserved aspartates important for the nuclease activity of the XPG proteins have been replaced by alanines. Here, we report that overexpression of the mutant alleles, in contrast to DIN7, fails to increase the frequency of mitochondrial petite mutants or erythromycin-resistant (Er) mutants. Also, overproduction of din7-D78Ap does not result in destabilization of poly GT tracts in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the phenotype observed in cells that overexpress Din7p. We also show that petite mutants induced by enhanced synthesis of wild-type Din7p exhibit gross rearrangements of mtDNA, and that this correlates with enhanced recombination within the mitochondrial cyt b gene. These results suggest that the stability of the mitochondrial genome of S. cerevisiae is modulated by the level of the nuclease Din7p.Communicated by R. Devoret  相似文献   
The hotspots of meiotic recombination in the human genome can be localized by genetic techniques. The resolution of these techniques is in the range of kilobases and depends on the density of the physical markers identifying allelic variants of the chromosomal loci. We thought it would be interesting to localize these sites with higher resolution. Assuming that some human chromosomal sites conserve their propensity for recombination when cloned in yeast, we localized the hotspots of recombination in several yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) carrying human DNA. A number of potential recombination hotspots could be identified in the clones studied. Among them there are two classes of sites that are particularly recombination prone also in human meiotic cells: sites associated with CpG islands and sites located in the vicinity of long minisatellite sequences.Communicated by G. P. Georgiev  相似文献   
This study evaluates mtDNA transmission in Agaricus bisporus, as well as the occurrence of non-parental haplotypes in heterokaryons produced by controlled crosses. Sixteen crosses were performed with blended liquid cultures, using different combinations of 13 homokaryotic strains. For each cross, different mtDNA haplotypes were present in each homokaryon. Heterokaryons generated from these crosses were subject to genetic analysis with RFLP markers to identify (i). karyotic status, (ii). mtDNA haplotype, and (iii). the occurrence of non-parental mtDNA haplotypes. These analyses generally supported the occurrence of uniparental mitochondrial (mt) inheritance in A. bisporus, with one mtDNA haplotype usually favoured in the new heterokaryon. The preponderance of one mtDNA haplotype in a new heterokaryon did not necessarily show a correlation with a greater mycelial growth rate for the parent homokaryon possessing that haplotype. Mixed mtDNA haplotypes and non-parental haplotypes were also identified in the heterokaryons from some crosses. Evidence for the occurrence of two mtDNA haplotypes in one heterokaryotic mycelium was observed in 8 of 16 crosses, suggesting the maintenance of true heteroplasmons after three successive subculturing steps. Non-parental mtDNA haplotypes were seen in heterokaryons produced from 7 of 16 crosses. The mating protocol described can be utilized to generate novel mtDNA haplotypes for strain improvement and the development of strain-specific markers. Mechanisms of mt selection and inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   
The Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system is a powerful tool that allows gene inactivation in a tissue- and time-specific manner. Several reports have shown that the Sox2Cre transgenic strain provides a very efficient means to delete gene function from the early epiblast (Hayashi et al.: Gene Expr Patterns 2:93-97, 2002; Vincent et al.: Genes Dev 17:1646-1662, 2003). Routinely, male studs carrying one null allele of the gene of interest and the Cre transgene are crossed to females homozygous for the conditional allele. Normally, excision is observed only in the progeny inheriting both the Cre transgene and the conditional allele. Here we report that when the Sox2Cre transgene is inherited maternally, excision occurs in all offspring irrespective of whether they carry the Cre transgene. Thus, Sox2Cre females provide a generally useful tool for rapid and efficient removal of loxP flanked sequences in vivo.  相似文献   
T-DNA recombination and replication was analyzed in 'black mexican sweet' (BMS) cells transformed with T-DNAs containing the replication system from wheat dwarf virus (WDV). Upon recombination between the T-DNA ends, a promoterless marker gene (gusA) was activated. Activation of the recombination marker gene was delayed and increased exponentially over time, suggesting that recombination and amplification of the T-DNA occurred in maize cells. Mutant versions of the viral initiator gene (rep), known to be defective in the replication function, failed to generate recoverable recombinant T-DNA molecules. Circularization of T-DNA by the FLP/FRT site-specific recombination system and/or homologous recombination was not necessary to recover circular T-DNAs. However, replicating T-DNAs appeared to be suitable substrates for site-specific and homologous recombination. Among 33 T-DNA border junctions sequenced, only one pair of identical junction sites was found implying that the population of circular T-DNAs was highly heterogenous. Since no circular T-DNA molecules were detected in treatments without rep, it suggested that T-DNA recombination was linked to replication and might have been stimulated by this process. The border junctions observed in recombinant T-DNA molecules were indicative of illegitimate recombination and were similar to left-border recombination of T-DNA into the genome after Agro-mediated plant transformation. However, recombination between T-DNA molecules differed from T-DNA/genomic DNA junction sites in that few intact right borders were observed. The replicating T-DNA molecules did not enhance genomic random integration of T-DNA in the experimental configuration used for this study.  相似文献   
We describe a variation of the method to generate single-copy transgenic plants by recombinase-mediated resolution of multiple insertions. In this study, a transgene construct flanked by oppositely oriented lox sites was co-bombarded into maize cells along with a cre-expressing construct. From analysis of the regenerated plants, a high percentage of the primary transformants harbored a single copy of the introduced transgene, and among these, a majority also lacked the cre construct. We deduce that the expression of cre must have contributed to resolving concatemeric molecules either prior to or after DNA integration into the maize genome.  相似文献   
It has been argued that about 4–5% of male adults suffer from infertility due to a genetic causation. From studies in the fruitfly Drosophila, there is evidence that up to 1500 recessive genes contribute to male fertility in that species. Here we suggest that the control of human male fertility is of at least comparable genetic complexity. However, because of small family size, conventional positional cloning methods for identifying human genes will have little impact on the dissection of male infertility. A critical selection of well-defined infertility phenotypes in model organisms, combined with identification of the genes involved and their orthologues in man, might reveal the genes that contribute to human male infertility.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis MIM gene encodes a protein belonging to the SMC family (structure maintenance of chromosomes) which is required for intrachromosomal homologous recombination (ICR). Both ICR and MIM gene expression are enhanced by DNA-damaging treatments, suggesting that MIM is a factor limiting DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR) under genotoxic stress. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the levels of recombination in the mim mutant under genotoxic stress, using methyl methanesulfonate. Although the mutant clearly showed diminished basal and induced levels of ICR, enhancement of ICR by DNA-damaging treatments was similar to that observed in the wild type. This suggests that the MIM gene product is required for DNA repair by HR, but is not critical for HR induction. To determine whether enhanced availability of MIM would increase basal HR levels in Arabidopsis, we examined ICR frequencies in transgenic Arabidopsis strains overexpressing the MIM gene after ectopic insertion of additional MIM copies. Two independent lines showed a twofold increase in ICR frequency relative to the wild type. Thus MIM is required for efficient ICR in plants, and its manipulation can be used to change homologous recombination frequencies. Since MIM is one of the components responsible for chromatin dynamics, our results suggest that the chromatin environment determines the frequency of homologous recombination.  相似文献   
Abstract.— We investigated the effects of inbreeding on various fitness components and their genetic load in laboratory metapopulations of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana . Six metapopulations each consisted of four subpopulations with breeding population sizes of N = 6 or N = 12 and migration rate of m = 0 or m = 0.33. Metapopulations were maintained for seven generations during which coancestries and pedigrees were established. Individual inbreeding coefficients at the F7 were calculated and ranged between 0.01 and 0.51. Even though considerable purging had occurred during inbreeding, the genetic load remained higher than that of many outbreeding species: approximately two lethal equivalents were detected for egg sterility, one for zygote survival, one for juvenile survival, and one for longevity. Severe inbreeding depression occurred after seven generations of inbreeding, which jeopardized the metapopulation survival. This finding suggests that the purging of genetic load by intentional inbreeding cannot be recommended for the genetic conservation of species with a high number of lethal.  相似文献   
Jaffe K 《Acta biotheoretica》2000,48(2):137-147
Using computer simulations I studied the simultaneous effect of variable environments, mutation rates, ploidy, number of loci subject to evolution and random and assortative mating on various reproductive systems. The simulations showed that mutants for sex and recombination are evolutionarily stable, displacing alleles for monosexuality in diploid populations mating assortatively under variable selection pressure. Assortative mating reduced excessive allelic variance induced by recombination and sex, especially among diploids. Results suggest a novel adaptive value for sex and recombination. They show that the adaptive value of diploidy and that of the segregation of sexes is different to that of sex and recombination. The results suggest that the emergence of sex had to be preceded by the emergence of diploid monosexual organisms and provide an explanation for the emergence and maintenance of sex among diploids and for the scarcity of sex among haploid organisms.  相似文献   
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