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Indirect genetic effects (IGE) of parental care performance and the direct–indirect covariance contribute substantially to total heritability in domesticated and laboratory mammals. For animals from natural populations empirical estimates of IGE are sparse. Thus, despite recent models relating IGE to evolution, evolutionary interpretations of IGE are limited. To address this deficit, we used a reciprocal cross‐fostering breeding design to estimate environmental influences, direct and indirect genetic effects, and direct–indirect genetic covariances in the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus to determine the evolutionary importance of IGE arising from variation in parental care performance. Carrion size positively affected adult mass and time on carrion, but had no effect on total development time. Males were slightly larger than females. For both mass and development, independent of these environmental influences, direct and indirect genetic effects were of moderate magnitude. Total genetic effects explained 36–50% of the phenotypic variance in mass and size and 27–37% of phenotypic variance in development time. Direct–indirect genetic covariances were zero or close to zero. Thus, for both mass and development time, the response to natural selection arising from environmental variation may be accelerated by the presence of IGE in N. pustulatus. The generality of this pattern and the evolutionary significance of IGE arising from parental care awaits further study of natural populations. 相似文献
Background and Aims Distyly is a floral polymorphism characterized by the presence of two discrete morphs with reciprocal positioning of anthers and stigmas in flowers on different plants within the same population. Although reciprocal herkogamy and associated floral traits are generally thought to be discrete and strict polymorphisms, little is known about variation in floral traits related to the distylous syndrome within and among populations of a single species. In this study, variation in floral morphology and reciprocal positioning of the sexual organs in the distylous Primula veris (cowslip) is quantified.Methods Data were collected in ten populations occurring in two contrasting habitat types (grasslands and forests), and for each population the average level of reciprocity was assessed, the strength of the self-incompatibility system was determined, and seed production under natural conditions was quantified.Results In grassland populations, flowers showed clear distyly with low and symmetric reciprocity indices at both the lower and upper level. In forests, P. veris produced larger flowers that showed strong deviations in stigma–anther separation, especially in the L-morph. This deviation was mainly driven by variation in stigma height, resulting in high and asymmetric reciprocity indices and the occurrence of several short-styled homostylous plants. Self-incompatibility was, however, strict in both habitats, and morph ratios did not differ significantly from isoplethy. The observed shift in reciprocity in forest populations was associated with a significant reduction in seed production in the L-morph.Conclusions The results indicate that populations of P. veris show habitat-specific variation in flower morphology. Deviations from perfect reciprocal positioning of stigmas and anthers also translate into reduced seed production, suggesting that small changes in sexual organ reciprocity can have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary implications. 相似文献
Fifty years after Ehrlich and Raven's seminal paper, the idea of co‐evolution continues to grow as a key concept in our understanding of organic evolution. This concept has not only provided a compelling synthesis between evolutionary biology and community ecology, but has also inspired research that extends beyond its original scope. In this article, we identify unresolved questions about the co‐evolutionary process and advocate for the integration of co‐evolutionary research from molecular to interspecific interactions. We address two basic questions: (i) What is co‐evolution and how common is it? (ii) What is the unit of co‐evolution? Both questions aim to explore the heart of the co‐evolutionary process. Despite the claim that co‐evolution is ubiquitous, we argue that there is in fact little evidence to support the view that reciprocal natural selection and coadaptation are common in nature. We also challenge the traditional view that co‐evolution only occurs between traits of interacting species. Co‐evolution has the potential to explain evolutionary processes and patterns that result from intra‐ and intermolecular biochemical interactions within cells, intergenomic interactions (e.g. nuclear‐cytoplasmic) within species, as well as intergenomic interactions mediated by phenotypic traits between species. Research that bridges across these levels of organization will help to advance our understanding of the importance of the co‐evolutionary processes in shaping the diversity of life on Earth. 相似文献
Aritz Ruiz‐Gonzalez Samuel A. Cushman María José Madeira Ettore Randi Benjamín J. Gómez‐Moliner 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(20):5110-5129
Landscape genetics provides a valuable framework to understand how landscape features influence gene flow and to disentangle the factors that lead to discrete and/or clinal population structure. Here, we attempt to differentiate between these processes in a forest‐dwelling small carnivore [European pine marten (Martes martes)]. Specifically, we used complementary analytical approaches to quantify the spatially explicit genetic structure and diversity and analyse patterns of gene flow for 140 individuals genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. We first used spatially explicit and nonspatial Bayesian clustering algorithms to partition the sample into discrete clusters and evaluate hypotheses of ‘isolation by barriers’ (IBB). We further characterized the relationships between genetic distance and geographical (‘isolation by distance’, IBD) and ecological distances (‘isolation by resistance’, IBR) obtained from optimized landscape models. Using a reciprocal causal modelling approach, we competed the IBD, IBR and IBB hypotheses with each other to unravel factors driving population genetic structure. Additionally, we further assessed spatially explicit indices of genetic diversity using sGD across potentially overlapping genetic neighbourhoods that matched the inferred population structure. Our results revealed a complex spatial genetic cline that appears to be driven jointly by IBD and partial barriers to gene flow (IBB) associated with poor habitat and interspecific competition. Habitat loss and fragmentation, in synergy with past overharvesting and possible interspecific competition with sympatric stone marten (Martes foina), are likely the main factors responsible for the spatial genetic structure we observed. These results emphasize the need for a more thorough evaluation of discrete and clinal hypotheses governing gene flow in landscape genetic studies, and the potential influence of different limiting factors affecting genetic structure at different spatial scales. 相似文献
- We measured bidirectional arthropod fluxes at 12 river reaches distributed across an urban‐rural gradient of riparian land use and land cover in the Scioto River system of Ohio (U.S.A.).
- For the terrestrial‐to‐aquatic arthropod flux (i.e. inputs of terrestrial arthropods to the river from the land), urban development was positively related to density of inputs but negatively related to biomass, partially explained by shifts in community composition and body size. Riparian grassland, typical of rural (i.e. non‐urban) landscapes, was positively associated with both density (range: 2.8–18.9 individuals m?2 day?1) and biomass (range: 7.1–58.7 mg m?2 day?1) of inputs.
- For the aquatic‐to‐terrestrial flux of adult aquatic insects (i.e. emergent aquatic insects exported from the river), riparian grassland cover was positively associated with both density (R2 = 0.61; range: 12.8–116.8 individuals m?2 day?1) and biomass (R2 = 0.65; range: 1.4–27.9 mg m?2 day?1), with relatively larger‐bodied taxa dominating emergence at rural reaches.
- Riparian landscape composition relates to reciprocal fluxes of arthropods (aquatic insects out, terrestrial insects and other arthropods in) in river‐riparian systems as we found human landscape disturbances were associated with changes in the taxonomic composition of both aquatic emergence and terrestrial input, and an overall decrease in the magnitude of emergence and terrestrial input. Furthermore, landscape changes that alter arthropod fluxes may have broader consequences for linked river‐riparian biodiversity and food webs and should be taken into account in conservation, restoration and management of these systems.
Thomas Wicker Rod A. Wing Ingo Schubert 《The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology》2015,84(4):747-759
All grass species evolved from an ancestor that underwent a whole‐genome duplication (WGD) approximately 70 million years ago. Interestingly, the short arms of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 (and independently their homologs in sorghum) were found to be much more similar to each other than other homeologous regions within the duplicated genome. Based on detailed analysis of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and their homologs in seven grass species, we propose a mechanism that explains the apparently ‘younger’ age of the duplication in this region of the genome, assuming a small number of reciprocal translocations at the chromosome termini. In each case the translocations were followed by unbalanced transmission and subsequent lineage sorting of the involved chromosomes to offspring. Molecular dating of these translocation events also allowed us to date major chromosome ‘fusions’ in the evolutionary lineages that led to Brachypodium and Triticeae. Furthermore, we provide evidence that rice is exceptional regarding the evolution of chromosomes 11 and 12, inasmuch as in other species the process of sequence exchange between homeologous chromosomes ceased much earlier than in rice. We presume that random events rather than selective forces are responsible for the observed high similarity between the short arm ends of rice chromosomes 11 and 12. 相似文献
植物的花部性状在异质环境中表现出不均一的适应性进化, 其自然变异可能在时空格局上呈现一定的规律性。选择同一物种的不同地理居群进行花部表型变异分析, 能揭示花部性状随地理梯度的变异模式。海仙花报春(Primula poissonii)属于典型的二型花柱植物, 依赖昆虫传粉实现严格的型间异交。该物种广布于横断山地区亚高山-高山草甸, 其分布海拔跨度大且花部性状在种内具有较高变异, 但这些变异在不同地理梯度(海拔梯度和经纬度梯度)的特定选择因子作用下的变化规律尚不清楚。本研究选择海仙花报春16个居群, 对8个花部关键性状和二型花柱繁殖器官的互补度与海拔和经纬度的关系进行研究, 探究花部性状随地理梯度变异的模式及其潜在的选择因素。研究表明, 海仙花报春两种花型的花冠管开口大小、花药高度以及短柱花柱头高度与海拔均呈正相关, 但两种花型的花冠大小, 长柱花的花瓣长度、柱头到花冠管开口的距离, 以及短柱花的花冠管长度与海拔高度间均呈负相关, 其余性状与海拔无显著相关性。除短柱花中柱头高度以外的性状均随着纬度升高而逐渐减小。长柱花中除花药和柱头间的距离以及柱头到开口的距离外, 其余性状均随着经度的增加而减小; 短柱花的花瓣长度、花药高度以及花药和柱头间的距离随着经度的增加而变大, 其余性状均随着经度的增加而减小。繁殖器官间的互补度并不随地理环境的变化而变化。花部性状的地理变异可能受访花昆虫组成的地理变化驱动。繁殖器官间互补程度的高度保守表明非选型交配在居群二态性的维持和稳定过程中起关键作用。本研究为进一步深入开展报春花属(Primula)花部性状及其选择压力的地理变异研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
为了探明高山植物全缘叶绿绒蒿(Meconopsis integrifolia)的繁育系统特点和其对高山气候环境的繁殖适应特征, 我们沿海拔梯度选择了5个样地(样地1 (4452 m)、样地2 (4215 m)、样地3 (4081 m)、样地4 (3841 m)、样地5 (3681 m))对其传粉生态学进行了连续2年的观察试验。结果发现, 样地1、2的全缘叶绿绒蒿的单花寿命显著长于样地3、4和5。花开放早期柱头高于花药, 之后花药不断伸长, 并在开放中后期与柱头接触, 说明全缘叶绿绒蒿具有不完全雌雄异位的花部特征。自然状态下, 柱头可授能力持续期约8天(雌蕊先熟), 但花药于开花第5天才散粉, 花粉寿命约2天, 说明全缘叶绿绒蒿为雌雄异熟, 但存在一定的重叠期。人工授粉试验表明, 全缘叶绿绒蒿自交部分亲和, 且不存在无融合生殖现象。各样地中自然对照的结实率显著低于人工异交处理的结实率, 说明自然状态下全缘叶绿绒蒿存在一定程度的传粉限制。传粉昆虫观察发现, 样地1和2的传粉昆虫主要是蝇类, 样地3、4和5的传粉昆虫主要是蝇类和蓟马(Thripidae spp.), 蝇类在不同植株间的活动能够保证异花传粉结实, 同时, 蝇类和蓟马在花内的活动会引起“协助自交”。全缘叶绿绒蒿约65%的观察个体存在“自动自交”。蝇类在各样地的访花频率存在显著差异, 样地1访花频率最低, 样地2访花频率最高。各样地的结实由于异花传粉者的不足而受到传粉限制。两种不同类型的自交机制恰恰为该植物异花传粉者不足提供了一定程度的繁殖补偿。全缘叶绿绒蒿不分泌花蜜, 当环境温度降低时, 采取为昆虫提供保温庇护场所的方式来吸引传粉者。 相似文献
Jeremy W. Fox Lawrence D. Harder 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2015,69(1):136-145
Local adaptation occurs when different environments are dominated by different specialist genotypes, each of which is relatively fit in its local conditions and relatively unfit under other conditions. Analogously, ecological species sorting occurs when different environments are dominated by different competing species, each of which is relatively fit in its local conditions. The simplest theory predicts that spatial, but not temporal, environmental variation selects for local adaptation (or generates species sorting), but this prediction is difficult to test. Although organisms can be reciprocally transplanted among sites, doing so among times seems implausible. Here, we describe a reciprocal transplant experiment testing for local adaptation or species sorting of lake bacteria in response to both temporal and spatial variation in water chemistry. The experiment used a –80°C freezer as a “time machine.” Bacterial isolates and water samples were frozen for later use, allowing transplantation of older isolates “forward in time” and newer isolates “backward in time.” Surprisingly, local maladaptation predominated over local adaptation in both space and time. Such local maladaptation may indicate that adaptation, or the analogous species sorting process, fails to keep pace with temporal fluctuations in water chemistry. This hypothesis could be tested with more finely resolved temporal data. 相似文献
A. H. Halbritter R. Billeter P. J. Edwards J. M. Alexander 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2015,28(10):1849-1860
Local adaptation at range edges influences species’ distributions and how they respond to environmental change. However, the factors that affect adaptation, including gene flow and local selection pressures, are likely to vary across different types of range edge. We performed a reciprocal transplant experiment to investigate local adaptation in populations of Plantago lanceolata and P. major from central locations in their European range and from their latitudinal and elevation range edges (in northern Scandinavia and Swiss Alps, respectively). We also characterized patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in populations using molecular markers. Range‐centre plants of P. major were adapted to conditions at the range centre, but performed similarly to range‐edge plants when grown at the range edges. There was no evidence for local adaptation when comparing central and edge populations of P. lanceolata. However, plants of both species from high elevation were locally adapted when compared with plants from high latitude, although the reverse was not true. This asymmetry was associated with greater genetic diversity and less genetic differentiation over the elevation gradient than over the latitudinal gradient. Our results suggest that adaptation in some range‐edge populations could increase their performance following climate change. However, responses are likely to differ along elevation and latitudinal gradients, with adaptation more likely at high‐elevation. Furthermore, based upon these results, we suggest that gene flow is unlikely to constrain adaptation in range‐edge populations of these species. 相似文献