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夜温对番茄套管嫁接苗愈合的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番茄砧木品种‘桂砧1号’和接穗品种‘中杂105’为试材,采用显微观察等方法研究了26℃昼温条件下,不同夜温(16℃、21℃、26℃)对番茄套管嫁接苗愈合速率及质量的影响。结果表明:(1)随着夜温的升高,嫁接苗接合部愈伤组织细胞增多,接合部直径增大;夜温26℃,嫁接后前5d愈伤组织细胞较多,与夜温16℃相比嫁接苗接合部直径提高了9.7%。(2)随着夜温的降低,嫁接苗接合部维管束连接及愈合进程加快,夜温16℃处理嫁接后第6天维管束已连接,较夜温21℃、26℃处理分别提前3d、6d,而且在第9天隔离层完全消失,较夜温21℃、26℃处理提前3d。(3)随着夜温的降低,嫁接苗木质部输导能力和砧/穗接合力提高,愈合质量提高;夜温16℃处理嫁接苗木质部输导能力比夜温21℃处理提高了12%~24%,砧/穗接合力提高了20%;同时也比夜温26℃处理嫁接成活率提高,木质部输导能力提高了19%~32%,砧/穗接合力提高了28%;根系长度、体积及平均直径也显著增加。可见,在昼温26℃的情况下,夜温16℃最有利于番茄嫁接苗的愈合,形成成活率高、质量优的壮苗。  相似文献   
The formation of a stable spatial arrangement of protein A ligands is a great challenge for the development of high‐capacity polymer‐grafted protein A adsorbents due to the complexity in interplay between coupled ligands and polymer chain. In this work, carboxymethyl dextrans (CMDs) with different molecular weight were introduced to provide stable spatial ligand arrangement in CMD‐grafted protein A gels to improve IgG adsorption. The result showed that coupling of protein A ligand in CMD‐grafted layer had no marked influence on pore size and dextran layers coupled with the ligands were stable in experimental range of salt concentrations. The result of IgG adsorption revealed that carboxymethyl dextran T10, a short CMD, was more suitable as a scaffold for the synthesis of high‐capacity protein A gels. Moreover, the maximal adsorption capacity for IgG was obtained to be 96.4 mg/g gel at ionic capacities of 300–350 mmol/L and a ligand density of 15.2 mg/g gel. Dynamic binding capacity for IgG exhibited a higher capacity utilization in CMD‐grafted protein A gels than non‐grafted protein A gel. The research presented a tactics to establish a stable dextran layer coupled with protein A ligands and demonstrated its importance to improve binding capacity for IgG.  相似文献   
杜宪厚  郭素香  董希玮  黄振限 《生物磁学》2011,(24):4886-4888,4922
目的:比较单纯全麻和星状神经节阻滞术复合全麻对非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术(OPCABG)中应激反应的影响。方法:选择拟行OPCABG病人40例,根据实验设计随机分为星状神经节阻滞组(S组)和对照组(N组)各20例,S组在入室完成各项监测麻醉诱导前行右侧星状神经节阻滞术,两组麻醉及手术方式相同。分别于入室(T0,S组在行星状神经节阻滞前)、插气管导管(T1)、劈胸骨(T2)、和吻合前降支(T3)时记录患者的血压、脉搏并采中心静脉血测血糖,集中以放免法测促肾上腺皮质激素、血管紧张素Ⅱ和胰高血糖素。结果:与N组比较,S组患者各时点血流动力学变化更趋平稳;促肾上腺皮质激素和胰高血糖素的升高幅度明显较小(P〈0.01)。结论:星状神经节阻滞术可有效减轻OPCABG中麻醉与手术所致的过强应激反应。  相似文献   
目的:探讨危重症冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)患者围手术期应用主动脉球囊反搏(IABP)疗效。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2010年9月40例应用IABP治疗的危重症CABG患者围手术期资料。结果:术前安置IABP 19例,术中安置IABP 10例,术后安置IABP11例。平均IABP辅助时间98.6±48.2小时。32例患者治愈出院,死亡8例,死亡率20.0%。术前安置者死亡率为21.1%,若除外机械并发症原因则死亡率为10.5%;术中安置者死亡率为20.0%;术后安置者死亡率为18.2%。5例出现血小板减少症;1例出现肠系膜动脉栓塞。结论:IABP是一种安全有效的循环辅助方法,积极应用可以明显提高危重症CABG的治疗效果。  相似文献   
目的:总结老年患者行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)合并瓣膜置换(VR)手术的特点及经验。方法:上海交通大学附属第一人民医院心血管外科2001年11月至2010年3月对60例年龄大于80的患者施行冠状动脉搭桥+瓣膜置换手术,男33例,女27例。年龄80-87岁,平均年龄(83.77±2.45)岁。均为冠心病合并瓣膜病变患者。其中36例患者行冠状动脉旁路移植+二尖瓣置换手术,15例患者行冠状动脉旁路移植+主动脉瓣置换手术,9例患者行冠状动脉旁路移植+双瓣置换手术,同时8例患者行三尖瓣成形手术,3例患者行射频消融手术,1例升主动开成形术。置换生物瓣膜者51例,置换机械瓣膜者9例。CABG平均搭桥(2.13±0.75)根,搭桥材料为左乳内动脉与大隐静脉。结果:全组早期死亡9例(15%),1例死于术后出血,1例死于多器官功能衰竭,7例死于术后心衰。早期生存51例(85%),出现术后并发症10例,其中2例发生胸腔积液,1例心包填塞,3例肺部感染,1例心房扑动后发生室颤,3例二次开胸止血。给予相应对症治疗后痊愈出院。门诊随访49例,随访时间1~60个月,心功能I级2例、Ⅱ级29例、Ⅲ级18例、Ⅳ级0例(NYHA分级)。结论:对老年患者行冠脉搭桥+瓣膜置换手术,只要掌握手术适应证,充分作好术前准备、术中及术后处理,手术治疗可以取得良好效果。  相似文献   
Mouse models are a valuable tool for studying acute injury and chronic remodeling of the myocardium in vivo. With the advent of genetic modifications to the whole organism or the myocardium and an array of biological and/or synthetic materials, there is great potential for any combination of these to assuage the extent of acute ischemic injury and impede the onset of heart failure pursuant to myocardial remodeling. Here we present the methods and materials used to reliably perform this microsurgery and the modifications involved for temporary (with reperfusion) or permanent coronary artery occlusion studies as well as intramyocardial injections. The effects on the heart that can be seen during the procedure and at the termination of the experiment in addition to histological evaluation will verify efficacy. Briefly, surgical preparation involves anesthetizing the mice, removing the fur on the chest, and then disinfecting the surgical area. Intratracheal intubation is achieved by transesophageal illumination using a fiber optic light. The tubing is then connected to a ventilator. An incision made on the chest exposes the pectoral muscles which will be cut to view the ribs. For ischemia/reperfusion studies, a 1 cm piece of PE tubing placed over the heart is used to tie the ligature to so that occlusion/reperfusion can be customized. For intramyocardial injections, a Hamilton syringe with sterile 30gauge beveled needle is used. When the myocardial manipulations are complete, the rib cage, the pectoral muscles, and the skin are closed sequentially. Line block analgesia is effected by 0.25% marcaine in sterile saline which is applied to muscle layer prior to closure of the skin. The mice are given a subcutaneous injection of saline and placed in a warming chamber until they are sternally recumbent. They are then returned to the vivarium and housed under standard conditions until the time of tissue collection. At the time of sacrifice, the mice are anesthetized, the heart is arrested in diastole with KCl or BDM, rinsed with saline, and immersed in fixative. Subsequently, routine procedures for processing, embedding, sectioning, and histological staining are performed. Nonsurgical intubation of a mouse and the microsurgical manipulations described make this a technically challenging model to learn and achieve reproducibility. These procedures, combined with the difficulty in performing consistent manipulations of the ligature for timed occlusion(s) and reperfusion or intramyocardial injections, can also affect the survival rate so optimization and consistency are critical.  相似文献   
In this study, a method was developed to immobilize silver onto polypropylene (PP) membrane surfaces for improved anti-biofouling performance. A commercial PP membrane was first grafted with the thiol functional groups, and then silver ions were immobilized onto the PP membrane surface through coordinating with the thiol groups. The immobilized silver was found to be very stable, with only ~1.1% of the immobilized silver being leached out during a leaching test. The surface of the modified membrane (PPS-Ag) was examined with ATR-FTIR and XPS analysis, which verified the successful grafting of the thiol groups and the coordination of silver ions on the membrane surface. The surface properties of the membrane were also characterized by SEM, AFM and water contact angle measurements. The PPS-Ag membrane was found to have a smoother and more hydrophilic surface than the PP membrane. Both Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, and Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, were used to evaluate the antibacterial and anti-biofouling performance of the PPS-Ag membrane. From disk diffusion experiments, the PPS-Ag membrane exhibited the capability of inhibiting the growth of both the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria tested. The anti-biofouling performance of the membrane was assessed by immersion in a mixed suspension of E. coli and S. aureus and filtration tests. The PPS-Ag membrane showed a stable and significantly enhanced anti-biofouling performance as compared with the PP membrane. The results in this study demonstrate that biofouling of a PP membrane can be sufficiently overcome through immobilizing silver onto the membrane surface.  相似文献   

Coevolution has been defined as the reciprocal genetic change in interacting species owing to natural selection imposed by each on the other. The process of coevolution between plants and the surrounding biota – including viruses, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, insects, and mammals – is considered by many biologists to have generated much of the earth's biological diversity. While much of the discussion on plant coevolution focuses on single plant–enemy interactions, a wide array of other micro and macro coevolutive processes co-occur in the same individual plant, posing the question whether we should talk about plant coevolutions. In this review article, I begin by briefly discussing the framework of coevolution theory and explore the complexities of studying coevolution in natural conditions. Then I analyze the difference between plants, microbes and animal coevolution, by exploring the above- and below-ground behaviors.  相似文献   
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