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A total of 5000 1-group cod of Northeast Arctic and Norwegian coastal origin were reared under similar conditions, anchor tagged and released at two sites in western Norway. There were significantly more recaptures from the coastal cod. No differences in migration patterns were detected, suggesting that mortality rates were higher in North-east Arctic cod.  相似文献   
This study represents the first attempt to study the population dynamics of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), by evaluating a set of demographic parameters. The population of the Caravelas River estuary, eastern Brazil, was systematically monitored through a long‐term mark‐recapture experiment (2002–2009). Abundance estimates revealed a small population (57–124 dolphins), comprised of resident dolphins and individuals that temporarily leave or pass through the study area. Temporary emigration from the estuary to adjacencies (γ″= 0.33 ± 0.07 SE) and return rate (1 ?γ′= 0 .67) were moderate and constant, indicating that some dolphins use larger areas. Survival rate (?= 0.88 ± 0.07 SE) and abundance were constant throughout the study period. Power analysis showed that the current monitoring effort has high probability of detecting abrupt population declines (1 ?β= 0.9). Although the monitoring is not yet sensitive to subtle population trends, sufficient time to identify them is feasible (additional 3 yr). Despite such apparent stability, this population, as many others, inhabits waters exposed to multiple human‐related threats. Open and closed population modeling applied to photo‐identification data provide a robust baseline for estimating several demographic parameters and can be applied to other populations to allow further comparisons. Such synergistic efforts will allow a reliable definition of conservation status of this species.  相似文献   
Mist netting is the most commonly used method for catching birds for scientific ringing, but despite decades of use, there have been few attempts to quantify the associated potential risks to the individuals caught. Any incidence of mortality through capture and handling, however low, is of potential ethical concern and may also introduce biases into the data. We estimate the mortality rate associated with capture of previously ringed (recaptured) passerines from the British and Irish Ringing Scheme (c. 1.5 million records) caught using mist nets. The importance of species, age, mass, month, time, previous captures, and an index of predator occurrence was tested using generalized linear mixed‐effects models. The average mortality rate was 0.0011, most of which was reported to occur before the individuals had been extracted from the nets (c. 70% of incidents). Juveniles appeared to be at higher risk and the incidence of predation from mist nets was seasonal, with increased risk during the winter. Species differed in their reported mortality rates with the apparent risk being greatest for Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita (0.0029) and Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula (0.0027). To improve our understanding (and hence minimize risk in future), we recommend collecting more complete data on incidences of mortality, and also injuries; exercising increased care when the species we have identified as being at greater risk are likely to be captured, and ensuring there are robust procedures for the checking of nets (as most reported incidents of mortality occur before handling). We also recommend that all Ringing Schemes should collate and make available data on capture‐related mortality. Overall rates of mortality associated with capture, although, were low and support the use of mist netting as a safe capture technique, without undue bias from mortality, when used by appropriately trained individuals.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Col., Chrysomelidae), is an invasive alien pest of maize, Zea mays , in Europe. The suitability of 14 fluorescent powders for mass-marking the adults was studied in laboratory and in field cages. The visual discrimination between remaining spots of each colour on the beetles was investigated under ultraviolet (UV) light, as well as their retention time and the influences of those colours on the beetle survival and flight take-off response. The two best recognizable orange colours (i.e. of Radiant Colour and of Fiesta Colours Swada) were proposed for field experiments in first priority, followed by an orange and a yellow (both Magruder Colour), another yellow (Fiesta) and a pink (Radiant), as all did not affect beetle survival and flight take-off response and were recognizable under UV light for at least 10 days in the field. In contrast, the colours yellow and green (Radiant), red and blue (Magruder), yellow (Ciba Geigy) and pink (Fiesta) were unsuitable, because they either quickly disappeared from the beetles or adversely affected beetle survival or flight take-off response. For mass releases with differently marked beetles, only the use of a single orange colour together with a single yellow colour or the use of a pink colour together with a yellow colour can be used since few spots can clearly be discriminated from each other under UV light.  相似文献   
Conservation biologists need to be able to estimate reliably the effects of inbreeding on survival, and need to be able to do so with a range of different data types. Kalinowski and Hedrick described a non-linear maximum likelihood estimation procedure for modelling relationships between survivorship and inbreeding. Although their method is useful for illustrating the concepts involved in modelling such relationships, it is only applicable to simple datasets. We illustrate that the parameter estimates generated by Kalinowski and Hedrick's method are easily obtained using generalized linear modelling procedures available in standard statistical packages, and that these offer several advantages even with simple datasets. We suggest procedures that can be used for modelling relationships between survival and inbreeding with more complex data types, including datasets with multiple and ragged encounters, uncertain detection and random effects.  相似文献   
Changes in demographic rates underpin changes in population size, and understanding demographic rates can greatly aid the design and development of strategies to maintain populations in the face of environmental changes. However, acquiring estimates of demographic parameters at relevant spatial scales is difficult. Measures of annual survival rates can be particularly challenging to obtain because large‐scale, long‐term tracking of individuals is difficult and the resulting data contain many inherent biases. In recent years, advances in both tracking and analytical techniques have meant that, for some taxonomic groups, sufficient numbers of survival estimates are available to allow variation within and among species to be explored. Here we review published estimates of annual adult survival rates in shorebird species across the globe, and construct models to explore the phylogenetic, geographical, seasonal and sex‐based variation in survival rates. Models of 295 survival estimates from 56 species show that survival rates calculated from recoveries of dead individuals or from return rates of marked individuals are significantly lower than estimates from mark–recapture models. Survival rates also vary across flyways, largely as a consequence of differences in the genera that have been studied and the analytical methods used, with published estimates from the Americas and from smaller shorebirds (Actitis, Calidris and Charadrius spp.) tending to be underestimated. By incorporating the analytical method used to generate each estimate within a mixed model framework, we provide method‐corrected species‐specific and genus‐specific adult annual survival estimates for 52 species of 15 genera.  相似文献   
Current climatic changes have increased the need to forecast population responses to climate variability. A common approach to address this question is through models that project current population state using the functional relationship between demographic rates and climatic variables. We argue that this approach can lead to erroneous conclusions when interpopulation dispersal is not considered. We found that immigration can release the population from climate‐driven trajectories even when local vital rates are climate dependent. We illustrated this using individual‐based data on a trans‐equatorial migratory seabird, the Scopoli's shearwater Calonectris diomedea, in which the variation of vital rates has been associated with large‐scale climatic indices. We compared the population annual growth rate λi, estimated using local climate‐driven parameters with ρi, a population growth rate directly estimated from individual information and that accounts for immigration. While λi varied as a function of climatic variables, reflecting the climate‐dependent parameters, ρi did not, indicating that dispersal decouples the relationship between population growth and climate variables from that between climatic variables and vital rates. Our results suggest caution when assessing demographic effects of climatic variability especially in open populations for very mobile organisms such as fish, marine mammals, bats, or birds. When a population model cannot be validated or it is not detailed enough, ignoring immigration might lead to misleading climate‐driven projections.  相似文献   
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