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Understanding the biology and conducting effective conservation of migratory species requires an understanding of migratory connectivity – the geographic linkages of populations between stages of the annual cycle. Unfortunately, for most species, we are lacking such information. The North American Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) houses an extensive database of marking, recaptures and recoveries, and such data could provide migratory connectivity information for many species. To date, however, few species have been analyzed for migratory connectivity largely because heterogeneous re‐encounter probabilities make interpretation problematic. We accounted for regional variation in re‐encounter probabilities by borrowing information across species and by using effort covariates on recapture and recovery probabilities in a multistate capture–recapture and recovery model. The effort covariates were derived from recaptures and recoveries of species within the same regions. We estimated the migratory connectivity for three tern species breeding in North America and over‐wintering in the tropics, common (Sterna hirundo), roseate (Sterna dougallii), and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia). For western breeding terns, model‐derived estimates of migratory connectivity differed considerably from those derived directly from the proportions of re‐encounters. Conversely, for eastern breeding terns, estimates were merely refined by the inclusion of re‐encounter probabilities. In general, eastern breeding terns were strongly connected to eastern South America, and western breeding terns were strongly linked to the more western parts of the nonbreeding range under both models. Through simulation, we found this approach is likely useful for many species in the BBL database, although precision improved with higher re‐encounter probabilities and stronger migratory connectivity. We describe an approach to deal with the inherent biases in BBL banding and re‐encounter data to demonstrate that this large dataset is a valuable source of information about the migratory connectivity of the birds of North America.  相似文献   
Seasonal fecundity is a composite metric that is determined by component parameters such as clutch size, nest survival and re‐nesting probability. Many of these component parameters are known to vary with environmental conditions, in particular rainfall prior to or during the breeding season. In some species, seasonal fecundity is positively related to rainfall, but little is known about which component parameters of seasonal fecundity respond most strongly to rainfall. We used intensive nest monitoring of a multi‐brooded tropical forest passerine, the Montserrat Oriole Icterus oberi, to examine the effects of rainfall during the pre‐breeding season on component parameters of annual fecundity. We monitored all nests of a total of 42 pairs over 5 years in which rainfall varied substantially. We then related clutch size, nest survival, onset and length of the breeding season, re‐nesting probability and re‐nesting interval to pre‐breeding season rainfall using generalized linear mixed models that accounted for random variation across sites and individual pairs, and incorporated other variables known to affect the response. Higher pre‐breeding season rainfall led to an increase in clutch size and a decrease in re‐nesting interval, but nest survival, re‐nesting probability and length of the breeding season were not affected by variation in rainfall. The onset of the breeding season was delayed in very dry years. We conclude that higher rainfall is likely to increase food availability and thus body condition of female Montserrat Orioles, leading to an increase in fecundity due to larger clutch sizes.  相似文献   

Small and isolated silver fir populations from the Emilian Apennines (northern Italy) were studied to assess their level of genetic variation and their relationship with Alpine populations. We investigated the variability of two chloroplast microsatellites to analyse the within‐population genetic variability of four peripheral and fragmented Apennine populations and to determine their phylogenetic relatedness to seven Alpine populations covering the entire distribution of silver fir in the Alps. Haplotypic richness and haplotype diversity as well as the fraction of private haplotypes were lower in Apennine populations, evidencing the genetic impoverishment of these stands. The among‐population genetic variability analysis revealed the genetic peculiarity of Apennine populations. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the highest level of the among‐population variation occurs between Alpine and Apennine regions. A neighbour‐joining dendrogram revealed a distinct Apennine cluster that included the closest Alpine population. Our genetic analysis supports a common origin for Emilian Apennine populations, suggesting that these populations are relicts of past large silver fir populations in the northern Apennines. Our results point to a relevant conservation value for these stands, to be considered in their management.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs définissent plusieurs formes de matières organiques et procèdent à leur inventaire dans des sols bruns et des chernozems. Ils effectuent un premier fractionnement par tamisage destiné à quantifier la matière végétale figurée et à séparer les complexes organo-minéraux. Ils procèdent ensuite sur ces derniers, à des extractions chimiques en vue de déterminer les complexes organométalliques et les complexes organo-argilliques. Les résultats démontrent que les sols bruns étudiés sont formés d'agrégats de consistance très lâche, caractérisés par un fort taux de complexes organométalliques à base d'acides fulviques à turn-over très rapide. Ces propriétés contrastent beaucoup avec celles des chernozems qui sont constitués d'agrégats très compacts renfermant un fort taux d'acides humiques très polycondensés, liés à un taux élevé de complexes organo-argilliques, ces deux types de produits apparaissant très résistants aux dégradations microbiennes.  相似文献   
Proteins can be redesigned to fold downhill on a free energy surface characterized by only a few coordinates, confirming a principal prediction of the 'energy-landscape' model. Nonetheless, natural proteins have small but significant barriers. Spectroscopy and kinetics reveal potential biological causes for activation barriers during protein folding: evolution against protein aggregation and for protein function.  相似文献   
To obtain direct dietary information, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured from bone collagen acquired from the well-preserved skeleton of a Magdalenian woman from the site of Saint-Germain-la-Rivière in southwestern France. Comparison of delta13C and delta15N values of the human bone collagen to those of bone collagen from local herbivores and carnivores indicates that the woman's primary source of protein was the meat of large terrestrial herbivores. Application of a linear mixing model to the woman's isotopic signature indicates that (1) no significant marine-derived protein contributed to her average diet; (2) saiga antelope, which dominates the faunal remains at Saint-Germain-la-Rivière, was not the main source of terrestrial protein; and (3) her pattern of subsistence reflects a less opportunistic behavior than generally attributed to humans from this period. Dietary proportions of prey reflected by the number of identified specimens are revised using meat percentage estimates, which de-emphasize the importance of saiga antelope in human subsistence at Saint-Germain-la-Rivière during the middle Magdalenian.  相似文献   
Plant-associated microbial diversity encompasses symbionts, protecting their host against various aggressions. Mycorrhizal and rhizospheric microorganisms buffer effects of soil toxic compounds and soil-borne pathogens. Endophytic bacteria and fungi, some of which are vertically inherited through seeds, take part in plant protection by acting directly on aggressive factors (mainly pathogens and herbivores) or by enhancing plant responses. Plant protective microbial symbionts determine the ecological success of plants; they drastically modify plant communities and related trophic webs. This review suggests approaches to improve the inventory of diversity and functions of in situ plant-associated microorganisms.  相似文献   
This article is concerned with the way ethnic and racial categories are achieved and sustained in daily talk. We argue against the notion of social categories as immanent cognitive structures whose existence and significance can be taken for granted. It is emphasized that categories are constructed in discourse. The construction and representation of ethnic categories are studied by analysing discussions held by some ethnically Dutch inhabitants of an inner‐city quarter in Rotterdam. There were two discussion groups (six and five participants respectively) and each group met one evening a week in a row in the local community centre for four weeks. All eight sessions were taped and transcribed and each session lasted approximately two and a half hours. Our goal is to describe in detail some of the discourses that are being used to achieve and sustain specific categorical representations. First, the nature of the different categorical constructs used is analysed. It is shown that people use different criteria for constructing ‘us‐them’ distinctions and that this multiplicity is rhetorically useful. Second, the ways in which categorical constructions are represented and vary in discourse are identified and outlined. Subsequently, the means by which these representations are achieved and sustained is examined. Attention is focued on comparisons that are being made, on the use of metaphors, and on the process of concretiz‐ation. Third, some of the cultural values drawn upon in legitimizing the representations are explored. It is shown how the taken‐for‐granted notions of freedom, merit, equality and tolerance are used to construct and legitimize ethnic representations. Finally, it is argued that a discourse approach can provide important additional insights into issues concerning ethnic relations and racism. For one thing it can help to develop strategies for reconstructing the predominant distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them’.  相似文献   
The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation has yielded some of the most important, voluminous and diverse dinosaur bonebeds in western North America, yet many of its historic sites were excavated during the celebrated period of vertebrate paleontology in western North America referred to as the first and second “Great Dinosaur Rush” (1870-1910s). Because of the large quantity of fossils collected during this era, a considerable amount of data pertaining to patterns of sedimentation, preservation, and paleoecology across broad portions of the Morrison Formation (and indeed many other Mesozoic and Cenozoic units) is still poorly understood. This paper critically re-evaluates the Sheridan College Quarry 1 dinosaur bonebed which lies along the western rim of the Powder River Basin in the region of localities excavated during Utterback's expeditions in the 1900s. Sedimentologically, the bonebed is interpreted as having been formed by episodic flooding events affecting the proximal floodplain depocenter of a meandering river system. Limited evidence of bone abrasion or rounding and progressive upsection changes in bone orientations suggest that minimal transport occurred, but that at least four episodes of overbank flooding resulted in the concentration and burial of attritional, time averaged vertebrate skeletal material that accumulated in topographic lows on the floodplain. Taphonomic analysis indicates that multiple unassociated to partially associated fossil elements excavated represent at least three taxa of sauropod dinosaurs, whereas isolated elements from the site indicate the presence of several other small vertebrate taxa. This work provides significant new information not only about the Sheridan College Quarry 1, but also about local sedimentary and taphonomic conditions that were likely influential to burial and preservation of other nearby Morrison dinosaur localities in the Big Horn Mountains, most notably those excavated during the famous Utterback expeditions. This study highlights the research potential in reconstructing lost data for historic dinosaur localities.  相似文献   
A detailed assessment of postcranial fossils collected at Balouk Keui (Thrace, Greece) in the mid-19th Century by the naturalist Auguste Viquesnel enabled us to identify the material as pertaining to Palaeotherium sp., cf. P. magnum, which constitutes the easternmost occurrence of the genus during the Eocene. We have constrained the geographic and stratigraphic provenance of the fossil by reassessing information about Viquesnel's itinerary and observations. Although the exact age of the fossil remains uncertain, the occurrence of a palaeothere in the Thrace Basin during the Eocene indicates a wider geographic distribution for the genus, which had previously been restricted to western and central Europe. The palaeothere of Balouk Keui confirms that the palaeogeographic range of this group included the Balkans during the middle–late Eocene. This discovery also shows that at least intermittent land connections between western Europe, Southeast Asia, and perhaps Central Iran facilitated mammalian dispersal during the middle–late Eocene, before the famous Grande Coupure.  相似文献   
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