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The freshwater green algal family Hydrodictyaceae (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta) has traditionally consisted of four coenobial genera, Pediastrum Meyen 1829, Hydrodictyon Roth 1797, Sorastrum Kützing 1845, and Euastropsis Lagerheim1894. Two recent molecular phylogenetic studies demonstrated the need for reevaluation of the generic and species boundaries in this morphology‐rich family. This study expands the previous work to include phylogenetic analyses of 103 ingroup isolates representing North America, Europe, and Australia, with an emphasis on the common and geographically widespread species Pediastrum duplex. Nucleotide sequence data were collected from the nuclear LSU (26S rDNA) and the chloroplast RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) genes, totaling >3,000 aligned characters. The 26S and rbcL data sets were analyzed using maximum‐likelihood (ML) and Bayesian phylogenetic methods. In addition, SEM was used to examine the wall morphology of a majority of the isolates. The results supported previous indications that the P. duplex Meyen 1829 morphotype is nonmonophyletic and resolved some previously ambiguous relationships recovered in earlier phylogenetic estimations using fewer isolates. These new data allowed testing of the recent taxonomic revisions of the family that split Pediastrum into five genera. Some of the previous revisions by Buchheim et al. (2005) were well supported (erection of Stauridium and Monactinus), while others were not (Pediastrum, Pseudopediastrum, Parapediastrum).  相似文献   
Some Liagora and Izziella distributed in Taiwan display a wide range of morphological variation and can be difficult to distinguish. To clarify species concepts, we applied DNA sequence analyses and examined carposporophyte development in detail. These studies revealed two new species, which are described herein as Izziella hommersandii sp. nov. and Izziella kuroshioensis sp. nov. I. kuroshioensis superficially resembles Izziella formosana and Izziella orientalis in that its involucral filaments subtend rather than surround the lower portion of the gonimoblast mass (= Izziella type) and a fusion cell is formed from cells of the carpogonial branch, but it can be separated by differences in the cell numbers and branching pattern of the involucral filaments, as well as thallus morphology. In contrast to other species that also bear short lateral branchlets, I. hommersandii is unique in possessing a mixture of short and long involucral filaments, a phenomenon not reported before. The length of the involucral filaments is species specific among species of Izziella and contrasts to the behavior of the involucral filaments after fertilization in species such as “Liagorasetchellii [= Titanophycus setchellii comb. nov.], in which the filaments completely envelop the gonimoblast. In addition, the cells of the carpogonial branch in Titanophycus do not fuse after fertilization to form a fusion cell. Thus, a combination of characters with respect to the behavior of the carpogonial branch and the involucral filaments after fertilization is very useful for delineating species boundaries in Izziella and for separating Titanophycus from Izziella and Liagora.  相似文献   
The Synura petersenii species complex represents a common, cosmopolitan and highly diverse taxon of autotrophic freshwater flagellates. In this paper, we describe and characterize four new species (S. borealis, S. heteropora, S. hibernica and S. laticarina) that have been identified during our extensive sampling of freshwater habitats in 15 European countries. Morphometric analyses of siliceous scales led to the significant phenotypic differentiation of all four newly described species, and their separation from other related species of the S. petersenii complex. Two of these newly described species (S. hibernica and S. borealis) can be clearly distinguished by characteristic large colonies consisting of elongated, lanceolate-shaped cells. Development of strongly elongated, narrow cells in S. hibernica could be explained by the adaptation of this species to oligotrophic conditions. Though morphologically distinct, S. borealis possesses an exceptionally high degree of genetic diversity, possibly indicating recent speciation and evolutionary diversification within this taxon. Three of the four newly described species exhibit restricted biogeographic distribution. The evolutionarily related S. borealis and S. laticarina occur only in Northern Europe, and seem to be adapted to colder areas. The most remarkable distribution pattern was observed for S. hibernica, which has a geographic distribution that is restricted to western Ireland.  相似文献   
Unlike most other green algae, trebouxiophyceans are predominantly aerophytic and contain many symbiotic representatives. In recent years, a number of new terrestrial trebouxiophycean taxa were described from soils, tree bark, and lichens. The present phylogenetic study reveals three new lineages of free‐living trebouxiophyceans found in North American desert soil crusts and proposes new generic names to accommodate them: Desertella, Eremochloris, and Xerochlorella. This survey of desert isolates also led to discovery of representatives of seven existing genera of trebouxiophyceans. Two of these genera have never been reported to contain desert representatives and one was known previously only from aquatic habitats. Furthermore, we expand the known geographic range of the recently described genus Chloropyrula, heretofore only known from the Ural Mountains. We demonstrate that the diversity of trebouxiophyceans is still underestimated and poorly understood, and that most major trebouxiophycean lineages contain desert‐dwelling taxa.  相似文献   
Studies characterizing geologically ancient DNA in plants are rare, and all have reportedly obtained plastid DNA sequences from Miocene fossils in a remarkable state of preservation. Recently, a group made the extraordinary claim of having amplified a geologically ancient Miocene plastid DNA fragment (the rbcL gene) from Dominican amber nuggets, and the organismal source of this DNA was identified as Hymenaea protera (Fabaceae), the plant that produced the fossilized Dominican amber. Assuming that the Miocene sequence is error‐free, reanalysis of the sequence indicates it is probably a technical artifact or an rbcL pseudogene. Furthermore, BLAST similarity searches and phylogenetic analyses strongly suggest that the putative Miocene sequence retrieved from fossilized amber is in fact a modern contaminant from one of the most widely used model plants, Arabidopsis thaliana. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 234–240.  相似文献   
The canga of the Serra dos Carajás, in Eastern Amazon, is home to a unique open plant community, harboring several endemic and rare species. Although a complete flora survey has been recently published, scarce to no genetic information is available for most plant species of the ironstone outcrops of the Serra dos Carajás. In this scenario, DNA barcoding appears as a fast and effective approach to assess the genetic diversity of the Serra dos Carajás flora, considering the growing need for robust biodiversity conservation planning in such an area with industrial mining activities. Thus, after testing eight different DNA barcode markers (matK, rbcL, rpoB, rpoC1, atpF‐atpH, psbK‐psbI, trnH‐psbA, and ITS2), we chose rbcL and ITS2 as the most suitable markers for a broad application in the regional flora. Here we describe DNA barcodes for 1,130 specimens of 538 species, 323 genera, and 115 families of vascular plants from a highly diverse flora in the Amazon basin, with a total of 344 species being barcoded for the first time. In addition, we assessed the potential of using DNA metabarcoding of bulk samples for surveying plant diversity in the canga. Upon achieving the first comprehensive DNA barcoding effort directed to a complete flora in the Brazilian Amazon, we discuss the relevance of our results to guide future conservation measures in the Serra dos Carajás.  相似文献   
利用聚合酶链式反应扩增胶州湾表层海水浮游植物核酮糖1,5-二磷酸羧化/氧化酶大亚基基因(rbcL)片段,建立了该基因片段变异类型文库.随机测定了28个rbcL片段序列,依此初步分析了胶州湾表层海水浮游植物rbcL基因分子遗传多样性.结果表明,春季胶州湾表层海水浮游植物优势种群为D类rbcL代表的浮游植物,其中隐藻占28.6%、Stramenopies占32.1%、定鞭藻占28.6%、红藻占3.6%.B类rbcL代表的浮游植物为绿藻,占7.1%.根据各操作分类单元丰度计算的分子遗传多样性指数为2.85,根据逆翻译成的氨基酸序列计算的序列多样性为0.20,  相似文献   
rbcL gene have been reported to date. Four new cases from Caulerpales, Ulvophyceae are described here. In the genus Caulerpa, the presence of an intron was unstable even in the infraspecific taxa. Based on comprehensive comparisons of the inserted positions, lengths of introns and so on, the presence of at least three kinds of introns, which probably have independent origins, was suggested in Caulerpales. Received 12 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2000  相似文献   
rbcL sequence data (1324 bp on average). Our analyses indicate (1) that Antitrichia is distantly related to the other members of Leucodontaceae and should be excluded from the family, (2) that Cryphaeaceae form a monophyletic clade, not with Anomodontaceae and Leptodontaceae, but with Leucodontaceae, refuting the placement of Leucodontaceae and Cryphaeaceae in different superfamilies, (3) that Forsstroemia, variously classified in Leucodontaceae, Cryphaeaceae or Leptodontaceae, forms a monophyletic clade with Neckera (Neckeraceae), and (4) that the presumed monophyly of Anomodon and that of Anomodontaceae are not supported. Received 18 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 27 December 1999  相似文献   
An examination by means of electron microscopy of phytoplankton samples from 23 localities in North Wales and Anglesey yielded 14 species of Synuraceae. Eleven of these have not been recorded previously from this region, and two species are new to Britain, viz. Mallomonas pugio Bradley and Spiniferomonas trioralis Takahashi.  相似文献   
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