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张勇  刘朔孺  于海燕  刘东晓  王备新 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4309-4317
溪流底栖动物群落结构受不同空间尺度环境因子的共同作用。基于2010年钱塘江中游流域60个样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物和环境变量数据,寻找与研究流域底栖动物群落结构变化密切相关的关键环境变量,解析流域尺度和河段尺度的环境因子对底栖动物群落的相对影响。PCA分析表明该区域的主要环境梯度是流域内的土地利用类型及其引起的溪流物理生境退化程度和水体营养状态。CCA分析发现影响底栖动物群落的流域尺度的关键环境变量是纬度、海拔、样点所在流域大小、森林用地百分比,河段尺度是总氮、总磷、钙浓度、二氧化硅浓度和平均底质得分。偏CCA分析得到两种尺度环境因子对底栖动物变异的总解释量为26.4%,流域尺度和河段尺度变量分别为总解释量的50%和31%;方差分解结果表明研究区域大型底栖无脊椎动物受到两种尺度环境因子的综合影响,且流域尺度环境因子较河段尺度环境因子更为重要,体现了其在溪流生态系统保护、恢复、监测和评价中的重要参考价值。  相似文献   
弱激光在周围神经损伤治疗中取得了理想效果,但在脊髓损伤修复方面的研究很少.本实验应用Allen's造模法构建大鼠急性脊髓损伤模型,通过测量穿透功率及组织温度变化筛选出用于脊髓损伤治疗的弱激光照射参数,照射组按照筛选出的参数连续治疗14 d,于术后1、3、7、14、21 d应用BBB评分法评价大鼠后肢运动功能的恢复情况,苏木精-伊红染色(HE染色)观察脊髓病理变化并测量空洞面积.结果显示应用筛选出的照射参数(810 nm、光斑面积0.2 cm2、500 mW/cm2、510 J/cm2)连续照射14 d,术后21 d照射组的运动功能评分显著高于未照射组(P<0.05),术后7、14、21d照射组脊髓空洞面积显著小于未照射组(P<0.05).结果表明810 nm、光斑面积0.2 cm2、500 mW/cm2、510 J/cm2的弱激光照射能促进急性脊髓损伤大鼠后期运动功能的恢复.  相似文献   
鳞片是蕨类植物体表常见附属物, 是蕨类植物非常显著的分类学特征。凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)在蕨类植物系统发育中的位置关系多次发生了变化, 不同学者对该科中包含的类群也有着不同的观点。通过对该科76种植物的鳞片进行取材, 利用解剖镜观察拍照, 对各属鳞片特征进行描述。结果显示, 鳞片特征在不同的属和亚科之间具有明显的形态差异。用GenBank数据库中的rbcL基因序列对所研究物种进行系统发育重建, 并对鳞片的边缘特征和筛孔类型进行祖先性状重建, 结果表明, 全缘型鳞片和均质型鳞片是凤尾蕨科鳞片的祖征性状, 非全缘类型和透明筛孔类型的鳞片是在后期演化过程中形成的特征。此外, 透明和不透明类型的筛孔其形成可能与蕨类植物生活环境中的光照强度有关。  相似文献   
The wing scale ultrastructure of the reflective under wing pattern found in many Argynnini butterflies are examined for all recognised genera and subgenera and compared to that of some basal Heliconiini. A true reflective pattern probably evolved once within the Argynnini. But the phylogenetic information in these structures is limited due to a high degree of homoplasy in the scale ultrastructure related to the reflective patterns. The degree of specialisation is also homoplastic. The general morphological modification responsible for the reflective patterns seems to be a “closing” of the large windows, which generally occupy most of the inter-ridge space on the abwing surface in the scales of higher Lepidoptera. The fact that the Argynnis niobe morphs with a silvery pattern have scales with ‘closed windows’ whereas the Argynnis niobe morphs without a silvery pattern have typical non-reflective scales with very large windows supports this conclusion.The degrees of modification of the scales, including whether both cover and ground scales or only cover scales are modified, are to some extent correlated to the degree of reflectiveness in the wing pattern. Boloria eunomia has, as the only species, more modified ground scales than cover scales.  相似文献   
A new freshwater species of naked lobose amoebae Korotnevella venosa n. sp. isolated from freshwater pond in St. Petersburg, Russia was studied with light and transmission electron microscopy. Basket scales of this species have six vertical columns supporting perforated rim. The latter has tongue‐like broadening with membranous region. Vertical columns bifurcate at both ends so that neighboring columns are connected by their bifurcations forming combined structure. Basket scales of K. venosa are similar to those of Korotnevella hemistylolepis in having six full‐length vertical columns and perforated rim. At the same time, they are different in having tongue‐like broadening of perforated rim with membranous region and absence of six half‐length columns and an intermediate crosspiece. Phylogenetic trees based on 18S rDNA gene placed K. venosa either at the base of the whole Korotnevella clade, next to K. hemistylolepis, or as a sister to the clade comprising Korotnevella species with latticework basket in large scales.  相似文献   
探究不同时间尺度蒸腾与环境因子的关系并明确其主控因子,对于理解蒸腾对环境响应规律和驱动机制具有重要的理论意义。以北京蟒山国家森林公园的油松为例,开展树干液流及气象指标、土壤温湿度等环境因子的长期定位观测,并分析不同时间尺度油松液流速率与环境因子的关系。研究结果表明,在日尺度上,土壤温度、大气相对湿度、土壤湿度与液流速率呈极显著正相关,这3个因子对液流速率变化的贡献量分别占28.3%、11.7%和10.1%;在月尺度上,土壤温度对液流速率的影响最大,贡献量占比49.7%,土壤湿度和相对湿度的贡献量分别为7.3%和6.4%;在年尺度上,相对湿度对液流速率的年际变化的贡献量高达93.3%,是关键控制因子。随着时间尺度的扩展,环境因子对油松液流速率的控制作用逐渐增强。本研究的结果可以为植物蒸腾的时间尺度转换、未来全球气候变化背景下植物蒸腾耗水特征的预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   
郭伟  陈兴伟  林炳青 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6373-6383
SWAT模型广泛应用于土地利用变化的水文效应评估研究,但土地利用变化是否对模型参数产生影响,进而影响径流模拟效果还有待于进一步分析。以东南沿海福建省山美水库流域为研究区,基于SWAT模型,分别模拟1995年、2005年、2015年土地利用条件下的年、月、日尺度径流过程,采用SWAT-CUP进行参数敏感性分析与自动率定,分别获取1995年、2005年、2015年3种土地利用条件下径流过程模拟的最优参数集,比较参数差异;将3组参数集分别应用到不同土地利用条件,分析参数变化对不同时间尺度径流模拟的影响。结果表明:(1)1995-2015年间,研究区土地利用格局发生了较大变化,主要表现为林地转向园地和建设用地;3期土地利用条件下率定的SWAT模型都能较好地模拟山美水库流域年、月、日尺度径流,其效率系数NS和决定系数R2分别大于0.62和0.78。(2)不同土地利用条件下敏感参数基本一致,敏感参数分别为CN2、SOL_AWC、SOL_K、CANMX、ESCO、GW_DELAY、OV_N,但敏感参数取值随着土地利用变化而变化,其变化规律符合敏感参数的物理意义,变化率基本与土地利用变化强度正相关。(3)由土地利用变化引起的参数变化,对年、月径流模拟的影响较小,对日径流影响显著,且随着土地利用变化强度的增加而增加。  相似文献   
森林水源涵养功能的多尺度内涵、过程及计量方法   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
王晓学  沈会涛  李叙勇  景峰 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1019-1030
近年来国内森林生态系统服务功能研究较多,但应用价值不高,其科学性受到诸多质疑。从森林水源涵养功能的多尺度内涵、过程以及其计量方法出发,对国内外研究动态和发展趋势进行了总结分析,重新审视森林水源涵养功能的研究意义,探讨森林水源涵养功能的多尺度特征。从森林水源涵养功能作用的空间尺度上看,其拦蓄洪水削减洪峰的功能仅在较小尺度上有效,而调节径流的功能只有当森林土壤的入渗量超过蒸散量时,才可能有更多地下水补给河道径流,进而增加旱季河道流量。同时森林水源涵养功能也具有明显的时间尺度特征,具体表现为在次降水事件中,由于蒸散发量较小,森林水源涵养功能的物质量等于森林不同层次的截留量,在功能上表现为拦蓄降水;在长时间尺度上,由于林地蒸散要耗去大量水分,森林水源涵养功能的物质量等于森林不同层次的截留量减去林地蒸散发量,在功能上表现为净化水质和调节径流。大多数研究仅对单一林分的个别层次蓄水功能进行研究,缺乏流域尺度或者更大空间尺度的森林水源涵养功能研究。建议从区域降尺度到流域或将坡面尺度上推到流域,集中在流域尺度解决森林水源涵养空间异质性将是解决森林水源涵养功能尺度外推的有效办法。就目前国内流行的森林水源涵养功能计量方法而言,其与尺度及研究目的有较大相关性,在研究中应根据研究目的、研究尺度和可获取的数据情况选择合适的计量方法。研究突出了不同尺度作用下森林水文过程的复杂性及重要性,并结合森林与水关系的争论问题,分析目前国内对森林水源涵养功能研究的一些误区,提出森林水源涵养功能研究的一些关键科学问题及未来可能的发展方向,主要包括:1)明确界定森林水源涵养功能的边界,探索森林水源涵养功能计量的新方法;2)加强不同时空尺度关联的森林水源涵养功能研究,包括正确评价森林水源涵养功能的时空变异规律,森林生态系统水源涵养功能的尺度效应,森林水源涵养与下游水生态安全,森林水源涵养研究范式转变等核心问题。  相似文献   
The effects of anthropogenic global environmental change on biotic and abiotic processes have been reported in aquatic systems across the world. Complex synergies between concurrent environmental stressors and the resilience of the system to regime shifts, which vary in space and time, determine the capacity for marine systems to maintain structure and function with global environmental change. Consequently, an interdisciplinary approach that facilitates the development of new methods for the exchange of knowledge between scientists across multiple scales is required to effectively understand, quantify and predict climate impacts on marine ecosystem services. We use a literature review to assess the limitations and assumptions of current pathways to exchange interdisciplinary knowledge and the transferability of research findings across spatial and temporal scales and levels of biological organization to advance scientific understanding of global environmental change in marine systems. We found that species‐specific regional scale climate change research is most commonly published, and “supporting” is the ecosystem service most commonly referred to in publications. In addition, our paper outlines a trajectory for the future development of integrated climate change science for sustaining marine ecosystem services such as investment in interdisciplinary education and connectivity between disciplines.  相似文献   
Suspension mammalian cell cultures in aerated stirred tank bioreactors are widely used in the production of monoclonal antibodies. Given that production scale cell culture operations are typically performed in very large bioreactors (≥ 10,000 L), bioreactor scale‐down and scale‐up become crucial in the development of robust cell‐culture processes. For successful scale‐up and scale‐down of cell culture operations, it is important to understand the scale‐dependence of the distribution of the energy dissipation rates in a bioreactor. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations can provide an additional layer of depth to bioreactor scalability analysis. In this communication, we use CFD analyses of five bioreactor configurations to evaluate energy dissipation rates and Kolmogorov length scale distributions at various scales. The results show that hydrodynamic scalability is achievable as long as major design features (# of baffles, impellers) remain consistent across the scales. Finally, in all configurations, the mean Kolmogorov length scale is substantially higher than the average cell size, indicating that catastrophic cell damage due to mechanical agitation is highly unlikely at all scales. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:760–764, 2014  相似文献   
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