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The present study describes substance P-like immunoreactivity in the ciliary ganglia of monkey (Macaca fascicularis) and cat. About 60% of neurons in the monkey ciliary ganglion and 40% in the cat ciliary ganglion were substance P-like immunoreactive, ranging from faint to moderate staining. Substance P-like immunoreactivity was located in cell bodies, dendritic profiles and axons. In the monkey, substance P-like immunoreactive pericellular arborisations were associated with about 0.5%–3% of the ganglion cells, which were either negatively, faintly or moderately stained. An electron-microscopic study demonstrated the presence of either substance P-like immunoreactive positive or negative axon terminals synapsing or closely associated with positive dendritic profiles in both the monkey and cat ciliary ganglia. The results suggest that substance P plays an important role in the ciliary ganglion, perhaps as a modulator or transmitter.  相似文献   
The monoclonal antibody PC10 raised against the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was used to study acinar cell replication in the pancreas of rats under different functional conditions. In Western blots, the antibody recognized a single band of 37 kDa in pancreatic homogenates indicating its specificity in this particular species and organ. Three conditions of growth were chosen for immunohistochemical analysis: pancreatic preand postnatal development, pancreatic regeneration after injury, and cholecystokinin-stimulated acinar cell proliferation. The time course of acinar cell replication under each condition was the same as that obtained after tritiated thymidine incorporation with subsequent autoradiography, indicating that the percentage of PCNA-positive cells reflects the pool of cycling cells in the models investigated. However, the absolute number of PCNA-positive cells was two to ten times higher than comparable labeling indices from 3H-thymidine autoradiography. This finding might reflect the half life of PCNA, which exceeds the duration of the S-phase. Thus, PCNA-positive cells not only represent S-phase cells, but also cells that have recently completed the cell cycle.  相似文献   
The possible coexistence of the two non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) inhibitory neurotransmitters, adenosine 5-triphosphate and nitric oxide in the myenteric plexus was investigated using whole-mount preparations of rat ileum, proximal colon and anococcygeus muscle. The presence of adenosine 5-triphosphate in neurones was examined using the quinacrine fluorescence technique. After localizing and taking photographs of quinacrine-fluorescent neurones and nerve fibres, the same tissues were then fixed and processed for NADPH-diaphorase activity, a marker for nitric oxide-containing neurones. We have demonstrated for the first time that almost all quinacrine-fluorescent myenteric neurones in the proximal colon are also NADPH-diaphorase reactive, while only a subpopulation of quinacrine-fluorescent neurones in ileum and anococcygeus muscle were also NADPH-diaphorase reactive.  相似文献   
We produced three monoclonal antibodies, SG1, SG2 and SG3, specific for human seminal -glutamyltransferase when characterized by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting. Seminal -glutamyltransferase was localized, by immunostaining, to the epithelial cells of the ductus epididymidis, seminal vesicle and prostate gland with SG1, those of the prostate gland with SG2, and those of the seminal vesicle with SG3. Rabbit polyclonal anti-seminal -glutamyltransferase serum reacted with the proximal convolution of the kidney and the bile capillaries of the liver, and with the epithelial cells of the reproductive organs. However, immunoreactivity was not observed in the kidney or liver with the monoclonal antibodies. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies are probably all specific to seminal -glutamyltransferase but recognize different epitopes.  相似文献   
Within the cortex region of the neonatal rabbit kidney the developing microvasculature was investigated by means of two endothelium-detecting antibodies (EnPo 1 and EC1). Rows of antibody-labelled cells were found within tissue regions that had previously been described as avascular. We conclude that these vessel-like structures detected by EnPo 1 and EC1 are capillary precursors without lumina. Furthermore, beneath the fibrous capsule within the morphologically homogeneous mesenchyme two cell populations can be discriminated by use of differential antigen expression. The EnPo 1 antigen, which is abundant on endothelial cells and podocytes at different developmental stages, was detected on a subpopulation of mesenchymal cells. These cells were exclusively detected surrounding the tip of the collecting duct ampulla. Due to the unique specificity of EC1 and EnPo 1 the process of microvascular development can be readily followed on serial optical sections gained by laser scan microscopy. (1) Adjacent to EnPo 1-positive mesenchymal cell islets vessel-like structures are found that are in contact with the differentiated vasculature. (2) The renal vesicle is enclosed by a network of vessel-like structures establishing contact with differentiated vessels. (3) No guidance of invading capillary sprouts toward the developing glomerulus and nephron is required, since vascular elements already accompany the earliest detectable nephron stage.  相似文献   
High affinity melatonin-binding sites have been described, by means of autoradiography with 2-125I-melatonin as the ligand, in more than 60 brain areas of about 20 mammalian species, with dramatic variations in the nature and number of labelled structures among the different species studied. As melatonin is involved in the synchronization of biological rhythms, we have tried to correlate the brain areas containing melatonin-binding sites with some rhythmic functions typical of give species. Therefore, we have studied the location of melatonin-binding sites in the complete brain of five long-day breeders with hibernation cycles, viz. one insectivore and four rodents. With the exception of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and the pars tuberalis of the pituitary, both of which contain binding sites in all five species, few reactive structures are common, even among species from the same family, e.g. the edible dormouse and the garden dormouse.  相似文献   
Postnatal change in the distribution of actin filaments in endothelial cells was studied in the rat aorta by use of rhodamine-phalloidin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Endothelial cells of the rat aorta possessed two populations of actin filament bundles, namely, peripheral bands at the cell border and stress fibers running longitudinally in the cytoplasm. Aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat contained only stress fibers, whereas those of the 10-day-old rat developed both peripheral bands and stress fibers. After 20 days of age, aortic endothelial cells had predominantly peripheral bands with occasional stress fibers around the branch orifices. During postnatal development the length density of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells decreased, whereas individual stress fibers in endothelial cells were shortened. Electron-microscopic observation revealed that the high intercellular boundaries of aortic endothelial cells at birth decreased in height and developed cytoplasmic interdigitations after 20 days of age. The occurrence of peripheral bands at the cell border is thought to be closely related to formation of cytoplasmic interdigitation which strengthens the mechanical connection between endothelial cells against increasing transmural pressure. Expression of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat is supposed to be affected by longitudinal elongation of the developing aorta, whereas their postnatal decrease is though to be correlated with the change of fluid shear stress loaded in the aortic endothelium.  相似文献   
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and helospectin are two vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-related neuropeptides that have recently been demonstrated in the mammalian gut; the aim of this study was to reveal their occurrence and localisation in the gastrointestinal tract, swimbladder, urinary bladder and the vagal innervation of the gut of teleosts, using immunohistochemical methods on whole-mounts and sections of these tissues from the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua and the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Both PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides were present in the gut wall of the two species. Immunoreactive nerve fibres were found in all layers but were most frequent in the myenteric plexus and along the circular muscle fibres. Immunoreactivity was also demonstrated in nerves innervating the swimbladder wall, the urinary bladder and blood vessels to the gut. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in the myenteric plexus of the gut and in the muscularis mucosae of the swimbladder. In the vagus nerve, non-immunoreactive nerve cells were surrounded by PACAP-immunoreactive fibres. Double staining revealed the coexistence of PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides with VIP in all visualized nerve fibres and in some endocrine cells. It is concluded that PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides coexist with VIP in nerves innervating the gut of two teleost species. The distribution suggests that both PACAP and helospectin, like VIP, are involved in the control of gut motility and secretion.  相似文献   
In bird skin, nerve fibres develop in the dermis but do not enter the epidermis. In co-cultures of 7-day-old chick embryo dorsal root ganglia and epidermis, the neurites also avoid the epidermis. Previous studies have shown that chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans may be involved. Chondroitin sulphate has therefore been visualized by immunocytochemistry, using themonoclonal antibody CS-56, both in vivo and in vitro using light and electron microscopy. Its distribution was compared to those of 2 other chondroitin sulphate epitopes and to that of the growing nerve fibres. In cultures of epidermis from 7-day-old embryonic chicks, immunoreactivity is found uniformly around the epidermal cells while at 7.5 days the distribution in dermis is heterogeneous, and particularly marked in feather buds. In vivo, chondroitin sulphate immunoreactivity is detected in the epidermis, on the basal lamina, on the surfaces of fibroblasts and along collagen fibrils. This localization is complementary to the distribution of cutaneous nerves. Chondroitin sulphate in the basal lamina could prevent innervation of the epidermis and the dermal heterogeneities could partly explain the nerve fibres surrounding the base of the feathers. Chondroitin sulphate could therefore be important for neural guidance in developing chick skin.  相似文献   
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