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50年来山东塔山植被与物种多样性的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高远  陈玉峰  董恒  郝加琛  慈海鑫 《生态学报》2011,31(20):5984-5991
为分析塔山植被与物种多样性50a自然演替和动态变化,2009-2010年,采用系统勘踏法和典型取样法进行了调查。当前塔山主要植被类型为"黑松林-赤松林-栓皮栎林"。50a间,该区针叶林从黑松(Pinus thunbergii)林演替为黑松林、赤松(P. densiflora)林和油松林(P. tabulaeformis)为主的混合针叶林,但针叶林的整体优势度下降,以栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)和麻栎(Q. acutissima)为建群种的阔叶林面积明显增大,由针叶林向阔叶林的演替趋势明朗。物种丰富度为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,Shannon-wiener指数和Simpson指数为灌木层>草本层>乔木层,物种多样性较低,处于森林演替初期。  相似文献   
物种编目是区系研究、生物多样性监测和珍稀濒危生物保护的基础。宁夏维管植物编目对该区植物多样性保护和资源植物开发利用具有重要意义。本文在《宁夏植物志(第二版)》的基础上, 结合多年野外实地调查数据和相关文献资料, 按照APG Ⅳ分类系统修订了宁夏野生维管植物名录。结果显示: 宁夏有野生维管植物127科597属1,754种, 排名前10的优势科分别是菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、毛茛科、苋科、唇形科、莎草科、石竹科和伞形科, 这10科共有物种939种, 占宁夏野生维管植物总数的53.53%; 科的组成以物种数小于20种的科为主, 属主要以小于5种的属为主; 2007年至今累计发现新记录植物230种; 宁夏有珍稀濒危植物25科44属65种; 外来归化、逸生及入侵植物9科22属28种。就国土面积和地理位置而言, 宁夏野生维管植物较为丰富。本研究结果可为《宁夏植物志(第三版)》修订和生物多样性监测与保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   
The diversity and niche specificity of hemi-epiphytic figs in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak were investigated in 1998. Twenty-seven fig species (264 individuals, c. 120 ha) colonized a diversity of host taxa (35 families), but densities were very low and only 1.77% of trees> 30 cm d.b.h. were occupied. There were no significant associations with host taxa or host-bark roughness but among 11 common species (≥9 individuals) the distributions of all other parameters (host-d.b.h., height and position of colonization, crown illumination, soil-texture and slope-angle) were significantly different, and we identified five fig guilds. The guilds corresponded to canopy strata, and appeared to reflect the establishment microsite requirements of different species. A fundamental trade-off within the hemi-epiphytic habit was revealed: Species colonizing larger hosts were rarer, because of lower host densities and more specific microsite requirements, but had better light environments and attained a larger maximum size. The single strangler species appeared to escape many of these constraints, and an important source of mortality caused by host-toppling, indicating the advantages of this strategy. Thus, the hemi-epiphytic figs in this community have come to fill a remarkable diversity of niches, despite low levels of competition, through the exigencies of a complex environment.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 439–455  相似文献   
We sampled 17 populations of a rare autotetraploid Aster kantoensis (Asteraceae) from three river systems located in central Japan, and studied them for allelic variation at 22 enzyme loci. There was no significant correlation between the actual population size and three genetic diversity parameters, suggesting that the effective population size was very small even for the large populations, i.e., even large populations may still have a high probability of being of recent origin and remain influenced by the founder effect. Compared to other autotetraploid species, the total genetic variation of A. kantoensis is small. The number of alleles and gene diversity of a population were not significantly different among the river systems, although the percentage of polymorphic loci was different. Genetic differentiation among river systems was larger than between populations within the river systems, thereby indicating that gene flow between river systems is small, especially between the Kinu River system and Tama or Sagami River systems.  相似文献   
In 2015, cholesterol deficiency (CD) was reported for the first time as a new recessive defect in Holstein cattle. After GWAS mapping and identification of a disease‐associated haplotype, a causative loss‐of‐function variant in APOB was identified. CD‐clinically affected APOB homozygotes showed poor development, intermittent diarrhea and hypocholesterolemia and, consequently, a limited life expectation. Herein, we present a collection of 18 cases clinically diagnosed as CD‐affected APOB heterozygotes. CD‐clinically affected heterozygotes show reduced cholesterol and triglyceride blood concentrations. The differences in total blood cholesterol and triglycerides between nine CD‐clinically affected and 36 non‐affected heterozygotes were significant. As only some APOB heterozygotes show the clinical CD phenotype, we assume that the penetrance is reduced in heterozygotes compared to the fully penetrant effect observed in homozygotes. We conclude that APOB‐associated CD represents most likely an incomplete dominant inherited metabolic disease with incomplete penetrance in heterozygotes.  相似文献   
高山森林林窗对凋落叶分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴庆贵  吴福忠  谭波  杨万勤  何伟  倪祥银 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3537-3545
林窗对降水和光照等环境条件的再分配以及分解者群落的影响可能深刻作用于森林凋落物分解过程,但有关高山森林林窗大小对凋落物分解的影响尚无研究报道。采用凋落物分解袋法,研究了川西高山森林不同大小林窗对非生长季节和生长季节红桦(Betula albo-sinensis)和岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)凋落叶质量损失的影响。结果显示,经过1a的分解,不同生境下红桦和岷江冷杉凋落叶分别分解了27.25%—30.12%和27.04%—27.96%,其中非生长季节占53.83%—60.18%和50.23%—59.09%。林窗对红桦和岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失的影响因物种不同而呈现季节差异。总体上,林窗加快了岷江冷杉凋落叶的分解而延缓了红桦凋落叶的分解。与郁闭林下相比,林窗显著增加了2种凋落叶非生长季节的质量损失速率,显著降低了生长季节2种凋落叶的质量损失速率;2种凋落叶质量损失速率在非生长季节随林窗面积增大而加快,在生长季节随林窗面积增大而减慢。林窗显著影响了初冻期、深冻期和融化期岷江冷杉凋落叶的质量损失率,但对红桦凋落叶质量损失率影响不显著。可见,高山森林凋落物分解过程受到林窗的显著影响,并且阔叶和针叶凋落叶在非生长季节和生长季节对林窗的响应具有明显差异。  相似文献   
一、前言土壤是植物根系的生活环境,是供给植物赖以生存的水分和养分的源泉。干旱区的植物尤其是树木常常由于土壤供水不足而限制其自然分布和生长。根据土壤-植物-大气连续体系  相似文献   
Summary The purpose of this study was to developin vitro techniques for conserving wild and endemic species ofCeropegia by mass multiplication for subsequent reintroduction in their natural habitat. Micropropagation involving a combination of axillary bud culture, shoot multiplication, somatic embryogenesis andin vitro tuber formation forCeropegia jainii, a rare plant of the Indian sub continent,C. bulbosa var.bulbosa andC. bulbosa var.lushii, common species, was developed. Nodal explants from all species were cultured on 0.5 MS medium with 8.8 μM (2 mg·l−1) N6-benzyl aminopurine (BA) to regenerate the axillary buds. These produced multiple shoots when transferred to multiplication medium consisting of 0.5 MS medium with 2.2 μM (0.5 mg·l−1) BA, or microtubers when transferred to 0.5 MS medium with 22.2 μM (5 mg·l−1) BA and 23.2 μM (5 mg·l−1) kinetin.In vitro flowering occurred inC. jainii and not in the other two varieties when the plants were cultured on multiplication media with spermine at 0.25 μM (50 μg·l−1) as an additive. Shoot pieces produced callus on MS medium with 9.05 μM (2 mg·l−1) 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. Regeneration of the calli by somatic embryogenesis was achieved when they were transferred to 0.5 MS medium with 2.2 μM (0.5 mg·l−1) BA. Rooting of the shoots was possible both byin vitro andex vitro means.  相似文献   
Little is known about the potential activity of microbial communities in hypersaline sediment ecosystems. Ribosomal tag libraries of DNA and RNA extracted from the sediment of Lake Strawbridge (Western Australia) revealed bacterial and archaeal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with high RNA/DNA ratios providing evidence for the presence of ‘rare’ but potentially “active” taxa. Among the ‘rare’ bacterial taxa Halomonas, Salinivibrio and Idiomarina showed the highest protein synthesis potential. Rare but ‘active’ archaeal OTUs were related to the KTK 4A cluster and the Marine-Benthic-Groups B and D. We present the first molecular analysis of the microbial diversity and protein synthesis potential of rare microbial taxa in a hypersaline sediment ecosystem.  相似文献   
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