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Summary Reaction kinetic analysis of the electrical properties of the electrogenic Cl pump inAcetabularia has been extended from steady-state to nonsteady-state conditions: electrical frequency responses of theAcetabularia membrane have been measured over the range from 1 Hz to 10 kHz at transmembrane potential differences across the plasmalemma (V m ) between –70 and –240 mV using voltage-clamp techniques. The results are well described by an electrical equivalent circuit with three parallel limbs: a conventional membrane capacitancec m , a steadystate conductanceg o (predominantly of the pump pathway plus a minor passive ion conductance) and a conductanceg s in series with a capacitancec p which are peculiar to the temporal behavior of the pump. The absolute values and voltage sensitivities of these four elements have been determined:c m of about 8 mF m–2 turned out to be voltage insensitive; it is considered to be normal.g o is voltage sensitive and displays a peak of about 80 S m–2 around –180 mV. Voltage sensitivity ofg s could not be documented due to large scatter ofg s (around 80 S m–2).c p behaved voltage sensitive with a notch of about 20 mF m–2 around –180 mV, a peak of about 40 mF m–2 at –120 mV and vanishing at –70 mV. When these data are compared with the predictions of nonsteady-state electrical properties of charge transport systems (U.-P. Hansen, J. Tittor, D. Gradmann, 1983,J. Membrane Biol. in press), model A (redistribution of states within the reaction cycle) consistently provides magnitude and voltage sensitivity of the elementsg o ,g s andc p of the equivalent circuit, when known kinetic parameters of the pump are used for the calculations. This analysis results in a density of pump elements in theAcetabularia plasmalemma of about 50 nmol m–2. The dominating rate constants for the redistribution of the individual states of the pump in the electric field turn out to be in the range of 500 sec–1, under normal conditions.  相似文献   
The microorganism Brevibacterium flavum 21129 has been used to produce multigram batches of L-[15N2]lysine of high purity and isotopic enrichment by supplementation of the growth medium with (15NH4)2SO4 of 98.0 atom% excess. The doubly 15N-labeled lysine can be detected at dilutions 10 times greater than singly labeled lysine when isotope dilution curves are analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This enhanced sensitivity permits kinetic measurements of plasma free-lysine isotope content over a 300-fold dilution during 6 h following a single oral bolus of 5 mg/kg body wt. This inexpensive preparation method lends itself to the production of highly useful biochemical compounds for kinetic studies of human nutrition.  相似文献   
The influence of various culture parameters on the attachment of a recombinant baculovirus to suspended insect cells was examined under normal culture conditions. These parameters included cell density, multiplicity of infection, and composition of the cell growth medium. It was found that the fractional rate of virus attachment was independent of the multiplicity of infection but dependent on the cell density. A first order mathematical model was used to simulate the adsorption kinetics and predict the efficiency of virus attachment under the various culture conditions. This calculated efficiency of virus attachment was observed to decrease at high cell densities, which was attributed to cell clumping. It was also observed that virus attachment was more efficient in Sf900II serum free medium than it was in IPL-41 serum-supplemented medium. This effect was attributed to the protein in serum which may coat the cells and so inhibit adsorption. A general discussion relating the observations made in-these experiments to the kinetics of recombinant baculovirus adsorption to suspended insect cells is presented.  相似文献   
Surface plasmon resonance was used to investigate the kinetics, affinity, and specificity of binding between anti-Aβ (beta-amyloid) IgG antibodies and oligomeric Aβ. Two factors were needed to accurately characterize the IgG binding kinetics. First, a bivalent model was necessary to properly fit the kinetic association and dissociation sensograms. Second, a high concentration of IgG was necessary to overcome a significant mass transport limitation that existed regardless of oligomer density on the sensor surface. Using high IgG concentrations and bivalent fits, consistent kinetic parameters were found at varying sensor surface ligand densities. A comparison of binding specificity, affinity, and kinetic flux between monoclonal and natural human anti-Aβ IgG antibodies revealed the following findings. First, monoclonal antibodies 6E10 and 4G8 single-site binding affinity is similar between Aβ oligomers and monomers. Second, natural human anti-Aβ IgG binding readily binds Aβ oligomers but does not bind monomers. Third, natural human anti-Aβ IgG binds Aβ oligomers with a higher affinity and kinetic flux than 6E10 and 4G8. Both the current analytical methodology and antibody binding profiles are important for advances in antibody drug development and kinetic biomarker applications for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
The refolding transition of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase (AK) was investigated by monitoring the refolding kinetics of a selected 20 residue helical segment in the CORE domain of the protein. Residues 169 and 188 were labeled by 1-acetamido-methyl-pyrene, and by bimane, respectively. The experiment combines double-jump stopped-flow fast mixing initiation of refolding and time-resolved F?rster energy transfer spectroscopy for monitoring the conformational transitions (double-kinetics experiment). Two kinetic phases were found in the denaturant-induced unfolding of AK. In the first phase, the fluorescence quantum yields of both probes decreased. The distribution of the distances between them transformed from the native state's narrow distribution with the mean distance corresponding to the distance in the crystal structure, to a distribution compatible with an unordered structure. In the second, slow step of denaturation, neither the fluorescence parameters of the probes nor the distance distribution between them changed. This step appeared to be a transformation of the fast-folding species formed in the first phase, to the slow-folding species. Refolding of the fast-folding species of the denatured state of AK was also a two-phase process. During the first fast phase, within less than 5ms, the fluorescence emission of both probes increased, but the distance distribution between the labeled sites was unchanged. Only during the second slow refolding step did the intramolecular distance distribution change from the characteristic of the denatured state to the narrow distribution of the native state. This experiment shows that for the case of the CORE domain of AK, the large helical segment of residues 169-188 was not formed in the first compaction step of refolding. The helical conformation of this segment is established only in the second, much slower, refolding phase, simultaneously with the completion of the native structure.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus acidophilus IBB 801 produces a small bacteriocin, designated acidophilin 801. Studying the relationship between growth and bacteriocin biosynthesis revealed primary metabolite kinetics of bacteriocin production with a peak activity at the end of the exponential growth phase followed by a decrease during the stationary phase. Both microbial growth and bacteriocin production was inhibited by lactic acid. Whereas volumetric bacteriocin production (activity units (AU) ml(-1)) was favoured under pH-controlled conditions, bacteriocin titres rapidly decreased because of strong adsorption of the bacteriocin molecules to the producing cells under less acidic conditions.  相似文献   
The kinetics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of open state and inactive state drug binding mechanisms have been studied here using different voltage protocols in sodium ion channel. We have found that for constant voltage protocol, open state block is more efficient in blocking ionic current than inactive state block. Kinetic effect comes through peak current for mexiletine as an open state blocker and in the tail part for lidocaine as an inactive state blocker. Although the inactivation of sodium channel is a free energy driven process, however, the two different kinds of drug affect the inactivation process in a different way as seen from thermodynamic analysis. In presence of open state drug block, the process initially for a long time remains entropy driven and then becomes free energy driven. However in presence of inactive state block, the process remains entirely entropy driven until the equilibrium is attained. For oscillating voltage protocol, the inactive state blocking is more efficient in damping the oscillation of ionic current. From the pulse train analysis it is found that inactive state blocking is less effective in restoring normal repolarisation and blocks peak ionic current. Pulse train protocol also shows that all the inactive states behave differently as one inactive state responds instantly to the test pulse in an opposite manner from the other two states.  相似文献   
Summary— kinetochore spindle fibers in meiosis I and II grasshopper spermatocytes were cut with a heterochromatic ultraviolet (UV) microbeam converging on the specimen to form a slit-shaped microspot 1.5 × 8 μm or 3 × 8 μm. A total exposure of 3 × 10?8 joules per μm2 was administered within 0.8–2.4 s, which was sufficient for severing. The cells were observed with a high extinction polarizing microscope or phase contrast optics and a record made by time-lapse video microscopy, continuously before, during and after the irradiation. When kinetochore fibers were irradiated i anaphase with UV, an area of reduced birefringence (ARB) was produced at the exposed site. The newly created + ends of the microtubules rapidly disassembled poleward, at a constant speed of 17 μm/min. The — ends at the edge of ARB also depolymerized at a slower rate. When a kinetochore fiber was cut with UV in early anaphase at which time its associated chromosome had not disjoined from the partner chromosome, the chromosome of the irradiated kinetochore fiber moved rapidly back to its partner. The speed during this movement was faster than the normal poleward chromosome movement in anaphase by an order to magnitude or more. When a kinetochore and its associated kinetochore fiber were included in the irradiation are, the effects were more pronounced than the effects of irradiation on a kinetochore fiber alone; the direction of the line connecting the irradiated half-bivalent with the partner half-bivalent deviated so much from the longitudinal axis of the original spindle with time that the division assumed a tripolar figure.  相似文献   
The effect of nitrate availability on characteristics of the nitrate assimilatory system was investigated in N-limited barley (Hordeum valgare L. cv. Golf), grown with the seminal root system split into initially equal-sized halves. The cultures were continuously supplied with nitrate-N at a relative addition rate (RA) of 0.09 day?1, which resulted in relative growth rates (RG) that were ca 85% of those observed under surplus nitrate nutrition. The total N addition was divided between the subroots in ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. For comparison, standard cultures were grown at RAs ranging from 0.03 to 0.18 day?1. Initially, biomass and N partitioning to the subroots responded strongly and proportionally to the nitrate distribution ratio. After 12-14 days no further effect was observed. The Vmax for net nitrate uptake and in vitro nitrate reductase (NR) activity were measured in acclimated plants, i.e., after > 14 days under a certain nitrate regime. In subroots fed from 20 to 100% of the total N addition, Vmax for net nitrate uptake increased slightly, whereas NR activity was unaffected. Uptake and NR activities were insignificant in the 0%-subroot. Uneven nitrate supply to individual subroots had negligible effect on the whole-plant ability for nitrate uptake, and the relative Vmax (unit N taken up per unit N in whole plant tissue and time) remained about 7-fold in excess of the demand set by growth. Balancing nitrate concentrations (the resulting external nitrate concentrations at a certain RA) generally ranged between 2 and 10 μM at growth-limiting RA, both when predicted from uptake kinetics and when actually measured. When comparing split root and standard cultures when acclimated, it appears that uptake and NR activities in roots respond more strongly to over-all nitrate availability than to nitrate availability to individual subroots.  相似文献   
Malaria remains the most serious vector-borne disease, affecting some 300-500 million people annually, transmitted by many species of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Monoclonal antibodies developed against specific circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the main malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax have been used previously for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), widely employed for detection of malaria sporozoites in vector Anopheles for local risk assessment, epidemiological studies and targeting vector control. However, ELISA procedures are relatively slow and impractical for field use. To circumvent this, we developed rapid wicking assays that identify the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of CS protein of the most important P. falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread P. vivax. The resulting assay is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' wicking test strip. In laboratory assessment, dipsticks identified 1 ng/ mL of any of these three CS protein antigens, with sensitivity nearly equal to the CS standard ELISA. We have developed and are evaluating a combined panel assay that will be both qualitative and quantitative. This quick and easy dipstick test (VecTest Malaria) offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.  相似文献   
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