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In western Panama, an unusual hybrid zone exists between white-collared manakins, Manacus candei, and golden-collared manakins, M. vitellinus. Unidirectional introgression of plumage traits from vitellinus into candei has created a region in which all definitively plumaged males have a collar that is lemon-colored. These males are nearly indistinguishable from white-collared candei genetically and morphometrically, but strongly resemble golden-collared vitellinus due to the introgression of secondary sexual plumage traits, particularly the lemon-colored collar. The introgression could be explained by sexual selection for golden-collared traits or by a series of mechanisms that do not invoke sexual selection (e.g., neutral diffusion, dominant allele). Sexual selection on male-male interactions implies behavioral differences among the plumage forms--specifically that golden- and lemon-collared males should be more aggressive than white-collared males. In contrast, the nonsexual hypotheses predict behavioral similarity between lemon- and white-collared males, based on their nearly identical genetics. We tested the sexual selection hypothesis experimentally, by presenting males with taxidermic mounts of the three forms. As response variables, we monitored vocalizations and attacks on the mounts by replicate subject males. Both golden-collared and lemon-collared males were more likely to attack than were white-collared males, as predicted under sexual selection but not by the nonsexual hypotheses. Lemon-collared males were more vocally reactive than either parental form, contrary to the prediction of the nonsexual hypotheses. Our study demonstrates that sexual selection on male-male interactions may play an important role in the dynamics of character evolution and hybrid zones.  相似文献   
I document a genetic basis for parallel evolution of life-history phenotypes in the livebearing fish Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from northwestern Costa Rica. In previous work, I showed that populations of B. rhabdophora that co-occur with predators attain maturity at smaller sizes than populations that live in predator-free environments. I also demonstrated that this pattern of phenotypic divergence in life histories was independently repeated in at least five isolated drainages. However, life-history phenotypes measured from wild-caught fish could be attributed to environmental effects rather than to genetic differences among populations. In the present study, I reared male fish from four populations (two that co-occur with predators and two from predator-free environments) under four sets of environmental conditions. The pattern of phenotypic divergence in maturation size documented in the field between populations collected from different predation environments persisted after two generations in the laboratory. I also found a genetic basis for differences between populations in the age at which males attain maturity and in growth rates. By rearing fish in four different common environments, I tested for phenotypic plasticity in male life-history traits in response to nonlethal exposure to predators. There was a significant delay in the onset of sexual maturity in fish exposed to predators relative to those in the control, but no differences among treatments in size at maturity or growth rates. These results, coupled with previous work on B. rhabdophora, demonstrate a repeated pattern of parallel evolutionary divergence among genetically isolated populations that is strongly associated with predation.  相似文献   
Cell lineage studies in the clade Eutrochozoa, and especially the Spiralia, remains a rich and relatively untapped source for understanding broad evolutionary developmental problems; including (1) the utility of cell timing formation for phylogenetic hypotheses; (2) the evolution of cell timing changes and its relation to heterochronic patterns; (3) stereotypy or lack thereof in rates of change of cell growth during evolution and its relation to both evolutionary history and current usage; and (4) how mosaic cleavage timing variation may be expected to differ from other groups. A compilation of available cell timing information was made from previous studies where each division was explicitly followed and the total number of cells followed was greater than 24. From that compilation, we performed a series of heuristic and quantitative analyses, including a phylogenetic analysis using cell timing data as characters and analyses of timing variation across all taxa. Our results show that: (1) cell lineage data reconstructs a phylogenetic hypothesis that has similarities, especially among the Mollusca. to the patterns found in morphological and molecular analyses; (2) the mesentoblast (4d) is a unique cell compared to other cell in that it speeds up and slows down relative to other cells in taxa with both unequal and equal cell sizes; (3) some cells that form in the same quartet at the same point in the cell lineage hierarchy have much lower variations than analogous other cells, arguing for architectural constraint or stabilizing selection acting on those cells; and (4) although variation in cell timing generally increases during development, timing of formation of progeny cells in the first quartet has lower variation than the parent cells, arguing that some regulation-like behavior might be present.  相似文献   
Switches from migratory (diadromous) to nonmigratory (freshwater) life histories are known to have occurred repeatedly in some aquatic taxa. However, the significance of the loss of diadromy as an initiator for speciation remains poorly understood. The rivers of New Zealand's South Island house a species flock of recently derived nonmigratory galaxiid fishes known as the Galaxias vulgaris complex. Members of this complex are morphologically and genetically similar to the diadromous G. brevipinnis found in New Zealand and southeastern Australia. We hypothesised that South Island's G. vulgaris complex (at least 10 nonmigratory lineages) represents a number of independent radiations from a migratory G. brevipinnis stock, with repeated loss of diadromy. Sequence data were obtained for 31 ingroup samples (G. vulgaris complex and G. brevipinnis) plus four outgroup taxa. A well-resolved phylogeny based on 5039 base pairs of the mitochondrial genome suggests that diadromy has been lost on three separate occasions. Thus, speciation in these galaxiid fishes is partly an incidental phenomenon caused by switches from diadromous to nonmigratory strategies. However, much of the subsequent nonmigratory diversity is monophyletic, suggesting that drainage evolution (vicariance) has also played a major role in cladogenesis. Levels of sequence divergence among major ingroup lineages (1.6-12.7%) suggest that the radiation is considerably older relative to Northern Hemisphere (postglacial) complexes of salmonid, osmerid, and gasterosteid fishes. Sympatric taxa are not monophyletic, suggesting that their coexistence reflects secondary contact rather than sympatric speciation. The monophyly of New Zealand G. brevipinnis is well supported, but both mitochondrial DNA and nuclear sequences indicate that G. brevipinnis is paraphyletic on an intercontinental scale. The divergence (maximum 11.5%) between Tasmanian and New Zealand G. brevipinnis, although large, supports marine dispersal rather than vicariance as the principle biogeographic mechanism on an intercontinental scale.  相似文献   
The trade-off between reproductive investment and migration should be an important factor shaping the evolution of life-history traits among populations following their radiation into habitats with different migratory costs and benefits. An experimentally induced difference in migratory rigor for families of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), of approximately 86 km and 413 m elevation, exacted a cost to somatic energy reserves (approximately 17% reduction in metabolizable mass) and ovarian investment (13.7% reduction in ovarian mass). This cost was associated with a reduction in egg size and paralleled the phenotypic pattern of divergence between two introduced New Zealand populations of common origin, presently breeding at sites with different migration distances. The genetic pattern of divergence of these same populations, detected under common rearing, was consistent with compensation for migratory costs (the population that migrates farther invested more in ovarian mass), but egg number more than egg size was associated with this evolution. These evolutionary patterns are consistent with what is known of the inheritance of these traits and with trade-offs and constraints favoring initial evolution in offspring number over offspring size. Analysis of egg number-size patterns of other Pacific salmon populations in their native range supported the hypothesis that migration strongly influences patterns of reproductive allocation, favoring a higher ratio of egg number to egg size with greater migration distance.  相似文献   
Electrogenic glutamate transport by the excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) is associated with multiple charge movements across the membrane that take place on time scales ranging from microseconds to milliseconds. The molecular nature of these charge movements is poorly understood at present and, therefore, was studied in this report in detail by using the technique of laser-pulse photolysis of caged glutamate providing a 100-micros time resolution. In the inward transport mode, the deactivation of the transient component of the glutamate-induced coupled transport current exhibits two exponential components. Similar results were obtained when restricting EAAC1 to Na(+) translocation steps by removing potassium, thus, demonstrating (1) that substrate translocation of EAAC1 is coupled to inward movement of positive charge and, therefore, electrogenic; and (2) the existence of at least two distinct intermediates in the Na(+)-binding and glutamate translocation limb of the EAAC1 transport cycle. Together with the determination of the sodium ion concentration and voltage dependence of the two-exponential charge movement and of the steady-state EAAC1 properties, we developed a kinetic model that is based on sequential binding of Na(+) and glutamate to their extracellular binding sites on EAAC1 explaining our results. In this model, at least one Na(+) ion and thereafter glutamate rapidly bind to the transporter initiating a slower, electroneutral structural change that makes EAAC1 competent for further, voltage-dependent binding of additional sodium ion(s). Once the fully loaded EAAC1 complex is formed, it can undergo a much slower, electrogenic translocation reaction to expose the substrate and ion binding sites to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Mosaic evolution of ruminant stomach lysozyme genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genomes of ruminant artiodactyls, such as cow and sheep, have approximately 10 lysozyme genes, 4 of which are expressed in the stomach. Most of the duplications of the lysozyme genes occurred 40-50 million years ago, before the divergence of cow and sheep. Despite this, the coding regions of stomach lysozyme genes within a species (e.g., cow, sheep, or deer) are more similar to each other than to lysozyme genes in other ruminants. This observation suggests that the coding regions of the stomach lysozyme genes have evolved in a concerted fashion. Our previous characterization of 3 cow stomach lysozyme genes suggested that it was only the coding exons that had participated in concerted evolution. To determine whether the introns and flanking regions of ruminant stomach lysozyme genes are evolving in a concerted or a divergent fashion, we have isolated and characterized 2 sheep stomach lysozyme genes. Comparison of the sequences of the sheep and cow stomach lysozyme genes clearly shows that the introns and flanking regions have evolved, like the 3' untranslated region of the mRNAs, in a divergent manner. Thus, if the four coding exons are evolving by concerted evolution, then a mosaic pattern of concerted and divergent evolution is occurring in these genes. The independent concerted evolution of coding exons of the ruminant stomach lysozyme gene may have assisted in the accelerated adaptive evolution of the lysozyme to new function in the early ruminant.  相似文献   
Introns are generally believed to evolve too rapidly and too erratically to be of much use in phylogenetic reconstructions. Few phylogenetically informative intron sequences are available, however, to ascertain the validity of this supposition. In the present study the supposition was tested on the example of the mammalian class II major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes of the DRB family. Since the Mhc genes evolve under balancing selection and are believed to recombine or rearrange frequently, the evolution of their introns could be expected to be particularly rapid and subject to scrambling. Sequences of intron 4 and 5 DRB genes were obtained from polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genomic DNA from representatives of six eutherian orders—Primates, Scandentia, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Lagomorpha, and Insectivora. Although short stretches of the introns have indeed proved to be unalignable, the bulk of the intron sequences from all six orders, spanning >85 million years (my) of evolution, could be aligned and used in a study of the tempo and mode of intron evolution. The analysis has revealed the Mhc introns to evolve at a rate similar to that of other genes and of synonymous sites of non-Mhc genes. No evidence of homogenization or large-scale scrambling of the intron sequences could be found. The Mhc introns apparently evolve largely by point mutations and insertions/deletions. The phylogenetic signals contained in the intron sequences could be used to identify Scandentia as the sister group of Primates, to support the existence of the Archonta superorder, and to confirm the monophyly of the Chiroptera. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   
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