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The aim of this study was to evaluate different molecular tools based on the 16S rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacer, and the rpo B gene to examine the bacterial populations present in juvenile rainbow trout intestines. DNA was extracted from both pooled intestinal samples and bacterial strains. Genes were PCR-amplified and analysed using both temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphism methods. Because of the high cultivability of the samples, representative bacterial strains were retrieved and we compared the profiles obtained from isolated bacteria with the profile of total bacteria from intestinal contents. Direct analysis based on rpo B-TTGE revealed a simple bacterial composition with two to four bands per sample, while the 16S rRNA gene-TTGE showed multiple bands and comigration for a few species. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene- and rpo B-TTGE bands revealed that the intestinal microbiota was dominated by Lactococcus lactis, Citrobacter gillenii, Kluyvera intermedia, Obesumbacterium proteus , and Shewanella marinus . In contrast to 16S rRNA gene-TTGE, rpo B-TTGE profiles derived from bacterial strains produced one band per species. Because the single-copy state of rpo B leads to a single band in TTGE, the rpo B gene is a promising molecular marker for investigating the bacterial community of the rainbow trout intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   
The interaction between brown bears (Ursus arctos) and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) is important to the population dynamics of both species and a celebrated example of consumer‐mediated nutrient transport. Yet, much of the site‐specific information we have about the bears in this relationship comes from observations at a few highly visible but unrepresentative locations and a small number of radio‐telemetry studies. Consequently, our understanding of brown bear abundance and behavior at more cryptic locations where they commonly feed on salmon, including small spawning streams, remains limited. We employed a noninvasive genetic approach (barbed wire hair snares) over four summers (2012–2015) to document patterns of brown bear abundance and movement among six spawning streams for sockeye salmon, O. nerka, in southwestern Alaska. The streams were grouped into two trios on opposite sides of Lake Aleknagik. Thus, we predicted that most bears would forage within only one trio during the spawning season because of the energetic costs associated with swimming between them or traveling around the lake and show fidelity to particular trios across years because of the benefits of familiarity with local salmon dynamics and stream characteristics. Huggins closed‐capture models based on encounter histories from genotyped hair samples revealed that as many as 41 individuals visited single streams during the annual 6‐week sampling season. Bears also moved freely among trios of streams but rarely moved between these putative foraging neighborhoods, either during or between years. By implication, even small salmon spawning streams can serve as important resources for brown bears, and consistent use of stream neighborhoods by certain bears may play an important role in spatially structuring coastal bear populations. Our findings also underscore the efficacy of noninvasive hair snagging and genetic analysis for examining bear abundance and movements at relatively fine spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   
The effect of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) predation on the population dynamics of the water flea,Daphnia pulex, was examined during 1976 and 1977 in Becker Lake, a small, shallow, productive reservoir in northeastern Arizona.Rainbow trout were size-biased feeders, utilizing daphnids which were 1.3 mm in size or larger. Trout predation uponDaphnia pulex occurred mainly during winter and early spring when their numbers were relatively low but their clutch size high, suggesting that trout selectedDaphnia on the basis of brood pigmentation. By far the greatest proportion ofDaphnia mortality was due to nonpredatory sources, since generally less than 6% could be attributed to trout predation.TheD. pulex population exhibited a bimodal seasonal abundance curve which was attributed to ephippial egg production and trout predation during the winter and poor food quality/quantity during the summer.This work was supported in part by the Arizona Department of Game and Fish. The authors wish to thank Jim Novy and Joe Stone of that department for their invaluable assistance in the field collecting segment of this study.  相似文献   
The distribution and future fate of ectothermic organisms in a warming world will be dictated by thermalscapes across landscapes. That is particularly true for stream fishes and cold‐water species like trout, salmon, and char that are already constrained to high elevations and latitudes. The extreme climates in those environments also preclude invasions by most non‐native species, so identifying especially cold habitats capable of absorbing future climate change while still supporting native populations would highlight important refugia. By coupling crowd‐sourced biological datasets with high‐resolution stream temperature scenarios, we delineate network refugia across >250 000 stream km in the Northern Rocky Mountains for two native salmonids—bull trout (BT) and cutthroat trout (CT). Under both moderate and extreme climate change scenarios, refugia with high probabilities of trout population occupancy (>0.9) were predicted to exist (33–68 BT refugia; 917–1425 CT refugia). Most refugia are on public lands (>90%) where few currently have protected status in National Parks or Wilderness Areas (<15%). Forecasts of refuge locations could enable protection of key watersheds and provide a foundation for climate smart planning of conservation networks. Using cold water as a ‘climate shield’ is generalizable to other species and geographic areas because it has a strong physiological basis, relies on nationally available geospatial data, and mines existing biological datasets. Importantly, the approach creates a framework to integrate data contributed by many individuals and resource agencies, and a process that strengthens the collaborative and social networks needed to preserve many cold‐water fish populations through the 21st century.  相似文献   
In order to confirm previous observations in which a protective effect of rainbow trout natural antibodies against furunculosis was suspected, phagocytosis studies wereconducted in vitro , using combinations of rainbow trout sera with high or low levels of natural antibodies and active or inactivated complement as opsonizing factors. Opsonization was observed in all the cases where complement was present, and to a lesser degree with sera containing only natural antibodies. The results confirm the prime importance of the complement system and provide additional evidence for a possible role of natural antibodies in antimicrobial defences.  相似文献   
The influence of acute temperature change and temperature acclimation on the sensitivity of contracture development to ryanodine were examined in the rainbow trout myocardium using two preparations: in vitro isolated ventricular strips and in situ working perfused hearts. Ryanodine effects in vitro were dependent on test temperature (8 and 18 °C), pacing frequency (0.2–1.5 Hz) and acclimation temperature (8 and 18 °C). At a pacing frequency of 0.2 Hz and a test temperature of 18 °C, ryanodine depressed isometric tension development in ventricular strips both from trout acclimated to 8 and 18 °C but the decrease was significantly greater in strips from 8 °C-acclimated trout. No ryanodine effect was observed in either acclimation group at a test temperature of 8°C. The effect of ryanodine in vitro was reduced or lost at pacing frequencies greater than 0.2 Hz and at 0.6 Hz ryanodine depressed tension development at 18 °C only in strips from 8 °C-acclimated trout. Ryanodine did not affect tension development at stimulation rates above 0.6 Hz in any test group. Likewise, ryanodine did not significantly impair cardiac performance of in situ working perfused heart preparations which operated at intrinsic beat frequencies in excess of 0.6 Hz. These results suggest that the sarcoplamic reticulum calcium release channel of the trout myocardium is expressed but is not functionally involved in beat-to-beat regulation of contractility at either (1) low temperature (8 °C), or (2) at routine physiological heart rate (>0.6 Hz). However, under conditions in which involvement of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is observed (18 °C and a heart rate < 0.6 Hz), prior acclimation to low temperature results in either a greater capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to store releasable calcium or an increase in the amount of calcium that is in releasable form.Abbreviations bm body mass - E-C coupling, excitation-contraction coupling - IVS isometric ventricular strip - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - TES N-tris[hydroxy-methyl]methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid - WPH in situ working perfused heart  相似文献   
The seasonal diet of a predator, brown trout Salmo trutta [total length ( L T) 17–69 cm] and simultaneous density and size‐structure of prey populations, vendace Coregonus albula and smelt Osmerus eperlanus (4–16 cm L T), in a large boreal lake were analysed and compared in 2001 and 2002. The upper L T limit for consumed prey was c . 40% of the predator L T. All brown trout, however, preferred small (<10 cm L T) and avoided large (≥10 cm L T) prey. The results also suggested that equal densities of similar‐sized (4–10 cm L T) fish of the two prey species led to random foraging on these species by brown trout, but if either one of the prey species predominated (>50%) in the lake, brown trout shifted to foraging on this species almost exclusively. Brown trout diets thus reflected the density dynamics of the two alternative prey species.  相似文献   
The cDNA nucleotide sequences of the lactate dehydrogenase alleles LDH-C1*90 and *100 of brown trout (Salmo trutta) were found to differ at position 308 where an A is present in the *100 allele but a G is present in the *90 allele. This base substitution results in an amino acid change from aspartic acid at position 82 in the LDH-C1 100 allozyme to a glycine in the 90 allozyme. Since aspartic acid has a net negative charge whilst glycine is uncharged, this is consistent with the electrophoretic observation that the LDH-C1 100 allozyme has a more anodal mobility relative to the LDH-C1 90 allozyme. Based on alignment of the cDNA sequence with the mouse genomic sequence, a local primer set was designed, incorporating the variable position, and was found to give very good amplification with brown trout genomic DNA. Sequencing of this fragment confirmed the difference in both homozygous and heterozygous individuals. Digestion of the polymerase chain reaction products with BslI, a restriction enzyme specific for the site difference, gave one, two and three fragments for the two homozygotes and the heterozygote, respectively, following electrophoretic separation. This provides a DNA-based means of routine screening of the highly informative LDH-C1* polymorphism in brown trout population genetic studies. Primer sets presented could be used to sequence cDNA of other LDH* genes of brown trout and other species.  相似文献   
Hybrids between native white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and non-native brown trout Salmo trutta were identified in streams of Hokkaido, Japan, using both appearance and genetic characters. The DNA analyses indicated that the specimens were hybrids between female S. leucomaenis and male S. trutta . Occurrence of such hybrids implies increased mating opportunities between these species in wild streams.  相似文献   
The effects of water hardness (9 and 220 mgl−1 as CaCO3) upon zinc exchange in brown trout exposed to 0.77 μmol Zn 1−1 have been investigated using artificial soft water (<49.9 μmol Ca l-1, <40.1 μmol Mg 1−1) and mains hard water (1671.7 μmol Ca 1−1, 493.6 μmol Mg 1−1) of known composition. Both hard and soft water-adapted fish exhibited a bimodal pattern of net zinc influx. Net zinc influxes during both fast and slow uptake phases were significantly greater ( P <0.001) in soft (82.9 and 6.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) than in hard water (46.3 and 2.4 μmol Zn 100 g h−1). Zinc efflux (- 0.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) was enhanced only in hard water during the slow net influx phase.
Brown trout exposed to zinc in hard water and placed in metal-free media exhibited a greater net efflux (- 25.6 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) of the metal than did fish in soft water (-4.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) treated in the same manner. Tissue 65Zn activities reflected both the differences in uptake and excretion rates of the metal between hard and soft water fish. During zinc exposure (0.77 μmol Zn 1−1) high water hardness reduced tissue burdens of the metal by reducing net branchial influx, and enhancing efflux of the metal in hard water fish.  相似文献   
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