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The shrews of the Sorex araneus group have undergone a spectacular chromosome evolution. The karyotype of Sorex granarius is generally considered ancestral to those of Sorex coronatus and S. araneus. However, a sequence of 777 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to the populations of S. araneus from the Pyrenees and from the northwestern Alps, whereas S. coronatus and S. araneus from Italy and the southern Alps represent two well-separated lineages. It is suggested that mtDNA and chromosomal evolution are in this case largely independant processes. Whereas mtDNA haplotypes are closely linked to the geographical history of the populations, chromosomal mutations were probably transmitted from one population to another. Available data suggest that the impressive chromosome polymorphism of this group is quite a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   
The Strongylida are thought to have arisen from free-living rhabditoid nematodes, but the relationships between the major groupings within the Strongylida, the Strongylina, the Metastrongylina, Trichostrongylina and the Ancylostomatina are far from clear in spite of the abundance of morphological data now available for analysis. Evolutionary mechanisms including co-evolution, host switching, host dispersal, use of intermediate hosts, various sites of localisation within the definitive host and modifications of life-cycle strategies appear to have been utilised in the expansion of the Strongylida, with different mechanisms predominating in different families or superfamilies. Co-evolution appears to have been a major mode of evolution in the Strongylina, in contrast to the Trichostrongylina, which have used host dispersal and host-switching to great advantage. The phylogeny of the Ancylostomatina shows little association with host evolution, but does match the feeding preferences of the hosts. The Metastrongylina have utilised intermediate hosts and life cycle modifications including a shift to extra-intestinal sites as major means of diversification, in contrast to the other sub-orders. The review, while indicating much progress in our understanding of the phylogeny of the Strongylida, also reveals that enormous gaps still exist, and emphasises the tentative nature of many of the phylogenetic hypotheses tendered to date.  相似文献   
The phylogeny and taxonomy of the drosophilids have been the subject of extensive investigations. Recently, Grimaldi (1990) has challenged some common conceptions, and several sets of molecular data have provided information not always compatible with other taxonomic knowledge or consistent with each other. We present the coding nucleotide sequence of the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (Sod) for 15 species, which include the medfly Ceratitis capitata (family Tephritidae), the genera Chymomyza and Zaprionus, and representatives of the subgenera Dorsilopha, Drosophila, Hirtodrosophila, Scaptodrosophila, and Sophophora. Phylogenetic analysis of the Sod sequences indicates that Scaptodrosophila and Chymomyza branched off the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. The presence of a second intron in Chymomyza and Scaptodrosophila (as well as in the medfly) confirms the early divergence of these two taxa. This second intron became deleted from the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. According to the Sod sequences, Sophophora (including the melanogaster, obscura, saltans, and willistoni species groups) is older than the subgenus Drosophila; a deep branch splits the willistoni and saltans groups from the melanogaster and obscura groups. The genus Zaprionus and the subgenera Dorsilopha and Hirtodrosophila appear as branches of a prolific “bush” that also embraces the numerous species of the subgenus Drosophila. The Sod results corroborate in many, but not all, respects Throckmorton's (King, R.C. (ed) Handbook of Genetics. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 421–469, 1975) phylogeny; are inconsistent in some important ways with Grimaldi's (Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. 197:1–139, 1990) cladistic analysis; and also are inconsistent with some inferences based on mitochondrial DNA data. The Sod results manifest how, in addition to the information derived from nucleotide sequences, structural features (i.e., the deletion of an intron) can help resolve phylogenetic issues. Correspondence requests to: F. J. Ayala  相似文献   
The trypanosomatids combine a relatively uniform morphology with ability to parasitise a very diverse range of hosts including animals, plants and other protists. Along with their sister family, the biflagellate bodonids, they are set apart from other eukaryotes by distinctive organisational features, such as the kinetoplast-mitochondrion and RNA editing, isolation of glycolysis enzymes in the glycosome, use of the flagellar pocket for molecular traffic into and out of the cell, a unique method of generating cortical microtubules, and bizarre nuclear organisation. These features testify to the antiquity and isolation of the kinetoplast-bearing flagellates (Kinetoplastida). Molecular sequencing techniques (especially small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequencing) are now radically reshaping previous ideas on the phylogeny of these organisms. The idea that the monogenetic (MG) trypanosomatids gave rise to the digenetic (DG) genera is losing ground to a view that, after the bodonids, the African trypanosomes (DG) represent the most ancient lineage, followed by Trypanosoma cruzi (DG), then Blastocrithidia (MG), Herpetomonas (MG) and Phytomonas (DG), with Leptomonas (MG), Crithidia (MG), Leishmania (DG) and Endotrypanum (DG) forming the crown of the evolutionary tree. Vast genetic distances (12% divergence) separate T. brucei and T. cruzi, while the Leishmania species are separated by very short distances (less than 1% divergence). These phylogenetic conclusions are supported by studies on RNA editing and on the nature of the parasite surface. The trypanosomatids seem to be able to adapt with ease their energy metabolism to the availability of substrates and oxygen, and this may give them the ability to institute new life cycles if host behaviour patterns allow. Sexual processes, though present in at least some trypanosomatids, may have played only a minor part in generating diversity during trypanosomatid evolution. On the other hand, the development of altruistic behaviour on the part of some life cycle stages may be a hitherto unconsidered way of maximising fitness in this group. It is concluded that, owing to organisational constraints, the trypanosomatids can undergo substantial molecular variation while registering very little in the way of morphological change.  相似文献   
Sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophic (thioautotrophic) bacteria are now known to occur as endosymbionts in phylogenetically diverse bivalve hosts found in a wide variety of marine environments. The evolutionary origins of these symbioses, however, have remained obscure. Comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis was used to investigate whether thioautotrophic endosymbionts are monophyletic or polyphyletic in origin and to assess whether phylogenetic relationships inferred among these symbionts reflect those inferred among their hosts. 16S rRNA gene sequences determined for endosymbionts from nine newly examined bivalve species from three families (Vesicomyidae, Lucinidae, and Solemyidae) were compared with previously published 16S rRNA sequences of thioautotrophic symbionts and free-living bacteria. Distance and parsimony methods were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among these bacteria. All newly examined symbionts fall within the gamma subdivision of the Proteobacteria, in clusters containing previously examined symbiotic thioautotrophs. The closest free-living relatives of these symbionts are bacteria of the genus Thiomicrospira. Symbionts of the bivalve superfamily Lucinacea and the family Vesicomyidae each form distinct monophyletic lineages which are strongly supported by bootstrap analysis, demonstrating that host phylogenies inferred from morphological and fossil evidence are congruent with phylogenies inferred for their respective symbionts by molecular sequence analysis. The observed congruence between host and symbiont phylogenies indicates shared evolutionary history of hosts and symbiont lineages and suggests an ancient origin for these symbioses. Correspondence to: D.L. Distel  相似文献   
A cladistic analysis was used to deduce the phylogenetic relationships within the colonial Volvocales. Forty-one pairs of characters related to gross morphology and ultrastructure of vegetative colonies as well as asexual and sexual reproduction were analyzed based on parsimony, using the PAUP 3.0 computer program, for 25 species belonging to nine volvocacean and goniacean genera of the colonial Volvocales. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard was the outgroup. The strict consensus tree indicated the presence of two monophyletic groups, one composed of all the volvocacean species analyzed in this study and the other containing the goniacean species except for the four-celled species Gonium sociale (Dujardin) Warming. In addition, these two groups constitute a large monophyletic group, to which G. sociale is a sister group. A new combination Tetrabaena socialis (Dujardin) Nozaki et Itoh and a new family Tetrabaenaceae Nozaki et Itoh are thus proposed for G. sociale. In addition, the analysis suggests that the volvocacean genera Eudorina and Pleodorina are paraphyletic groups, respectively, and that the monotypic genus Yamagishiella has no autapomorphic characters and represents primitive features of the anisogamous and oogamous genera of the Volvocaceae. Phylogenetic relationships within the Volvocaceae and the Goniaceae, as well as the various modes of sexual reproduction exhibited by these organisms, are discussed on the basis of the analysis.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences of rbcL genes encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) were determined from six species of Prymnesiophyta to clarify their phylogenetic relationships. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony). These analyses suggest that the Prymnesiophyta, except for the Pavlovales, area relatively stable monophyletic group. Pleurochrysis carterae, included in the Isochrysidales, is a sister species of a monophyletic group consisting of other members of the Isochrysidales, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Emiliania huxleyi, members of the Coccosphaerales, Calyptrosphaera sphaeroidea and Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. foliosa, and a member of the Prymnesiales, Chrysochromulina hirta. The nucleotide sequence of rbcL from G. oceanica was identical to that from E. huxleyi within the region examined. Our trees show that G. oceanica and E. huxleyi are more closely related to C. hirta than to U. sibogae, C. sphaeroidea, and P. carterae. These results suggest that orders in the Prymnesiophyceae, including the above-mentioned genera, should be redefined.  相似文献   
We estimated phylogenetic relationships among 26 species of garter snakes (genus Thamnophis ) using allozyme and mitochondrial cytochrome b gene nucleotide sequence variation. Parsimony analyses of the two data sets give substantially different estimates of phylogeny. Several lines of evidence indicate that much of this conflict is due to error associated with the restricted number of characters in each data set. Such sampling error may be reduced by combining all the characters; we therefore present an estimate of phylogeny based on parsimony analysis of all the data combined. All our analyses support several conclusions in conflict with previous views: a very distant relationship between T.errans and T. elegans , non-monophyly of the elegans group (even excluding T: errans ), and nesting of the form validus (previously considered a member of the genus Nerodia ) within Thamnophis.
The combined analysis gives an almost fully resolved tree. However, bootstrapping indicates only weak support for many clades in this tree. Furthermore, paraphyly of the assemblages of cytochrome b gene lineages within T. elegans and T. radix indicate the potential for discordance between the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and species phylogenies through the sorting of ancestral mtDNA polymorphisms. These problems suggest the need for assaying additional characters, especially ones likely to be independent of those used in the present study.  相似文献   
This paper provides the first quantitative cladistic analysis of linyphiid morphology. Classical and novel homology hypotheses for a variety of character systems (male and female genitalia, somatic morphology, spinneret silk spigot morphology, etc.) are critically examined and studied within a phylogenetic context. Critical characters have been illustrated. A sample of linyphiid taxa (nine genera in four subfamilies), five species of Pimoa (Pimoidae), and two other araneoid families (Tetragnathidae and Araneidae, represented by Tetragnatha and Zygiella , respectively) were used to study the implications of the phylogeny of Pimoidae for the systematics of linyphiids. The phylogenetic relationships of these 16 exemplar taxa, as coded for the 47 characters studied, were analysed using numerical cladistic methods. In the preferred cladogram Pimoidae and Linyphiidae are sister groups, Stemonyphantinae are sister group to the remaining linyphiids, and Mynogleninae are sister group to the clade composed of Erigoninae plus Linyphiinae. These results agree with the relationships recently proposed by Wunderlich, except by finding erigonines as the sister group to linyphiines rather than to mynoglenines.  相似文献   
The summit of roots of various plant species may be occupied by a single, rapidly proliferating tetrahedral apical cell (as in ferns), or by a multicellular and slowly proliferating quiescent centre (as in angiosperms), or by intermediate types of cellular organizations. The present paper attempts to deduce the phylogeny of these various types of cellular patterning at the root apex.  相似文献   
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