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马尾松毛虫雄蛾触角毛状感受器的细微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimuspunctatus(Walker)雄蛾有一对羽毛状触角。在触角鞭节的每对侧枝的内侧(迎风面)着生许多毛状感受器。每个毛状感受器由几丁质表皮毛及位于其下的三个感觉神经原和三个呈同心排列的辅助细胞──鞘原细胞、毛原细胞和膜原细胞构成。几丁质表皮毛上有许多孔。毛腔内充满感受器淋巴液。感觉神经原发出的树状突伸入毛腔,浸浴于感受器淋巴液内。这些结构特征表明它是一种司嗅觉的化学感受器。雄蛾终生不取食,推断它的嗅觉感受器主要用以感受雌蛾释放的性外激素,帮助寻找配偶  相似文献   
Abstract. Chemical signals from secretions of different exocrine glands modulate a variety of behavioural patterns in termite societies. These signals have multiple functions and may be interactive. During food exploitation workers of the African termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) employ, on foraging trails, the secretion from the sternal gland both for orientation and recruitment to a food source. The secretion from the labial gland, released onto the food by gnawing termites, stimulates additional workers to gnaw at the same site, thereby forming aggregations of gnawing termites. An interaction between these two pheromones during food exploitation is demonstrated for the first time. The volatile signal from the sternal gland inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the non-volatile, highly persistent, signal from the labial gland. The development of gnawing aggregations is inhibited and established ones are dissolved. Behavioural evidence for the perception of both the volatile signal from the sternal gland by olfactory neurones and of the non-volatile signal from the labial gland by gustatory neurones on the antennae is given. The interaction of the two pheromones as a basis for the development of distinct commuting and gnawing zones on the food source, and as a means for a dynamic regulation of food exploitation, is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. The neurophysiological bases for behaviourally expressed olfactory redundancy in the sex pheromone communication system of the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were examined by coupling the cut-sensillum extracellular recording technique with a highly specific neuronal marking method for moth peripheral receptors. In seventy-two antennal sensilla, axonal pathways of cobalt-stained neurones could be traced into the male-specific macroglomerular complex in the antennal lobe. In T. ni males this comprises five glomeruli, two of which are subdivided into morphologically, and in some instances functionally identifiable, regions. Axonal arborizations of forty-eight neurones (single stainings) showed high fidelity (98%) for containment within a specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision, and the neuropil targeted seemed to be related to the specificity of a neurone to a particular female-emitted sex pheromone component (27-12:Ac, Z7-14:Ac, Z9-14:Ac, 12:Ac, 11–12:Ac, Z5-12:Ac), or to a behavioural antagonist (Z7-12:OH). Double (twenty-one) and multiple stainings (three) showed axons projecting into two or more glomeruli, respectively, with 100% fidelity for the component-specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision to be targeted. We suggest that the potential for a single minor component to cross-stimulate two or more neurones within a sensillum may enable partial blends to continue to provide sensory input into all of the pheromone-processing glomeruli of the complex. Our interpretation is that redundancy occurs at the receptor level on neighbouring dendrites, and thus allows various four-component partial blends to evoke full pheromone-mediated behaviour.  相似文献   
The behavioural significance of (Z)-9-tetradecenal to male H. assulta was tested by comparing the number of moths attracted to lures containing a standard synthetic female sex pheromone with lures in which (Z)-9-tetradecenal was also added. The standard pheromone mixture used contained 1000 g (Z)-9-hexadecenal, 50 g (Z)-11-hexadecenal, 300 g (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate and 15 g (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate impregnated on rubber septa. Addition of (Z)-9-tetradecenal to the standard pheromone was shown to significantly reduce the caught of male H. assulta when added in amounts greater than 10 g or 1% of the major pheromone component in both field and net-house experiments. The reduction in catch was found to be dependent on the quantity of (Z)-9-tetradecenal added to the standard pheromone. The implications of these results on conspecific and inter-specific pheromone-mediated communication in H. assulta and related sympatric heliothine species is discussed.Abbreviations Z9-16:AL (Z)-9-hexadecenal - Z11-16:AL (Z)-11-hexadecenal - Z9-16:AC (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate - Z11-16:AC (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate - Z9-14:AL (Z)-9-tetradecenal - Z9-16:OH (Z)-9-hexadecen-1-ol - Z11-16:OH (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol - RH relative humidity  相似文献   
Short-term variations in the relative catch in each of two or three interacting pheromone traps for the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.), were investigated for traps aligned along the wind. The proportional catch in each trap varied widely, although the mean values accorded with previous estimates. Over consecutive short intervals during a single trapping period the proportion caught in the centre trap of a three-trap line was constant. The proportion caught in the upwind trap of two-and three-trap lines showed trends in time. These trends differed between trapping periods, but two lines of traps operated simultaneously gave similar results to each other. It is suggested that these results, which are predicted by a model based on various components of moth orientation behaviour, are caused by changes in systematic behavioural processes, not random effects. Possible mechanisms are discussed.
Variations à court terme des captures deCydia nigricana dans des pièges à phéromones en interaction
Résumé Des données antérieures concernant les interactions entre des pièges à phéromone alignés le long du vent ont été utilisées pour déduire les caractéristiques du comportement d'orientation deC. nigricana. Ces données ont été introduites dans un modèle de simulation quantitative qui prédisait que quand les captures totales sur une ligne ont été regroupées sur une période globale de piégage, la proportion capturée dans chaque piège devrait aussi avoir des valeurs moyennes semblables, mais varie plus largement que précédemment indiqué. Les simulations concernant des intervalles consécutifs beaucoup plus courts pendant la même période de piégage ont suggéré une forme spécifique de cette variation.Cette note signale des variations à court terme dans la proportion capturée au piège qui confirment ces prédictions. Nous montrons que sur des intervalles consécutifs brefs pendant une simple période de piégage, la proportion capturée dans le piège central d'une ligne de 3 pièges est contstante, bien que sa valeur change suivant les périodes de piégage. La proportion capturée dans le piège face au vent de 2 ou 3 lignes de pièges suit cette tendance dans le temps, ce qui est généralement bien représenté avec des courbes simples. Ces tendances changent suivant les périodes de piégage, mais des lignes de pièges fonctionnant simultanément fournissaient des résultats similaires. On suggère que ces résultats sont dus à des changements dans des processus comportementaux systématiques et non à des effects aléatoires. Les mécanismes possibles sont discutés.
We tested the hypothesis that Rhagoletis pomonella females exhibit a greater propensity for engaging in long distance (i.e.1000 m) flight following encounters with egg-infested oviposition-deterring-pheromone (ODP) marked host fruit than similar females that encounter uninfested, clean (i.e. no ODP) fruit. Female flies which were first tethered to flight mills were presented with and permitted to explore (a) ODP-marked or (b) clean fruit and then stimulated to fly. Results showed that females that had encountered a high rate of infested, ODP-marked fruit displayed long distance flight more frequently and flew greater average distances than females that had searched uninfested fruit. We discuss there results in light of contemporary foraging theory.
Résumé La réponse d'insectes à leurs phéromones de dissuasion (ODP) est examinée généralement à un seul niveau de prospection, c'est-à-dire celui de la ressource individuelle elle-même. Ces marqueurs chimiques peuvent, cependant, fournir aussi des informations au prospecteur sur la disponibilité en ressources, tant au niveau de l'inflorescence qu'au niveau de l'habitat. Une telle information influence vraisemblablement le comportement de prospection à différents niveaux.Dans cette note, nous vérifions l'hypothèse que la rencontre avec des hôtes marqués par ODP influence la tendance de Rhagoletis pomonella (Dipt: Tephrit) à entreprendre des vols importants (c'est-à-dire interhabitats). Nous avons montré dans des expériences de laboratoire que les femelles lors de trois rencontres consécutives avec des fruits marqués par ODP: 1) entreprenaient plus fréquemment (19 cas sur 81 contre 6 sur 81) un vol à longue distance (c'est-à-dire 1000 m) et 2) parcourient des distances moyennes supérieures à celles couvertes par des femelles ayant eu la possibilité de prospecter successivement trois fruits propres (sans ODP).Nous engageons le lecteur à examiner nos résultats d'un point de vue qualitatif. Nous ne pouvons nous attendre à ce qu'un vol à longue distance se produise aussi facilement dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, étant donné le plus grand nombre de variables (par exemple, la taille de l'arbre) qui peuvent y modifier le vol réel.Pour terminer, nous discutons les coûts et bénéfices potentiels qui peuvent résulter de ce comportement.
Reduction of the bis-pilocarpate-haemin complex at pH greater than or equal to 10 involves the simultaneous uptake of an electron by the Fe(III) ion and a proton by the pendant alkoxide group of an axial ligand. This provides a protein-free model for reactions such as the proton-coupled reduction of cytochromes which involve cooperative Coulombic interaction between two non-bonded sites.  相似文献   
Using behavioural and electrophysiological assay techniques, we identified the posterior half of the midgut as being a principal site of production of a major component of the oviposition-deterring, fruit-marking pheromone of female Rhagoletis pomonella flies. Following secretion into, and accumulation in, the gut lumen, this component is released, together with other gut contents, in the marking trail deposited during dragging of the ovipositor on the fruit surface after egg-laying, as well as in the faeces. Other components of the pheromone may be produced elsewhere.  相似文献   
C Bordereau 《Tissue & cell》1982,14(2):371-396
The physogastric termite queen is the most striking example in insects of growth in size without cuticular moulting. This phenomenon has been studied with electron microscopy and histochemical tests in two species of higher termites, Cubitermes fungifaber and Macrotermes bellicosus. The abdominal hypertrophy (physogastry) is allowed by growth of the arthrodial membranes of the swarming imago. The growth is slow (over several years) but important: the cuticular dry weight is multiplied by 20 in C. fungifaber, by 100-150 in M. bellicosus. The termite queen cuticle arises from the transformation of the cuticle of the swarming imago or imaginal cuticle (unfolding and growing of the epicuticle, stretching of the endocuticle, resorption of the subcuticle) and from the secretion of a new endocuticle or royal endocuticle. The termite queen is the first example known in insects of epicuticular growth. In the physogastric queen, three cuticular types are observed: the rigid cuticle of the sclerites, the soft cuticle of the arthrodial membranes and the partially rigid cuticle of special structures, the neosclerites, which show both rigidity and growth. The fibrillar architecture varies according to the abdominal zones and the position within the cuticle. It appears to be determined by the forces arising from the musculature and the anisometric abdominal growth. The king does not become physogastric, although its cuticle is also modified.  相似文献   
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