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Photoreceptors play an important role in plants and bacteria by converting extracellular stimuli into intracellular signals. One distinct class are the blue-light-sensitive phototropins harboring a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain coupled to various effector domains. Photon absorption by the chromophore within the LOV domain results in an activation of the output domain via mechanisms that are hitherto not well understood. The photoreceptor YtvA from Bacillus subtilis is a bacterial analog of phototropins, consists of an LOV and a sulfate transporter/anti-sigma factor antagonist domain, and is involved in the response of the bacterium to environmental stress. We present here analytical ultracentrifugation studies and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments, showing that YtvA is a dimer. On the basis of these results, we present a low-resolution model of the dimer in the dark and the lit state of the protein. In addition, we show that YtvA does not change its oligomerization state or its overall shape upon light activation.  相似文献   
The effect of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor on the stability of natural cohesive sediments was investigated in the laboratory. Three densities (450, 600 and 1200 ind m−2) of N. diversicolor were used. Sediment shear strength was measured using a cone penetrometer. Sediment erodability was assessed using an annular flume (current velocities from 5 to 55 cm s−1) in which flow velocity was increased incrementally, and water sampled to quantify suspended material in order to derive critical erosion velocity and erosion rates. At low current velocities ( <25 cm s−1), we found N. diversicolor to have a stabilising effect, reflected by an increase of up to 20% in the critical erosion velocity. This is related to an enhancement of ~50% in shear strength, due probably to gallery building activities, responsible for the promotion of lateral compaction, an increase in the area of the sediment–water interface, and enhanced microphytobenthos production. Once the sediment began to erode, the stabilising effect of N. diversicolor reverses, leading to an increase of up to 40% in eroded matter due to compaction, which resulted in the erosion of larger aggregates. The balance between the effect of N. diversicolor on herbivory and microphytobenthos production due to the presence of galleries is discussed. Our results indicate that neither chlorophyll a, nor shear strength nor critical erosion velocity are good indicators of erodability. This underlines the need to include biogeochemical processes in any realistic sediment transport model.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of three current velocities and three substrate sizes (gravel to cobble) on the spawning behavior of Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, in spawning-induction and habitat-selection experiments. In the spawning-induction experiment under laboratory conditions the number of females induced to spawn was significantly fewer at low current velocity (ca. 5 cm s–1) than at medium (ca. 30 cm s–1) or high (ca. 50 cm s–1) current velocity. Females spawned independently of substrate size in the experimental tank, and did not bury their eggs in the substrate bed. In the habitat-selection experiment under field conditions, females selected the substrate microhabitat and spawned more frequently at a site with medium substrate size (very coarse gravel; major axis ca. 40 mm) than at sites with small (fine gravel; ca. 8 mm) or large (cobble; ca. 70 mm) substrate size. We conclude that Japanese dace select spawning sites at least partly on the basis of current velocity and substrate size, which affects the survival rate of eggs.  相似文献   
Impaired bone growth and mineralization, and osteonecrosis are significant and common long-term sequelae of chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Here we have evaluated the relationship between linear bone growth during chemotherapy for ALL and bone derived C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP). CNP is known to be critical to normal endochondral bone growth in both rodents and humans, and plasma concentration of the amino terminal pro CNP (NTproCNP) is strongly correlated with concurrent height velocity in children. Plasma NTproCNP and CNP were measured by radio-immunoassay in 12 children aged 2-9 years during induction and maintenance chemotherapy for children with ALL. Height velocity was calculated from stadiometer readings at intervals of 3-12 months and related to plasma NTproCNP during each growth interval. Plasma NTproCNP was markedly suppressed in all subjects during induction chemotherapy. Brief periods of NTproCNP decline and rapid rebound during maintenance treatment coincided with the use of dexamethasone but not with other chemotherapeutics. Height velocity was markedly reduced during ALL induction but unaffected in maintenance phase, and these changes in growth were strongly correlated with plasma NTproCNP concentration. Plasma NTproCNP has potential use as a biomarker of glucocorticoid-induced bone toxicity.  相似文献   
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is now widely used to alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The specific aim of this study was to identify posture control measures that may be used to improve selection of DBS parameters in the clinic and this was carried out by changing the DBS stimulation amplitude. A dynamic posture shift paradigm was used to assess posture control in 4 PD STN-DBS subjects. Each subject was tested at 4 stimulation amplitude settings. Movements of the center of pressure and the position of the pelvis were monitored and several quantitative indices were calculated. The presence of any statistically significant changes in several normalized indices due to reduced/no stimulation was tested using the one-sample t test. The peak velocity and the average movement velocity during the initial and mid phases of movement towards the target posture were substantially reduced. These results may be explained in terms of increased akinesia and bradykinesia due to altered stimulation conditions. Thus, the dynamic posture shift paradigm may be an effective tool to quantitatively characterize the effects of DBS on posture control and should be further investigated as a tool for selection of DBS parameters in the clinic.  相似文献   
Aging is characterized by a progressive loss of muscle mass and impaired contractility (e.g., decline in force, velocity, and power). Although the slowing of contraction speed in aging muscle is well described, the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the decrement in speed are unknown. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms are the primary molecules determining contractile velocity; however, the contraction speed of single fibers within a given MHC isoform type is variable. Recent evidence proposes that the decline in shortening velocity (Vo) with aging is associated with a decrease in the relative content of essential myosin light chain 3f (MLC(3f) ) isoform. In the current study, we first evaluated the relative content of MLC(3f) isoform and Vo in adult and old rats. We then used recombinant adenovirus (rAd) gene transfer technology to increase MLC(3f) protein content in the MHC type II semimembranosus muscle (SM). We hypothesized that (i) aging would decrease the relative MLC(3f) content and Vo in type II fibers, and (ii) increasing the MLC(3f) content would restore the age-induced decline in Vo. We found that there was an age-related decrement in relative MLC(3f) content and Vo in MHC type II fibers. Increasing MLC(3f) content, as indicated by greater % MLC(3f) and MLC(3f) /MLC(2f) ratio, provided significant protection against age-induced decline in Vo without influencing fiber diameter, force generation, MHC isoform distribution, or causing cellular damage. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first data to demonstrate positive effects of MLC(3f) against slowing of contractile function in aged skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The mussel Mytilus edulis settlement and distribution was studied on plastic panels with manipulated flow regime (faired, bluff, split and angled) with or without water soluble metabolites of the green alga Cladophora rupestris. The panels were exposed vertically on a device (hydrovane) that ensures their constant orientation in the current during the peak of larval settlement at 1 m depth. In order to investigate larval distribution on the panels, half of them were coated with a silicone vacuum grease that prevents larvae from de-attachment. This grease was not toxic and did not attract or repel larvae. Low densities of larvae on the un-greased plates compared to the greased ones suggested that some of larvae left the substratum. The blue mussel larvae initially settled in regions of reduced shear velocity and then redistribute to the regions of high shear velocity. The presence of the alga increased the density of blue mussel larvae and changed their distribution on the panels. Overall, our results demonstrated that larval recruitment of M. edulis is an active process affected both by boundary-layer hydrodynamics and algal waterborne compounds.  相似文献   
Tadpoles of Sphaerotheca breviceps raised in the laboratory from the egg stage, and hence lacking prior experience of a predator or its odors, were tested to examine their responses to a predator’s (tadpoles of Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) water-borne chemical cues. The stimulus solution was obtained following 24 h of rearing tadpoles of H. tigerinus (one tadpole per 200 mL water) that were not fed during this period. Upon exposure to the stimulus solution the activity of S. breviceps tadpoles decreased by about 90% within 5 min. Their resting period increased significantly over baseline activity, whereas the swimming period, distance traversed, and swimming spurts declined. However, whenever a test tadpole moved, its swimming velocity was high in response to stimulus solution. The antipredatory responses declined with increase in time of storage of the stimulus solution, indicating decay of the predator’s chemical cues. The findings suggest that (1) antipredator defense strategies of S. breviceps do not require prior experience of predators, (2) the predator’s chemical cues are labile in nature, and (3) the response of prey tadpoles to such cues is similar to reported behavior of anuran tadpoles in response to real predators and alarm cues.  相似文献   
An experimental study of phosphocholine membranes made from one lipid, from mixtures of DPPC and DLPC, and also from lipids and small amounts of alamethicin is presented. We used atomic force microscopy to investigate the spatial organization and structure of lipid domains and also of the defects induced by the peptide. Alamethicin was found to alter the state of lipids in the gel state in a way that domains of fluid lipids are formed close to the defects. Differential calorimetry revealed phase characteristics of the lipid mixtures and the effect of small amounts of alamethicin on the phase behavior. It was also shown that the sound velocity profiles of the membranes suspensions can be well calculated from the heat capacity traces of the samples. This result confirms the correlation between the mechanical properties and the specific heat of membrane systems.  相似文献   
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