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In 1980 a long-term study of the fishery resources of the San Francisco Bay estuary was initiated in an effort to delineate the importance of freshwater inflow to fish and invertebrate abundance and distribution in the bay. An analysis of the trawl data collected between January 1980 and December 1982 illustrates the influence of the timing and magnitude of freshwater inflows on fish fistribution and abundance in this estuary from the perspective of monthly, seasonal and annual time scales. Normally found in the delta, Suisun Bay and San Pablo Bay during periods of increased salinity, pelagic species moved downstream after the two peak flows studied, while demersal species usually found in Central San Francisco Bay moved upstream. Such upstream movements may be due in part to transport by strong density-driven currents.Timing and magnitude of monthly catches of some species varied on a seasonal cycle coincident with variations of freshwater inflow. Most species, especially the marine species, showed no consistent cycle of monthly catches. In the wet years of 1980 and 1982 the distributions of freshwater, estuarine and anadromous species were extended downstream into San Pablo, Central and South San Francisco Bays and some marine species, including the flatfish, were more abundant in the upstream areas. In the dry year of 1981 when bay salinities were higher, few marine species extended their distributions upstream into San Pablo and Suisun Bays. Jacksmelt was the only fish of the 15 most abundant species with its peak abundance in 1981. Most marine species were more abundant in the San Francisco Bay estuary in the wet years.  相似文献   
Neurotensin stimulates pancreatic secretion directly and by potentiating the effect of secretin. Neurotensin also inhibits gastric secretion. Secretin inhibits gastric secretion as well, but whether it also interacts with neurotensin is not known. Secretin is known to inhibit gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF). The effect of neurotensin on GMBF is not known. Acid secretion (triple lumen perfused orogastric tube) and GMBF ([14C]aminopyrine clearance) were therefore measured in 6 subjects during neurotensin, secretin and neurotensin plus secretin infusions. Neurotensin plus secretin reduced acid secretion by a median 130 (range 34-394) mumol/min which was significantly greater than either neurotensin at 36 (7-67) mumol/min or secretin 54 (20-347) mumol/min alone (P less than 0.05). This effect appeared independent of GMBF. Neurotensin plus secretin reduced GMBF by 14 (12-27) ml/min but not significantly more than neurotensin at 11 (3-20) ml/min or secretin 18 (2-27) ml/min alone. Further, there was no correlation between changes in acid output and GMBF during infusion of the peptides. We conclude that the inhibitory effects of neurotensin and secretin on gastric secretion are at least additive and together they may function as an 'enterogastrone'.  相似文献   
This contribution illustrates the advantages of some chromophoric and fluorophoric carbohydrate derivatives such asp-nitrophenyl (pNO2Phe) or 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) glycosides andN-dansylgalactosamine in studies of the binding equilibrium and kinetics with some plant lectins. The methods used involve continuous titrations of changes in ligand or protein absorption and ligand fluorescence, including substitution titrations as well as stopped-flow, temperature-jump or pressure-jump relaxation kinetics. When monitored by temperature-jump relaxation, binding of MeUmbαGal to the bloodgroup A specific lectin GSAI-A4 fromGriffonia simplicifolia is a simple bimolecular association with parametersk + = 9.4 × 104 M-1 s-1 andk -1 = 5.3 s-1 at 23°C, but binding to the GSAI-B4 lectin is biphasic. The complementarity of the peanut agglutinin binding site with Galβ1 → 3GalNAc that occurs in manyO-glycoproteins follows from enthalpic considerations and also from the value of the dissociation-rate parameterk -1 = 0.24 s-1 of the MeUmbβGalβl → 3GalNAc.lectin complex. This value, obtained by stopped-flow kinetics is 100 times smaller than for other mono-and disaccharides investigated. The binding mechanism is simple and the derivatisation of Galβ1 → 3GalNAc does not affect the affinity to a considerable degree. The binding preference of tetravalentsoybean agglutinin for MeαGalNAc over MeαGal by a factor of 25 is mainly of enthalpic origin with an additional 7 kJ mol-1; the NAc group causes perturbation of a tryptophanyl residue, evidenced by protein difference absorption spectrometry. In the glycosides, a large aglycon likeβpNO2 Phe orβMeUmb hardly affects the affinity of SBA but a largeN-dansyl group increases the affinity by a factor 20 as compared to GalNAc. The 10-fold increase in carbohydrate-specificN-dansylgalactosamine fluorescence, together with a very favourable entropic contribution point at the presence of a hydrophobic region in the vicinity of the carbohydrate-binding site. The dissociation-rate parameter of the MeUmbβGalNAc SBA complex is slower than for any reported monosaccharide-lectin complex: 0.4 s-1. The divalent lectin fromErythrina cristagalli preferentially binds the Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc structure that occurs in manyN-glycoproteins. The combining site was mapped thermodynamically with carbohydrates ranging from mono-to pentasaccharides as derived fromN-glycoproteins. Here, N-dansylgalactosamine was used as a fluorescent indicator ligand in substitution titrations. When Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc was linkedα1 → 2 orα1 → 6 to Man, the binding enthalpy and entropy remained practically constant. Application of stopped flow kinetics and pressure-jump relaxation withN-dansylgalactosamine gave mono-exponential signal changes with a concentration dependence corresponding tok + = 4.8 x 104 M-1 s-1 k - = 0.4 to 0.66 s-1 and a change in reaction volume of+7ml/mol.  相似文献   
Elongation of a helical bacterial flagellar filament subjected to fluid flow was calculated on the assumption that one end of the filament is firmly attached to a substratum. It was found that the quantity [E(d/2 pi r)2 + 2 mu] could be determined by measuring the elongation at various flow rates, where E is Young's modulus, mu the modulus of rigidity, r the radius of the helix, and d the helical pitch. Experiments were carried out to determine the above quantity for Salmonella flagellar filaments assuming a close-coil form. Because the above quantity is almost equal to 2 mu for a helical form with a large radius/pitch ratio, we were able to determine the modulus of rigidity for this kind of flagellar filament from plots of elongation vs. flow rates. The modulus of rigidity was determined to be about 1 X 10(11) dyn/cm2, i.e., 2 orders of magnitude larger than the previously estimated value.  相似文献   
K Matsuno 《Bio Systems》1985,17(3):179-192
Material self-assembly as a self-organizing process is always accompanied by symmetry-breaking in the material configuration. Self-sequencing of amino acids during their thermal polymerization has lost a certain property of permutation symmetry that was observed in the mixture of free amino acids. The evolutionary precursor state is more symmetrical about its internal material configuration and more degenerate due to the multitude of the indistinguishable individuals. The evolution proceeds in the direction along which the degeneracy in the internal states dissolves owing to the symmetry-breaking originating in material flow equilibrium of open material aggregates. Protobiological information is latent in the material system which is highly symmetrical and highly degenerate in its internal states. Evolution of matter is an endogenous process in which the earlier symmetric property is lost and less degenerate states are approached. Quantum-mechanically, the generation of protobiological information is due to the symmetry-breaking of the Hamiltonian originating in the interaction with the exterior through material flow, in contrast to the Schrödinger equation which preserves a symmetry and the associated invariants.  相似文献   
Summary Cells ofScherffelia dubia regenerate flagella with a complete scale covering after experimental flagellar amputation. Flagellar regeneration was used to study Golgi apparatus (GA) activity during flagellar scale production. By comparing the number of scales present on mature flagella with the flagellar regeneration kinetics, it is calculated that each cell produces ca. 260 scales per minute during flagellar regeneration. Flagellar scales are assembled exclusively in the GA and abstricted from the rims of thetrans-most GA cisternae into vesicles. Exocytosis of scales occurs at the base of the anterior flagellar groove. The central portion of thetrans-most cisterna, containing no scales, detaches from the stack of cisternae and develops a coat to become a coated polygonal vesicle. Scale biogenesis involves continuous turnover of GA cisternae, and scale production rates indicate maturation of four cisternae per minute from each of the cells two dictyosomes. A possible model of membrane flow routes during flagellar regeneration, which involves a membrane recycling loop via the coated polygonal vesicles, is presented.  相似文献   
N,N′-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits the activity of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase in the isolated and reconstitued mitochondrial cytochrome b-c1 complex. DCCD inhibits equally electron flow and proton translocation (i.e., the H+e? ratio is not affected) catalysed by the enzyme reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The inhibitory effects are accompanied by structural alterations in the polypeptide pattern of both isolated and reconstituted enzyme. Cross-linking was observed between subunits V (iron-sulfur protein) and VII, indicating that these polypeptides are in close proximity. A clear correlation was found between the kinetics of inhibition of enzymic activity and the cross-linking, suggesting that the two phenomena may be coupled. Binding of [14C]DCCD was also observed, to all subunits with the isolated enzyme and preferentially to cytochrome b with the reconstituted vesicles; in both cases, however, it was not correlated kinetically with the inhibition of the enzymic activity.  相似文献   
Abstract: The cerebral metabolic rates for O2 and for glucose were measured in conscious, fasted male Fischer-344 rats at the ages of 3, 12, and 24 months, and cerebral blood flow was determined with 14C-iodoantipyrine. The metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose were obtained by multiplying blood flow by the O2 and glucose concentration differences, respectively, between blood in the femoral artery and in the superior sagittal sinus. Mean cerebral blood flow and the metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) between 3 and 12 or between 12 and 24 months. Nor did the arteriovenous differences for O2 and for glucose change significantly with age. Because the superior sagittal sinus drains blood mainly from the cerebral cortex, the results indicate that average cerebral cortical oxidative metabolism, and the coupling ratios between the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen and cerebral blood flow and between the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose and cerebral blood flow, do not change significantly with age in the Fischer-344 rat.  相似文献   
Buoyancy effect on forced convection in the leaf boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Mixed convection (forced convection plus free convection) in the leaf boundary layer was examined by air flow visualization and by evaluation of the boundary layer conductance at different leaf-air temperature differences ( T L- T A) under low wind velocities. The visualized air flow was found to become more unstable and buoyant at higher T L- T A. An ascending longitudinal plume was induced along the upper surface, and the air flow along the lower surface ascended after passing the trailing leaf edge. The air flow modified by buoyancy was considered to result in an increase in boundary layer conductance ( G A) for mixed convection, which became higher with higher T L- T A as compared with the conductance for pure forced convection without buoyancy. This increase in G A appeared larger at larger Grashof number (Gr) and at smaller Reynolds number (Re). The dependences of buoyancy effect on Gr and Re were related to 'edge-effects'.  相似文献   
A method was developed to evaluate the cumulative effect of wetland mosaics in the landscape on stream water quality and quantity in the nine-county region surrounding Minneapolis—St. Paul, Minnesota. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to record and measure 33 watershed variables derived from historical aerial photos. These watershed variables were then reduced to eight principal components which explained 86% of the variance. Relationships between stream water quality variables and the three wetland-related principal components were explored through stepwise multiple regression analysis. The proximity of wetlands to the sampling station was related to principal component two, which was associated with decreased annual concentrations of inorganic suspended solids, fecal coliform, nitrates, specific conductivity, flow-weighted NH4 flow-weighted total P, and a decreased proportion of phosphorus in dissolved form(p < 0.05). Wetland extent was related to decreased specific conductivity, chloride, and lead concentrations. The wetland-related principal components were also associated with the seasonal export of organic matter, organic nitrogen, and orthophosphate. Relationships between water quality and wetlands components were different for time-weighted averages as compared to flow-weighted averages. This suggests that wetlands were more effective in removing suspended solids, total phosphorus, and ammonia during high flow periods but were more effective in removing nitrates during low flow periods.  相似文献   
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