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Data are presented on genetic variation at 27 enzyme loci of the Green-Winged orchid,Orchis morio, in 18 population samples from Italy. The existence in Italy of two subspecies, i.e. subspp.morio andpicta, is not supported by allozyme data. No genetic heterogeneity was found betweenmorio-like andpicta-like samples and specimens. Moreover, morphological transition between the two forms was observed in different Italian populations. The parameters of genetic variability estimated forO. morio populations are consistent with those found among monocotyledon plants, and among those outcrossing, animal-pollinated and with wind-dispersed seeds. Genetic diversity of ItalianO. morio is mostly within populations. Correspondingly, low values of interpopulational genetic distance were found. This appears to be due to high levels of gene flow, which were estimated with different methods. The lack ofO. longicornu from Italian samples, as well as of any hybrid withO. morio (F1, backcrossed or recombinant individuals) is demonstrated on the basis of genetic data. It is concluded that recurrent reports ofO. longicornu from Italy are due to confusion withO. morio or with otherOrchis species.  相似文献   
Bracken [ Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn] is a cosmopolitan species and is a noxious weed in many areas. Because of its abundance, particularly in Britain, bracken affords an ideal system for investigating various aspects of population genetics and evolution. High mobility of dispersal units (spores) suggests that rates of gene flow among distant populations should be high. Gene flow is a major evolutionary force that influences the genetic structure of populations. To examine the effects of gene flow on population heterogeneity and population substructuring in bracken, starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes was used to provide the necessary genetic database. Allele frequency data at 21 loci were obtained for seven British populations, one Majorcan and one from the eastern United States. A model was employed to estimate the amount of gene flow ( Nm ) at several levels. Gene flow among British populations was extremely high ( Nm = 36.51), one of the highest estimates reported for plants. Among eight European populations gene flow was lower (but still considered high) at Nm = 2.47. Trans-Atlantic gene flow was low ( Nm = 0.0926).
F -statistics were used to assess population heterogeneity and substructuring. The data indicate that, compared with other species, there is very little genetic differentiation among British populations of bracken. Indeed, it appears that the whole island is behaving as a single randommating population. This result is consistent with high levels of gene flow. Only one population (on the Isle of Arran) showed statistically significant genetic substructuring. Habitat heterogeneity on the island and age structure are hypothesized as possible causes of this result.
The data reported here support previous studies demonstrating that bracken is genetically polymorphic and is an outcrossing species.  相似文献   
A better understanding of water motion effects on nutrient uptake by marine crop plants should make it possible to farm the sea more effectively. Farms in China, Japan and the Philippines now grow plants on slack lines or nets that move with passing waves and currents. Nutrient uptake rates are increased onLaminaria farms in China by adding nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In contrast, forests of the giant kelp,Macrocystis grow in California at low nutrient levels without fertilization. The giant kelp, compared as a structure with the slack Chinese farms, has float-supported, spring-like stipes that stretch and recoil as waves pass. This motion seems likely to enhance flow over the thallus surface. In thus study we modified flow around kelp blades in a water tunnel in the laboratory by changing orifice plates, and flow around Chinese-style long-line farms in the sea by tightening them under various sea conditions. Our measurements suggest that if marine farms were designed and operated to increase water movement over the plants being grown, their rates of nutrient uptake, and growth would increase.This paper was presented at the Symposium on Applied Phycology at the Fourth International Phycological Congress, Duke University.  相似文献   
Lars-Owe D. Koskinen 《Peptides》1991,12(6):1273-1277
The cardiovascular effects of IV naloxone and a subsequent administration of TRH IV were studied in the rabbit. Naloxone caused a vasodilation in the myocardium and adrenal glands. Naloxone elicited an increment in cerebral blood flow in several regions which attenuated the cerebrovasodilating effect of TRH in a few regions. The blockade of endogenous opioids with naloxone did not modify the peripheral vasoconstricting effect of TRH or affect the vascular effects of TRH mediated by the peripheral sympathetic nerves. The results indicate that naloxone has a vasodilating effect in the myocardium and CNS in anesthetized rabbits. The major part of the cardiovascular effect of TRH is not dependent on mechanisms sensitive to naloxone.  相似文献   
Summary This paper attempts to explain Kleiber's rule, which relates metabolic rate of mammals to their body mass, from the structure and function of the blood circulation system.Abbreviations a scaling factor - fractal dimension - hydrodynamic conductivity - l n length of an arterial blood vessel at bifurcation level n - M body mass - N maximal number of bifurcation levels - p pressure - Q flow - r size of Bohr effect - r n radius of an arterial blood vessel at bifurcation level n - V volume - VO 2 rate of oxygen unloading - Z n number of arterial blood vessels at bifurcation level n  相似文献   
利用南京地区夏季炎热的自然条件,连续两年在高温季节(7—8月)进行实验。第一年(系列Ⅰ)的实验动物为四头装置瘤胃瘘管的空怀母水牛,研究高温初期(27.5~33.4℃)和持续高温期(28.0~35℃)对水牛瘤胃消化代谢的影响。第二年实验(系列Ⅱ)利用三头装置瘤胃瘘管的海仔母水牛重复高温(26~35.3℃)实验。 夏季高温期间,实验水牛的呼吸率、瘤胃温度和直肠温度升高,采食量减少,饮水量增加,瘤胃液流速减缓。高温初期出现瘤胃代谢升高[总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)和氨氮(NH_3-N)浓度及乙酸/丙酸(A/P)比率升高]。但在持续高温情况下,水牛的采食和瘤胃代谢均明显抑制。采取瘤胃内降温措施(投入冰袋)或冷水淋浴,均能迅速降低呼吸率、直肠和瘤胃温度,恢复采食和反刍,并缓解瘤胃代谢的抑制。提示动物机体参与调节瘤胃代谢的变化,并为改善水牛夏季的饲养管理提供生理学依据。  相似文献   
Summary Primary cultures of newborn mouse epidermal cells proliferate rapidly and with a high growth fraction for several months when grown in medium with low calcium (0.02 to 0.1 mM). Addition of calcium to levels generally used in culture medium (1.2 mM) was followed by rapid changes in the pattern of proliferation. By using a combination of technics (a stathmokinetic method, autoradiography, [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, DNA flow cytometry) it was found that cell flux was blocked for 5 to 6 h, followed by a short rise in the mitotic rate at 10 h, and a gradual fall in all growth parameters until about 32 h after the calcium switch. There was no accumulation of cells in any particular cell cycle phase. The results indicate that the calcium switch is followed by a strong reduction in cell flux from G1 whereas the majority of the cells that had left G1 at the time of the switch completed one cell division before cessation of all proliferative activity. Both before and after the switch the primary epidermal cultures consisted of one diploid and one tetraploid G1 DNA stemline that seemed to react in the same way to calcium. This work reported in this paper was undertaken during the tenure of an American Cancer Society-Eleanor Roosevelt-International Cancer Fellowship awarded by the International Union Against Cancer (K. E.). The project was supported by funds partly provided by the International Cancer Research Data Bank Program of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, under contract N01-C0-65341 (International Cancer Research Technology Transfer) and partly by the International Union Against Cancer (O.P.F.C.).  相似文献   
Human blood was sheared between rotating polyethylene disks and plasma hemoglobin measured at intervals to produce kinetic hemolysis curves (KHC), plotted as free hemoglobin concentration vs time. The KHC produced by blood samples incubated in the presence of penicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and amikacin lie always below those for control samples, indicating a reduction in hemolysis; this reduction was greater as the drug concentration was increased. Explanations in terms of alterations in red cell structure were sought by several characterization tests of amikacin-loaded blood samples. Drug-localization studies demonstrated that significant fractions of the total dosage were associated with the red-cell membrane. Resistive pulse spectroscopy was used to show how amikacin affected cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility; results were sensitive to storage age of the blood. In all cases, the effect of shearing was to reduce cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility. Mechanisms for hemolytic protection by drugs are proposed.  相似文献   
The function of distyly as a device promoting inter-morph pollination was proposed by Darwin over a century ago, though only recently have experimental studies been undertaken to test this hypothesis. These studies are unrealistic since they assume regular spatial distribution of morphs within a population and fail to consider intra-flower pollination in assessing distyly's effects. Pollen flow in two populations of Linum tenuifolium L. was investigated using a fluorescent-dye marker technique. One population was dimorphic and self-incompatible; the other was monomorphic and self-compatible. In both populations pollen dispersal was leptokurtic with over 75% of grains detected within 5 m from the source. Intra-flower pollinations comprised a large proportion of individual stigma loads (42% for the dimorphic form; 49% for the monomorphic form). Total stigmatic loads for the dimorphic population showed equal proportions of pin and thrum pollen on both long-style and short-style stigmas, though variation in individual loads was marked. Values ranging from 34.2 to 61.5% legitimate pollen were recorded. The irregular distribution of morphs observed at the dimorphic site will reduce the efficiency of heterostyly as a device promoting intermorph pollination. The reduction in intra-flower pollination suggests adaptive significance of this floral dimorphism in increasing the efficiency of pollen dispersal to the individual.  相似文献   
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