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Restoring male age structure in white-tailed deer populations has become an important objective for many state agencies aimed at improving herd dynamics. Limiting mortality in the yearling (1–2 yr old) age class is a primary consideration, and regional differences in climate, habitat characteristics, hunting regulations, and hunter behavior complicate the understanding of how specific factors influence the risk of mortality. We used Cox proportional hazard modeling to determine the effects of body size, mean distance to road, dispersal behaviors, use of forested land, and use of land open to public hunting on the risk of mortality for a population of radio-collared, yearling males (n = 76) in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. Annual survival averaged 0.55 (95% CI = 0.45–0.68), with harvest accounting for 79% (26/33) of all mortalities. Measurements of body size (chest girth, shoulder height, and total length; cm) influenced dispersal probability but not dispersal distance. The best approximating model for mortality risk included a covariate for landownership, whereby mortality risk increased on public land. Among males who dispersed, longer-distance dispersal was associated with reduced mortality, which contradicts previous research describing dispersal as a high-risk behavior. The effect of landownership on mortality risk has not been previously identified, especially when regulations regarding harvest of yearling males are similar between landownership types. We observed annual survival rates of 0.69 (95% CI = 0.57–0.82) for deer apparently using private land exclusively during the hunting season, and 0.20 (95% CI = 0.11–0.48) for deer that used public land during the hunting season. Survival rates on private land were comparable to those of other regions actively managing male age structure. These results suggest survival of yearling males in the region is influenced by hunter harvest and the risks associated with dispersal may be minimal in areas where harvest pressure is low, although hunter harvest on public land may limit male age structure on a localized scale. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   
Background: Large areas of heathland landscapes in Galicia, north-west Spain, have traditionally been extensively grazed by free-ranging cattle and wild ponies. Recently, a large reduction in the number of these larger herbivores has been observed, with unknown consequences for the habitat.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of grazing and herbivore density on plant diversity, community composition and vegetation structure of the endemic wet heathlands dominated by Erica mackayana in Galicia.

Methods: Field sampling of vascular plants, generalised linear models (GLMs), non-metric multidimensional distance scaling (NMDS).

Results: Grazed sites had significantly higher total and rare species richness and diversity than ungrazed sites. Higher densities of cattle resulted in lower numbers of rare species, while wild pony density had no effect on rare species richness. In grazed sites, vegetation was lower with greater variation in height, resulting in greater heterogeneity of the habitat. Precipitation and summer temperatures were related to plant diversity, mainly beta diversity. Soil organic matter negatively correlated with rare species.

Discussion: Grazing, mostly by wild ponies, was demonstrated to be positively related to plant diversity and vegetation structure. Lack of grazing or high cattle densities resulted in a negative effect on total and rare species richness and diversity. Future climate change may negatively affect heathland plant diversity. Galician wild ponies represent a unique case of sustainable management of a wild species and an invaluable cultural heritage. Moreover, they have a significant role in maintaining the endemic E. mackayana heathlands, what would justify specific conservation actions for these large herbivores.  相似文献   

Soil properties are thought to affect annual plant productivity in rangelands, and thus soil variables that are consistently correlated with plant biomass may be general indicators of rangeland health. Here we measured several soil properties (e.g. aggregate stability, organic carbon, total nitrogen) and tested each as a would-be predictor of local variation in peak aboveground grassland biomass. Individual properties explained a slight (≤10%) amount of variation in plant biomass. Plant biomass was mainly (negatively) associated with two soil properties, subsurface soil carbonate concentration and the stability of soil macroaggregates near the soil surface. Less important predictive variables included: elevation, plant community composition, surface soil organic carbon, and soil carbon:nitrogen. Plot-to-plot variation in plant biomass is seemingly difficult to predict based on soil properties, including popular indicators of soil and rangeland health and even root biomass. While protection of soil is critical to overall rangeland ecosystem function, our findings suggest that the relationship between soil properties and plant biomass in natural grasslands is complex. Thus, there may not be one or even several soil properties that consistently predict appreciable variation in peak grassland biomass, especially variation within an ecosystem independent of precipitation.  相似文献   
提出在日益城市化进程中人类与非人类物种之间关系的4种推测。由于非人类物种也在快速城市化,它们的空间条件大部分都是由人类为自己所构建,这可以集中并强化拉图尔的生物共生理念。风景园林师应该理清自己工作的政治影响,而其中的一种方法是处理物种之间微妙而脆弱的相互关系。当然,采用未经验证的新自由主义设计在大多数情况下对非人类物种都会带来特殊的破坏性后果。本文使用“基础设施”模型探讨不同的生物群体之间如何相互影响彼此的命运。  相似文献   
王悦  陈倩 《微生物与感染》2019,14(5):317-322
噬菌体作为肠道微生物群落的重要组成部分,自生命初期即定植于肠道,在不同生命时期均以较为稳定的状态存在于人体。目前已知的肠道噬菌体主要是DNA噬菌体,且大多以前噬菌体形式存在。肠道噬菌体可通过多种机制优化其宿主微生物群的结构和组成,并以多种方式直接或间接影响人体的生理状态,其结构变化与多种疾病相关。利用测序方法,能够直接获取噬菌体组信息。本文基于噬菌体组的相关研究,综述了肠道噬菌体组与人体健康相关的研究进展,并对该领域的研究方法和发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   
闫利  胡纹  尹名强 《应用生态学报》2020,31(11):3786-3794
空气中污染物及病菌的浓度直接影响人类健康。在污染源不变的情况下,有效通风决定了空气质量的优劣。因此,建立有效通风的定量判定指标,并利用此指标对特定区域空气质量进行实时评价,引导居民选择健康的室外活动场所成为迫切需要解决的问题。本研究采用雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方法建立了基于计算流体力学(CFD)技术的城市空气污染模拟系统,研究了风速、污染物浓度和污染物扩散效率之间的关系。在此基础上,借助实时气象数据,对城市广场空间不同时段进行了风场模拟及空气质量评价。结果表明: 行人高度(1.5 m)空气中污染物有效扩散的临界风速值为1.0 m·s-1,此指标可作为某一具体区域空气质量评价标准。参照此判定指标,链接实时天气系统,通过模拟得到的行人高度风速分布,可实时、可视化地显示该场所空气质量优劣分布,实现公平、效率、合理地利用城市空间资源,为人们选择健康的室外活动场地提供指引,为公众疾病预防和健康促进提供技术和手段。  相似文献   
Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health, we estimate the effect of peers’ alcohol consumption and alcohol prices on the drinking habits of high-school-age youth. We use the two-stage residual inclusion method to account for the endogeneity of peer drinking in nonlinear models. For our sample of high school students, we find that peer effects are statistically and economically significant regarding the choice to participate in drinking but are not significant for the frequency of drinking, including binge drinking. Regarding alcohol prices, even though we have good price variation in our sample, alcohol prices are not found to be significant. The results are important for policymakers who are considering policies to reduce underage drinking, as we conclude that no significant impact on underage drinking will result from low-tax states’ increasing excise taxes on alcohol so they are similar to those of high-tax states. Policymakers may choose to focus instead on the influence of peers and changing the social norm behavior.  相似文献   
Healthier eating is a global challenge for chronic disease control. Food and Health Research in Europe (FAHRE) surveyed research structures and programmes in 32 countries, and reviewed research needs and gaps across nine themes. Food processing and safety research, nutrition and molecular research, and disease-based clinical research are strong; but research is weak on determinants of disease and healthier eating through policies and changing behaviours. Biomedical and commercial research for patents contrast with social research for the public interest. More funding and capacity support should go to social research in the food and health sector.  相似文献   
Free-roaming equids (i.e., feral horses [Equus caballus] and burros [Equus asinus]) are widely distributed and locally abundant across the rangelands of the western United States. The 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act (WFRHBA) gave the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and United States Forest Service (USFS) the legal authority to manage these animals on designated public lands. To fulfill this responsibility, federal agencies established an Appropriate Management Level (AML), defined as the number of horses or burros that can be sustained on a given management unit under prevailing environmental conditions and land uses. Although the WFRHBA specifies that feral equids must be managed in ecological balance with other land uses, including conservation of native wildlife, population control measures such as gathers, contraception, and adoptions have failed to keep pace with intrinsic growth rates. Over 80% of federally managed herds currently exceed prescribed population levels, making the potential for competition between native ungulates and feral equids a growing concern among state wildlife agencies. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), elk (Cervus canadensis), and bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) are of ecological and economic value to the states where they occur, and all exhibit some degree of distributional, habitat, or dietary overlap with horses or burros. Notwithstanding the scale of the problem, to date there have been no range-wide assessments of competition potential among native and feral ungulates for space, forage, or water. To address this need, we compiled demographic, jurisdictional, and species occurrence data collected from 2010–2019 by federal and state agencies. We used these data to map the distributions of 4 native ungulate species across federal equid management units (FEMUS) in 10 western states (n = 174). We then made within-state rankings of the 50 units that were ≥2 times over AML and encompassed ≥3 native ungulates. Collectively, FEMUs covered approximately 225,000 km2, representing 18% of all BLM and USFS lands in affected states. Each FEMU supported ≥1 native ungulate and 14% contained all 4. The degree of overlap between native and feral species varied by state, ranging from <1% for mule deer in Montana, to 40% for bighorn sheep in Nevada. Oregon had the largest proportion of units that supported all 4 native ungulates (58%), whereas Montana and New Mexico had the fewest equids, but all populations were over target densities. Despite the perception that the problem of equid abundance is limited to the Great Basin states, high intrinsic growth rates and social constraints on management practices suggest all affected states should monitor range conditions and native ungulate demography in areas where forage and water resources are limited and expanding equid populations are a concern. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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