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The experience of burnout has been the focus of much research during the past few decades. Measures have been developed, as have various theoretical models, and research studies from many countries have contributed to a better understanding of the causes and consequences of this occupationally‐specific dysphoria. The majority of this work has focused on human service occupations, and particularly health care. Research on the burnout experience for psychiatrists mirrors much of the broader literature, in terms of both sources and outcomes of burnout. But it has also identified some of the unique stressors that mental health professionals face when they are dealing with especially difficult or violent clients. Current issues of particular relevance for psychiatry include the links between burnout and mental illness, the attempts to redefine burnout as simply exhaustion, and the relative dearth of evaluative research on potential interventions to treat and/or prevent burnout. Given that the treatment goal for burnout is usually to enable people to return to their job, and to be successful in their work, psychiatry could make an important contribution by identifying the treatment strategies that would be most effective in achieving that goal.  相似文献   
Objective: This study examined the relationship between internalization of negative weight‐based stereotypes and indices of eating behaviors and emotional well‐being in a sample of overweight and obese women. Research Method and Procedures: The sample was comprised of 1013 women who belonged to a national, non‐profit weight loss organization. Participants completed an on‐line battery of self‐report questionnaires measuring frequency of weight stigmatization and coping responses to deal with bias and symptoms of depression and self‐esteem, attitudes about weight and obesity, and binge eating behaviors. In addition, participants were asked to list the most common weight‐based stereotypes and whether they believed them to be true or false. Results: Participants who believed that weight‐based stereotypes were true reported more frequent binge eating and refusal to diet in response to stigma experiences compared with those who reported stereotypes to be false. The degree to which participants believed stereotypes to be true or false was not related to types or amount of stigma experiences reported, self‐esteem, depression, or attitudes toward obese persons. In addition, engaging in weight loss strategies as a response to bias was not predicted by stereotype beliefs or by actual stigma experiences, regardless of the amount or types of stigma reported. Discussion: These findings suggest that obese individuals who internalize negative weight‐based stereotypes may be particularly vulnerable to the negative impact of stigma on eating behaviors and also challenge the notion that stigma may motivate obese individuals to engage in efforts to lose weight. This study highlights a new area of research that warrants attention to better understand weight stigma and its potential consequences for health.  相似文献   
Objective: Eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) may be a genetically influenced phenotype of overweight children, but evidence is limited. This research evaluated the heritability (h2) of EAH and its association with overweight among Hispanic children 5 to 18 years old. Genetic and environmental associations of EAH with overweight, fat mass, and key hormonal regulators of food intake were also evaluated. Research Methods and Procedures: A family design was used to study 801 children from 300 Hispanic families. Weighed food intakes were used to measure EAH after an ad libitum dinner providing 50% of estimated energy needs. Fasting ghrelin, amylin, insulin, and leptin were measured by immunoassays. Measured heights, weights, and fat mass (using DXA) were obtained. Total energy expenditure (TEE) was measured by room respiration calorimetry. Results: On average, children consumed 41% of TEE at the dinner meal, followed by an additional 19% of TEE in the absence of hunger. Overweight children consumed 6.5% more energy at dinner (p < 0.001) and 14% more energy in the absence of hunger (p < 0.001) than non‐overweight children. Significant heritabilities were seen for EAH (h2 = 0.51) and dinner intake (h2 = 0.52) and for fasting levels of ghrelin (h2 = 0.67), amylin (h2 = 0.37), insulin (h2 = 0.37), and leptin (h2 = 0.34). Genetic correlations were seen between eating behavior and fasting hormones, suggesting common underlying genes affecting their expression. Discussion: This research provides new evidence that overweight Hispanic children exhibit elevated levels of hyperphagic eating behaviors that are influenced by genetic endowment.  相似文献   
Objective: The objective was to investigate whether calcium intake is independently associated with body fat in peripubertal girls. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 45 healthy premenarcheal girls (initially 10.5 ± 0.6 years of age) completed a 2‐year prospective observational study. Percent body fat and trunk fat (by DXA), height, weight, maturational stage, and eating attitudes (children's Eating Attitudes Test [EAT]) were measured at baseline and at 1 and 2 years. Physical activity (by questionnaire) and calcium intake (by calcium‐specific food frequency questionnaire and 3‐day food records) were assessed at 6‐month intervals. Results: Girls with 2‐year mean calcium intake below and above the median had similar age, height, lean mass, and maturational stage at baseline, but girls below the median had significantly higher baseline percentage body fat (29.3 ± 10.3% vs. 22.0 ± 6.8%, p < 0.01) and trunk fat (24.2 ± 10.6% vs. 15.8 ± 6.8%, p < 0.01). However, differences were no longer significant when covariates (most notably children's EAT dieting score) were considered. Regression analysis revealed that dieting score was a consistent positive predictor of percentage body and trunk fat at all cross‐sectional time‐points, accounting for >20% of the variance, but did not predict 2‐year change in percentage fat. Calcium intake did not enter longitudinal regression equations for 2‐year change in percentage fat. Discussion: In this group of girls, an inverse cross‐sectional association between calcium intake and body fat appeared to result from avoidance of foods high in calcium by girls who were concerned about their body weight or shape. Calcium intake was not associated with change in fat over time.  相似文献   
Objective: The objective was to test the hypothesis that, in women, the association between obesity and impairment in psychosocial functioning is mediated by levels of weight and shape concerns and/or binge‐eating frequency. Research Methods and Procedures: Self‐report measures of eating disorder psychopathology, mental health functioning, subjective quality of life in the psychological and social domains, and days “out‐of‐role” associated with any (physical or mental) health problem, were completed by a community sample of women classified as obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2, n = 639) or non‐obese (BMI <30 kg/m2, n = 4253). For each of the dependent measures, regression models were used to test the hypothesis of mediation by comparing the strength of the relationship between independent and dependent variables with and without inclusion of the putative mediator in the regression model. Results: On each measure, the conditions for perfect mediation were satisfied when weight or shape concerns acted as the putative mediator, indicating that there was no association between obesity and functional impairment after controlling for weight or shape concerns. In contrast, associations between obesity and impairment in psychosocial functioning remained highly significant when binge‐eating frequency was the putative mediator. Discussion: The findings suggest that in women, weight and shape concerns are an important mediator of the relationship between obesity and impairment in psychosocial functioning, whereas binge eating may not be of primary importance. A greater focus on body acceptance in obesity treatment may be indicated.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim was to investigate the association between breakfast consumption and long‐term weight gain in an adult male population. Research Methods and Procedures: We evaluated prospective data on 20,064 U.S men, 46 to 81 years of age, who participated in the Health Professionals Follow‐up Study. Data on body weight, dietary factors, and lifestyle variables were obtained by validated questionnaires. We examined weight gain during 10 years of follow‐up. Results: Overall, 5857 men had a weight gain of 5 kg or greater during 10 years of follow‐up. Breakfast consumption was inversely associated with the risk of 5‐kg weight gain after adjustment for age [hazard ratio (HR) = 0.77 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72 to 0.82)], and this association was independent of lifestyle and BMI at baseline [HR = 0.87 (95% CI, 0.82 to 0.93)]. Fiber and nutrient intakes partially explained the association between breakfast consumption and weight gain. The inverse association between breakfast consumption and weight gain was more pronounced in men with a baseline BMI of 25 kg/m2 or lower [multivariate HR = 0.78 (95% CI, 0.70 to 0.87)] than in men who were overweight at baseline [HR = 0.92 (95% CI, 0.85 to 1.00)]. Furthermore, we observed that an increasing number of eating occasions in addition to three standard meals was associated with a higher risk of 5‐kg weight gain [HR = 1.15 (95% CI, 1.06 to 1.25, for ≥2 vs. 0 additional eating occasions)]. Discussion: These findings suggest that the consumption of breakfast may modestly contribute to the prevention of weight gain as compared with skipping breakfast in middle‐aged and older men.  相似文献   
Acute services for mental health crises are very important to service users and their supporters, and consume a substantial share of mental health resources in many countries. However, acute care is often unpopular and sometimes coercive, and the evidence on which models are best for patient experience and outcomes remains surprisingly limited, in part reflecting challenges in conducting studies with people in crisis. Evidence on best ap­proaches to initial assessment and immediate management is particularly lacking, but some innovative models involving extended assessment, brief interventions, and diversifying settings and strategies for providing support are potentially helpful. Acute wards continue to be central in the intensive treatment phase following a crisis, but new approaches need to be developed, evaluated and implemented to reducing coercion, addressing trauma, diversifying treatments and the inpatient workforce, and making decision‐making and care collaborative. Intensive home treatment services, acute day units, and community crisis services have supporting evidence in diverting some service users from hospital admission: a greater understanding of how best to implement them in a wide range of contexts and what works best for which service users would be valuable. Approaches to crisis management in the voluntary sector are more flexible and informal: such services have potential to complement and provide valuable learning for statutory sector services, especially for groups who tend to be underserved or disengaged. Such approaches often involve staff with personal experience of mental health crises, who have important potential roles in improving quality of acute care across sectors. Large gaps exist in many low‐ and middle‐income countries, fuelled by poor access to quality mental health care. Responses need to build on a foundation of existing community responses and contextually relevant evidence. The necessity of moving outside formal systems in low‐resource settings may lead to wider learning from locally embedded strategies.  相似文献   
The term "proteome" describes the protein complement of a genome. Proteomes of cells are dynamic and are directly affected by environmental factors, such as stress and/or drug treatment, or as a result of aging and disease. One of the distinct advantages of proteomic analysis, not attainable with RNA expression data, is the ability to fractionate the cell's proteins into various subpopulations. In neuroscience, "neuromics" (proteomics in the central nervous system) is in its infancy, with a paucity of studies in the context of the brain. One of the objectives of this review is to illustrate the potential of neuromics to profile differences in the distribution of thousands of proteins as a function of disease markers. We have previously used this approach to determine the effects of varied postmortem interval in examining human brain tissue and to identify biomarkers. Here we review proteomic studies of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Experimental results regarding Parkinson's disease are presented to illustrate the potential of neuromics to identify pathways of pathogenesis and novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
The chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera) that develop in fig tree inflorescences(Ficus: Moraceae) have often been used to study alternativereproductive behaviors. However, recent work suggests that suchbehaviors are more complex than previously thought. We investigatedthis in Otitesella longicauda and O. rotunda. In addition toknown dimorphisms in the two species (each have "religiosa"males that use their mandibles to fight for mates in the fig,and "digitata" males that disperse from the fig to mate), wefound that religiosa males below species-specific body sizeswitch points have relatively larger mandibles and are lesssclerotized than those above. Thus, they are actually trimorphic.We suggest that the religiosa morph variation is linked to fighter/nonfighteralternative mating behaviors, with small (nonfighting) maleshaving relatively larger mandibles because they also use themto pull females out of their galls before mating. Also, we investigatedthe determinants of wasp body size, and whether females (foundresses)adjust their offspring allocation strategies according to expectedoffspring size. We found that wasp size is larger in ovariesnear the center of the fig, and more females and fewer religiosamales are laid in such ovaries than in those further away. Thisprobably indicates that foundresses lay females when they areexpected to be large because their fitness is more body size–dependentthan that of religiosa males. We then discuss the implicationsof our findings for the study of alternative reproductive behaviorsand foundress offspring allocation strategies.  相似文献   
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