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In order to probe structure–activity relationships of association with ferriprotoporphyrin IX (log K) and inhibition of β-hematin formation, a series of 4-aminoquinolines with varying substituents at the 7-position (X) have been synthesized. These have been further elaborated by introduction of two different R groups on the 4-amino nitrogen atom in the form of methyl (R = Me) and ethylamine (R = EtNH2) side chains. Data for a previously investigated series containing an N,N-diethyl-ethylamine side chain were also compared with the findings of this study. Experimentally, log K values for the simple 4-aminoquinoline series (R = H) were found to correlate with the hydrophobicity constant (π) of the group X. The log K values for the series with R = Me and EtNH2 were found to correlate with those of the series with R = H. The log of the 50% β-hematin inhibitory activity (log BHIA50) was found to correlate with log K and either meta (σm) or para (σp) Hammett constants for the series with R = Me and EtNH2, but not the simple series with R = H. To further improve predictability, correlations with ab initio electrostatic parameters, namely Mulliken and CHelpG charges were investigated. The best correlations were found with CHelpG charges which indicated that log K values can be predicted from the charges on atom H-8 and the group X in the quinolinium species computed in vacuum, while log BHIA50 values can be predicted from the CHelpG charges on C-7, C-8 and N-1 for the neutral species in vacuum. These correlations indicate that association and inhibition of β-hematin formation are separately determined. They also suggest that electron withdrawing groups at the 7-position, but not necessarily hydrophobic groups are required for hemozoin inhibition. The upshot is that the correlations imply that considerably more hydrophilic hemozoin inhibitors are feasible.  相似文献   
Human cystathionine β-synthase (CBS), a pivotal enzyme in the metabolism of homocysteine, is a pyridoxal-5′-phosphate-dependent enzyme that also contains heme, a second cofactor whose function is still unclear. One strategy for elucidation of heme function is its replacement with different metalloporphyrins or with porphyrins containing different substituent groups. This paper describes a novel expression approach and purification of cobalt CBS (CoCBS), which results in a high yield of fully active, high purity enzyme, in which heme is substituted by Co-protoporphyrin IX (CoPPIX). Metal content analysis showed that the enzyme contained 92% cobalt and 8% iron. CoCBS was indistinguishable from wild-type FeCBS in its activity, tetrameric oligomerization, PLP saturation and responsiveness to the allosteric activator, S-adenosyl-l-methionine. The observed biochemical and spectral characteristics of CoCBS provide further support for the suggestion that heme is involved in structural integrity and folding of this unusual enzyme.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the interaction of antimalarial compounds with ferriprotoporphyrin IX (Fe(III)PPIX), association constants of pyridines, imidazoles, amines and phenolates with Fe(III)PPIX and protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) have been measured spectrophotometrically in 40% (v/v) aq. DMSO at pH 7.4. The pH independent log association constants for coordination of nitrogen donor ligands exhibit a linear free energy relationship (LFER) with the pKa of the donor atom. Association through π-stacking interactions (log Kπ) with PPIX and Fe(III)PPIX increases with the number of π-electrons in the aromatic ring system. These findings indicate that in the aqueous milieu of the malaria parasite digestive vacuole, coordination to the Fe(III) center of the porphyrin is necessarily very weak, while π-stacking interactions will be much stronger. On the other hand, in environments in which proton competition is absent, coordination will dominate, with the most basic donor atoms forming the strongest complexes with Fe(III)PPIX. The lipid nanospheres within the digestive vacuole which are now known to be the location of conversion of Fe(III)PPIX to hemozoin could possibly be such an environment, making both types of interaction relevant to the design of new hemozoin inhibitors.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is a zinc metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration of CO2. CAIX is overexpressed in many types of cancer, including breast cancer, but is most frequently absent in corresponding normal tissues. CAIX expression is strongly induced by hypoxia and is significantly associated with tumor grade and poor survival. Herein, we show that hypoxia induces a significant increase in CAIX protein in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Using a unique mass spectrophotometric assay, we demonstrate that CAIX activity in plasma membranes isolated from MDA-MB-231 is correlated with CAIX content. We also show that CAIX exists predominantly as a dimeric, high-mannose N-linked glycoprotein. While there is some evidence that the dimeric form resides specifically in lipid rafts, our data do not support this hypothesis. EGF, alone, did not affect the distribution of CAIX into lipid rafts. However, acute EGF treatment in the context of hypoxia increased the amount of CAIX in lipid rafts by about 5-fold. EGF did not stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of CAIX, although EGFR and down-stream signaling pathways were activated by EGF. Interestingly, hypoxia activated Akt independent of EGF action. Together, these data demonstrate that the active form of CAIX in the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line is dimeric but that neither lipid raft localization nor phosphorylation are likely required for its dimerization or activity.  相似文献   
Here, we show that hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a potent neutrophil-generated oxidant, can mediate destruction of free heme (Ht) and the heme precursor, protoporphyrin IX (PPIX). Ht displays a broad Soret absorbance peak centered at 365 and 394 nm, indicative of the presence of monomer and μ-oxo-dimer. Oxidation of Ht by HOCl was accompanied by a marked decrease in the Soret absorption peak and release of free iron. Kinetic measurements showed that the Ht-HOCl reaction was triphasic. The first two phases were HOCl concentration dependent and attributable to HOCl binding to the monomeric and dimeric forms. The third phase was HOCl concentration independent and attributed to Ht destruction with the release of free iron. HPLC and LC-ESI-MS analyses of the Ht-HOCl reaction revealed the formation of a number of degradation products, resulting from the cleavage or modification of one or more carbon-methene bridges of the porphyrin ring. Similar studies with PPIX showed that HOCl also mediated tetrapyrrole ring destruction. Collectively, this work demonstrates the ability of HOCl to modulate destruction of heme, through a process that occurs independent of the iron molecule that resides in the porphyrin center. This phenomenon may play a role in HOCl-mediated oxidative injury in pathological conditions.  相似文献   
A series of compounds incorporating regioisomeric phenylethynylbenzenesulfonamide moieties has been investigated for the inhibition of four human carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC isoforms, hCA I, II, IX and XII. Inhibition between the low nanomolar to the milliomolar range has been observed against them, with several low nanomolar and tumor-CA selective inhibitors detected. The position of the sulfamoyl group with respect to the alkyne functionality, and the nature of the moieties substituting the second aromatic ring were the principal structural features influencing CA inhibition. The para-sulfamoyl-substituted derivatives were effective inhibitors of CA IX and XII, the meta-substituted regioisomers of CA I, IX and XII, whereas the ortho-substituted sulfonamides were weak inhibitors of CA I, II and IX, but inhibited significantly CA XII.  相似文献   
Experiments with the transmembrane (TM) domains of the glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex have indicated that the associations between the TM domains of these subunits play an important role in the proper assembly of the complex. As a first step toward understanding these associations, we previously found that the Ibβ TM domain dimerized strongly in Escherichia coli cell membranes and led to Ibβ TM-CYTO (cytoplasmic domain) dimerization in the SDS-PAGE assay, while neither Ibα nor IX TM-CYTO was able to dimerize. In this study, we used the TOXCAT assay to probe the Ibβ TM domain dimerization interface by Ala- and Leu-scanning mutagenesis. Our results show that this interface is based on a leucine zipper-like heptad repeat pattern of amino acids. Mutating either one of polar residues Gln129 or His139 to Leu or Ala disrupted Ibβ TM dimerization dramatically, indicating that polar residues might form part of the leucine zipper-based dimerization interface. Furthermore, these specific mutational effects in the TOXCAT assay were confirmed in the thiol-disulfide exchange and SDS-PAGE assays. The computational modeling studies further revealed that the most likely leucine zipper interface involves hydrogen bonding of Gln129 and electrostatic interaction of the His139 side chain. Correlation of computer modeling results with experimental mutagenesis studies on the Ibβ TM domain may provide insights for understanding the role of the association of TM domains on the assembly of GP Ib-IX complex.  相似文献   
Jasmonates (JAs) are the well characterized fatty acid-derived cyclopentanone signals involved in the plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses. JAs have been shown to regulate many aspects of plant metabolism, including glucosinolate biosynthesis. Glucosinolates are natural plant products that function in defense against herbivores and pathogens. In this study, we applied a proteomic approach to gain insight into the physiological processes, including glucosinolate metabolism, in response to methyl jasmonate (MeJA). We identified 194 differentially expressed protein spots that contained proteins that participated in a wide range of physiological processes. Functional classification analysis showed that photosynthesis and carbohydrate anabolism were repressed after MeJA treatment, while carbohydrate catabolism was up-regulated. Additionally, proteins related to the JA biosynthesis pathway, stress and defense, and secondary metabolism were up-regulated. Among the differentially expressed proteins, many were involved in oxidative tolerance. The results indicate that MeJA elicited a defense response at the proteome level through a mechanism of redirecting growth-related metabolism to defense-related metabolism.  相似文献   
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