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基于冠层反射光谱的棉花干物质积累量估测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过分析不同施氮水平下棉花地上部干物质积累量与冠层光谱反射率及其衍生的比值植被指数(RVI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)及差值植被指数(DVI)之间的关系,确立了棉花地上部干物质积累量的敏感波段及预测模型.结果表明:两个可见光波段(560和710 nm)和5个近红外波段(810、870、950、1 100和1 220 nm)组成的植被指数与棉花地上部干物质积累量的相关性较好,其中RVI(1 100, 560)的相关性最好.通过逐步回归分析确立的棉花地上部干物质积累量的预测模型为:地上部干物质积累量(g·m-2)=66.274×RVI(1 100, 560)-148.84.说明通过遥感手段估测棉花地上部干物质积累量是可行的.  相似文献   
荆条叶性状对野外不同光环境的表型可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜宁  张秀茹  王炜  陈华  谭向峰  王仁卿  郭卫华 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6049-6059
光照是影响植物生长和分布的重要环境因子。对生长在野外5种不同光环境下(林外、阔叶林林缘、阔叶林林下、针叶林林窗和针叶林林下)的荆条的叶片进行取样研究,通过对光合作用光响应曲线、叶绿素荧光、叶绿素含量、叶片氮磷含量以及叶片形态的测量,来反映荆条对不同光环境的表型可塑性。研究结果表明,荆条叶片对于野外不同的光环境具有很好的适应机制,叶片功能性状受到结构性状的调节。低光下通过高的比叶面积(SLA)、单位质量叶绿素含量、光系统II最大量子产量,低的暗呼吸速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、叶绿素a,b的比值来提高对光能的利用效率,维持生长;高光下则通过与SLA有关的叶片结构的变化对光合作用进行调节。大多数的叶性状只受到日光照总量的影响,SLA的大小与日最高光强有关,可以对不同日变化模式的光照做出迅速的响应,是适应不同光照的敏感指标。尽管光照是不同光环境下影响荆条叶性状的主要环境因子,土壤养分含量同样会对叶性状产生影响,高土壤养分下的高叶长与叶柄长的比值体现了植物对资源获取和支撑结构之间分配的权衡。  相似文献   
长白山国家级自然保护区植被时空变化及其驱动因子   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张建亮  刘方正  崔国发 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3525-3536
基于MODIS NDVI数据,采用一元线性回归趋势分析和相关系数检验法对长白山国家级保护区2000—2010年间植被时空变化及其驱动因子进行研究。结果表明:10年来,长白山国家级自然保护区中88.95%的植被保持稳定,9.71%的植被显著改善,1.34%的植被显著退化,植被的总体保护效果较好。从植被变化的驱动因子来看,气温对植被的影响略强于降雨,气温和降雨与植被变化的关系总体上都呈负相关,但显著相关的面积均不足8%,10年间气温和降雨对自然保护区内植被的影响总体有限。自然保护区内不同地形上的植被变化存在一定空间差异,海拔1 800 m以上,坡度26°—35°范围内的岳桦林和苔原植被出现较明显退化。自然保护区内规模日益扩大的旅游活动以及不合理的开发建设与部分植被的退化有一定关系。尽管自然保护区内植被显著退化的面积仅占1.34%,但必须引起管理部门的高度重视。据此,提出三点建议以更有效地保护现有植被和恢复已退化植被,为长白山国家级自然保护区的科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   
This study considered the possibility of using plant community phytomass for the assessment of soil pollution with heavy metals (HM) from industrial wastes. The three-year-long field experiment was run under the regional natural meadow vegetation; the polymetallic galvanic slime was used as an industrial waste contaminant. It is shown that soil contamination primarily causes decrease of phytomass in the growing phytocenosis. The vegetation experiments determined nonlinear dependence of cultivated and wild plant biomass on the level of soil contamination; it is described by the equations of logistic and Gaussian regression. In the absence of permanent contaminants, the soil is self-cleaned over time. It reproduces phytomass mainly due to the productivity increase of the most pollution-tolerant species in the remaining phytocenosis. This phenomenon is defined as environmental hysteresis. Soil pollution by industrial waste leads to the loss of plant biodiversity. The research shows that the study of the HM impact on ecosystems is expedient given the consideration of the “soil–phytocenosis–pollutant” complex in the “dose–response” aspect. The reaction of phytocenosis on HM showing decline in phytomass leads to serious limitations in the choice of accumulating plants, because the adsorbed HM are rejected through phytomass.  相似文献   
The effects of UV-B radiation on European heathland species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Björn  L. O.  Callaghan  T. V.  Johnsen  I.  Lee  J. A.  Manetas  Y.  Paul  N. D.  Sonesson  M.  Wellburn  A. R.  Coop  D.  Heide-Jørgensen  H. S.  Gehrke  C.  Gwynn-Jones  D.  Johanson  U.  Kyparissis  A.  Levizou  E.  Nikolopoulos  D.  Petropoulou  Y.  Stephanou  M. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):253-264
The effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on three examples of European shrub-dominated vegetation were studied in situ. The experiments were in High Arctic Greenland, northern Sweden and Greece, and at all sites investigated the interaction of enhanced UV-B radiation (simulating a 15% reduction in the ozone layer) with artificially increased precipitation. The Swedish experiment also involved a study of the interaction between enhanced UV-B radiation and elevated CO2 (600 ppm). These field studies were supported by an outdoor controlled environment study in the United Kingdom involving modulated enhancement of UV-B radiation in combination with elevated CO2 (700 ppm). Effects of the treatments on plant growth, morphology, phenology and physiology were measured. The effects observed were species specific, and included both positive and negative responses to the treatments. In general the negative responses to UV-B treatments of up to three growing seasons were small, but included reductions in shoot growth and premature leaf senescence. Positive responses included a marked increase in flowering in some species and a stimulation of some photosynthetic processes. UV-B treatment enhanced the drought tolerance of Pinus pinea and Pinus halepensis by increasing leaf cuticle thickness. In general, there were few interactions between the elevated CO2 and enhanced UV-B treatments. There was evidence to suggest that although the negative responses to the treatments were small, damage may be increasing with time in some long-lived woody perennials. There was also evidence in the third year of treatments for effects of UV-B on insect herbivory in Vaccinium species. The experiments point to the necessity for long-term field investigations to predict the likely ecological consequences of increasing UV-B radiation.  相似文献   
Measurements of the organic carbon inventory, its stable isotopic composition and radiocarbon content were used to deduce vegetation history from two soil profiles in arboreal and grassy savanna ecotones in the Brazilian Pantanal. The Pantanal is a large floodplain area with grass-dominated lowlands subject to seasonal flooding, and arboreal savanna uplands which are only rarely flooded. Organic carbon inventories were lower in the grassy savanna site than in the upland arboreal savanna site, with carbon decreasing exponentially with depth from the surface in both profiles. Changes in 13C of soil organic matter (SOM) with depth differed markedly between the two sites. Differences in surface SOM 13C values reflect the change from C3 to C4 plants between the sites, as confirmed by measurements of 13C of vegetation and the soil surface along a transect between the upland closed-canopy forest and lowland grassy savanna. Changes of 13C in SOM with depth at both sites are larger than the 3–4 per mil increases expected from fractionation associated with organic matter decomposition. We interpret these as recording past changes in the relative abundance of C3 and C4 plants at these sites. Mass balances with 14C and 13C suggest that past vegetational changes from C3 to C4 plants in the grassy savanna, and in the deeper part of the arboreal savanna, occurred between 4600 and 11 400 BP, when major climatic changes were also observed in several places of the South American Continent. The change from C4 to C3, observed only in the upper part of the arboreal savanna, was much more recent (1400 BP), and was probably caused by a local change in the flooding regime.  相似文献   
以北京地区油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林不同演替类型林分为研究对象,研究油松纯林、油松-栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)混交林和栓皮栎纯林三种不同演替类型林分的空间结构、林下植被和土壤水分的变化规律及其相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)林分水平及垂直空间结构、草本层物种多样性、更新幼树生长、土壤持水和透气性能等指标在三种不同演替类型林分间差异显著(P<0.05),林分空间结构参数中的角尺度、林层指数和开敞度显著影响了各类型林分的灌草多样性,混交度、林层指数和大小比数显著影响了更新幼树的生长,混交度和林层指数显著影响了土壤水分的变化(P<0.05)。(2)松栎混交林灌草生物量、天然更新幼树的生长以及土壤水分物理状况均好于纯林,并主要受林分混交度和林层指数的共同作用。(3)各演替类型林分内均存在栓皮栎更新幼树,混交林栓皮栎更新幼树数量最多、长势最好,对林地资源的竞争最为激烈。因此,可以通过调整林分空间结构实现种间关系及林地资源的调控,以充分发挥森林生态系统的各项功能与价值。  相似文献   
王琴  陈远  禹洋  向左甫 《生物多样性》2021,29(7):995-84
孢子植物物种多样性丰富, 是自然生态系统的重要组成部分。孢子植物的传播通常被认为主要依靠风、水、弹力等非生物媒介, 而动物的作用往往被忽略。本文主要概述了: (1)孢子植物对动物传播的适应: 一方面孢子植物可为动物提供食物、庇护所、繁殖场所等, 另一方面孢子植物也可产生视觉、嗅觉等方面的线索来吸引动物, 从而促进动物传播其繁殖体。(2)动物对孢子植物的传播模式: 包括体内传播(消化道和组织寄生)和体外传播两种, 这些模式都能对孢子植物繁殖体进行有效传播。由于动物间形态或生活习性的不同, 以致传播距离存在差异, 最短距离为0.1 cm, 最长距离可从北半球至南半球。(3)动物对孢子植物传播的生态与进化意义; 由于某些孢子植物繁殖体的结构特点或萌发的需求, 以致其繁殖体只能通过动物的传播才能得以定殖, 因此动物与孢子植物之间存在密不可分的关系。目前, 动物对孢子植物的传播研究主要是描述性的内容以及研究单方面的传播途径, 建议在今后的研究中考虑动物对孢子植物传播的有效性以及多途径同时传播对孢子植物定殖的影响, 同时应更加关注孢子植物和动物互惠关系的形成、维持机制及将来的进化趋势。  相似文献   
遥感技术已成为大尺度植被分类的重要手段,而地面植物群落特征与其光谱特征之间的关系是解译遥感影像的关键。该研究选择上海崇明东滩自然保护区的盐沼植物群落为对象,应用ASD地物光谱仪测定其植物群落的光谱反射率,并采用10个小型机载成像光谱仪(CASI)默认植被波段组,应用主分量分析法和相关分析分析了不同群落光谱特征与生态环境因子之间的关系。分析结果表明,间接排序法PCA能够识别盐沼植被中光滩、海三棱 草(Scirpus mariqueter)群落、芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)等群落的光谱特征,绝大多数盐沼湿地植物群落组成与光谱特征之间有显著的相关,识别效果最好的波段组是736~744 nm、746~753 nm、775~784 nm、815~824 nm和860~870 nm;对光谱反射率影响最大的生态环境因子分别是植物群落的高度和盖度,高程和其它环境因子的影响次之。研究成果可为遥感监测崇明东滩自然保护区内入侵种互花米草的空间分布和扩散规律提供技术支撑,为高光谱遥感影像的影像判读和解译分类以及盐沼湿地植被制图提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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