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A Bacillus strain,denoted as PY-1,was isolated from the vascular bundle of cotton.Biochemical,physiological and 16S rDNA sequence analysis proved that it should belong to Bacillus subtilis.The PY-1strain showed strong ability against many common plant fungal pathogens in vitro.The antibiotics producedby this strain were stable in neutral and basic conditions,and not sensitive to high temperature.From theculture broth of PY-1 strain,five antifungal compounds were isolated by acidic precipitation,methanolextraction,gel filtration and reverse-phase HPLC.Advanced identification was performed by mass spec-trometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.These five antifungal compounds were proved to bethe isomers of iturin A:A2,A3,A4,A6 and A7.In fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry/mass spec-trometry collision-induced dissociation spectra,fragmentation ions from two prior linear acylium ions wereobserved,and the prior ion,Tyr-Asn-Gln-Pro-Asn-Ser-βAA-Asn-CO~ ,was first reported.  相似文献   
本文主要建立大熊猫与两种竹子共生生态系统三种群的微分方程模型,得到Volterra系统,此生态系统是捕食与被捕食关系.分析了该系统在平衡状态处的稳定性,证明了其全局稳定性.最后,通过有关数据的调控确定大熊猫种群数量范围以及计算出该生态系统在平衡状态处受到标准扰动后的恢复时间.  相似文献   
悬浮泥沙不仅影响水体的生态状况,而且对河口地貌及岸线的演变起到重要作用。高光谱技术可用于船载、机载及星载的光学传感器上,被认为是监测光学复杂水体的有效工具。为研究高光谱技术在河口悬浮泥沙监测应用中的可行性,于2004年5月及2006年8月,在珠江口进行了两个航次的现场水质采样及同步光谱测量。测量的原始遥感反射率光谱的分辨率为0.38nm,处理成为10nm的带宽,并进一步处理成导数光谱。以悬浮颗粒物(SPM)表征悬浮泥沙,分析了SPM和各光谱间的相关性。结果显示,一阶导数光谱,特别是605nm,可用于河口水体的SPM估算。该研究结果可应用到光学复杂河口水体的悬浮泥沙现场监测,并且对Hyperion及环境1号等卫星成像高光谱数据有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   
Ofuya  T. I. 《BioControl》1986,31(4):331-335
Consumption of larvae and females ofAphis craccivora Koch by 1st and 4th larvae and adults ofCheilomenes vicina (Muls.) was studied under fluctuating temperature (24–30°C). The early aphid instars were consumed in significantly greater numbers than later instars and females. The feeding rates ofC. vicina were significantly positively correlated with the population density of prey. The number of prey consumed daily by each predator stage tested, increased more steeply at lower than at higher prey densities, exhibiting thus the type 2 functional response
Résumé Consommation des larves et des ♀ d'Aphis craccivora par les11e stades, les 4e stades et les adultes deCheilomenes vicina a été étudiée à une température variant de 24 à 30°C. Les jeunes stades du puceron sont consommés en nombre plus grand significativement que les derniers stades et les ♂. Les taux d'alimentation deC. vicina manifestent une corrélation hautement significative avec la densité de population de la proie. Le nombre de proies consommées quotidiennement par chaque stade considéré du prédateur augmentait plus brusquement aux faibles qu'aux fortes densités de proies, manifestant ainsi chez le prédateur le type 2 de réponse fonctionnelle.
1.  Most studies examining interactions between insectivorous bats and tympanate prey use the echolocation calls of aerially-feeding bats in their analyses. We examined the auditory responses of noctuid (Eurois astricta) and notodontid (Pheosia rimosa) moth to the echolocation call characteristics of a gleaning insectivorous bat, Myotis evotis.
2.  While gleaning, M. Evotis used short duration (mean ± SD = 0.66 ± 0.28 ms, Table 2), high frequency, FM calls (FM sweep = 80 – 37 kHz) of relatively low intensity (77.3 + 2.9, –4.2 dB SPL). Call peak frequency was 52.2 kHz with most of the energy above 50 kHz (Fig. 1).
3.  Echolocation was not required for prey detection or capture as calls were emitted during only 50% of hovers and 59% of attacks. When echolocation was used, bats ceased calling 324.7 (±200.4) ms before attacking (Fig. 2), probably using prey-generated sounds to locate fluttering moths. Mean call repetition rate during gleaning attacks was 21.7 (±15.5) calls/s and feeding buzzes were never recorded.
4.  Eurois astricta and P. rimosa are typical of most tympanate moths having ears with BFs between 20 and 40 kHz (Fig. 3); apparently tuned to the echolocation calls of aerially-feeding bats. The ears of both species respond poorly to the high frequency, short duration, faint stimuli representing the echolocation calls of gleaning M. evotis (Figs. 4–6).
5.  Our results demonstrate that tympanate moths, and potentially other nocturnal insects, are unable to detect the echolocation calls typical of gleaning bats and thus are particularly susceptible to predation.
曝氧后,棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii)固氮酶钼铁蛋白的催化活性和圆二色信号都显著降低,而吸收光谱则显著增加。与钼、铁、硫化合物和二硫苏糖醇组成的重组溶液保温后,曝氢蛋白的圆二色信号和吸收光谱几乎完全恢复至天然状态的同时,乙炔还原活性也得到了显著的恢复,表明重组溶液可使曝氧蛋白中的 P-cluster和其它活性部位都得到了不同程度的修复。  相似文献   
阿胶冲剂与阿胶的化学成分对比分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿胶在我国有着悠久的历史,是常用滋补中药,具有许多特殊的功效,国内外享有盛誉。据《本草纲目》及《本草纲目拾遗》等介绍,阿胶在明代以前系用(沙牛)牛,水牛,驴皮或猪、马、驼皮等杂皮熬制而成。自清代始一律采用黑驴皮熬制。以往服用阿胶必须将阿胶先用水浸泡后,然后加热溶解后才能服用.为了克服这一缺点,山东化工学院研制了一种用开水冲服的阿胶新制剂——阿胶冲剂.为了弄清阿胶经物理方法处理后的化学组成成份与原阿谱的化学组成成分的不同变化。我们对其所含微量元素、氨基酸进行了对比分析.另外,本文首次报道了阿胶及阿胶冲剂的红外光谱分析结果.  相似文献   
Leptodora kindti is a very efficient invertebrate predator. Its searching mode of preying is tactile. The setae of the first thoracic limb act as mechanoreceptors, the other thoracic limbs, thorax and head together form the shape of an open basket in which after encounter the prey is pushed in by the aid of the first thoracic limbs and the furca. In Neusiedler See, small individuals of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (0.6–0.9 mm) are the preferred prey, rarely copepods are taken. The predation rate is influenced by temperature, prey density and predator size and varies between less than one and 12 prey items per predator per day. At high predator densities, Leptodora will have a substantial effect on the Diaphanosoma population of Neusiedler See.  相似文献   
用玻璃微电极记录了猫小脑浦肯野细胞的简单锋电位(PC-SS)。在标准化互协方差函数图中,PC-SS自发放电无明显波峰;弱刺激隐神经只引起A类纤维传入时,PC-SS出现A类诱发放电反应(A-CED),它包括潜伏期为16.7±0.9ms的早反应和270.8±12.8ms的晚反应。用极化电流选择性阻滞A类纤维传导后,强刺激只引起C类纤维单独传入时,出现潜伏期为142.4±4.3ms的C类诱发反应(C-CED)。强刺激同时引起A类和C类纤维传入时,只出现A-CED而不出现C-CED。按标准化功率谱密度函数分析,PC-SS自发放电可分为两种类型。一类为高峰型,最大能量峰值平均为15.7±4.7×10~(-3),峰频为4.07±1.67Hz;刺激A类纤维使峰值增大,而刺激C类纤维却使峰值减小。另一类为低峰型,峰值为8.4±1.4×10~(-3),峰频为3.67±2.90Hz。刺激A类和C类纤维均使峰值增大,前者增大更多,但峰频均无显著性变化。上述结果表明,C类纤维传入可以到达小脑浦肯野细胞,引起特异的PC-SS放电反应。  相似文献   
正常小鼠高频心电图时域值和功率谱的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文用南京新博公司生产的NHE-1000型心电高频信息检测分析仪研究了正常小鼠(昆明种)高频心电图(HF-ECG)的时域值和QRS波群的功率谱。主要结果如下(以正导为例,-X±SD):心率603±88次/min(n=74);P-R间期相对较长。为34.9±4.7ms(n=58),占心动周期的34.9±4.9%,这与人类有很大的不同;QRS波宽9.2±1.2ms,占心动周期的9.2±1.4%(n=74),这一结果与以前的文献报道相差较大。T波宽10.3±3.2ms,占心动周期的10.3±3.2%;Q-T间期19.4±3.2ms,占心动周期的19.5±3.6%;QRS波群峰-峰值(Vp-p)为1.456±0.480mV;T波高0.336±0.115mV;73只动物Ⅱ导联高频切迹总数只有3个,扭挫26个。Ⅱ导联QRS波群的功率谱特点:0—80Hz的相对能量为45.48±15.32%;80—200Hz为43.97±9.95%;200—300Hz为8.89±7.38%;300—1000Hz为1.66±2.74%。  相似文献   
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