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Segmentation of the vertebrate embryo body is a fundamental developmental process that occurs with strict temporal precision. Temporal control of this process is achieved through molecular segmentation clocks, evidenced by oscillations of gene expression in the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM, precursor tissue of the axial skeleton) and in the distal limb mesenchyme (limb chondrogenic precursor cells). The first segmentation clock gene, hairy1, was identified in the chick embryo PSM in 1997. Ten years later, chick hairy2 expression unveils a molecular clock operating during limb development. This review revisits vertebrate embryo segmentation with special emphasis on the current knowledge on somitogenesis and limb molecular clocks. A compilation of human congenital disorders that may arise from deregulated embryo clock mechanisms is presented here, in an attempt to reconcile different sources of information regarding vertebrate embryo development. Challenging open questions concerning the somitogenesis clock are presented and discussed, such as When?, Where?, How?, and What for? Hopefully the next decade will be equally rich in answers. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:65–83, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF) and its receptor play an important role in embryogenesis. PDGF receptor α (PDGFRα) is expressed specifically in the embryonic day 7.5 (E7.5) mesoderm and in the E9.5 neural crest among other tissues. PDGFRα‐expressing cells and their descendants are involved in the formation of various tissues. To trace PDGFRα‐expressing cells in vivo, we generated a knock‐in mouse line that expressed a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP), Cre recombinase (Cre), and mutated estrogen receptor ligand‐binding domain (ERT2) under the control of the PDGFRα promoter. In these mice, Cre activity in PDGFRα‐expressing cells could be induced by tamoxifen treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that the knock‐in mouse line generated here could be useful for studying PDGFRα‐expressing cells and their descendants in vivo at various stages of development. genesis 53:329–336, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Signaling by members of TGF-β superfamily requires the activity of a family of site-specific endopeptidases, known as Subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPCs), which cleave these ligands into mature, active forms. To explore the role of SPCs in lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) differentiation in Xenopus, two SPC inhibitors, decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone (Dec-RVKR-CMK) and hexa-arginine, were injected into the left and right LPM of Xenopus neurulae. Left-side injection caused heart-specific left–right reversal, and this phenotype was rescued by co-injection of mature Nodal protein. In contrast, right-side injection caused left–right reversal of both the heart and gut. Tailbud embryos were less sensitive to SPC inhibitors than neurula embryos. Injection of inhibitors into either side of neurula embryos completely abolished expression of the left-LPM-specific genes, Xnr-1, antivin, and pitx2. SPC1 enzyme (Furin) was injected into the left or right LPM of mid-neurula embryos to determine the effect of enhancing SPC activity. Left-side injection of SPC1 did not cause a significant left–right reversal of the internal organs. However, right-side injection of SPC1 strongly induced the expression of Xnr-1 and pitx2 in the right LPM, and caused 100% left–right reversal of both the heart and gut. These results suggest that moderate level of SPC activity in the right LPM of the neurulae is necessary for proper left–right specification. Taken together, SPC enzymatic activity must be present in both LPMs for expression of the left-handed genes and left–right axis determination of the heart and gut in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   
In humans, holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a common birth defect characterized by the absence of midline cells from brain, facial, and oral structures. To understand the pathoetiology of HPE, we investigated the involvement of mammalian prechordal plate (PrCP) cells in HPE pathogenesis and the requirement of the secreted protein sonic hedgehog (Shh) in PrCP development. We show using rat PrCP lesion experiments and DiI labeling that PrCP cells are essential for midline development of the forebrain, foregut endoderm, and ventral cranial mesoderm in mammals. We demonstrate that PrCP cells do not develop into ventral cranial mesoderm in Shh−/− embryos. Using Shh−/− and chimeric embryos we show that Shh signal is required for the maintenance of PrCP cells in a non-cell autonomous manner. In addition, the hedgehog (HH)-responding cells that normally appear during PrCP development to contribute to midline tissues, do not develop in the absence of Shh signaling. This suggests that Shh protein secreted from PrCP cells induces the differentiation of HH-responding cells into midline cells. In the present study, we show that the maintenance of a viable population of PrCP cells by Shh signal is an essential process in development of the midline of the brain and craniofacial structures. These findings provide new insight into the mechanism underlying HPE pathoetiology during dynamic brain and craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   
The role of axial structures, especially the notochord, in metanephric kidney development has not been directly examined. Here, we showed that disruption of the notochord and floor plate by diphtheria toxin (DTA)-mediated cell ablation did not disrupt nephrogenesis, but resulted in kidney fusions, resembling horseshoe kidneys in humans. Axial disruptions led to more medially positioned metanephric mesenchyme (MM) in midgestation. However, neither axial disruption nor the ensuing positional shift of the MM affected the formation of nephrons and other structures within the kidney. Response to Shh signaling was greatly reduced in midline cell populations in the mutants. To further ascertain the molecular mechanism underlying these abnormalities, we specifically inactivated Shh in the notochord and floor plate. We found that depleting the axial source of Shh was sufficient to cause kidney fusion, even in the presence of the notochord. These results suggested that the notochord is dispensable for nephrogenesis but required for the correct positioning of the metanephric kidney. Axial Shh signal appears to be critical in conferring the effects of axial structures on kidney positioning along the mediolateral axis. These studies also provide insights into the pathogenesis of horseshoe kidneys and how congenital kidney defects can be caused by signals outside the renal primordia.  相似文献   
Studies of the programming of Hox patterns at anterior spinal levels suggest that these events are accomplished through an integration of Hensen's node-derived and paraxial mesoderm signaling. We have used in vivo tissue manipulation in the avian embryo to examine the respective roles of node- derived and other local signals in the programming of a Hox pattern at posterior spinal levels. Hoxd10 is highly expressed in the lumbosacral (LS) spinal cord and adjacent paraxial mesoderm. At stages of LS neural tube formation (stages 12-14), the tailbud contains the remnants of Hensen's node and the primitive streak. Hoxd10 expression was analyzed after transposition of LS neural segments with and without the tailbud, after isolation of normally positioned LS segments from the stage 13 tailbud, and after axial displacement of posterior paraxial mesoderm. Data suggest that inductive signals from the tailbud are primarily responsible for the programming of Hoxd10 at neural plate and the earliest neural tube stages. After these stages, the LS neural tube appears to differ from more anterior neural segments in its lack of dependence on Hox-inductive signals from local tissues, including paraxial mesoderm. Our data also suggest that a graded system of repressive signals for posterior Hox genes is present at cervical and thoracic levels and likely to originate from paraxial mesoderm.  相似文献   
 We report on a new zebrafish T-box-containing gene, tbx16. It encodes a message that is first detected throughout the blastoderm soon after the initiation of zygotic gene expression. Following gastrulation, expression becomes restricted to paraxial mesoderm and later primarily to the developing tail bud. To gain an evolutionary prospective on the potential function of this gene, we have analyzed its phylogenetic relationships to known T-box genes from other species. Zebrafish tbx16 is likely orthologous to the chicken Tbx6L and Xenopus Xombi/Antipodean/Brat/VegT genes. Our analysis also shows that zebrafish tbx6 and mouse Tbx6 genes are paralogous to zebrafish tbx16. We present evidence which argues, that despite the same name and similar expression, zebrafish tbx6 and mouse Tbx6 genes are not orthologous to each other but instead represent relatively distant paralogs. The expression patterns of all genes are discussed in the light of their evolutionary relationships. Received: 27 November 1997 / Accepted: 27 January 1998  相似文献   
The mesodermal region in Drosophila is determined by a maternally derived morphogenetic gradient system which specifies the different cell fates along the dorsoventral axis, including the prospective mesodermal cells at the ventral side of the embryo. There are at least two zygotic target genes, twist and snail, which are required for mesoderm formation in Drosophila. To analyze whether a similar mode of mesoderm specification might also apply to short germ band insect embryos, we have cloned twist and snail- related gene fragments from the flour beetle Tri-bolium and have analyzed their expression pattern. Both genes are expressed in a ventral stripe at early blastoderm stage, which is restricted to the region of the developing germ rudiment. The cells expressing the two genes are those that invaginate during gastrulation, indicating that the early stages of mesoderm specification are indeed very similar between the two species. Interestingly, both genes are also expressed during germband extension in a subregion of the growth zone of the embryo which forms the mesodermal cells. This suggests that the expression of the two genes is required for mesoderm formation both at early blastoderm stage and during germband elongation until the end of the segmental growth process. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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