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Agricultural wastes represent an important source of bio-energy and valuable products. In Egypt, 18% of the agricultural wastes is used directly as fertiliser. Another 30% is used as animal food. The remainder is burnt directly on the fields or is used for heating in the small villages, using low efficiency burners. These wastes can be used more efficiently as a source of energy and as organic fertiliser. The anaerobic bioconversion of these materials will result in a net energy production. The utilisation of agricultural wastes for the production of energy and compost, combined with using solar energy will save fossil fuel, improve health conditions and the general life quality in the villages. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary Germinable seed stores of 5- and 8-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mine pits in south-west Western Australia were assessed before and after burning. These seed stores were compared to those of adjacent unmined Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest, to identify at what age fire can be reintroduced, in order to measure restoration success and reduce fire hazard. Soils were sampled in early summer (before fire) and late autumn (after fire). Before fire, the mean topsoil seed bank of 5-year-old sites was 2121 seeds per m2 while 8-year-old sites had a mean of 1520 seeds per m2. Only the 5-year-old sites were significantly different from the forest mean of 1478 seeds per m2 for the same season. After summer burns (and possibly due to seasonal effects) topsoil seed banks of rehabilitated areas (sampled in autumn) decreased by an average of 53 per cent. Topsoil seed banks of 5–8-year-old sites were resistant to lower intensity burns, with 362 seeds per m2 of native species surviving mild burns and 108 seeds per m2 of native species surviving after an intense summer fire. The topsoil seed reserve of 5–8-year-old rehabilitated areas had a high proportion of annual weed species while the forest sites had high levels of subshrubs and native annuals. Low-intensity burns did not alter the composition of life-forms in the soil seed bank, while intense burns favoured annual weed and shrub species. The results indicate that it is not appropriate to introduce fire to rehabilitated areas before 8 years, due to limited fuel reduction benefits and possible adverse effects on obligate seeding species. The large proportion of weed species in the soil seed bank of young rehabilitated areas is a concern, and remains a major consideration for future disturbance of these areas.  相似文献   
The long-term viability of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations is jeopardized by increased urbanization and habitat degradation owing to fire suppression. Because the species' remaining natural habitats in the southeastern United States exist within a mosaic of anthropogenic land uses, it is important to understand demographic responses to contrasting land uses and habitat management regimes. We examined differences in demographic parameters among fire-suppressed sandhill, restored sandhill, and former sandhill (i.e., ruderal) land use-land cover (LULC) types at Archbold Biological Station in south-central Florida, USA. Using Program MARK, we estimated population size, and sex-specific and LULC-specific survivorship based on 6 years of mark-recapture data. We also analyzed individual growth trajectories and clutch sizes to determine whether growth rates or reproductive output differed among LULC types. Tortoises in an open, ruderal field occurred at a higher density (7.79/ha) than in adjacent restored (1.43/ha) or fire-suppressed (0.40/ha) sandhill. Despite this higher density, both adult survivorship and body size were significantly higher in the ruderal field. Furthermore, the larger female body size in the ruderal field likely contributed to increased annual survivorship and slightly larger average clutch sizes. We did not detect offsetting negative demographic effects; in particular, we did not find significant biological or statistical differences in body condition, asymptotic body size, or growth rate among the 3 LULC types. Our results suggest that anthropogenic, grass-dominated land-cover types may be important components of the habitat mosaic currently available to this at-risk species. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
基于功能性状的常绿阔叶植物防火性能评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物功能性状不仅便于评价植物的防火性能,也有利于筛选防火植物。本研究以宁波地区的29个常绿木本植物为对象,在测定植物比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶片含水量、枝条干物质含量和树皮厚度5个功能性状,以及鲜叶的7个防火性能指标的基础上,通过因子分析将防火性能指标划分为抗燃性fa(包含抗火性因子f1和燃烧速度因子f22个公因子)与燃烧性fb 2个防火因子,然后利用Pearson相关和偏相关建立了5个功能性状与各个防火因子的相关性,并对29物种的防火性能进行评价。结果表明:1)比叶面积和树皮厚度与抗火性因子f1,枝条干物质含量、树皮厚度和当年生叶片含水量与燃烧速度因子f2,比叶面积与抗燃性因子fa,叶片干物质含量、比叶面积和当年生叶片含水量与燃烧性因子fb间存在显著的相关关系;2)偏相关简化植物防火性状后,比叶面积和叶干物质含量分别对抗燃性因子fa与燃烧性因子fb的指示性最好;3)分别基于功能性状和燃烧试验的物种抗燃性排序相似度为0.80。本研究证明,基于简易观测的植物功能性状可较好地反映树种的抗火性和燃烧性,可作为植物防火性能有效的评价方法。  相似文献   
A large interannual variation of biomass burning emissions from Southeast Asia is asso-ciated with the ENSO events. During 1997/98 and 1994 El Nino years, uncontrolled wildfires of tropical rainforests and peat lands in Indonesia were enlarged due to a long drought. EnhancedCO injection into the upper troposphere from the intense Indonesian fires was clearly observed in the 8-year measurements from a regular flask sampling over the western Pacific using a JAL air-liner between Australia and Japan. This airliner observation also revealed that upper tropospheric CO_2 cycle largely changed during the 1997 El Nino year due partly to the biomass burning emis-sions. Widespread pollution from the biomass burnings in Southeast Asia was simulated using aCO tracer driven by a 3D global chemical transport model. This simulation indicates that tropical deep convections connected to rapid advection by the subtropical jet play a significant role in dis-persing biomass-burning emissions from Southeast Asia on a global scale.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of available nitrogen are critical determinants of the distribution and abundance of plants and animals in ecosystems. Evidence for the resource island theory suggests that soils below tree and shrub canopies contain higher amounts of resources, including available nitrogen, than are present in interspace areas. Disturbances, such as prescribed fire and tree removal, are common management practices in shrub-woodland ecosystems, but it is not known if these practices affect resource islands. We examined temporal variation in resource islands of available nitrogen and their retention after fire and woody plant removal. From August 1997 to October 1998, soil nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) were measured monthly from canopy and interspace plots within four juniper-sagebrush sites along a precipitation gradient in central Oregon, USA. At each site, soil samples were collected from untreated plots, plots in which woody plants were removed, and those treated with prescribed fire in fall 1997. In burned treatments, canopy concentrations were significantly higher than interspace concentrations throughout the measurement period. Canopy NO3 and NH4+ concentrations were significantly higher on burned vs. unburned treatments for four months after fire. After woody plant removal, NO3 and NH4+ concentrations did not differ from the controls. Untreated control areas had higher NO3 and NH4+ concentrations under juniper canopies for nearly all months. Wetter sites had smaller differences between canopy and interspace concentrations through time than did the two drier sites. In relation to NO3 and NH4+ in this ecosystem, resource islands appear to be more ephemeral in wetter sites, and more pronounced following fire disturbances than in controls or those treated by woody plant removal.  相似文献   
Closed-canopy upland hardwood stands often lack diverse understory structure and composition, limiting available nutrition for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) as well as nesting and foraging structure for other wildlife. Various regeneration methods can positively influence understory development; however, non-commercial strategies are needed to improve available nutrition in many stands, as some contain timber that is not ready to harvest and others are owned by landowners who are not interested in harvesting timber. Applications of herbicide and prescribed fire have improved availability of food and cover for deer and other wildlife in pine (Pinus spp.) systems. However, this strategy has not been evaluated in hardwood systems. To evaluate the influence of fire and herbicide treatments on available deer forage in upland hardwood systems, we measured forage availability and calculated nutritional carrying capacity (NCC) at 14% crude protein mixed diet, following 7 silvicultural treatments, including controls, in 4 mixed upland hardwood stands July–September 2007 and 2008. We compared NCC among forest treatments and within 4 paired warm-season forage food plots to evaluate the usefulness of food plots in areas where forests are managed. Nutritional carrying capacity estimates (deer days/ha) were greatest following canopy reduction with prescribed fire treatments in both years. Understory herbicide application did not affect species composition or NCC 1 year or 2 years post-treatment. Production of forage plantings exceeded that of forest treatments both years with the exception of early-maturing soybeans and retention cut with fire 2 years post-treatment. We encourage land managers to use canopy reducing treatments and low-intensity prescribed fire to increase available nutrition and improve available cover where needed in upland hardwood systems. In areas where deer density may limit understory development, high-quality forage food plots may be used to buffer browsing while strategies to reduce deer density and stimulate the forest understory are implemented. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Phloem transport stops transiently within dicot stems that are cooled rapidly, but the cause remains unknown. Now it is known that (1) rapid cooling depolarizes cell membranes giving a transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+, and (2) a rise of free calcium triggers dispersion of forisomes, which then occlude sieve elements (SEs) of fabacean plants. Therefore, we compared the effects of rapid chilling on SE electrophysiology, phloem transport and forisomes in Vicia faba. Forisomes dispersed after rapid cooling with a delay that was longer for slower cooling rates. Phloem transport stopped about 20 s after forisome dispersion, and then transport resumed and forisomes re‐condensed within similar time frames. Transport interruption and forisome dispersion showed parallel behaviour – a cooling rate‐dependent response, transience and desensitization. Chilling induced both a fast and a slow depolarization of SE membranes, the electrical signature suggesting strongly that the cause of forisome dispersion was the transient promotion of SE free calcium. This apparent block of SEs by dispersed forisomes may be assisted by other Ca2+‐dependent sealing proteins that are present in all dicots.  相似文献   
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