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The developing central nervous system is a primary target of ethanol toxicity. The teratogenic effect of ethanol may result from its action on prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are generated through the release of arachidonic acid (AA) by the action of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) on membrane-bound phospholipids and the catalytic conversion of AA to prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) by cyclo-oxygenase (COX). COX is expressed in two isoforms, constitutive COX1 and inducible COX2. Cultured astrocytes and neurons from immature cerebral cortex were used as in vitro models to investigate the effect of ethanol on PGE(2) synthesis. In both cell types, neither the activity nor the expression of cPLA(2) was affected by ethanol. PGE(2) was synthesized by astrocytes and neurons. Ethanol (200-400 mg/dL for 24 h) significantly increased PGE(2) production in both cell types and the ethanol-induced increase in PGE(2) accumulation in astrocytes was significantly greater than in neurons. These increases resulted from the effects of ethanol on COX. Overall COX activity was up-regulated by ethanol in astrocytes and neurons, and indomethacin, a nonselective blocker for COX, eliminated the ethanol-induced increases of COX activity in both cell types. Increased COX activity in astrocytes resulted from an increase in COX2 expression. NS-398, a selective COX2 blocker, completely inhibited ethanol-induced alterations in COX activity. In neurons, however, ethanol had a direct effect on COX activity in the absence of a change in COX expression. NS-398 only partially blocked ethanol-induced increases in neuronal COX activity. Thus, astrocytes are a primary target of ethanol and ethanol-induced increases in glial PGE(2) synthesis are mediated by COX, principally COX2. Ethanol toxicity may be mediated through PGE(2) in immature cortical cells.  相似文献   
Antibodies were raised against specific peptides from N-terminal regions of the alpha1 and alpha3 isoforms of the GABA(A) receptor, and used to assess the relative expression of these proteins in the superior frontal and primary motor cortices of 10 control, nine uncomplicated alcoholic and six cirrhotic alcoholic cases were matched for age and post-mortem delay. The regression of expression on post-mortem delay was not statistically significant for either isoform in either region. In both cortical areas, the regression of alpha1 expression on age differed significantly between alcoholic cases, which showed a decrease, and normal controls, which did not. Age had no effect on alpha3 expression. The alpha1 and alpha3 isoforms were found to be expressed differentially across cortical regions and showed a tendency to be expressed differentially across case groups. In cirrhotic alcoholics, alpha1 expression was greater in superior frontal than in motor cortex, whereas this regional difference was not significant in controls or uncomplicated alcoholics. In uncomplicated alcoholics, alpha3 expression was significantly lower in superior frontal than in motor cortex. Expression of alpha1 was significantly different from that of alpha3 in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, but not in controls. In motor cortex, there were no significant differences in expression between the isoforms in any case group.  相似文献   
The present experiments compared the noradrenaline and behavioural responses of inbred Maudsley reactive (MR) and non-reactive (MNRA) rats when they are exposed to the light or dark arena of a light/dark shuttle-box. Behavioural scores confirmed that both strains of rats perceived the light arena to be more aversive than the dark one. Using in vivo microdialysis, exposure to the light, but not the dark, arena was found to increase noradrenaline efflux in both the frontal cortex and the hypothalamus of MNRA and MR rats. However, whereas the increase in the frontal cortex of both strains and the hypothalamus of MR rats was transient, the hypothalamic response in MNRA rats was maintained throughout exposure to the test zone. Strain differences in activity/visit and time/visit were evident but it was not possible to discern whether this could be attributed to the strain difference in the hypothalamic noradrenaline response. Nevertheless, it remains possible that, by comparison with MR rats, the prolonged noradrenaline response in the hypothalamus of MNRA rats could contribute to their well-documented, greater resistance to aversive environmental stimuli.  相似文献   
Subcellular deposition of lipofuscin granules is a marker of aging. Human and rodent adrenal cortices accumulate lipofuscin granules with age, but the mechanism that leads to the accumulation is not known. The ultrastructural appearance of lipofuscin granules resembles that of secondary lysosomes. Since adrenocortical subcellular events are predominantly influenced by ACTH action, we therefore studied the effect of prolonged ACTH-stimulation on adrenocortical accumulation of secondary lysosome-like granules, designated herein as lipofuscin granules. Using aged Fischer 344 male rats as a model, we found that a 7 day ACTH stimulation exerts a reducing effect on adrenocortical lipofuscin accumulation. Thus, adrenocortical accumulation of lipofuscin granules with age in vivo may not be an irreversible process.  相似文献   
New class of therapies, including bipolar therapies (BPT) and paradoxical unipolar therapies (PUT) were firstly proposed in relation to a clinical insight and to some results of biological investigations, then they gave rise to mathematical modeling which brought a justification of these therapies, at least from a theoretical point of view. After recalling the mathematical model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples, and reporting the fundamental types of control simulation by means of it, we point out the validity of therapeutical applications inferred from this model. These therapy modalities, including BPT and PUT, now concern the following diseases: astrocytomas, epilepsia and trials on multiple sclerosis. Even if such attempts are in their early stage, noticeably for the last case where biological changes have mainly been studied, it seems that a large span of treatments is open to BPT and PUT. Improvement of these techniques in the future depends, in our opinion, on a parallel working on the dynamics of the mathematical model and the dynamics, perceived by clinical insight and confirmed by biological investigations, of the body reactions to such strategies. Justification of BPT and PUT was given, by resorting to the notion of pathological homeostasis which, too often, intervenes in order to nullify the effects of unilateral (not paradoxical) therapies. This research has elicited some therapies which use two agents with antagonistic effects or only an agent with effects similar to the agent already in excess in the body - in both cases at nearly physiological doses.  相似文献   
In cortical neurons, synaptic "noise" is caused by the nearly random release of thousands of synapses. Few methods are presently available to analyze synaptic noise and deduce properties of the underlying synaptic inputs. We focus here on the power spectral density (PSD) of several models of synaptic noise. We examine different classes of analytically solvable kinetic models for synaptic currents, such as the "delta kinetic models," which use Dirac delta functions to represent the activation of the ion channel. We first show that, for this class of kinetic models, one can obtain an analytic expression for the PSD of the total synaptic conductance and derive equivalent stochastic models with only a few variables. This yields a method for constraining models of synaptic currents by analyzing voltage-clamp recordings of synaptic noise. Second, we show that a similar approach can be followed for the PSD of the the membrane potential (Vm) through an effective-leak approximation. Third, we show that this approach is also valid for inputs distributed in dendrites. In this case, the frequency scaling of the Vm PSD is preserved, suggesting that this approach may be applied to intracellular recordings of real neurons. In conclusion, using simple mathematical tools, we show that Vm recordings can be used to constrain kinetic models of synaptic currents, as well as to estimate equivalent stochastic models. This approach, therefore, provides a direct link between intracellular recordings in vivo and the design of models consistent with the dynamics and spectral structure of synaptic noise.  相似文献   
Waves have long been thought to be a fundamental mechanism for communicating information within a medium and are widely observed in biological systems. However, a quantitative analysis of biological waves is confounded by the variability and complexity of the response. This paper proposes a robust technique for extracting wave structure from experimental data by calculating "wave subspaces" from the KL decomposition of the data set. If a wave subspace contains a substantial portion of the data set energy during a particular time interval, one can deduce the structure of the wave and potentially isolate its information content. This paper uses the wave subspace technique to extract and compare wave structure in data from three different preparations of the turtle visual cortex. The paper demonstrates that wave subspace caricatures from the three cortical preparations have qualitative similarities. In the numerical model, where information about the underlying dynamics is available, wave subspace landmarks are related to activation and changes in behavior of other dynamic variables besides membrane potential.  相似文献   
Visual cortical simple cells have been experimentally shown to reveal non-trivial spatio-temporal orientation tuning functions comprising different phases of specifically tuned enhanced and suppressed activity. A recently developed analytical method based on nonlinear neural field models suggests that such space-time responses should be approximately separable into a sum of temporally amplitude modulated Gaussian spatial components. In the present work, we investigate this possibility by means of numerical fits of sums of Gaussians to response functions observed in experiments and computer simulations. Because the theory relates each single component to a particular connectivity kernel between the underlying cell classes shaping the response, the relative contribution of feedforward and cortex-intrinsical excitatory and inhibitory feedback mechanisms to single cell tuning can be approached and quantified in experimental data.  相似文献   
An important subgroup of adhesion molecules is the superfamily of cadherins, which takes part in cell recognition and differentiation during development. To our knowledge only one study describing N-cadherin expression in developing human brain has been performed so far. Our aim is to identify N-cadherin expression to establish a relationship between its expression and function in human cerebral cortex during prenatal development. In the present study, localization and intensity of N-cadherin was investigated in developing cerebral cortex. Fetuses from spontaneous abortions (n=13) were obtained from first, second, and third trimesters. Western blot analysis revealed three bands and the third trimester samples showed the strongest bands for N-cadherin. Cell processes, axon bundles, and some of the developing neurons revealed immunoreactivity for N-cadherin throughout pregnancy. The immunoreactivity increased in the developing neocortex and expanded from the ventricular layer toward the marginal zone as development progressed. Moreover, the immunoreactivity was strong in vascular endothelium during all three trimesters. We conclude that N-cadherin is dynamically related to the organization of cerebral cortex layers during prenatal development. The dynamic expression pattern implicates N-cadherin as a potential regulator of cell migration, axon extension and fasciculation, the establishment of synaptic contacts, and neurovascular angiogenesis in the developing human cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
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