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We evaluated diet and morphology through ontogeny for a freshwater population of the Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma (Nandopsis) urophthalmus (Günther 1862) in Floridas Big Cypress National Preserve. This species is a generalist predator throughout ontogeny. Fish remained the primary prey item throughout ontogeny, but there was a shift from detritus and ostracods among juveniles to algae, gastropods (snails), decapods, Hymenoptera, and adult Diptera among adults. All morphological variables grew isometrically except total molariform tooth area and pharyngeal jaw mass, which exhibited positive allometry. Despite a moderately robust adult pharyngeal jaw apparatus, this species does not specialize on hard prey at this south Florida site. Compared to its native range in Mexico, fish in Florida have undergone a pronounced niche shift with the diet being dominated by fish and snails, probably due to greater availability. The invasive success of C. urophthalmus does not appear to be related to ontogenetic morphological shifts or dietary specialization. Rather, its successful and rapid colonization of southern Florida might in part be related to its generalized and opportunistic feeding habits and morphology.  相似文献   
During the years 2008–2014, we studied diet composition, the number of breeding pairs, and reproductive output of tawny owls in Central Europe (Czech Republic) in relation to availability of main prey in the field. We also performed a meta-analysis on diet composition of tawny owl in Europe that confirmed the important role of Apodemus mice in tawny owl diet in Central Europe. In concordance, Apodemus mice were the main prey of tawny owl in our study area (38.7%), and Microtus/Myodes voles (15.4%), birds (12.1%) and others (33.8%) were alternative prey. We found a positive relationship between the proportion of Apodemus mice in the diet and their abundance in the field (beta = 0.23, P = 0.001). Availability of main prey (Apodemus mice, Microtus/Myodes voles or Sorex shrews) in the field was not correlated with the number of breeding pairs. Proportion of birds in diet (expressed by scores from multivariate analysis), which was inversely related to proportion of Apodemus mice, was positively correlated with laying date (beta = 0.66, P = 0.012) and negatively correlated with clutch size (beta = − 0.45, P = 0.004) and brood size (beta = − 0.16, P = 0.076). We also found negative relationships between laying date and clutch size (beta = − 0.13, P = 0.014) and brood size (beta = − 0.07, P = 0.057). Our results support the idea that diet and breeding ecology of owls in Central Europe is mainly driven by the availability of Apodemus mice that are suitable prey due to their similar habitat requirements and nocturnal activity.  相似文献   
A complementary approach of stomach content and stable isotope analyses was used to characterize the foraging ecology and evaluate niche overlap between pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales stranded on the U.S. mid‐Atlantic coast between 1998 and 2011. Food habits analysis demonstrated both species were primarily teuthophagous, with 35 species of cephalopods, and 2 species of mesopelagic fishes represented in their overall diets. Pianka's Index of niche overlap suggested high overlap between whale diets (On = 0.92), with squids from the families Histioteuthidae, Cranchidae, and Ommastrephidae serving as primary prey. Pygmy sperm whales consumed slightly larger prey sizes (mean mantle length [ML] = 10.8 cm) than dwarf sperm whales (mean ML = 7.8 cm). Mean prey sizes consumed by pygmy sperm whales increased with growth, but showed no trend in dwarf sperm whales. Significant differences were not detected in δ15N and δ13C values of muscle tissues from pygmy (10.8‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.1‰ ± 0.6‰), and dwarf sperm whales (10.7‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.0‰ ± 0.4‰), respectively. Isotopic niche widths also did not differ significantly and dietary overlap was high between the two species. Results suggest the feeding ecologies of the pygmy and dwarf sperm whales are similar and both species occupy equivalent trophic niches in the region.  相似文献   
Aquatic turtles worldwide are plagued with habitat loss due to development and shoreline alteration that destroys the terrestrial–aquatic linkage which they must cross to reproduce successfully. Furthermore, nesting habitat loss can concentrate nesting, increasing nest predator efficiency. We describe how the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island created nesting habitat for Malaclemys terrapin (Diamondback Terrapin), and document nesting success in response to construction progress and the absence of raccoons and foxes, the primary nest predators. We monitored terrapin nests throughout the nesting seasons from 2002 to 2011 to determine overall and within‐nest survivorship. Female terrapins began nesting on the restoration project within 1 year but planned construction during the study eliminated some nesting areas and opened previously inaccessible areas. Overall, nest survivorship was considerably higher than mainland nesting areas due to the absence of raccoons and foxes on the island and within‐nest survivorship was similar. Egg size, hatchling size, and the frequency of shell scute anomalies were similar to other terrapin populations, suggesting normal developmental conditions on the island. We documented annual variation in hatchling size that correlated negatively with mean air temperature during the incubation season. Our results indicate that restored or created isolated island habitat can be located rapidly by terrapins and can become an important source of recruitment in regions where nesting habitat is limited and predation is high. Poplar Island illustrates how habitat loss and restoration can affect turtle populations by revealing the changes in nesting patterns and success in newly created, predator‐free habitat.  相似文献   
Urban animals often take more risk toward humans than their non‐urban conspecifics do, but it is unclear how urbanization affects behavior toward non‐human predators. Responses to humans and non‐human predators may covary due to common mechanisms enforcing a phenotypic correlation. However, while increased tolerance toward humans may be advantageous for urban animals, reduced vigilance toward non‐human predators that can pose actual threat may be costly. Therefore, urban animals may benefit from showing specific responses to different threat levels, such as humans versus non‐human predators, or hostile versus non‐hostile humans. To test these alternatives, we compared responses (latencies to return to nest) of urban and forest‐breeding great tits (Parus major) to familiar hostile and unfamiliar humans as well as one of their common predators, the sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). We found that urban birds were more risk‐taking toward both humans and sparrowhawk than forest birds. However, responses to sparrowhawk did not correlate with responses to humans either within or across habitats. This suggests that higher risk‐taking of urban compared to forest‐dwelling great tits toward sparrowhawk may be threat‐specific response to lower predation risk rather than a spillover effect of increased tolerance to humans. Furthermore, birds responded similarly to unfamiliar and familiar (potentially dangerous) humans in both habitats, suggesting that great tits may not adjust their risk‐taking to the threat represented by individual humans. These findings indicate that urban birds may flexibly adjust their risk‐taking to certain, but not all, types of threat.  相似文献   
The black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, henceforth jackal, has re-emerged as a threat to South African sheep farmers. This sparked contestation between farmers and conservationists over the reasons for their return and the relative merits of lethal and non-lethal approaches to protecting livestock. Three separate reviews of the scientific literature converged on the same broad conclusion that lethal control of jackals is probably ineffective, but that more scientific research is necessary, especially on farms. We draw on historic evidence and recent research across a range of disciplines to show that jackal diet and behaviour varies regionally and alter in response to changing threats and opportunities. More data will not support generalisable conclusions and have already been eclipsed by broad-scale changes in the political, economic and ecological landscapes of South Africa. Reduced government support for farmers, rising production costs and falling product prices, together with an increasing frequency of droughts, have conspired to weaken the collective management hand of farmers and, ultimately, contributed to a decline in the sheep farming industry. Many sheep farmers have sold their land to non-commercial ‘lifestyle' farmers or expanding nature reserves, creating a growing network of safer spaces for jackals to persist, from which their offspring can sink into neighbouring commercial farmland. When these landscape-level changes are combined with the wide phenotypic plasticity and catholic diet of the jackal, we should be neither surprised at their resurgence nor contented with suggestions that more ecological research is likely to facilitate any sustainable solutions.  相似文献   
While some prey species possess an innate recognition of their predators, others require learning to recognize their predators. The specific characteristics of the predators that prey learn and whether prey can generalize this learning to similar predatory threats have been virtually ignored. Here, we investigated whether fathead minnows that learned to chemically recognize a specific predator species as a threat has the ability to generalize their recognition to closely related predators. We found that minnows trained to recognize the odour of a lake trout as a threat (the reference predator) generalized their responses to brook trout (same genus as lake trout) and rainbow trout (same family), but did not generalize to a distantly related predatory pike or non-predatory suckers. We also found that the intensity of antipredator responses to the other species was correlated with the phylogenetic distance to the reference predator; minnows responded with a higher intensity response to brook trout than rainbow trout. This is the first study showing that prey have the ability to exhibit generalization of predator odour recognition. We discuss these results and provide a theoretical framework for future studies of generalization of predator recognition.  相似文献   
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