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王志韬  任珩  辛存林 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4121-4129
植物空间分布格局是物种自身生物学特性与环境因素共同作用的结果,非生殖株丛空间分布格局能够揭示物种无性繁殖与种群扩张过程对异质生境的生态学适应机制。利用基于完全随机、泊松聚块和嵌套双聚块模型的点格局方法和群落学调查,分析了沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种群非生殖株丛空间分布格局,探讨了空间格局对降水梯度的响应和适应过程。结果表明:(1)聚集分布是沙鞭种群非生殖株丛的主要类型。在89 mm/a、107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、186 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上聚集尺度分别为3—126 cm、9—200 cm、9—129 cm、6—77 cm、2—95 cm、2—96 cm;(2)基于完全随机模型的空间分布格局对降水的响应规律显著,整体表现为随干旱程度加剧,沙鞭种群非生殖株丛聚集尺度从2—96 cm下降至6—77 cm;(3)在107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上,基于泊松聚块模型的空间分布格局分别在15—19 cm、2—6 cm、2—4 cm、9—25 cm尺度正向偏离泊松聚...  相似文献   
在热带和亚热带森林中,火烧是一种清理采伐迹地的有效管理措施。尽管许多研究表明,火烧刺激了土壤的碳排放,但对亚热带火强度对土壤呼吸的影响还缺乏了解。在中亚热带米槠常绿阔叶次生林采伐迹地上,设置高火烧强度(HF)、低火烧强度(LF)炼山造林处理,利用LI-8100对造林初期(2012年3月-2012年12月)土壤呼吸进行测定,同时监测观测期土壤温度、含水量以及降雨量等气象因子,分析不同火烧强度对中亚热带造林初期土壤呼吸及排放量的影响,同时探讨影响土壤呼吸变化的主要因素。结果表明:(1)观测期间不同火烧强度对土壤呼吸的影响呈现出明显的时间变化特征:与对照(CT)相比,土壤呼吸在火烧后2个月以内显著增加(P<0.05),HF和LF分别增加76.3%和55.3%;在火烧后2-5个月内三种处理间没有显著差异(P>0.05);但之后,火烧处理土壤呼吸显著低于CT (P<0.05),HF和LF分别降低40%和32.6%;在观测期间火烧处理没有导致土壤CO2累计排放量的增加。(2)火烧处理下,仅HF处理中土壤呼吸与土壤温度显著相关(P<0.05),但拟合决定系数较低。(3)单次降水事件会导致火烧处理下土壤呼吸的增加,而对照无明显增加;但连续性降水事件中,降雨早期促进土壤呼吸,而后期呈现出抑制作用。  相似文献   
Inland waters transport large amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from terrestrial environments to the oceans, but DOM also reacts en route, with substantial water column losses by mineralization and sedimentation. For DOM transformations along the aquatic continuum, lakes play an important role as they retain waters in the landscape allowing for more time to alter DOM. We know DOM losses are significant at the global scale, yet little is known about how the reactivity of DOM varies across landscapes and climates. DOM reactivity is inherently linked to its chemical composition. We used fluorescence spectroscopy to explore DOM quality from 560 lakes distributed across Sweden and encompassed a wide climatic gradient typical of the boreal ecozone. Six fluorescence components were identified using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The intensity and relative abundance of these components were analyzed in relation to lake chemistry, catchment, and climate characteristics. Land cover, particularly the percentage of water in the catchment, was a primary factor explaining variability in PARAFAC components. Likewise, lake water retention time influenced DOM quality. These results suggest that processes occurring in upstream water bodies, in addition to the lake itself, have a dominant influence on DOM quality. PARAFAC components with longer emission wavelengths, or red‐shifted components, were most reactive. In contrast, protein‐like components were most persistent within lakes. Generalized characteristics of PARAFAC components based on emission wavelength could ease future interpretation of fluorescence spectra. An important secondary influence on DOM quality was mean annual temperature, which ranged between ?6.2 and +7.5 °C. These results suggest that DOM reactivity depends more heavily on the duration of time taken to pass through the landscape, rather than temperature. Projected increases in runoff in the boreal region may force lake DOM toward a higher overall amount and proportion of humic‐like substances.  相似文献   
Negative correlations between aluminum and planktonic algal abundance have been reported in acidic lakes. Natural assemblages of phytoplankton from a low-pH, low-Al lake (Franklin Lake, WI) were grown in semi-continuous cultures consisting of four treatments at pH 5.7 with 0.0, 50, 100, and 200 μg Al L−1 and one treatment at pH 4.7 with no Al added. Asterionella ralfsii var. americana (a common diatom plankter in acidic lakes) grew well at both pH 4.7 and 5.7 when no Al was added but declined in all other treatments and so may be useful as an indicator of acidic, low monomeric-Al conditions. Other common plankters that showed this pattern included: Arthrodesmus indentatus, Ar. octocornus, Ar. quiriferus, Staurastrum arachne var. curvatum, S. longipes var. contractum, and S. pentacerum. Common taxa showing no toxic effects of Al were Dinobryon bavaricum, Peridinium limbatum, Stenokalyx monilifera, Elaktothrix sp. and Oedogonium sp. We hypothesize that metal toxicity as a pulse at spring snowmelt could dramatically change algal succession in moderately acidic lakes. The experimental results agreed well with field observations. These types of experiments are useful for predicting the responses of natural phytoplankton communities to increases in Al concentration.  相似文献   
Bradford assay is one of the most common methods for measuring protein concentrations. However, some pharmaceutical excipients, such as detergents, interfere with Bradford assay even at low concentrations. Protein precipitation can be used to overcome sample incompatibility with protein quantitation. But the rate of protein recovery caused by acetone precipitation is only about 70%. In this study, we found that sucrose not only could increase the rate of protein recovery after 1 h acetone precipitation, but also did not interfere with Bradford assay. So we developed a method for rapid protein quantitation in protein drugs even if they contained interfering substances.  相似文献   
Wetlands evapotranspire more water than other ecosystems, including agricultural, forest and grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (Ca) on wetland evapotranspiration (ET) are largely unknown. Here, we present data on 12 years of measurements of ET, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), and ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE, i.e. NEE/ET) at 13:00–15:00 hours in July and August for a Scirpus olneyi (C3 sedge) community and a Spartina patens (C4 grass) community exposed to ambient and elevated (ambient+340 μmol mol?1) Ca in a Chesapeake Bay wetland. Although a decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community was counteracted by an increase in leaf area index (LAI) to some extend, ET was still reduced by 19% on average over 12 years. In the S. patens community, LAI was not affected by elevated Ca and the reduction of ET was 34%, larger than in the S. olneyi community. For both communities, the relative reduction in ET by elevated Ca was directly proportional to precipitation due to a larger reduction in stomatal conductance in the control plants as precipitation decreased. NEE was stimulated about 36% at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community but was not significantly affected by elevated Ca in S. patens community. A negative correlation between salinity and precipitation observed in the field indicated that precipitation affected ET through altered salinity and interacted with growth Ca. This proposed mechanism was supported by a greenhouse study that showed a greater Ca effect on ET in controlled low salinity conditions compared with high salinity. In spite of the differences between the two communities in their responses to elevated Ca, EWUE was increased about 83% by elevated Ca in both the S. olneyi and S. patens communities. These findings suggest that rising Ca could have significant impacts on the hydrologic cycles of coastal wetlands.  相似文献   
Projected changes in climate are expected to have widespread effects on plant community composition and diversity in coming decades. However, multisite, multifactor climate manipulation studies that have examined whether observed responses are regionally consistent and whether multiple climate perturbations are interdependent are rare. Using such an experiment, we quantified how warming and increased precipitation intensity affect the relative dominance of plant functional groups and diversity across a broad climate gradient of Mediterranean prairies. We implemented a fully factorial climate manipulation of warming (+2.5–3.0 °C) and increased wet‐season precipitation (+20%) at three sites across a 520‐km latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest, USA. After seeding with a nearly identical mix of native species at all sites, we measured plant community composition (i.e., cover, richness, and diversity), temperature, and soil moisture for 3 years. Warming and the resultant drying of soils altered plant community composition, decreased native diversity, and increased total cover, with warmed northern communities becoming more similar to communities further south. In particular, after two full years of warming, annual cover increased and forb cover decreased at all sites mirroring the natural biogeographic pattern. This suggests that the extant climate gradient of increasing heat and drought severity is responsible for a large part of the observed biogeographic pattern of increasing annual invasion in US West Coast prairies as one moves further south. Additional precipitation during the rainy season did little to relieve drought stress and had minimal effects on plant community composition. Our results suggest that the projected increase in drought severity (i.e., hotter, drier summers) in Pacific Northwest prairies may lead to increased invasion by annuals and a loss of forbs, similar to what has been observed in central and southern California, resulting in novel species assemblages and shifts in functional composition, which in turn may alter ecosystem functions.  相似文献   
差巴嘎蒿灌丛土壤和根系含水量对降雨的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以科尔沁沙地半固定沙丘灌木差巴嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron)为对象,用土钻取样法和壕沟法研究了2006年生长季降雨后差巴嘎蒿周围土壤和根系含水量的时空分布特征及其相互关系,并计算了该灌丛的水量平衡.结果表明:该灌丛在降雨后对水分有暂时存储作用;降雨结束后,灌丛主干的茎流作用使得灌丛中心位置的土壤含水量高于灌丛丛幅垂直投影1/4和3/4处的土壤含水量;雨后6 h灌丛根系含水量与灌丛中心位置的土壤含水量呈极显著的负相关(r=-0.89,P<0.01);灌丛根系含水量在雨后126 h内出现胁迫脉冲间歇反应.水量平衡计算表明,灌丛边缘外1 m处土壤蒸散量高于灌丛覆盖区的蒸散量,灌丛覆盖可降低土壤水分蒸散速率.  相似文献   
Gerlinde Höbel 《Biotropica》2017,49(3):372-381
Anuran breeding activity is frequently linked to environmental factors, mainly temperature and rainfall. However, a key feature of anuran reproductive behavior—gathering in choruses and producing loud advertisement calls to attract females—generates a conspicuous social cue that may also facilitate reproductive behavior. Here, I examine the relative importance of environmental and social factors in explaining the intensity of reproductive activity in the Neotropical treefrog Hypsiboas rosenbergi. I show that social cues generally play an important role, but that there are sex differences: male behavior is associated with a combination of environmental and social factors, while female behavior is associated almost exclusively with social cues. I discuss the potential benefits of using social cues in regulating breeding activity, and suggest that conservation efforts may take advantage of the apparently widespread pattern of social facilitation in anuran reproductive ecology.  相似文献   
科尔沁固定沙地植被特征对降雨变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择科尔沁固定沙地利用一种野外增减雨试验装置研究了沙地植被生长特征对降雨增减变化的响应。结果表明:(1)在6月,降雨增减变化对植物群落高度有显著影响(P0.05)。减雨60%和30%时,植物群落平均高度比对照分别降低8.8%和2.3%,增雨60%和30%时,则分别增加6.8%和1.4%;相比增雨60%,增雨30%更能促进群落盖度的增大;降雨量变化影响群落植株密度。(2)1a的降雨增减变化对沙地植被的多样性和均匀度均没有显著影响,但减雨可显著增加7月物种的丰富度(P0.05)。(3)随着降雨量的增加,地上生物量逐渐增大,在增雨30%时达到最大值;而地下生物量会随着降雨量增加而显著增大,同时,减雨60%也使地下生物量增加。此外,降雨量的增加和减少都会使地下与地上生物量的比值增加。(4)固定沙地地下生物量主要分布在0—20 cm之间,占总地下生物量的52.7%;降雨量的增加显著增加20—40 cm土壤中根系的分布,当降雨量减少60%时,20—40 cm土壤中根系的分布也略有增加,增雨60%和减雨60%对地下生物量在40—60 cm土层的分布具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   
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