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Summary Measurements of the changes in birefringence associated with changes in membrane potential were made with internally perfused squid giant axons in low sodium solutions at 0–8°C. The time course of the birefringence changes share many properties of the gating (polarization) currents previously studied in this nerve. Both can be demonstrated as an asymmetry in the response to voltage pulses symmetrical about the resting potential which is not present about a hyperpolarized holding potential. Both have a rapid relaxation, which precedes the sodium permeability change. Both exhibit an initial delay or rising phase. Both are reversibly blocked by perfusion with 30mm colchicine; neither are altered by changes on sodium concentrations or 300nm tetrodotoxin. The birefringence response has a decrease in the amplitude of the rapid relaxation associated with the appearance of a slow relaxation. This is similar to the immobilization of fast gating charges which parallels sodium current inactivation.The amplitude of the birefringence and the gating current responses is consistent with a change in the alignment of several hundred peptide bonds per sodium channel.  相似文献   
Summary Methods are described which demonstrate the use of unidirectional influx of14C-tetraphenylphosphonium (14C-TPP+) into isolated intestinal epithelial cells as a quantitative sensor of the magnitude of membrane potentials created by experimentally imposed ion gradients. Using this technique the quantitative relationship between membrane potential () and Na+-dependent sugar influx was determined for these cells at various Na+ and -methylglucoside (-MG) concentrations. The results show a high degree of dependence for the transport Michaelis constant but a maximum velocity for transport which is independent of . No transinhibition by intracellular sugar (40mm) can be detected. Sugar influx in the absence of Na+ is insensitive to 1.3mm phlorizin and independent of . The mechanistic implications of these results were evaluated using the quality of fit between calculated and experimentally observed kinetic constants for rate equations derived from several transport models. The analysis shows that for models in which translocation is the potential-dependent step the free carrier cannot be neutral. If it is anionic, the transporter must be functionally asymmetric. A model in which Na+ binding is the potential-dependent step (Na+ well concept) also provides an appropriate kinetic fit to the experimental data, and must be considered as a possible mechanistic basis for function of the system.  相似文献   
Light-triggered action potentials in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The response to light of a liverwort, Conocephalum conicum L., measured as a change in the resting potential, consists of two stages. The first stage is a slight depolarization dependent on light intensity. This plays the role of a generator potential (GP) which induces the second stage - an action potential of the all-or-none character. Action potentials induced by light and by electrical stimuli have the same properties, i.e. identical time course, propagation velocity, and refractory periods. A summation occurs of sub threshold light stimuli and of light and electrical stimuli. The presence of 5⋅10-−6 M DCMU cancelled the light response and blocked - by inhibition of the electron transport chain - the mechanism leading to GP generation. However, this effect did not produce any change in the response to electrical stimuli.  相似文献   
The interdependence between changes in growth and water relations after waterlogging was investigated by recording simultaneously growth, transpiration, water potential, turgor, leaf diffusion resistance and abscisic acid content in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. bruine Noord-Hollandse. Growth was inhibited immediately after flooding, whereas transpiration decreased gradually to a low level in about three days. The first two days after flooding a small increase in abscisic acid content in the leaves was observed which was accompanied by an increase in diffusion resistance. The increase in abscisic acid content could result from an inhibited export from the leaves. After the first two days a decrease in water potential and turgor was accompanied by a drastic increase in both abscisic acid content and diffusion resistance. This large increase in abscisic acid content occurred before the turgor had reached its minimum value. The change in diffusion resistance kept showing a lag of about one day with the change in abscisic acid content. The possibility is discussed that besides abscisic acid also its metabolite phaseic acid is involved in stomatal closure. After the formation of adventitious roots on the hypocotyl, abscisic acid level, diffusion resistance, water potential and turgor returned to the control values. Transpiration showed a slow recovery from the sixth day after flooding, whereas growth was inhibited for at least nine days. A remarkable similarity exists between our observations on the responses of bean plants to flooding and the well known responses to drought.  相似文献   
Summary The most widely used technique of leaf water potential measurements is with the Scholander pressure chamber. Representative leaf water potential values require many determinations on individual leaves and this can be time consuming in large fields or experiments with multiple treatments. This paper describes a method of obtaining a mean value more rapidly, by using two leaves in the pressure chamber at the same time, but recording the end point of each leaf separately.  相似文献   
Electrical penetration graphs (EPGs) of aphids on plants demonstrate distinct periods of lowered potential level: the potential drop (pd). Such pds are produced frequently during the stylet pathway to the phloem. Experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that the pd corresponds with a stylet puncture of a (epidermal or mesophyll) cell membrane. The intracellular potentials of-100 to-180 mV are thought to be measured thereby with the stylets acting as microelectrodes. The short pd of 5–15 s can be described as a sequence of three distinct phases. Besides the short pd, occurring during pattern B and C, long pds are produced during the complete pattern D+E. Pattern D+E may occur on the potential level of the pd (abbr.: D+E (pd)) and on the potential level of the preceding pattern C (abbr.: D+E(c)). Pattern D+E(pd) seems to be related to sieve element penetration, at least in a number of cases. Both pds, short and long, are produced on host and non-host plants, on susceptible and resistant cultivars, using several aphid species.
Potentiels membraneux comme indication pour des pénétrations intracellulaires des plantes par les stylets des aphides
Résumé L'enrégistrement électrique de la pénétration du stylet des aphides dans les tissus de la plante se caracterise par des périodes distinctes de chute de potentiel (c.p.). Ces c.p. existent fréquemment au cours du trajet du stylet vers le phloème. Une évidence expérimentale soutient l'hypothèse de la correspondance entre la c.p. et la piqûre de la membrane des cellules épidermales et parenchymateuses. Les potentiels intracellulaires de-100 à-180 mV pourraient être mesurés par l'intermédiaire des stylets comme microélectrodes. Les. c.p. brèves, de 5 à 15 s peuvent être décrites comme des séquences composées de 3 phases distinctes. Outre les c.p. brèves pendant les ondes B et C, les pucerons produisent des c.p. durables qui se maintiennent au cours des ondes D+E. Ou bien l'onde D+E peuve apparaite au niveau de potentiel de c.p. (D+E(cp)), ou au niveau de potentiel de l'onde C précédente (D+E(c)). L'onde D+E(cp) semble être reliée à la pénétration des vaisseaux conducteurs, du moins dans certain cas. Les c.p. brêves et durables sont produits sur les plantes hôtes et non-hôtes chez plusiers espèces d'aphids.
A new guillotine thermocouple psychrometer was used to make continuous measurements of water potential before and after the excision of elongating and mature regions of darkgrown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) stems. Transpiration could not occur, but growth took place during the measurement if the tissue was intact. Tests showed that the instrument measured the average water potential of the sampled tissue and responded rapidly to changes in water potential. By measuring tissue osmotic potential ( s ), turgor pressure ( p ) could be calculated. In the intact plant, s and p were essentially constant for the entire 22 h measurement, but s was lower and p higher in the elongating region than in the mature region. This caused the water potential in the elongating region to be lower than in the mature region. The mature tissue equilibrated with the water potential of the xylem. Therefore, the difference in water potential between mature and elongating tissue represented a difference between the xylem and the elongating region, reflecting a water potential gradient from the xylem to the epidermis that was involved in supplying water for elongation. When mature tissue was excised with the guillotine, s and p did not change. However, when elongating tissue was excised, water was absorbed from the xylem, whose water potential decreased. This collapsed the gradient and prevented further water uptake. Tissue p then decreased rapidly (5 min) by about 0.1 MPa in the elongating tissue. The p decreased because the cell walls relaxed as extension, caused by p , continued briefly without water uptake. The p decreased until the minimum for wall extension (Y) was reached, whereupon elongation ceased. This was followed by a slow further decrease in Y but no additional elongation. In elongating tissue excised with mature tissue attached, there was almost no effect on water potential or p for several hours. Nevertheless, growth was reduced immediately and continued at a decreasing rate. In this case, the mature tissue supplied water to the elongating tissue and the cell walls did not relax. Based on these measurements, a theory is presented for simultaneously evaluating the effects of water supply and water demand associated with growth. Because wall relaxation measured with the psychrometer provided a new method for determining Y and wall extensibility, all the factors required by the theory could be evaluated for the first time in a single sample. The analysis showed that water uptake and wall extension co-limited elongation in soybean stems under our conditions. This co-limitation explains why elongation responded immediately to a decrease in the water potential of the xylem and why excision with attached mature tissue caused an immediate decrease in growth rate without an immediate change in p Abbreviations and symbols L tissue conductance for water - m wall extensibility - Y average yield threshold (MPa) - o water potential of the xylem - p turgor pressure - s osmotic potential - w water potential of the elon gating tissue  相似文献   
Summary Thirty-one genotypes of toria (Brassica campestris L.) were grown in twelve environments and subsequently analysed in order to select potential parents which expressed diversity for both 12 different characters (estimated by Mahalanobis' D2 technique) and response to the environments (estimated on the basis of negative correlation between deviations in seed yield of a pair of genotypes from their respective environmental means). Coefficients of determination (r2) were also used to measure the reliability of correlation, which is the basis of diversity of response. Stability parameters (b and S2d) and mean seed yield were also considered in selecting potential parents. On the basis of these criteria, three pairs of genotypes (ITSA and TCSU-1, TCSU-7 and TH-8 and Ludhiana Composite-1 and TH-4) are recommended to be used as parents for hybridization programmes so that heterosis both in seed yield and response may be exploited.  相似文献   
Summary The F2 potential of single and three-way crosses was evaluated using a set of physiological and yield components. Results were based on an index of selection using (a) only yield components and (b) both physiological and yield components. The indices were constructed using the percentage improvement of F2 over the better parent of the corresponding F1 cross for every character. The performance of F2 plants assessed by the expected value of the regression index was ranked in descending order to provide a ranked F2 distribution (FRD). The FRD was divided into four equal parts, T25 (top 25%), T50 (26–50%), T75 (51–75%) and T100 (76–100%). F3 families derived from F2 plants in T25 were found to provide a higher frequency of selections for pod number than T50, T75 and T100. The frequency of selections was higher in three-way than single crosses. Selection index based on physiological and yield components was more efficient in trapping F2 plants providing selections in F3 than the index based on yield components only. The results brought out the importance of bunch x bunch crosses as a complement to the usually advocated bunch x runner ones.  相似文献   
The colon of L. maderae consists of a single columnar epithelium covered with a cuticle and of a musculo-connective sheath. The apical plasma membranes form a system of leaflets with numerous mitochondria inserted in association with microfilaments. Lateral plasma membranes are linked together by junctional complexes consisting of a zonula adherens and a long convoluted septate junction of the pleated type. In the basal region of the cell, numerous membrane infolds and scattered scalariform junctions with associated mitochondria are present. These cell specializations are typical of arthropod transporting organs, being distinctive features of ion and fluid transporting epithelia. The isolated colon exhibited a transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD) of about 100 mV, lumen side positive with respect to the haemolymph side. The PD was almost abolished by metabolic inhibitors, it was reduced by acetazolamide and SITS, and it was unaffected by ouabain. These effects suggest that HCO3- and Cl- are involved in the genesis of the PD, whereas Na+ is not directly responsible of the PD. Measurements of Na+ and Cl- fluxes across the colon wall confirm that Na+ moves following the PD across the tissue, while Cl- movement occurs against an electrochemical potential difference. The electrical profile of the epithelial cells is of the well type and it suggests that the primary or secondary active step for Cl- transport across the epithelium should be located at the mucosal border of the cell.  相似文献   
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