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Abstract 1. The ecological circumstances that precipitate speciation remain poorly understood. Here, a community of Heliconius butterflies in lowland Panama was studied to investigate patterns of pollen use, and more specifically the ecological changes associated with the recent divergence of Heliconius melpomene (Linnaeus) and H. cydno (Doubleday).
2. Considering the seven commonest Heliconius species in the community, 32 types of pollen or spore were encountered in pollen loads but only five pollen species were common. Systematic exploitation of pollen was therefore confined to a small proportion of the flowers visited.
3. Most of the variation in pollen load composition between individuals was explained by differences in collecting locality. The exception was Psiguria , which was used in all habitats by the melpomene / hecale clade far more than by the erato / sapho clade. This may suggest an ancestral switch within Heliconius towards increased reliance on Psiguria pollen.
4. Heliconius cydno and H. melpomene differed significantly in pollen load composition for three of the five most commonly collected pollen species. This is most probably explained by differences in habitat preference; H. melpomene and its co-mimic H. erato are found in open habitat while H. cydno and its co-mimic H. sapho are found in closed-canopy forest.
5. As melpomene and cydno are known to hybridise occasionally, such differences in adult microhabitat contribute to pre-mating isolation. Habitat divergence between H. cydno and H. melpomene , which is associated with changes in mimicry, must have played a role in their recent speciation.  相似文献   
Phylogeography of five Polytrichum species within Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using allozymes and microsatellites we have analysed the genetic structure among European populations for several Polytrichum species to infer relevant factors, such as historical events or gene flow, that have shaped their genetic structure. As we observed low levels of genetic differentiation among populations, and no decreasing levels of genetic variation with increasing latitude within most of the examined species, no genetic evidence was obtained for a step-wise recolonization of Europe from southern refugia after the latest glacial period for P. commune , P. uliginosum , P. formosum and P. piliferum . The near absence of population substructuring within these species does indicate that extensive spore dispersal is the most important factor determining the genetic structure among European Polytrichum populations. Gene flow levels have apparently been sufficient to prevent genetic differentiation among populations caused by genetic drift, and to wipe out any genetic structure caused by the postglacial recolonization process. On the other hand, increased genetic differentiation of alpine P. formosum populations suggests that mountain ranges might restrict gene flow significantly among Polytrichum populations. In contrast to most examined Polytrichum species, P. juniperinum showed high levels of genetic differentiation and a profound genetic structure. Assuming that gene flow is not more restricted in P. juniperinum , these findings suggest that this species has recolonized Europe after the latest glacial period from two different refugia, one possibly being the British Isles.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 78, 203–213.  相似文献   
Abstract. Since the 18th century, the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis has been thought to comprise a single species with several different color morphs, but recently some of these color morphs have been assigned to separate species based on morphology, geographical distribution, and molecular sequence data. This research was aimed at testing the ability of three of these species, H. medicinalis, Hirudo verbana, and Hirudo orientalis, to interbreed. We found that in the laboratory, all three species were able to mate with each other and produce hybrid offspring. This suggests that the reproductive isolation is not strong among these species of the genus Hirudo. However, fewer offspring were produced from interspecific crosses compared with intraspecific crosses. This decrease of fecundity (and in some cases, offspring viability) indicates some degree of reproductive isolation between H. medicinalis, H. verbana, and H. orientalis.  相似文献   
Ecological speciation studies have more thoroughly addressed premating than postmating reproductive isolation. This study examines multiple postmating barriers between host forms of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles that specialize on Acer and Salix trees. We demonstrate cryptic isolation and reduced hybrid fitness via controlled matings of these host forms. These findings reveal host-associated postmating isolation, although a nonecological, 'intrinsic' basis for these patterns cannot be ruled out. Host preference and performance results among cross types further suggest sex-linked maternal effects on these traits, whereas family effects indicate their genetic basis and associated variation. Genes of major effect appear to influence these traits. Together with previous findings of premating isolation and adaptive differentiation in sympatry, our results meet many assumptions of 'speciation with gene flow' models. Here, such gene flow is likely asymmetric, with consequences for the dynamics of future ecological divergence and potential ecological speciation of these host forms.  相似文献   
Summary R*-cells of the digestive gland of Carcinus maenas have been investigated functionally and morphologically. A comparison of the capacity of separated cell suspensions to synthesize glycogen gave support to the hypothesis that R and R* cells belong to the same cell line. The unexpected observation of R* cells in gastric juice suggests that their release could represent a mode of redistribution of carbohydrate stores when the feeding activity of the crab is lower. Under electron microscopy, the calcospherites of R* cells appeared to be surrounded by multiple membranous layers, and displayed tubular and vesicular structures in their core. High glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) activity in the subcellular fraction that is enriched in calcospherites suggests that these membranes are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum, via a process in which the enzyme plays a key role. We propose that this is the way by which the R cell differentiates into R* cell.  相似文献   
The pierid butterflies Pontia daplidice and P. edusa, parapatrically distributed in southern Europe, have very similar morphologies and life histories, but show fixed differences at four allozyme markers. We sampled these allozymes in a 28-population transect north of Genoa in Italy, through the hybrid zone where these taxa meet. We used the numerical techniques developed for hybrid zone analysis to study the patterns of genetic differentiation and their underlying evolutionary causes. The hybrid zone is characterized by a very short and steep central region, flanked by broad tails of introgression extended up to 100 km in either direction. From mean two-locus disequilibium of D = 0.148 (maximum-likelihood two-unit support limits 0.139-0.153), and after accounting for minor differences in the center locations of the single-locus clines, which act to bias the dispersal estimate, we estimated a dispersal rate of σ = 4.4 (3.7-5.5) km/gen1/2. The effective selection needed to maintain the steep central portion is strong, 0.47 < s? < 0.64, when combined over potential intrinsic (genetic background) and extrinsic (ecological) sources of selection. The clines in allozyme loci showed variation that was significantly different between the most divergent shapes, and the differences are attributable to different degrees of introgression on the edusa side of the zone. The average selection acting on individual allozyme loci was high at s???e  1.5%, but because of the narrowness of the central region of the cline, we suspect that this estimate is somewhat biased by selection on loci closely linked to the allozyme markers. A common question for taxa that show fixed allozyme differences in parapatry is whether or not they are genetically isolated. A fairly general measure of genetic isolation across hybrid zones is the time, T, that it takes a neutral allele to cross the hybrid zone and recombine into the opposite genetic background, given by T = (β/σ)2, where β is the barrier strength of the hybrid zone. Genetic isolation in the Pontia zone is weak, with T  25 generations for most allozyme markers. By this measure, populations of daplidice and edusa on opposite sides of the hybrid zone share more identical-by-descent alleles than do populations of phenotypically pure daplidice in, say, France and Morocco. Accordingly, we think it best for systematists to consider edusa as a well-marked subspecies of P. daplidice.  相似文献   
Recent developments in the field of genetic divergence and speciation focus more on diversifying processes than on geographic mode of speciation (i.e. allopatric versus sympatric). Some of these new theories concern speciation driven by conflicts between the sexes. Even though it is well known that the two reproductive functions in plants can have different selective optima, sexual selection in plants is by many assumed to be weak or non-existent. Here we outline potential sexual conflicts in plants and discuss how selection pressures generated by such conflicts may influence genetic divergence. There is opportunity for conflicting selection pressures between individuals, such as manipulative pollen traits that enhance male reproductive success at the expense of the female reproductive function. Within individual plants, fitness of the male function (pollen export) and fitness of the female function (pollen import) may be optimised by different traits, leading to conflicting selection pressures in relation to pollen transfer. This may affect selection for floral specialisation versus floral generalisation in animal-pollinated species. We believe that selection pressures generated by sexual conflict need to be appreciated in order to fully understand microevolutionary processes which may lead to genetic divergence and speciation in plants.  相似文献   
Hybridization is increasingly recognized as a significant evolutionary process, in particular because it can lead to introgression of genes from one species to another. A striking pattern of discordance in the amount of introgression between mitochondrial and nuclear markers exists such that substantial mitochondrial introgression is often found in combination with no or little nuclear introgression. Multiple mechanisms have been proposed to explain this discordance, including positive selection for introgressing mitochondrial variants, several types of sex‐biases, drift, negative selection against introgression in the nuclear genome, and spatial expansion. Most of these hypotheses are verbal, and have not been quantitatively evaluated so far. We use individual‐based, multilocus, computer simulations of secondary contact under a wide range of demographic and genetic scenarios to evaluate the ability of the different mechanisms to produce discordant introgression. Sex‐biases and spatial expansions fail to produce substantial mito‐nuclear discordance. Drift and nuclear selection can produce strong discordance, but only under a limited range of conditions. In contrast, selection on the mitochondrial genome produces strong discordance, particularly when dispersal rates are low. However, commonly used statistical tests have little power to detect this selection. Altogether, these results dismiss several popular hypotheses, and provide support for adaptive mitochondrial introgression.  相似文献   
The origins and relationships among Micronesians, Polynesians, and Melanesians were investigated. Five different mtDNA region V length polymorphisms from 873 individuals representing 24 Oceanic and Asian populations were analyzed. The frequency cline of a common deletion and the distributions of a rare expanded length polymorphism support the origin of both Micronesians and Polynesians in Island Southeast Asia. Genetic, linguistic, and geographic distances were compared to assess the relative importance of isolation and gene flow during the prehistory of 19 Austronesian-speaking populations subdivided into five potential spheres of interaction. We observed significant correlations (P < 0.05) between genetic and linguistic distances in four of five comparisons. These data indicate extensive gene flow throughout much of Micronesia, but substantial isolation in other Pacific regions. Although recent advancements in our understanding of intentional voyaging within Remote Oceania have challenged the existence of the “myth of the primitive isolate,” we caution against the adoption of panmictic alternatives. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:109–119, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Procedures are described for the isolation of the individual components A1, A2, and A3 of native R-ovalbumin from freshly laid domestic hen eggs. Because heavy metal ion contaminants result in spurious irreproducible kinetics, particularly at high pH, considerable care is taken to avoid their presence. Kinetics studies are made of the behavior of whole R-ovalbumin and its individual components in urea solution over the pH range 3.7–9.6 following the reaction by determining absorbance differences at 233, 287, and 293 nm and ORD and CD changes at 350 and 221 nm, respectively. Reaction is rapid at low pH, slowing with increasing pH. Except under limited conditions, the reaction is not simple first order. Equations are presented for describing the reactions, and the nature of the reaction products is considered. Unfolding equilibrium profiles were also determined by ORD at several wavelengths and were not stigmoidal in shape and the normalized curves were not superimposed.Deceased December 8, 2001  相似文献   
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