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Studies based on experimental vasectomies clearly reveal marked species differences in response to vasectomy. In rats, vasectomy invariably results in granuloma formation at the surgical site. In rabbits, immune-complex orchitis develops. Allergic orchitis may also develop in guinea pigs, and the morphological lesions can be adoptively transferred. My co-workers and I have been able to study systematically, biochemically, hormonally, pathologically, and immunologically, primates vasectomized up to 14 years earlier and to compare them with age-matched controls. We have monitored antibody levels in vasectomized rhesus and cynomolgus macaques by sperm-agglutination, sperm-immobilization, and indirect immunofluorescence techniques. Antibodies develop in almost every monkey, in some as early as 10 days after vasectomy. About 50% retain such circulating antisperm antibodies. In men, antibody development is less rapid, and about half of vasectomized men reveal detectable levels. Testicular histopathological studies have revealed detectable levels. Testicular histopathological studies have revealed orchitis, aspermatogenesis, or both, resembling allergic orchitis in most of the vasectomized monkeys and in about one-fourth of the controls. Limited studies of human material reveal some testicular changes. Epididymitis and epididymal granuloma occur exclusively in the vasectomized animals. Use of immunofluorescence has revealed significantly more granular deposits of IgA, IgG, and/or C3 in the basal lamina of the ductus efferens and the caput epididymidis of the vasectomized monkeys. Similar studies on human material have not been done. Both cynomolgus and rhesus macaques have proved to be excellent models for research in atherosclerosis and so have been used to determine whether constant sperm antigen leakage causes immune-complex formation that might result in arteritis and atherosclerosis. Evaluation of the cardiovascular systems from such animals has revealed that vasectomized monkeys have more frequent, more extensive, and more severe arteriosclerosis than age-matched controls. Epidemiological studies are currently under way to determine whether such an effect also occurs in men after vasectomy.  相似文献   
Testis mediated gene transfer (TMGT) is a potential tool for making transgenic mice having more than 90% success rate. However, this method needs further standardization before it can be adapted in other species including livestock. In order to standardize the TMGT in goat, buck testes (n = 20) collected from the slaughter house were injected with a vector driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression under a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Then, the testes were subjected to electroporation with predetermined voltage, pulse length, pulse interval and number of pulses. Seminiferous tubules were isolated from the electroporated testis and cultured in-vitro. The expression was checked at regular intervals. Green fluorescence was observed on different days in different samples. It suggests transient integration of the plasmid into the seminiferous tubules. This in-vitro transfection of seminiferous tubule using electroporation will provide valuable baseline information.  相似文献   
Blood pressure increases significantly during embryonic and postnatal development in vertebrate animals. In the mouse, blood flow is first detectable around embryonic day (E) 8.51. Systolic left ventricular (LV) pressure is 2 mmHg at E9.5 and 11 mmHg at E14.52. At these mid-embryonic stages, the LV is clearly visible through the chest wall for invasive pressure measurements because the ribs and skin are not fully developed. Between E14.5 and birth (approximately E21) imaging methods must be used to view the LV. After birth, mean arterial pressure increases from 30 - 70 mmHg from postnatal day (P) 2 - 353. Beyond P20, arterial pressure can be measured with solid-state catheters (i.e. Millar or Scisense). Before P20, these catheters are too big for developing mouse arteries and arterial pressure must be measured with custom pulled plastic catheters attached to fluid-filled pressure transducers3 or glass micropipettes attached to servo null pressure transducers4.Our recent work has shown that the greatest increase in blood pressure occurs during the late embryonic to early postnatal period in mice5-7. This large increase in blood pressure may influence smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype in developing arteries and trigger important mechanotransduction events. In human disease, where the mechanical properties of developing arteries are compromised by defects in extracellular matrix proteins (i.e. Marfan''s Syndrome8 and Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis9) the rapid changes in blood pressure during this period may contribute to disease phenotype and severity through alterations in mechanotransduction signals. Therefore, it is important to be able to measure blood pressure changes during late embryonic and neonatal periods in mouse models of human disease.We describe a method for measuring LV pressure in late embryonic (E18) and early postnatal (P1 - 20) mice. A needle attached to a fluid-filled pressure transducer is inserted into the LV under ultrasound guidance. Care is taken to maintain normal cardiac function during the experimental protocol, especially for the embryonic mice. Representative data are presented and limitations of the protocol are discussed.  相似文献   
Humans are occasionally exposed to extreme environmental heat for a prolonged period of time. Here, we investigated testicular responses to whole‐body heat exposure by placing mice in a warm chamber. Among the examined tissues, the testis was found to be most susceptible to heat stress. Heat stress induces direct responses within germ cells, such as eukaryotic initiation factor 2α phosphorylation and stress granule (SG) formation. Prolonged heat stress (42°C for 6 hr) also disturbed tissue organization, such as through blood‐testis barrier (BTB) leakage. Germ cell apoptosis was induced by heat stress for 6 hr in a cell type‐ and developmental stage‐specific manner. We previously showed that spermatocytes in the early tubular stages (I–VI) form SGs for protection against heat stress. In the mid‐tubular stages (VII–VIII), BTB leakage synergistically enhances the adverse effects of heat stress on pachytene spermatocyte apoptosis. In the late tubular stages (IX–XII), SGs are not formed and severe leakage of the BTB does not occur, resulting in mild apoptosis of late‐pachytene spermatocytes near meiosis. Our results revealed that multiple stress responses are involved in germ cell damage resulting from prolonged heat stress (42°C for 6 hr).  相似文献   
Maternal effects on development are profound. Together, genetic and epigenetic maternal effects define the developmental trajectory of progeny and, ultimately, offspring phenotype. Maternally provisioned environmental conditions and signals affect conceptus, fetoplacental and postnatal development from the time of conception until weaning. In the pig, reproductive tract development is completed postnatally. Porcine uterine growth and uterine endometrial development occur in an ovary-independent manner between birth (postnatal day = PND 0) and PND 60. Milk-borne bioactive factors (MbFs), exemplified by relaxin, communicated from lactating dam to nursing offspring via a lactocrine mechanism, represent an important source of extraovarian uterotrophic support in the neonatal pig. Lactocrine deficiency from birth affects both the neonatal porcine uterine developmental program and trajectory of uterine development, with lasting consequences for endometrial function and uterine capacity in adult female pigs. The potential lactocrine signaling window extends from birth until the time of weaning. However, it is likely that the maternal lactocrine programming window – that period when MbFs communicated to nursing offspring have the greatest potential to affect critical organizational events in the neonate – encompasses a comparatively short period of time within 48 h of birth. Lactocrine deficiency from birth was associated with altered patterns of endometrial gene expression in neonatally lactocrine-deficient adult gilts during a critical period for conceptus–endometrial interaction on pregnancy day 13, and with reduced litter size, estimated at 1.4 pigs per litter, with no effect of parity. Data were interpreted to indicate that reproductive performance of female pigs that do not receive sufficient colostrum from birth is permanently impaired. Observations to date suggest that lactocrine-dependent maternal effects program postnatal development of the porcine uterus, endometrial functionality and uterine capacity. In this context, reproductive management strategies and husbandry guidelines should be refined to ensure that such practices promote environmental conditions that will optimize uterine capacity and fecundity. This will entail careful consideration of factors affecting lactation, the quality and abundance of colostrum/milk, and practices that will afford neonatal pigs with the opportunity to nurse and consume adequate amounts of colostrum.  相似文献   
Gossypol, a polyphenolic binaphthalene-dialdehyde extracted from cotton plants which possesses male antifertility action in mammals, is a potent inhibitor of phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinase from pig testis. Gossypol inhibited Ca2+-dependent activity of the enzyme without affecting its basal activity. The IC50 value (concentration causing 50% inhibition) was 31 μM when lysine-rich histone was used as substrate. Kinetic analysis indicated that the compound inhibited the enzyme non-competitively with respect to ATP (Ki = 31 μM) or lysine-rich histone (Ki = 30μM), and competitively with respect to phosphatidylserine (Ki = 2.1 μM). With Ca2+, irrespective of the presence or absence of 1,3-diolein, the compound lowered Vmax and increased the apparent Ka for Ca2+. The compound also inhibited phosphorylation by the enzyme of high-mobility-group 1 protein (one of the endogenous substrate in the testis for the enzyme located in nucleosome), with an IC50 value of 88 μM. These results suggested that a phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein phosphorylation system in the testis is involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
At two years of age the interstitial tissue of Cercopithecus aethiops is composed principally of undifferentiated, fibroblast-like cells. Also present during this time are scattered differentiating Leydig cells, which are characterized by a large nucleus, numerous mitochondria, elements of smooth reticulum, and small cisternae of rough reticulum. A mean level of 1.69 ± 0.66 ng/ml of testosterone was found. At three years Leydig cells are much more numerous and developed; since all the elements of steroid secreting cells are present, even their morphology differs from that observed in mature cells. Lipid accumulation is characteristic during this period. A mean testosterone level of 2.28 ± 0.47 ng/ml was found. Mature Leydig cells are basically similar to that of other mammals, while they differ significantly from that of human Leydig cells.  相似文献   
《Cell Stem Cell》2020,26(2):262-276.e4
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Fox家族蛋白广泛存在于植物以外的物种中,是一类与发育相关的重要转录因子.但是不同Fox基因在鳞翅目昆虫家蚕Bombyx mori精巢中的表达特征,以及BmFoxL2亚家族蛋白在精巢发育中的功能未知.本文检测了家蚕12个BmFox基因在家蚕精巢中的表达量,发现BmFoxL2-2的表达量最高,BmFoxL2-1次之.Bm...  相似文献   
《Cell reports》2023,42(1):111981
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