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Aim To determine the relationships between otter (Lutra lutra) distribution dynamics and environmental and spatial constraints over a 20‐year period. Location Andalusia, southern Iberian Peninsula. Methods We synthesized otter distribution data from three otter surveys (1985, 1995 and 2005) using subcatchment areas defined by hydrological barriers. Subcatchments were characterized by two ‘natural’ (climatic and orographic variables) and two ‘human’ (land use and population density) gradients. In addition, we calculated two contagion variables (the distance to previously occupied subcatchments and the percentage of occupied subcatchments within a 50 km buffer) for consecutively surveyed subcatchments. Results Between 1985 and 2005 the percentage of subcatchments with otters present increased from 42% to 72%. Otters tended to be rare or absent from human‐dominated areas. Anthropogenic gradients were better predictors of otter distribution than natural ones. Human and natural gradients showed strong covariation, but for any value of the natural gradients otters tended to be present in subcatchments with lower human impacts. Colonization of new subcatchments was found to be strongly related to contagion variables and expansion rates were slower than those estimated in other studies. Newly colonized areas tended to be located in areas with intermediate human influence, while repeated absences occurred mainly in areas where human impact was most severe. Main conclusions Our results suggest that recent otter expansion across Andalusia is a reflection of large‐scale improvement in environmental conditions. Otter populations that survived the period of strong and generalized declines appear to be acting as sources from which neighbouring areas are colonized, probably aided by improved water quality and increases in food availability. However, the further expansion of otters into their full original range is likely to be constrained by human‐impacted landscapes.  相似文献   
Geographic parthenogenesis describes the observation that parthenogenetic organisms tend to occupy environments different from those of their close, sexually reproducing relatives. These environments are often described as extreme or disturbed habitats. We examined whether patterns of geographical parthenogenesis persist over time, by conducting a 3-year life-history survey and comparing two very proximate habitats of the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata : Nahal Arugot, a desert stream naturally disturbed by flash floods, and Or Ilan, a stable freshwater pond. Both sites occur in a xeric environment and are subject to otherwise similar biotic (e.g. parasites, predators) and climatic conditions. In the stable habitat, male frequencies and snail densities were significantly higher than in the disturbed one, whereas infection levels, mean embryo counts, and water temperatures were similar at both sites. Additionally, male frequencies declined after density decreased, thereby providing evidence for geographical parthenogenesis via reproductive assurance. Infection prevalence was very low regardless of reproduction mode. Although further genetic work is required, the apparent metapopulation structure of M. tuberculata in the Judean desert may be suitable for evaluating other possible explanations of geographical parthenogenesis.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 711–718.  相似文献   
Cold‐adapted species are thought to have had their largest distribution ranges in central Europe during the glacial periods. Postglacial warming caused severe range shifts of such taxa into higher latitudes and altitudes. We selected the boreomontane butterfly Lycaena helle (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) as an example to demonstrate the genetic effects of range changes, and to document the recent status of highly fragmented remnant populations. We analysed five polymorphic microsatellite loci in 1059 individuals sampled at 50 different localities scattered over the European distribution area of the species. Genetic differentiation was strong among the mountain ranges of western Europe, but we did not detect similarly distinct genetic groups following a geographical pattern in the more eastern areas. The Fennoscandian populations form a separate genetic group, and provide evidence for a colonization from southern Finland via northern Scandinavia to south‐central Sweden. Species distribution modelling suggests a large extension of the spatial distribution during the last glacial maximum, but highlights strong retractions to a few mountain areas under current conditions. These findings, combined with our genetic data, suggest a more or less continuous distribution of L. helle throughout central Europe at the end of the last ice age. As a consequence of postglacial warming, the species retreated northwards to Fennoscandia and escaped increasing temperatures through altitudinal shifts. Therefore, the species is today restricted to population remnants located at the mountain tops of western Europe, genetically isolated from each other, and evolved into genetically unique entities. Rising temperatures and advancing habitat destruction threaten this wealth of biodiversity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 155–168.  相似文献   
Kanazawa Castle Park (KCP) is an isolated urban green area in Kanazawa, Japan. A mature forest had developed there since 1949, but it was partially deforested from 1996 to 1999. Moreover, most of the grasslands in KCP were removed from 2000 to 2002. In this study, we report the damage to the butterfly assemblage by these anthropogenic disturbances and subsequent recovery after the disturbances, using previous literature on the butterfly assemblage in KCP from 1990 to 1994 and our monitoring data from 1999 to 2005. In addition, to understand urbanization effects, we also compared the butterfly assemblage of KCP with that of Tawara, a satoyama area 6 km away from KCP. Before the urbanization around KCP, KCP might have had a butterfly assemblage similar to Tawara. The previous articles indicate that 33 species lived in KCP before the partial deforestation. The number of generalist species (multivoltine and polyphagous species) was similar in KCP and Tawara (22 vs. 19), but that of specialist species (uni-bivoltine and oligophagous species) was lower in KCP than in Tawara (5 vs. 15). Six species, composed of a bamboo grass feeder, mantle feeders, herb/grass feeders, and a multi-feeder, disappeared from KCP after the deforestation and have not yet recolonized. The grassland removal also affected herb/grass feeders negatively, but they have been recovering quickly following the partial grassland recovery. Some species that disappeared after the deforestation were sporadically found from 2000 to 2005 probably due to immigration from the surrounding rural areas (the nearest one is 2 km away). For recolonization of the lost species, recovery of the interior and edge of the forest, which are the habitats for these species, is necessary.  相似文献   
1. We surveyed 62 Canadian Shield lakes (<50 ha) to determine the relationship between factors related to isolation and extinction and the occurrence of brook trout (BT) (Salvelinus fontinalis), for which local extinctions have been documented over the last century in half of the lakes. 2. Logistic regression and information–theoretic model selection were used to determine the importance for the occupancy of BT of (i) isolation factors (degree of lake connectivity and the proximity of source populations of BT in neighbouring bodies of water) and (ii) extinction factors (lake morphometry and trophic status, as proxies of the risk of lake anoxia; predation and competition; and flooding caused by beaver (Castor canadensis) dams, which could potentially increase the risk of anoxia). 3. Isolation factors were the best predictors of the absence of BT in these lakes. Among extinction factors, only the impact of beaver dams (as measured by an index of increased water level and mortality of shrubs and trees in the littoral zone) improved model fits. Beaver dams were present at the outlets of all study lakes, but extensive mortality of riparian trees and shrubs was more common in lakes where BT populations were extinct. 4. Taken together, these results suggest that recolonization is a major factor determining the occurrence of BT while flooding caused by beaver dams might contribute to BT extinction by increasing the likelihood of winterkill in these small lakes.  相似文献   
Abstract The wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) is a significant pest in arid and semi‐arid Australia, where erratic rainfall and irregular pasture growth cause population sizes to oscillate, increasing virtually without limit and then crashing during drought conditions. Vacant habitat patches can be rapidly recolonized from nearby patches in high rainfall years. Using two adjoining rabbit population systems in arid and semi‐arid south‐west Queensland, this study evaluates patterns of population differentiation and proposes a mechanism that may lead to the formation of multiple rabbit population systems in the same locality. Using the combined haplotype frequency data from both a local and regional study, estimates of genetic exchange among local populations are considered in conjunction with ecological data to evaluate the significance of habitat attributes (and their spatial distribution) on the local distribution of rabbit populations, both within and between two adjacent population systems. A tentative model is proposed to explain the observed differences in population structure between the two adjoining systems. Under this model, population structure at specific locations is determined primarily by the availability of areas suitable for prolonged colonization and the quality of the intervening habitat that dictates the degree of isolation between locations and therefore the probability of recolonization following local extinctions. It is also suggested that the current rabbit distribution may be a function of the flexibility of behavioural responses in rabbits to the level of spatial heterogeneity of favourable habitats within the two regions.  相似文献   
A short-term short-scale field manipulation experiment was designed to assess the effects of total or partial defaunation, by sediment drying or diesel oil respectively, on polychaete recolonization rates in mangrove sediments of Paranaguá Bay, SE Brazil. After replacement of defaunated cores in the field, disturbed and adjacent undisturbed control sites were subsequently sampled together with adjacent undisturbed control sites on different dates over a 64-day period. Analyses of variance were carried out to test for differences in polychaete populational densities among experimental treatments and sampling dates. Examination of cores impacted by oil showed that most polychaete species kept rather active, quickly reacting to mechanical or light stimuli or moving rapidly. Polychaete recolonization of local mangroves after small-scale disturbance by oil was a fast process, in contrast to that following total defaunation by sediment drying. Rapid recolonization was largely dependent upon the differing mobility of adults of individual species from unaffected areas nearby, epifaunal crawlers or infaunal predators exhibiting the most rapid recovery rates. Conversely, the slow-paced recolonization of completely defaunated areas was due to the modification of sediment properties by drying and to the absence of larvae or juveniles of local species during the experiment.  相似文献   
Benthic microalgae (BMA) are important primary producers in intertidal and shallow subtidal sediments, serving as a vital food resource for heterotrophs. BMA also release extracellular polymeric secretions that inhibit resuspension of sediments. Key ecological parameters such as abundance, productivity, and species composition of BMA each contribute to the character of these roles. Our primary objectives were to (i) assess the importance of biotic disturbance to the structure of sedimentary microalgal communities and (ii) identify principal modes of recolonization. We employed field comparative studies to test whether deposit feeding by two invertebrates (Leptosynapta tenuis and Balanoglossus aurantiacus) caused removal of BMA, and manipulative experiments to assess rates and mechanisms of recolonization. Both deposit feeders were determined to significantly reduce BMA biomass via ingestion; however, little change in community composition was observed. Recovery of these disturbed patches was followed over the period of intertidal exposure. We distinguished between potential recolonization methods of migration and regrowth by monitoring fecal coils incubated naturally on underlying sediments (regrowth + migration treatment), hydrogen‐peroxide‐treated coils incubated on ambient sediment (migration only), and coils that were incubated on 0.2 μm filters and thereby isolated from underlying sediment (regrowth only). BMA biomass recovery was significant in <3 h, with migration from underlying sediments the dominant means of recolonization. Surprisingly, recovery appeared somewhat slower when natural egesta were exposed to underlying sediments (migration + regrowth treatments) as compared to migration into peroxide‐treated coils (migration only). This counterintuitive result was due to the dynamic, bidirectional vertical migrations of diatoms in surficial sediments.  相似文献   
There is a growing consensus that much of the contemporary phylogeography of northern hemisphere coastal taxa reflects the impact of Pleistocene glaciation, when glaciers covered much of the coastline at higher latitudes and sea levels dropped by as much as 150 m. The genetic signature of postglacial recolonization has been detected in many marine species, but the effects of coastal glaciation are not ubiquitous, leading to suggestions that species may intrinsically differ in their ability to respond to the environmental change associated with glacial cycles. Such variation may indeed have a biological basis, but apparent differences in population structure among taxa may also stem from our heavy reliance on individual mitochondrial loci, which are strongly influenced by stochasticity during coalescence. We investigated the contemporary population genetics of Syngnathus typhle, one of the most widespread European coastal fish species, using a multilocus data set to investigate the influence of Pleistocene glaciation and reduced sea levels on its phylogeography. A strong signal of postglacial recolonization was detected at both the northern and eastern ends of the species’ distribution, while southern populations appear to have been relatively unaffected by the last glacial cycle. Patterns of population variation and differentiation at nuclear and mitochondrial loci differ significantly, but simulations indicate that these differences can be explained by the stochastic nature of the coalescent process. These results demonstrate the strength of a multilocus approach to phylogeography and suggest that an overdependence on mitochondrial loci may provide a misleading picture of population‐level processes.  相似文献   
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