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The experimental and clinical data about antibodies against environmental chemical carcinogens and endogenous steroids are represented. The conception of immunomodulation of carcinogens- and steroids-dependent human diseases is proposed. It is postulated that antibodies to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines in cooperation with antibodies to cholesterol, sex hormones, mineralo- and glucocorticoids stimulate or inhibit cancer, malformation, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases depending on their personal combination. It is recommended to use immunoassay of these antibodies for the human diseases prediction. The alternative approaches for prevention using the probiotics transformed by anti-carcinogen antibodies are substantiated.  相似文献   
Flavin‐dependent halogenases require reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2), O2, and halide salts to halogenate their substrates. We describe the crystal structures of the tryptophan 6‐halogenase Thal in complex with FAD or with both tryptophan and FAD. If tryptophan and FAD were soaked simultaneously, both ligands showed impaired binding and in some cases only the adenosine monophosphate or the adenosine moiety of FAD was resolved, suggesting that tryptophan binding increases the mobility mainly of the flavin mononucleotide moiety. This confirms a negative cooperativity between the binding of substrate and cofactor that was previously described for other tryptophan halogenases. Binding of substrate to tryptophan halogenases reduces the affinity for the oxidized cofactor FAD presumably to facilitate the regeneration of FADH2 by flavin reductases.  相似文献   
Bacillithiol is a glucosamine‐derived antioxidant found in several pathogenic Gram‐positive bacteria. The compound is involved in maintaining the appropriate redox state within the cell as well as detoxifying foreign agents like the antibiotic fosfomycin. Bacillithiol is produced via the action of three enzymes, including BshA, a retaining GT‐B glycosyltransferase that utilizes UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine and l ‐malate to produce N‐acetylglucosaminyl‐malate. Recent studies suggest that retaining GT‐B glycosyltransferases like BshA utilize a substrate‐assisted mechanism that goes through an SNi‐like transition state. In a previous study, we relied on X‐ray crystallography as well as computational simulations to hypothesize the manner in which substrates would bind the enzyme, but several questions about substrate binding and the role of one of the amino acid residues persisted. Another study demonstrated that BshA might be subject to feedback inhibition by bacillithiol, but this phenomenon was not analyzed further to determine the exact mechanism of inhibition. Here we present X‐ray crystallographic structures and steady‐state kinetics results that help elucidate both of these issues. Our ligand‐bound crystal structures demonstrate that the active site provides an appropriate steric and geometric arrangement of ligands to facilitate the substrate‐assisted mechanism. Finally, we show that bacillithiol is competitive for UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine with a Ki value near 120–130 μM and likely binds within the BshA active site, suggesting that bacillithiol modulates BshA activity via feedback inhibition. The work presented here furthers our understanding of bacillithiol metabolism and can aid in the development of inhibitors to counteract resistance to antibiotics such as fosfomycin.  相似文献   
In this article we explore the evolutionary history of a functional complex at the molecular level in plethodontid salamanders. The complex consists of a proteinaceous courtship pheromone, a pheromone-producing gland on the male's chin, and a set of behaviors for delivering the pheromone to the female. Long-term evolutionary stasis is the defining feature of this complex at both the morphological and behavioral levels. However, our previous assessment of the pheromone gene, plethodontid receptivity factor (PRF), revealed rapid evolution at the molecular level despite stasis at higher levels of organization. Analysis of a second pheromone gene, sodefrin precursor-like factor (SPF), now indicates that evolutionary decoupling in this complex is pervasive. The evolutionary profiles of SPF and PRF are remarkably similar in that: (a) both genes exhibit high levels of sequence diversity both within and across taxa, (b) genetic diversity has been driven by strong positive selection, and (c) the genes have evolved heterogeneously in different salamander lineages. The composition of the pheromone signal as a whole, however, has experienced an extraordinary evolutionary transition. Whereas SPF has been retained throughout the 100 MY radiation of salamanders, PRF has only recently been recruited to a pheromone function (27 million years ago). When SPF and PRF coexist in the same clade, they show contrasting patterns of evolution. When one shows rapid evolution driven by positive selection, the other shows neutral divergence restrained by purifying selection. In one clade, the origin and subsequent rapid evolution of PRF appear to have interfered with the evolution and persistence of SPF, leading to a pattern of evolutionary replacement. Overall, these two pheromone genes provide a revealing window on the dynamics that drive the evolution of multiple traits in a signaling complex.  相似文献   
Binding characteristics of β-adrenergic receptors of longitudinal muscle membranes isolated from different stages of pregnant rat myometrium were investigated using [3H]dihydroalprenolol. Between Days 15 and 21 of gestation, the ratio of β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors of longitudinal membranes was constant. The membranes were found to be predominant in β2-adrenergic receptors. The concentration of longitudinal muscle β-adrenergic receptors increased significantly during the last 7 days of gestation. Kinetic binding studies implied that the affinity of the membrane β-adrenergic receptors decreased through a slight decrease in the association rate and a large increase in the dissociation rate with progression of pregnancy. A Scatchard plot indicated that longitudinal muscle in β-adrenergic receptors on Days 15 and 18 constitute a single class of independent sites. By contrast, the dissociation kinetics, the convex downward curvature in a Scatchard plot and a Hill coefficient (h) of less than 1.00 of [3H] DHA binding to β-receptors of muscle on Day 21 suggested the existence of negatively cooperative multiple binding sites for β-adrenergic ligand. These results suggest that changes in the dynamics of uterus β-adrenergic receptors play an important role in the onset of labor.  相似文献   
Regulation of contraction in skeletal muscle is a highly cooperative process involving Ca(2+) binding to troponin C (TnC) and strong binding of myosin cross-bridges to actin. To further investigate the role(s) of cooperation in activating the kinetics of cross-bridge cycling, we measured the Ca(2+) dependence of the rate constant of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in skinned single fibers in which cross-bridge and Ca(2+) binding were also perturbed. Ca(2+) sensitivity of tension, the steepness of the force-pCa relationship, and Ca(2+) dependence of k(tr) were measured in skinned fibers that were (1) treated with NEM-S1, a strong-binding, non-force-generating derivative of myosin subfragment 1, to promote cooperative strong binding of endogenous cross-bridges to actin; (2) subjected to partial extraction of TnC to disrupt the spread of activation along the thin filament; or (3) both, partial extraction of TnC and treatment with NEM-S1. The steepness of the force-pCa relationship was consistently reduced by treatment with NEM-S1, by partial extraction of TnC, or by a combination of TnC extraction and NEM-S1, indicating a decrease in the apparent cooperativity of activation. Partial extraction of TnC or NEM-S1 treatment accelerated the rate of force redevelopment at each submaximal force, but had no effect on kinetics of force development in maximally activated preparations. At low levels of Ca(2+), 3 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to maximal values, and higher concentrations of NEM-S1 (6 or 10 microM) increased k(tr) to greater than maximal values. NEM-S1 also accelerated k(tr) at intermediate levels of activation, but to values that were submaximal. However, the combination of partial TnC extraction and 6 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to virtually identical supramaximal values at all levels of activation, thus, completely eliminating the activation dependence of k(tr). These results show that k(tr) is not maximal in control fibers, even at saturating [Ca(2+)], and suggest that activation dependence of k(tr) is due to the combined activating effects of Ca(2+) binding to TnC and cross-bridge binding to actin.  相似文献   
Cooperativity among the four subunits helps give rise to the remarkable voltage sensitivity of Shaker potassium channels, whose open probability changes tenfold for a 5-mV change in membrane potential. The cooperativity in these channels is thought to arise from a concerted structural transition as the final step in opening the channel. Recordings of single-channel ionic currents from certain other channel types, as well as our previous recordings from T442S mutant Shaker channels, however, display intermediate conductance levels in addition to the fully open and closed states. These sublevels might represent stepwise, rather than concerted, transitions in the final steps of channel activation. Here, we report a similar fine structure in the closing transitions of Shaker channels lacking the mutation. Describing the deactivation time course with hidden Markov models, we find that two subconductance levels are rapidly traversed during most closing transitions of chimeric, high conductance Shaker channels. The lifetimes of these levels are voltage-dependent, with maximal values of 52 and 22 micros at -100 mV, and the voltage dependences of transitions among these states suggest that they arise from equivalent conformational changes occurring in individual subunits. At least one subconductance level is found to be traversed in normal conductance Shaker channels. We speculate that voltage-dependent conformational changes in the subunits give rise to changes in a "pore gate" associated with the selectivity filter region of the channel, producing the subconductance states. As a control for the hidden Markov analysis, we applied the same procedures to recordings of the recovery from N-type inactivation in Shaker channels. These transitions are found to be instantaneous in comparison.  相似文献   
This study assessed the effectiveness of operant conditioning in training three species of captive callitrichid primates (Leontopithecus rosalia, Callithrix geoffroyi, and Saguinus imperator) to urinate on demand. There were three goals to the study: 1) to develop a system for quantitatively assessing positive reinforcement training; 2) to ascertain whether or not positive reinforcement techniques can be used to train callitrichid monkeys to urinate on demand, and if so, how many training sessions are required; and 3) to determine the effect on urination behavior of the trainer entering the cage to collect a urine sample. Positive reinforcement with a continuous reinforcement schedule was used to capture a natural behavior: urination. Training sessions (30 min each) were conducted at dawn thrice weekly during five consecutive phases: habituation, control, training (animals were rewarded for urinating), maintenance (animals had reached a defined training criteria and continued to be rewarded for urinating), and collection (animals were rewarded for urinating, and the trainer entered the cage to collect the sample). The numbers of 30-min training sessions required to train the three monkey species (L. rosalia, C. geoffroyi, and S. imperator) were five, six, and eight, respectively. For the three species, the mean number of urinations per animal was significantly greater during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. However, the three species differed significantly in the manner in which the rates of urination changed across the five phases. A higher proportion of subjects urinated during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. Latency to first urination varied significantly across the five phases, with significantly reduced latencies to urinate during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. The entry of the trainer into the cage to collect the urine sample did not appear to alter urination behavior. We demonstrate that operant conditioning techniques, which typically incur minimal cost, time investment, and disturbance, can be used to increase the quantity of urine samples collected for physiological analysis, the proportion of animals that urinate, and the speed of sample collection.  相似文献   
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