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The availability of fast and accurate sequencing procedures along with the use of PCR has led to a proliferation of studies of variability at the molecular level in populations. Nevertheless, it is often impractical to examine long genomic stretches and a large number of individuals at the same time. In order to optimize this kind of study, we suggest a heuristic procedure for detection of the shortest region whose informational content can be considered sufficient for significant phylogenetic reconstruction. The method is based on the comparison of the pairwise genetic distances obtained from a set of sequences of reference to those obtained for different windows of variable size and position by means of a simple index. We also present an approach for testing whether the informative content in the stretches selected in this way is significantly different from the corresponding content shown by the larger genomic regions used as reference. Application of this test to the analysis of the VP1 protein gene of foot-and-mouth-disease type C virus allowed us to define optimal stretches whose informative content is not significantly different from that displayed by the complete VP1 sequence. We showed that the predictions made for type C sequences are valid for type O sequences, indicating that the results of the procedure are consistent. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   
鸡爪草属的染色体及其系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了毛茛科鸡爪草Calathodes oxycarpa的核形态。其静止核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别属于复杂中央染色微粒型和中间型,中期染色体属于R型,核型公式为2n=16=8sm 8st(2sat)。据此并结合有关资料,讨论了鸡爪草属与毛茛科其它类群的亲缘关系,认为鸡爪草属与金莲花属和特产于南朝鲜的Megaleranthis属是极为近缘的类群,不宜将它们分开置于不同的族或亚科中。  相似文献   
GTP catabolism induced by sodium azide or deoxyglucose was studied in purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficient human B lymphoblastoid cells. In PNP deficient cells, as in control cells, guanylate was both dephosphorylated and deaminated but dephosphorylation was the major pathway. Only nucleosides were excreted during GTP catabolism by PNP deficient cells and the main product was guanosine. The level of nucleoside excretion was largely affected by intracellular orthophosphate (Pi) level. In contrast, normal cells excreted nucleosides only at low Pi level while at high Pi levels, purine bases (guanine and hypoxanthine) were exclusively excreted. PNP deficiency had no effect on the extent of GMP deamination.  相似文献   
Light and first SEM observations on the pollen ofAegialitis indicate that the two species of the genus are clearly distinguishable from all other genera of the tribeStaticeae to whichAegialitis presently is relegated. Intraspecific exine or aperture dimorphism which appears frequently in this tribe, is not recorded in this genus.A. annulata andA. rotundifolia have distinct monomorphic pollen and show a great resemblance in exine features with the tribePlumbagineae, particularly species ofPlumbago. Considering these and other features, separate subtribal status forAegialitis within thePlumbagineae is proposed.  相似文献   
A Bacillus sp., isolated by anaerobic enrichment on a o-phthalic acid-nitrate medium, grew either aerobically or anaerobically on phthalic acid. Cells grown anaerobically on phthalate immediately oxidized phthalate and benzoate with nitrate, whereas aerobic oxidation only occurred after a lag period and was inhibited by chloramphenicol. 2-Fluoro-and 3-fluorobenzoate were formed from 3-fluorophthalate by cells grown anaerobically on phthalate. Aerobically grown cells immediately oxidized phthalate, benzoate, 3-hydroxybenzoate and gentisate with oxygen. The aerobic and anaerobic route of catabolism of phthalate may thus share an initial decarboxylation to benzoate. This is the first report of the anaerobic dissimilation of phthalic acid by a pure bacterial culture.  相似文献   
Cell-free extracts of d-fructose grown cells of Pseudomonas putida, P. fluorescens, P. aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, P. mendocina, P. acidovorans and P. maltophila catalyzed a P-enolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of d-fructose and contained 1-P-fructokinase activity suggesting that in these species fructuse-1-P and fructose-1,6-P2 were intermediates of d-fructose catabolism. Neither the 1-P-fructokinase nor the activity catalyzing a P-enolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of d-fructose was present in significant amounts in succinate-grown cells indicating that both activities were inducible. Cell-free extracts also contained activities of fructose-1,6-P2 aldolase, fructose-1,6-P2 phosphatase, and P-hexose isomerase which could convert fructose-1,6-P2 to intermediates of either the Embden-Meyerhof pathway or Entner-Doudoroff pathway. Radiolabeling experiments with 1-14C-d-fructose suggested that in P. putida, P. aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, and P. acidovorans most of the alanine was made via the Entner-Doudoroff pathway with a minor portion being made via the Embden-meyerhof pathway. An edd - mutant of P. putida which lacked a functional Entner-Doudoroff pathway but was able to grow on d-fructose appeared to make alanine solely via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway.Non-Standard Abbreviations cpm counts per min - edd - mutant lacking Entner-Doudoroff dehydrase (6-PGA dehydrase) - EDP Entner-Doudoroff pathway - EMP Embden-Meyerhof pathway - FDP fructose-1,6-P2 - FDPase FDP phosphatase - F-1-P fructose-1-P - F-6-P fructose-6-P - FPTs PEP: d-fructose phosphotransferase system - G-6-P glucose-6-P - KDPG 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-P-gluconate - PEP P-enolpyruvate - 1-PFK 1-P-fructokinase - 6-PFK 6-P-fructokinase - 6-PGA 6-P-gluconate  相似文献   
Rhodopsin in bovine photoreceptor disk membranes was subjected to limited proteolysis by thermolysin, removing twelve amino acids from rhodopsin's carboxyl terminus. (1) The rate of proteolysis is significantly faster with rhodopsin following exposure to light than with unbleached rhodopsin, provided that the incubation conditions (pH, temperature) favor the formation of metarhodopsin II. (2) If the disk membranes are illuminated under conditions in which metarhodopsin I is the predominant photoproduct (pH 8.5, 0°C), no increase in the rate of proteolysis is observed compared to unilluminated membranes. (3) The light-induced increase in the rate of proteolysis is transient: it slowly decays in the dark to the original rate found for unbleached rhodopsin. The enhanced susceptibility to proteolysis appears to measure a conformational change at rhodopsin's cytoplasmic surface which is first exhibited at the metarhodopsin II stage. This and possibly other light-dependent changes may allow rhodopsin to mediate its signal as a light-receptor protein by binding to and activating certain rod cell enzymes.  相似文献   
In view of the development of al-carnitine deficiency, the metabolism ofl-carnitine and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds was studied inSalmonella typhimurium LT2 by means of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).l-Carnitine, crotonobetaine and acetyl-l-carnitine stimulated the anaerobic growth in a complex medium significantly. The stimulation depended on the formation of -butyrobetaine. The reduction ofl-carnitine proceeded in two steps: (1) Dehydration of thel-carnitine to crotonobetaine, (2) hydrogenation of crotonobetaine to -butyrobetaine. The reduction of crotonobetaine was responsible for the growth stimulation. Terminal electron acceptors of the anaerobic respiration such as nitrate and trimethylamine N-oxide, but not fumarate, suppressed the catabolism ofl-carnitine completely. Glucose fermentation, too, inhibited the reduction ofl-carnitine but optimal growth with a high carnitine catabolism was achieved byd-ribose. The esters of carnitine with medium- and long-chain fatty acids inhibited the growth considerably because of their detergent properties.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
The intracellular positions of the nucleus and of cortical, circumferentially aligned microtubules (CCAM) in filamentous, single-celled protonemata ofAdiantum capillus-veneris were determined throughout the cell cycle in the dark. When apical growth continued at G1 phase, the nucleus migrated keeping a constant distance from the tip. When the apical growth stopped at late S or G2 phase, the nucleus stopped moving forward and then slightly moved backward to the site of cytokinesis. The CCAM were found only in the dome of protonemal tip when growing under continuous red light; they increased in number after dark incubation for 12 hr and then decreased after 20th hr in the dark. The CCAM were usually observed in the region between the nucleus and the tip at 28 hr in the dark. They were located around the nuclear region at pre-prophase and prophase, but then totally disappeared at metaphase and thereafter.  相似文献   
During the development of the mealworm Tenebrio molitor, the effects of corpora cardiaca (CC) extracts on glucose catabolism were tested. In control insects and in insects receiving CC extracts, the activity of the pentose cycle and the glycolytic-citric acid cycle, were evaluated in vivo by a radiorespirometric method using [1-14C] glucose and [6-14C] glucose as substrates. The CC extracts strongly divert glucose from the pentose phosphate pathway, which is very active in Tenebrio molitor. Glucose oxidation is reduced by the CC extracts in pupae and adults but is increased in last instar larvae. It seems that the effects of CC extracts vary depending upon the state of carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   
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