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Xenotransplantation from pigs provides a possible solution to the shortage of human organs for allotransplantation. Porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) are a possible obstacle to using porcine organs in addition to the immunological barriers. Three main types of PERVs (A, B and C) have been previously investigated in diverse pig breeds. To examine the copy numbers of PERVs and their genomic locations in the Korean native pig genome, we screened a BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) library with PERV-specific protease primers for initial recognition of PERV-positive clones and three sets of envelope-specific primers for the identification of PERV types. A total of 45 PERV-positive clones, nine PERV-A and 36 PERV-B, have been identified from the library screening and the BAC contigs were constructed using the primers designed from BAC end sequences (BESs). These primers were also used for SCH (Somatic Cell Hybrid) and RH (Radiation Hybrid) mapping of the PERV-positive clones. The results indicate that 45 PERV-positive BAC clones belong to nine contigs and a singleton. SCH and IMpRH (INRA-Minnesota Porcine Radiation Hybrid) mapping results indicated that there are at least eight separate PERV genomic locations, consisting of three PERV-A and five PERV-B. One contig could not be mapped, and two contigs are closely located on SSC7. Southern blotting indicates there may be up to 15 additional sites. Further investigation of these clones will contribute to a general strategy to generate PERV-free lines of pigs suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
竹节参雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了竹节参(Panax japonicus C.A.Mey)雌配子体(胚囊)的发育过程。竹节参大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生线形排列的大孢子四分体。胚囊发育属蓼型,由合点端大孢子发育而成。游离核胚囊时期,胚囊珠孔端的细胞器种类和数量都较胚囊合点端多;胚囊合点端相邻的珠被细胞中有含淀粉粒的小质体,与胚囊珠孔端相邻的退化中的非功能大孢子中则有含淀粉粒的大质体和大类脂体。成熟胚囊中,反足细胞较早退化;极核融合成次生核;卵细胞高度液泡化,细胞器数量较少;助细胞则有丰富的细胞器和发达的丝状器。PAS反应表明,受精前的成熟胚囊中积累淀粉粒。次生核受精后,很快分裂产生胚乳游离核,到几十至数百个核时形成胚乳细胞。卵细胞受精后则要经过较长的休眠期。  相似文献   
The tight junction (TJ) is an essential component of the differentiated epithelial cell required for polarised transport and intercellular integrity and signalling. Whilst much can be learnt about how the TJ is constructed and maintained and how it functions using a wide range of cellular systems, the mechanisms of TJ biogenesis within developmental models must be studied to gain insight into this process as an integral part of epithelial differentiation. Here, we review TJ biogenesis in the early mammalian embryo, mainly considering the mouse but also including the human and other species, and, briefly, within the amphibian embryo. We relate TJ biogenesis to inherent mechanisms of cell differentiation and biosynthesis occurring during cleavage of the egg and the formation of the first epithelium. We also evaluate a wide range of exogenous cues, including cell-cell interactions, protein kinase C signalling, gap junctional communication, Na+/K+-ATPase and cellular energy status, that may contribute to TJ biogenesis in the embryo and how these may shape the pattern of early morphogenesis.  相似文献   
早期人胚胎cDNA文库构建及目的基因筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集受精后3、4和5周龄药物流产胚胎,用改良一步法提取总RNA,oligo(dT)纤维素柱纯化mRNA,逆转录合成一链cDNA,完成二链cDNA的合成后,经碱变性电泳检测,合成cDNA的大小为0.4~9.0kb之间,且主要集中在1.0~2.0kb。除去多余的接头,收集大于400bp的cDNA片段,与载体pSPORT1和和γZipLox连接,分别得到3、4、5周龄人胚胎质粒文加和噬菌体文库。另外,采  相似文献   
利用鸡胚浸出液制作细菌培养基的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用鸡胚浸出液制作的肉汤和琼脂平板培养基均能适合副鸡嗜血杆菌、大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的生长,用平板计数法、麦氏比浊法和离心称重法分别对副鸡嗜血杆菌、大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的培养产物进行含菌量、菌泥湿重测定,结果表明,鸡胚浸出济培养基培养的沙门氏菌产量是普通培养基培养的沙门氏菌产量的20倍以上,培养的副鸡嗜血杆菌产量是普通培养的3倍以上,而鸡胚浸出液培养基与普通培养基对大肠杆菌的培养数量则无明显差异。  相似文献   
为培育早花抗寒梅花新品种,以梅(Prunus mume)品种‘江梅’(P.mume‘Jiangmei’)、‘淡丰后’(P.mume‘Dan Fenghou’)与山桃(P.davidiana)、‘白花’山桃(P.davidiana‘Alba’)为亲本进行杂交试验,记录种间杂交结实率,观察花粉管生长,对未成熟胚进行培养。结果表明:(1)梅与山桃、‘白花’山桃杂交结实率很低,‘江梅’ב白花’山桃未结果,结实率最高的组合为‘淡丰后’×山桃,也仅有7.4%,且杂交果实的果核内部分胚干瘪、败育。(2)山桃和‘白花’山桃的花粉在梅柱头上都能正常萌发,但花粉管生长受抑制,多数花粉管到达花柱中部即弯曲、缠绕、断裂,花粉管生长过程中有大量的胼胝质产生,表现较低的杂交亲和性,但不同种间杂交亲和程度又有所不同。(3)通过未成熟胚培养获得了杂种苗。研究表明,梅与同属种杂交存在不亲和性,幼胚拯救是获得梅与李属其他种远缘杂交杂种苗的有效途径。  相似文献   
猪肥胖基因cDNA的克隆与分析   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
戴茹娟  李宁  吴常信 《遗传学报》2000,27(4):290-297
肥胖基因(ab)是近年刚被克隆的新基因,该基因产物Leptin是反映体内脂肪含量和调节体重的重信号因子,首次报道猪ob基因全长序列,并对不同种物ob基因的同源性进行了比较,以λUni-ZAP^TM为载体构建了猪脂肪cDNA文库,根据已知的人和鼠ob基因序列设计PCR引物,利用PCR法筛选猪脂肪cDNA文库,并用RT-PCR从脂肪RNA中扩增的366bp猪ob基因片段作探针,获得了全长3277bp的  相似文献   
(+)-ABA content and lipid deposition in interior spruce somatic embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Interior spruce (Picea glauca engelmannii complex) somatic embryos grown on 48 μmol (±)-ABA per L over a period of 42 d without transfer underwent precocious germination by 49 d. Those transferred at 28 d to fresh medium with 48 μmol (±)-ABA continued embryo development until harvested at 56 d; the transfer at 28 d resulted in an increase in embryo lipid content after 42 d. Somatic embryos grown under this condition contained 181.4±41.2, 116.0±42.4, and 91.8±33.6 ng (+)-ABA per mg of lyophilized tissue at 42, 49, and 56 d, respectively. By comparison, embryos grown without the transfer at 28 d had 86.8±25.4 ng (+)-ABA per mg of lyophilized tissue at 42 d, just prior to precocious germination. After 3 weeks’ storage in a drying chamber under high humidity, the (+)-ABA content of 56-d-old transferred embryos decreased to 15.4 ± 4.4 ng (+)-ABA per mg of lyophilized tissue. The increased lipid content resulting from embryo transfer and the reduction in internal (+)-ABA content during storage are factors which will contribute to improved conversion of somatic embryos to plantlets.  相似文献   
Based on our previous research, sulfated modification conditions of Tremella polysaccharide (TPS), the chlorosulfonic acid to pyridine (CSA-Pry) ratio, reaction temperature and time, were optimized by L9 (34) orthogonal design taking the yield and degree of sulfation (DS) of modifiers as indexes. Two TPSs, TPStp and TPS70c, were modified under optimized conditions. The effects of two modifiers, sTPStp and sTPS70c, on cellular infectivity of NDV were determined by MTT method taking the non-modified TPStp, TPStc and TPS70c as controls. The results showed that the optimized modification conditions were reaction temperature of 80 °C, CSA-Pry ratio of 1:6 and reaction time of 1.5 h. Five polysaccharides at proper concentrations could significantly inhibit the infectivity of NDV to CEF. The virus inhibitory rates of sTPStp at 1.563 μg mL−1 group were the highest and significantly higher than those of other three non-modified polysaccharide groups in three sample-adding modes. This indicated that sulfated modification could significantly improve the antiviral activity of TPS. sTPStp possessed the best efficacy and would be as a component of antiviral polysaccharide drug.  相似文献   
三带喙库蚊体内猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】调查猪场蚊虫是否能携带猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)病毒。【方法】采集发生PRRS疫情的3个养猪场蚊虫样本,采用RT-PCR方法检测PRRS病毒核酸,取阳性蚊虫样本接种Marc-145细胞进行病毒的分离培养,以间接免疫荧光抗体技术和分子克隆技术进行病毒的鉴定。【结果】 养猪场内的蚊虫主要有三带喙库蚊Culex tritaeniorhychus、凶小库蚊Culex modestus、中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis和骚扰阿蚊Armigeres obturbans,其中三带喙库蚊占86.76%;以PRRS病毒N基因引物进行扩增,三带喙库蚊样本呈现阳性反应,而其他蚊种均为阴性。在蚊虫接种的Marc-145细胞中可见细胞融合和空泡形成等细胞病变效应;用抗PRRS病毒N蛋白抗体和羊抗猪IgG(H+L)-FITC进行间接免疫荧光染色,感染细胞呈现黄绿色荧光;以NSP2基因引物进行RT-PCR扩增、克隆与测序,发现库蚊源病毒与相应猪场猪源病毒中相应基因的序列具有较高同源性。【结论】 三带喙库蚊为猪舍优势蚊种,并能携带猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒。  相似文献   
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