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The possible alliance between Gaertnera and Pagamea (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae), two genera from the Old and New World, respectively, is investigated on the basis of wood anatomy and pollen morphology. Nowadays, the main point of discussion about the taxonomic position of these genera is whether they belong to the Psychotrieae or constitute a tribe Gaertnereae characterised by their secondarily superior ovary and sheathing stipules. Both the wood and pollen of the genus pair are found to show specific features absent in other genera of the Psychotrieae, e.g. parenchyma bands in the xylem and endexine thickenings on the polar sites of the pollen apertures. Nevertheless Gaertnera and Pagamea share many other characters with the Psychotrieae. Wood and pollen convincingly demonstrate the very close affinity of the two genera. The sister pair differs in so many features from other Psychotrieae, that Gaertnera and Pagamea should constitute at least a subtribe Gaertnerinae, formally recognized here. The general lack of profound studies on the affinities within the very large tribe Psychotrieae makes further comments on the taxonomic relationships of the Gaertnerinae difficult.  相似文献   
银缕梅木材解剖特征及其系统学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了银缕梅(ShaniodendronsubaequaleM.B.Deng,H.T.Wei&X,Q,Wang)木材的解剖学特征,通过比较研究支持将银缕梅(“小叶金缕梅”HamamelissubaeqalisH.T.Chang)从金缕梅属(族)中分出的处理,其合适的系统位置应归入弗特吉族。  相似文献   
This paper describes six species of permineralized pinoid woods with resin canals from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan and Saghalien:Piceoxylon transiens Shimakura,P. scleromedullosum Shimakura,P. macroporosum sp. nov.,P. takahashii sp. nov.,Pinuxylon microporosum Ogura andPinoxylon dakotense (Knowlton) Read (new to Saghalien and the Cretaceous).Piceoxylon macroporosum is characterized by large resin canals and rays without ray tracheids and in lacking tylosoids in resin canals.Piceoxylon takahashii, which resemblesP. scleromedullosum, is distinguished from the latter in having ray tracheids and nests of sclereids in pith. Structure and affinities of the petrified plants from the Cretaceous of Northern Japan and Saghalien XVI. (continued from Ohsawaet al. 1995)  相似文献   
To determine the effect of soil environment on the life stages and total numbers of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, nematode-infested wood chips alone and mixed with soil were incubated at 12 and 20 C. Nematodes were extracted at 2-week intervals for 12 weeks. Numbers of nematodes and percentage of third-stage dispersal larvae were greater at 12 C and in chips without soil. Percentage of juveniles of the propagative cycle was greater at 20 C and in chips with soil. Although B. xylophilus survived in chips with soil for 12 weeks, nematode numbers and life stage percentages changed little over time. To determine if B. xylophilus was capable of infecting wounded roots, infested and uninfested chips were mixed with soil in pots with white and Scots pine seedlings. Trees were maintained at 20 and 30 C and harvested at mortality or after 12 weeks. Only seedlings treated with infested chips contained nematodes. In field experiments, planted seedlings were mulched with infested chips to determine if nematodes would invade basal stem wounds. Among these trees, Scots pine was more susceptible than white or red pines to infection and mortality.  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of lignicolous marine fungi in the Straits of Messina has been studied. Using submerged panels of pine, beech and poplar, twenty fungal species were identified. The lignicolous mycoflora of the Messina Straits was not significantly different from that reported in the literature for other temperate marine coastal environments, Ascomycotina being frequent, while Basidiomycotina were rare.  相似文献   
We compared the feeding excavations on wood blocks of three species of subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), and R. virginicus (Banks). Feeding rate followed the order C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. Wood surface area (mm2) exposed per unit feeding was higher for C. formosanus and R. flavipes than for R. virginicus. This was caused by the tendency of C. formosanus and R. flavipes to make internally penetrating tunnels, thereby increasing surface area, whereas R. virginicus made trough- and bowl-like depressions on the outside of blocks, sometimes decreasing the size of blocks outwardly without a corresponding high increase in surface area typical with the tunnels of the other species. Consequently, wood surface area was sometimes reduced, rather than increased as a result of feeding by R. virginicus. Different patterns of wood excavation suggest that these termites have divergent roles in wood decay processes.
Résumé Les organismes pionniers qui modifient le bois et le rendent acceptable par les insectes qui le perforent sont généralement des champignons du bois pourri. Cependant, une fois que les termites ou autres insectes perforant le bois ont pénétré, leurs galeries favorisent les bactéries fixatrices d'azote, permettent l'invasion d'autres organismes décomposeurs, et de ce fait régularisent la décomposition du bois (Ausmus, 1977). L'exposition de la surface à l'intérieur des perforations jouant un rôle très important dans le processus de pourrissement, il est souhaitable de pouvoir quantifier la surface des galeries dues à l'alimentation des termites. Une courbe type permettant de prédire l'aire de la surface perforée a été construite en perçant 109 morceaux de bois de trous cylindriques de différents diamètres, en calculant l'aire de la surface des morceaux de bois, en appliquant et pesant une couche de vernis pour bois au polyuréthane, et en divisant la masse de polyuréthane par l'aire de la surface. Le modèle prédictif qui en découle est: Y=0,01443×-3,51825 (P=0,0001; r=0,68), y étant la masse de polyuréthane (en g) et x la surface (en mm2) du morceau de bois. En traitant de la même façon au polyuréthane les morceaux de bois perforés par les termites, nous pourrions déduire leur surface.Une expérience a été effectuée avec 3 espèces de rhinotermitides,- Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) et R. virginicus (Banks). Des groupes de chaque espèce se sont alimentés pendant 11 ou 12 jours sur des morceaux de bois non contaminés par des champignons. Nous avons déterminé la survie, la consommation, la modification de la surface du morceau de bois (par utilisation du modèle prédictif) et le changement de surface par terminte.La survie est la même, mais la consommation est dans l'ordre suivant: C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. L'aire de la surface exposée par unité d'alimentation était plus élevée pour C. formosanus et R. flavipes que pour R. virginicus (Tab. 1). Ceci est dû à la tendance de C. formosanus et R. flavipes de creuser des galeries vers l'intérieur, tandis que R. virginicus fait des cuvettes à la surface du bois. Les attaques superficielles de R. virginicus réduisent parfois le volume du morceau de bois sans accroître proportionnellement la surface comme le font les espèces creusant des galeries. Ainsi, avec R. virginicus la surface peut être réduite au lieu d'augmenter. Des différences entre colonies s'observent avec toutes les variables (Tab. 2).Nos résultats suggèrent que C. formosanus et R. flavipes contribuent plus que R. virginicus à exposer le bois aux autres organismes décomposeurs. Cependant, ces résultats peuvent être modifiés par un conditionnement préalable du bois par des champignons.
Analysis of wood essential oil of Cupressus dupreziana revealed 26 components: 13 monoterpenes and 13 sesquiterpenes. The main components were carv  相似文献   
Basipetal to the shoot apex, a procambial ring with parenchymatous gaps is present. The protoxylem poles are endarrh in both the ectophloic siphonostele and the collateral vascular bundle which comprises the leaf trace. Each leaf trace has an anastomosing system of protoxylem poles that decreases in number basipetally from five to three to two. Differentiation of the leaf trace procambium and protoxylem is bidirectional, that is the differentiation first occurs near the base of the leaf and acropetally in the leaf and basipetally in the stem. Then a fascicular cambium differentiates betweem the primary xylem and phloem in the leaf. This vascular cambium which is also present in the stem is unidirectional and only produces secondary xylem centripetally. Limited secondary growth also occurs in roots. Medullary tracheids when present are longitudinally continuous with the vascular system. The stele of the stem is interpretated as a sympodium of leaf traces and the pith is considered to be fundamental tissue enclosed by the anastomosing of leaf traces.  相似文献   
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