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Phosphorus enrichment of aquatic ecosystems through diffuse source pollution is an ongoing issue worldwide. A potential solution lies in the use of fast‐growing, multipurpose feedstocks, such as trees, to limit the flow of phosphorus into riparian areas through luxury consumption. However, the perennial nature of trees and their use of leaves as storage organs for excess phosphorus may reduce the effectiveness of contaminant removal during periods of leaf abscission. In an attempt to improve phosphorus remobilization during autumnal senescence, transgenic hybrid poplar P39 (Populus alba × Populus grandidentata) and Arabidopsis thaliana harbouring a constitutively expressed low‐affinity potato phosphate transporter (35S::StPht1‐1) were generated using Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation. For both species, the highest expressing 35S::StPht1‐1 lines were grown alongside wild‐type plants and subjected to increasing phosphate applications. StPht1‐1 expression in A. thaliana led to a reduction in biomass when grown under high‐phosphate conditions and had no effect on phosphate remobilization during senescence. In contrast, StPht1‐1 constitutive expression in P39 resulted in increased leaf phosphate content in the highest expressing transgenic line and minimal to no effect on P resorption efficiency. Surprisingly, sulphate resorption showed the greatest improvement in all three transgenic poplar lines, displaying a 31%–37% increase in resorption efficiency. These results highlight the complexity of nutrient resorption mechanisms in plants.  相似文献   
Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) are small, non‐autonomous and heterogeneous retrotransposons that are widespread in plants. To explore the amplification dynamics and evolutionary history of SINE populations in representative deciduous tree species, we analyzed the genomes of the six following Salicaceae species: Populus deltoides, Populus euphratica, Populus tremula, Populus tremuloides, Populus trichocarpa, and Salix purpurea. We identified 11 Salicaceae SINE families (SaliS‐I to SaliS‐XI), comprising 27 077 full‐length copies. Most of these families harbor segmental similarities, providing evidence for SINE emergence by reshuffling or heterodimerization. We observed two SINE groups, differing in phylogenetic distribution pattern, similarity and 3′ end structure. These groups probably emerged during the ‘salicoid duplication’ (~65 million years ago) in the SalixPopulus progenitor and during the separation of the genus Salix (45–65 million years ago), respectively. In contrast to conserved 5′ start motifs across species and SINE families, the 3′ ends are highly variable in sequence and length. This extraordinary 3′‐end variability results from mutations in the poly(A) tail, which were fixed by subsequent amplificational bursts. We show that the dissemination of newly evolved 3′ ends is accomplished by a displacement of older motifs, leading to various 3′‐end subpopulations within the SaliS families.  相似文献   
木兰围场典型落叶松-杨桦混交林生物量及固碳能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以木兰林管局北沟林场内典型落叶松-杨桦混交林、落叶松人工林、白桦天然次生林、山杨天然次生林为研究对象,利用分层切割法和分层挖掘法对华北落叶松、白桦、山杨的生物量进行测定,并通过解析木进行了生长量的测定,从而建立生物量、生长量模型对林分的碳储量和固碳能力进行了估算。其研究结果表明:落叶松-杨桦混交林较落叶松人工林、白桦天然次生林、山杨天然次生林具有一定幅度的增产效益。落叶松-杨桦混交林中落叶松、白桦、山杨表现均优于各自的人工林或天然林,平均胸径分别高出6.7%、12.8%、4.1%,平均树高分别高出12.1%、1.4%、11.1%。落叶松-杨桦混交林中落叶松、白桦、山杨的固碳量增幅分别为29.74%、28.36%、34.52%;落叶松人工林固碳量增幅27.09%;白桦天然次生林固碳量增幅26.34%;山杨天然次生林固碳量增幅26.24%。落叶松-杨桦混交林中落叶松、白桦、山杨固碳量的增幅分别高于所对应树种的2.65%、2.02%、8.28%。  相似文献   
转基因741杨节肢动物群落主要害虫及天敌的动态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在时间序列过程中,转基因741杨对目标害虫鳞翅目食叶害虫表现出持续的抗性,其数量明显减少,高抗和中抗741杨之间差异不大.研究表明,转基因741杨对目标昆虫和非目的植食性害虫存在负效应,而对天敌和中性节肢动物组成和发生无明显负作用.因而在制定害虫综合治理策略和途径上宜采取与对照741杨不同的措施,抗性株系应以生态调控为主.  相似文献   
杨敏生  米丹  D.Ewal  王颖  梁海永  甄志先 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3555-3561
用部分改造的 BtCry1Ac基因与慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂(API-A)基因构建的双抗虫基因表达载体,通过农杆菌介导法对三倍体毛白杨进行了转化,对转化后植株体内残存农杆菌在继代培养和移栽过程中进行了跟踪检测。结果表明:通过对转化再生植株的分子生物学检测,42个株系中,33个株系为阳性,阳性率达到80%;用Bt毒蛋白抗血清进行ELSA检测结果表明,7个转基因株系都有Bt杀虫蛋白表达;基因转化后,可采用附加50 mg/L卡那霉素,300 mg/L羧青霉素的筛选培养基消除细菌并进行抗性芽筛选。对28个转基因株系叶片、茎段和根段在含有卡那霉素50 mg/L YEB培养基上进行细菌培养,通过在T-DNA区、质粒Vir区和农杆菌基因组设计引物,进行PCR检测,证明有3个株系(33、37、5号)检测到残存工程农杆菌,并在组培瓶中存活24个月。将带菌的3个株系组培苗移栽到花盆中,室内培养1个月后,在33号株系根际土壤中检测到了目的农杆菌。  相似文献   
杨树无性系PV曲线水分参数的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用PV技术对8个杨树无性系(3、6、7、8、9、10、11、12号)的水分参数ψstlp、ψssat、RWCtlp、ROWCtlp、AWC、ξmax和b值等进行了研究,并采用抗旱性指数(DI)和模糊数学反隶属函数两种方法对各个无性系的抗旱性进行了综合评价.结果显示:8个无性系的ψstlp、ψssat、ROWCtlp、ξmax、b值不同,抗旱性也存在一定的差异.其中,11、7和8号维持膨压和渗透调节的能力比其余无性系强;11号具有很强的保持最大膨压和维持低水势的能力;7~9号无性系具有较强的忍耐水分胁迫和抗脱水的能力;3和6号细胞弹性最大,主要依靠其坚硬厚实的细胞保持体内的水分.结果表明,8个无性系分为3个类群:第一类群为无性系7、8、9、11、12号,抗旱性最强;第二类群为无性系10号,抗旱性居中;第三类群为无性系3号和6号,抗旱性最弱.  相似文献   
白杨派树种雌蕊柱头可授性及其检测方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以银腺杨、毛新杨和银毛杨为材料,采用定期授粉观察以及联苯胺-过氧化氢染色等方法,对白杨派树种雌蕊柱头可授性进行了研究,结果表明:在温室水培条件下,白杨树种雌蕊柱头的可授期一般在1~3 d内,其中毛新杨雌蕊柱头可授期比银腺杨和银毛杨相对短些.但3个树种进入最佳授粉时期时的柱头开裂角度约为180°,此时柱头发亮且表面有大量分泌物存在;在适宜授粉时期内,用联苯胺-过氧化氢染色后柱头变蓝,并有气泡产生。在育种实践中,可根据柱头形态以及联苯胺-过氧化氢染色后柱头颜色变化和气泡产生情况及时判别有关白杨派树种最佳授粉时期。  相似文献   
The trajectory of tree‐growth response to climate warming may be related to attributes like tree age. However, age‐mediation of temperature sensitivity of tree growth has received little attention. This study aimed to determine how age affects tree growth in a future warmer world. In a 2‐year ecosystem warming experiment in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau of China, we explored the response of Qinghai spruce saplings at two life stages to two warming levels. Our results indicated a significant interaction between warming and age for sapling growth of Qinghai spruce. In high‐level warming scenario, the experiment increased growing season air temperatures by approximately 1.0°C and annual growing degree‐days by 38%. In response, warmed saplings lengthened the growing season by 10 days on average and increased the final shoot length to a maximum of 104% compared to control groups. Comparison of age classes revealed that old saplings exhibited significantly higher temperature sensitivity than young saplings. This performance may be caused by the differences in adaptive strategy to the asymmetric warming occurring during the whole day. Increased daytime temperature was expected to significantly enhance leaf photosynthesis, whereas lack of obvious nighttime warming would effectively restrict autotrophic respiration, thus resulting in the higher growth rate of old saplings compared with young saplings. Moreover, lack of nighttime warming rendered young saplings to be still in high stresses of freezing injury at low temperatures. These findings highlight the need for additional research on the effects of further climate anomalies on tree species during their ontogenetic processes.  相似文献   
To investigate the phytoextraction potential of Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis Bunge for cadmium (Cd) contaminated calcareous soils, a concentration gradient experiment and a field sampling experiment (involving poplars of different ages) were conducted. The translocation factors for all experiments and treatments were greater than 1. The bioconcentration factor decreased from 2.37 to 0.25 with increasing soil Cd concentration in the concentration gradient experiment and generally decreased with stand age under field conditions. The Cd concentrations in P. pyramidalis organs decreased in the order of leaves > stems > roots. The shoot biomass production in the concentration gradient experiment was not significantly reduced with soil Cd concentrations up to or slightly over 50 mg kg–1. The results show that the phytoextraction efficiency of P. pyramidalis depends on both the soil Cd concentration and the tree age. Populus pyramidalis is most suitable for remediation of slightly Cd contaminated calcareous soils through the combined harvest of stems and leaves under actual field conditions.  相似文献   
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