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Fatty Acyl-ACP thioesterase (FAT) is a key enzyme controlling oil biosynthesis in plant seeds. FATs can be divided into two subfamilies, FATA and FATB according to their amino acid sequences and substrate specificity. The Upland cotton genome contains 20 GhFAT genes, amongst which 6 genes were of the GhFATA subfamily and 14 of the GhFATB subfamily. The 20 GhFAT genes are unevenly distributed on 14 chromosomes. The GhFATA genes have 5 or 7 exons and the GhFATB genes have 6 or 7 exons. All GhFAT proteins have the conserved Acyl-ACP_TE domain and PLN02370 super family, the typical characteristics of plant thioesterases. Analyses of the expression level of GhFATs and the compositions of fatty acid in 5–60 days-post-anthesis seeds showed that the ratio of saturated fatty acids to unsaturated fatty acids was consistent with the expression profile of GhFATB12, GhFATB3, and GhFATB10; the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acid to polyunsaturated fatty acids was consistent with the expression profile of GhFATA3. The oil contents of mature cottonseeds were positively correlated with the contents of palmitic acid and linolenic acid as well as seed vigor. These results provide essential information for further exploring the role(s) of the specific GhFATs in determining oil biosynthesis and cottonseed compositions.  相似文献   
In order to cope with the increasing number of publications on the separation of enantiomers by chromatography on a chiral stationary phase, the graphical molecular database CHIRBASE was created. In the present state, the database package covers information (structural, bibiographic, and chromatographic data) on liquid-, supercritical fluid-, and gas chromatography; other methods will follow. CHIRBASE, running on the MDL software Chembase®, meets the requirements of contemporary information management in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. (Detailed information including a demo-version of each part of CHIRBASE can be obtained from the authors on request.) © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Conspicuous behaviors such as courtship and mating often makeanimals susceptible to predation. When perceiving themselvesat an elevated level of risk, animals frequently reduce conspicuousbehaviors in tradeoff for a decrease in probability of beingpreyed upon. In the present study, we used two experiments toexamine the effect of perceived predation risk from cod (Gadusmorhud) on nonreproductive and reproductive behaviors in thesex-role reversed pipefish (Syngnathus typhle). In the firstexperiment, no differences due to predation risk were detectedin the nonreproductive behaviors of either males or females.In the second experiment, predation risk had significant effectson reproductive behaviors. Pipefish were allowed to court andcopulate at four different predation levels. We created predationlevels differing in perceived predation risk by controllingthe number of sensory modes through which pipefish could detectthe presence of a cod. As predation risk increased, pipefishcopulated and courted less frequently, swam alone (displayedand searched for conspecifics) less often, and waited longerbefore commencing courtship. These changes in behavior minimizedthe amount of time spent above the eelgrass and presumably reducedconspicuousness to visual predators. Pipefish also copulatedafter a smaller amount of courtship as predation risk increased,indicating that they may trade information concerning mate qualityfor a reduction in predation risk. No differences were foundin any response variable between males and females. The roleof operational sex ratios and intersexual competition in determiningwhich sex assumes greater costs in mate acquisition is questioned.  相似文献   
The concept of nucleic acid sequence base alternations is presented.The number of base alterations for the sequences of differentlength is established. The definition of "enlarged similarity"of nucleic acids sequences on the basis of sequence base alterationsis introduced. Mutual information between sequences is usedas a quantitative measure of enlarged similarity for two comparedsequences. The method of mutual information calculation is developedconsidering the correlation of bases in compared sequences.The definitions of correlated similarity and evolution similaritybetween compared sequences are given. Results of the use ofenlarged similarity approach for DNA sequences analysis arediscussed.  相似文献   
A stereotyped approach phase vocalization response of Noctilio albiventris to artificial echoes simulating a virtual approaching object was used to assess the ability of the bat to analyze and extract distance information from the artificial echoes. The performance of the bats depended on the temporal pattern of frequency change of the continuously sweeping frequency modulated (FM) component of the signals. When the bats were presented with a CF/FM signal containing a time-reversed upward FM sweep, they responded with approach phase behavior at a performance level that was significantly below that seen with a CF/FM signal containing a naturally structured downward FM sweep. When the FM sweep was divided into a series of brief pure tone steps, the extent to which the bats showed a difference in their capability to process upward versus downward FM sweeps depended on the difference in frequency between the pure tone steps. The bats effectively processed downward but not upward FM sweeps when the difference in frequency between pure tone frequency elements of the FM sweeps was from about 100–200 Hz, but they effectually processed both downward and upward FM sweeps when the tonal elements composing the FM sweeps were separated by more than about 200 Hz. This suggests that the ability of the bats to effectively process downward but not upward FM sweeps is based on local interactions between adjacent frequency elements of the complex sounds.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   
The DNA sequence composition of 526 dicot and 345 monocot intron sequences have been characterized using computational methods. Splice site information content and bulk intron and exon dinucleotide composition were determined. Positions 4 and 5 of 5 splice sites contain different statistically significant levels of information in the two groups. Basal levels of information in introns are higher in dicots than in monocots. Two dinucleotide groups, WW (AA, AU, UA, UU) and SS (CC, CG, GC, GG) have significantly different frequencies in exons and introns of the two plant groups. These results suggest that the mechanisms of splice-site recognition and binding may differ between dicot and monocot plants.  相似文献   
The general attributes of ecosystems are examined and a naturally occurring reference ecosystem is established, comparable with the isolated system of classical thermodynamics. Such an autonomous system with a stable, periodic input of energy is shown to assume certain structural characteristics that have an identifiable thermodynamic basis. Individual species tend to assume a state of least dissipation; this is most clearly evident in the dominant species (the species with the best integration of energy acquisition and conservation). It is concluded that ecosystem structure results from the antagonistic interaction of two nearly equal forces. These forces have their origin in the Principle of Most Action (least dissipation or least entropy production) and the universal Principle of Least Action. Most action is contingent on the equipartitioning of the energy available, through uniform interaction of similar individuals. The trend to Least action is contingent on increased dissipation attained through increasing diversity and increasing complexity. These principles exhibit a basic asymmetry. Given the operation of these opposing principles over evolutionary time, it is argued that ecosystems originated in the vicinity of thermodynamic equilibrium through the resonant amplification of reversible fluctuations. On account of the basic asymmetry the system was able to evolve away from thermodynamic equilibrium provided that it remained within the vicinity of ergodynamic equilibrium (equilibrium maintained by internal work, where the opposing forces are equal and opposite).At the highest level of generalization there appear to be three principles operating: i) maximum association of free-energy and materials; ii) energy conservation (deceleration of the energy flow) through symmetric interaction and increased homogeneity; and iii) the principle of least action which induces acceleration of the energy flow through asymmetrical interaction. The opposition and asymmetry of the two forces give rise to natural selection and evolution.  相似文献   
The process of recognition or isolation of one or several entities from among many possible entities is termed intellego perception. It is shown that not only are many of our everyday percepts of this type, but perception of microscopic events using the methods of quantum mechanics are also intellego in nature. Information theory seems to be a natural language in which to express perceptual activity of this type. It is argued that the biological organism quantifies its sensations using an information theoretical measure. This, in turn, sets the stage for a mathematical theory of sensory perception.  相似文献   
Information-theoretical entropy as a measure of sequence variability.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We propose the use of the information-theoretical entrophy, S = -sigman pi log2 pi, as a measure of variability at a given position in a set of aligned sequences. pi stands for the fraction of times the i-th type appears at a position. For protein sequences, the sum has up to 20 terms, for nucleotide sequences, up to 4 terms, and for codon sequences, up to 61 terms. We compare S and Vs, a related measure, in detail with Vk, the traditional measure of immunoglobulin sequence variability, both in the abstract and as applied to the immunoglobulins. We conclude that S has desirable mathematical properties that Vk lacks and has intuitive and statistical meanings that accord well with the notion of variability. We find that Vk and the S-based measures are highly correlated for the immunoglobulins. We show by analysis of sequence data and by means of a mathematical model that this correlation is due to a strong tendency for the frequency of occurrence of amino acid types at a given position to be log-linear. It is not known whether the immunoglobulins are typical or atypical of protein families in this regard, nor is the origin of the observed rank-frequency distribution obvious, although we discuss several possible etiologies.  相似文献   
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