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为了研究海蜇-对虾(中国明对虾、斑节对虾)-菲律宾蛤仔海水综合养殖池塘养殖生物的食性、营养级和池塘食物网结构,在2017年5-9月的养殖周期内,采集并检测池塘内各种饵料和4种养殖生物的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C、δ15N),并运用IsoSource线性混合模型分析了海蜇、中国明对虾、斑节对虾和菲律宾蛤仔的食物来源....  相似文献   
代梨梨  彭亮  陶玲  郝柳柳  张辉  李谷 《微生物学报》2023,63(10):3811-3824
硫酸盐引起的生态学效应已得到了越来越多的关注,但目前关于硫酸盐对养殖池塘底泥微生物的影响还知之甚少。【目的】探究不同浓度硫酸盐对养殖池塘底泥微生物的影响规律及可能的机制。【方法】本研究利用采集自养殖池塘的底泥和表层水构建了试验系统,研究了加入约0 mg/L (对照组)、30 mg/L (T1处理组)、150 mg/L (T2处理组)、500 mg/L (T3处理组) Na2SO4后表层底泥微生物的丰度、多样性、组成和共生网络的变化规律,并分析了环境影响因素。【结果】孵育第30天前,各实验组底泥微生物变化不大;但到第50天时,T2和T3处理组微生物丰度和多样性相比对照组均明显下降。相比其他实验组,T1处理组酸杆菌门(Acidobacteriota)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota)相对丰度出现显著升高(P<0.05),T3处理组变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobacteriota)相对丰度出现显著升高(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,T1处理组增加了较多差异类群(62种),而T3处理组差异类群大量减少(45种)。共生网络图分析显示硫酸盐浓度的增加引起了底泥微生物网络复杂性的增加,说明微生物群落可能通过自身的调节来响应硫酸盐引起的环境改变。冗余分析(redundant analysis,RDA)和相关性分析揭示底泥总有机碳、总氮和氧化还原电位是影响底泥微生物的主要环境因素,提示底泥微生物可能受到硫酸盐和有机质作用的影响。【结论】较长时间的高浓度硫酸盐会对池塘底泥微生物群落造成重要影响,微生物群落自身的转变和硫酸盐引起的有机质分解改变可能是造成微生物群落变化的关键因素。  相似文献   
The economics surrounding five algae-to-fuels process scenarios were examined. The different processes modeled were as follows: an open pond producing either triacylglycerides (TAG) or free fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), a solar-lit photobioreactor producing either FAME or free fatty acids (FFA), and a light emitting diode irradiated (LED-lighted) photobioreactor producing TAG. These processes were chosen to represent both classical and esoteric approaches presented in the open literature. Viable (or suggested) processing techniques to liberate and purify (and convert) the microalgal triacylglycerides were then modeled to accompany each growth option. The investment and cost per kg of fuel or fuel precursor for each process was determined. The open pond produced TAG at ~$7.50/kg, while the process using the LED-lit photobioreactor produced TAG at ~$33/kg. The scenario containing the solar-lit photobioreactor produced FAME at ~$25/kg, while the open pond produced FAME at ~$4/kg. The scenario containing the solar-lit photobioreactor produced FFA at ~$29/kg. The open pond scenarios appear to be closest to the $1/kg pricepoint at this time, and thus are the most viable economic options. Future technological advancements that reduce the cost of bioreactor vessels, LED lighting, and solvent recovery, may reduce the oil production costs of these scenarios to a more attractive level.  相似文献   
池鹭繁殖种群数量、活动规律和生物生产量的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文报道池鹭种群数量变动,种群活动,雏鸟生长和生物生产量。种群活动可划分为适到期,运情期,繁殖期,同鸟活动期,集群活动和迁离期。1990,1991二年繁殖前种群密度分别为1300只/hm^2和1401只/hm^2,繁殖后增加密度为2087只/hm^2和2248只/hm^2。雏鸟体重增长曲线议程为:W=286/1+e^-0.409(t-12.6)1990,1991年繁殖种群的生物生产量分别为197.  相似文献   
In this study we describe the growth of several different larval cohorts (i.e. half-siblings of the same mother born on the same day) of a rare, xeric-adapted salamander Salamandra s. infraimmaculata Martens, 1885, under constant density and food conditions from birth to metamorphosis. The larvae spend the critical first phase of their lives in water, mostly in temporary ponds. Age and weight at metamorphosis were highly affected by varying food conditions. We have identified six different growth modes that these larvae use, both fast growing and slow growing. Each larval cohort was found to use 2-4 different such growth modes regardless of their initial weight. Fast growing modes (I-III) will enable larvae to survive dry years, and metamorphose bigger. Slow growing modes (IV-VI), used by 8% of the larval population, will enable survival only in rainy years. These last growth modes effect differential temporal dispersal in wet years by delaying the emergence of postmetamorphs onto land. Distribution of growth modes in the larval population is affected by food but not by density conditions. Late-born, fast-growing larvae will have an advantage in dry years being able to metamorphose and disperse, whereas the slow-growing larvae will survive only in wet years.  相似文献   
1. Shallow arctic lakes and ponds have simple and short food webs, but large uncertainties remain about benthic–pelagic links in these systems. We tested whether organic matter of benthic origin supports zooplankton biomass in a pond in NE Greenland, using stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the pond itself and in a 13C‐enrichment enclosure experiment. In the latter, we manipulated the carbon isotope signature of benthic algae to enhance its isotopic discrimination from other potential food sources for zooplankton. 2. The cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana responded to the 13C‐enrichment of benthic mats with progressively increasing δ13C values, suggesting benthic feeding. Stable isotope analysis also pointed towards a negligible contribution of terrestrial carbon to the diet of D. middendorffiana. This agreed with the apparent dominance of autochthonous dissolved organic matter in the pond revealed by analysis of coloured dissolved organic matter. 3. Daily net production by phytoplankton in the pond (18 mg C m?2 day?1) could satisfy only up to half of the calculated minimum energy requirements of D. middendorffiana (35 mg C m?2 day?1), whereas benthic primary production alone (145 mg C m?2 day?1) was more than sufficient. 4. Our findings highlight benthic primary production as a major dietary source for D. middendorffiana in this system and suggest that benthic organic matter may play a key role in sustaining pelagic secondary production in such nutrient‐limited high arctic ponds.  相似文献   
Tadpoles of Rana grylio were raised as edible frogs in fishponds of Guanqiao in Wuhan City, Hubei, China, during cyanobacterial blooms from June to October. The dominant cyanobacterial species was Microcystis, which was found to be lethally toxic by intraperitoneal (i.p.) mouse bioassay. Little is known about the effect of tadpoles on toxic cyanobacterial blooms. To evaluate the potential of the tadpoles to graze on cyanobacterial blooms, the tadpoles were fed on Microcystis collected from the field in the laboratory. The Microcystis cells decreased from 1.19 × 107 cells mL?1 to 3.23 × 106 cells mL?1, with a sharp reduction of 73% of the initial Microcystis population observed in the first 24 h after introduction of the tadpoles. The ponds containing tadpoles had a markedly lower density of Microcystis than those lacking tadpoles. Tadpoles exposed to either cultured Microcystis aeruginosa (NIES–90, 2.768 µg microcystins mg–1 dw–1) cells or lysed M. aeruginosa cells grew well, however, indicating that they were unaffected by Microcystis toxins. We found a significant increase in tadpole body weight after feeding on either field Microcystis or cultured M. aeruginosa. The mean increase in individual body weight was 20 mg day?1 when fed on Microcystis from the pond, and 7 mg day?1 when fed on M. aeruginosa from culture. Our study strongly suggested that there is a direct trophic relationship between R. grylio tadpoles and toxic Microcystis blooms and they possess the potential to graze on toxic Microcystis. The results imply that R. grylio tadpoles may play an important ecological role in reducing toxic cyanobacterial blooms caused by Microcystis.  相似文献   
Over the past 5 years, raphidophyte blooms have been frequently observed along the South Carolina coastal zone. During the 2002, 2003, and 2004 sampling seasons, we investigated temporal fluctuations of algicidal bacteria abundance against raphidophycean flagellates (Heterosigma akashiwo, Chattonella subsalsa, and Fibrocapsa japonica) using the microplate most probable number (MPN) method in three Kiawah Island brackish stormwater detention ponds (K1, K2, and K75). Local axenic isolates of H. akashiwo, C. subsalsa, and F. japonica were obtained and their susceptibility to algicidal bacteria tested. A total of 195 algicidal bacterial strains were isolated from raphidophyte blooms in the study ponds, and 6 of them were identified at the genus level, and the taxonomic specificity of their algicidal activity was tested against local (pond) and nonlocal isolates of raphidophytes (3 species, 10 total strains). In the ponds, a consistent association was found between raphidophyte bloom development and an increase in bacteria algicidal to the bloom species. In 12 of 15 cases, bloom decline followed the increase in algicidal bacteria to maximum abundances. Although variability was found in the taxonomic specificity of the algicidal bacteria effect (i.e. the number of raphidophyte species affected by a particular bacteria strain) and raphidophyte susceptibility (i.e. the number bacteria strains affecting a particular raphidophyte species), a toxic effect was always found when strains of a raphidophyte species were exposed to algicidal bacteria isolated from a bloom caused by that same species. The results suggest that algicidal bacteria may be an important limiting factor in raphidophyte bloom sustenance and can promote bloom decline in brackish lagoonal eutrophic estuaries.  相似文献   
Deng Z  Yan C  Lu F  Hu Q  Hu Z 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(10):1741-1746
Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing was cultivated in paddlewheel-driven raceway ponds and the growth kinetics of 1-2 mm and 3-4 mm colonies of N. sphaeroides was studied. The biomass productivities in 2.5 m(2) raceway ponds inoculated with 1-2 mm and 3-4 mm colonies were 5.2 and 0.25 g dry wt m(-2) d(-1), respectively. Furthermore, differently sized colonies showed different relative water content, total soluble carbohydrates, chlorophyll a content and density of filaments. This is the first report on mass culture of N. sphaeroides under outdoor conditions.  相似文献   
Structural best management practices (BMPs) are now commonplace for stormwater management in new suburban developments; however, their installation in older central areas is limited. Here, the effect of disconnecting impervious areas from a combined sewer in favour of a new open stormwater system is investigated. The site, an inner city suburb of Malmö, Sweden, consists of council offices and apartment blocks separated by courtyards, roads and parking places. The BMPs range from green-roofs and open channels to detention ponds and their choice, size and location was dictated by cost, available land, safety and public expectations. The system was assessed by comparing synthetic hydrographs for the 1/2, 2, 5 and 10-year design-storms assuming wet and dry initial conditions. Direct runoff was simulated using the time–area method; and routing through the BMPs using PondPack. As the BMPs are in series, the outflow of one BMP became part of the inflow to the next in the system. Additionally, the water balance for the year 2001–2002 was investigated. It was found that the green-roofs are effective at lowering the total runoff from Augustenborg and that the ponds should successfully attenuate storm peak flows for even the 10-year rainfall.  相似文献   
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