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Microwave‐assisted extraction was employed to extract polyphenols from the leaf of Magnolia kwangsiensis Figlar & Noot . The yield of polyphenols was 2.44±0.02 % under the optimal conditions of RSM: acetone concentration of 70 %, ratio of solvent to material of 21 mL?g?1 and extraction time of 16 min. The antioxidant activities were evaluated in terms of total antioxidant ability, reducing power, DPPH ? and ? OH scavenging activity. Results showed the polyphenols presented potential antioxidant activities, especially the stronger scavenging activity on ? OH. In term of ? OH scavenging activity, the IC50 value of NKA‐9 purification was 0.335 mg mL?1, equivalent to 35.23 % of VC. The IC50 values of crude extract and ethyl acetate extract were 0.580 and 0.828 mg mL?1, equivalent to 60.99 % and 87.07 % of VC. Results indicated that M. kwangsiensis leaf polyphenols present potential antioxidant activities that make it beneficial for human health by preventing or reducing oxidative damage.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a polyphenol product (PP) (Proviox) and vitamin E on the antioxidant status and meat quality of broiler chickens exposed to high temperature. The experimental materials comprised 120 ROSS 308 broilers (6 treatments, 10 replications, 2 birds per replication). Dietary supplementation with vitamin E and PP was applied in the following experimental design: group I (negative control) – without supplementation; group II (positive control) – without supplementation; group III – supplementation with 100 mg vitamin E/kg; group IV – 200 mg vitamin E/kg; group V – 100 mg vitamin E/kg and 100 mg PP/kg; group VI – 200 mg PP/kg. In groups II–VI, broiler chickens aged 21–35 d were exposed to increased temperature (34°C for 10 h daily). In chickens exposed to high temperature, dietary supplementation with antioxidants, mostly PP, improved growth performance parameters, including body weight, body weight gain and feed intake until 28 d of age. Vitamin E added to broiler chicken diets at 200 mg/kg and vitamin E combined with PP was most effective in improving the total antioxidant status of birds, enhancing blood antioxidant enzyme activities and increasing vitamin E concentrations in the liver and breast muscles. Broilers fed diets supplemented with 200 mg/kg of vitamin E alone and vitamin E in combination with PP were characterised by a higher percentage content of breast muscles in the carcass. Dietary supplementation with antioxidants improved the water-holding capacity of meat, reduced natural drip loss and increased the crude ash content of meat. The breast muscles of chickens fed diets supplemented with PP had a lower contribution of yellowness. The breast muscles of chickens receiving diets with 100 mg vitamin E/kg(group III) and diets supplemented with PP (groups V and VI) were characterised by the highest concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The PP can be a valuable component of diets for broiler chickens exposed to high temperature.  相似文献   
为优化银杏叶多酚提取工艺,通过单因素试验考察填充率、球磨转速、球磨时间、乙醇浓度、料液比、提取温度、提取时间七个因素对机械力辅助提取银杏叶多酚得率的影响,以银杏叶多酚得率为响应值,采用Box-Benhnken三因素三水平响应面设计优化工艺,同时比较了4种提取方法对银杏叶多酚提取得率和抗氧化活性的差异。结果表明,机械力辅助提取银杏叶多酚的最佳工艺条件为:填充率26%、球磨转速为400rpm、球磨时间为15min。在此条件下,银杏叶多酚的得率为7.33%。机械力辅助乙醇提取银杏叶多酚得率低于碱水提取法,但是抗氧化活性高于碱水法提取的银杏叶多酚;抗氧化活性与乙醇回流法提取的银杏叶多酚相当,但是提取得率高于乙醇回流法。此提取工艺高效可行,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
In recent years microorganisms have been engineered towards synthesizing interesting plant polyphenols such as flavonoids and stilbenes from glucose. Currently, the low endogenous supply of malonyl-CoA, indispensable for plant polyphenol synthesis, impedes high product titers. Usually, limited malonyl-CoA availability during plant polyphenol production is avoided by supplementing fatty acid synthesis-inhibiting antibiotics such as cerulenin, which are known to increase the intracellular malonyl-CoA pool as a side effect. Motivated by the goal of microbial polyphenol synthesis being independent of such expensive additives, we used rational metabolic engineering approaches to modulate regulation of fatty acid synthesis and flux into the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) in Corynebacterium glutamicum strains capable of flavonoid and stilbene synthesis. Initial experiments showed that sole overexpression of genes coding for the native malonyl-CoA-forming acetyl-CoA carboxylase is not sufficient for increasing polyphenol production in C. glutamicum. Hence, the intracellular acetyl-CoA availability was also increased by reducing the flux into the TCA cycle through reduction of citrate synthase activity. In defined cultivation medium, the constructed C. glutamicum strains accumulated 24 mg·L −1 (0.088 mM) naringenin or 112 mg·L −1 (0.49 mM) resveratrol from glucose without supplementation of phenylpropanoid precursor molecules or any inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   
Periodical cicadas have mass emergences once every 13 or 17 years. Plants may need to upregulate defense production in response to an emergence. Defense production is energetically expensive, so plants may downregulate their production after periodical cicada populations dissipate. We examined the defensive responses in leaves, branches, and roots of a common host, white oak (Quercus alba), prior to, during, and after a 17‐year periodical cicada (Magicicada spp.) emergence in western Pennsylvania, United States. During the emergence, total tannins and condensed tannins increased in foliar tissue, while simultaneously decreasing in root tissue compared to the prior and subsequent years. Non‐structural carbohydrates were low prior to the mass emergence but were re‐allocated to belowground storage during the emergence year and dropped thereafter. In the year after the emergence, there was a relaxation of foliar defenses, and root defenses returned to pre‐emergence concentrations. We also tested for differences in damaged and undamaged branches on the same tree during (2019) and the year after the emergence (2020). Both damaged and undamaged branches had significantly greater chemical defenses (polyphenols, total tannins, and condensed tannins) during the emergence than in the following year when there was no emergence. We propose that re‐allocation of resources may help maximize oak tree fitness by moving resources away from areas that are not in immediate threat to areas that are under immediate threat. Changes in aboveground and belowground phytochemistry in response to periodical cicada mass emergences may help us better understand which resource re‐allocation strategies are used by plants to minimize the effects of insect emergencies.  相似文献   
A modified radiochemical protein binding method for determining the protein binding capacity of plant polyphenolics (tannins) is described. Purified tannin or unfractionated plant extracts were immobilised on filter paper discs and incubated with the 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin. Protein bound to the disc was proportional to the amount of tannin applied to the disc, although at high concentrations of polyphenolics the discs became saturated and the relationship was no longer applicable. The method was validated using purified procyanidin from Sorghum grain and has been applied to crude polyphenolic extracts from maple, white oak, black oak, walnut and tulip poplar leaves. Specific chemical assays for the determination of proanthocyanidins (acid butanol method) and hydrolysable tannins (modified potassium iodate method) were employed to validate the new protein binding method with the complex plant extracts.  相似文献   
Polyphenol interactions with both cellulose and collagen in the solid state have been studied by using chromatography on cellulose and by evaluating the hydrothermal stability of the polyphenol treated sheepskin collagen. Twenty-four polyphenolic compounds were studied, including seven glucose-based gallotannins, five polyalcohol-based gallotannins, and twelve ellagitannins. In the cellulose-polyphenols systems, the polyphenol's affinity to cellulose is positively correlated with their molecular masses, the number of galloyl groups, and their hydrophobicity (logP). The polyphenol treatment increased the hydrothermal stability of collagen samples, and such effects are also positively correlated with the molecular masses, total number of galloyl groups and the hydrophobicity of polyphenols. Ellagitannins showed much weaker interactions with both biopolymers than gallotannins having similar molecular mass, the same number of galloyl groups, and the same number of phenolic hydroxyl groups. It is concluded that, for the polyphenol interactions with both cellulose and collagen, (1) the galloyl group of polyphenols is the functional group; (2) the strength of interactions are positively correlated with molecular size, the number of galloyl groups and the hydrophobicity of polyphenols; (3) the hydrophobic interactions are of great significance; and (4) the interactions are strongly dependent on the flexibility of galloyl groups.  相似文献   
Somatic embryos of Larix × leptoeuropaea were grown on modified MSG media with 60 M abscisic acid (ABA). These were compared to control embryos raised on the same medium without ABA. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that zonation of polyphenol production as well as presence of extracellular mucilage was markedly different in embryos raised with and without ABA. Idioblasts were found in subepidermal and pith regions of hypocotyls and among the subepidermal cells of cotyledons in embryos matured on ABA, but not in embryos matured without ABA. The embryonal root caps of ABA-treated embryos had substantial deposition of lipids and proteins in both the column and inner pericolumn regions, but not in the outer layer of the pericolumn. Control embryos showed no accumulation of proteins or lipids, but an increase in polyphenol accumulation, which had spread to the epidermal and sub-epidermal layers of the cotyledons and hypocotyl. Starch accumulation was similar over the course of development in embryos treated with or without ABA. Using gas chromatography-selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, it was shown that concentrations of ABA averaged 186 ± 17 g g–1 dry weight (DW) in embryos raised on medium supplemented with this plant growth regulator, versus an average concentration of 55 ± 19 g g–1 DW in embryos raised in the absence of ABA. No difference in ABA concentration was found between the root cap and the rest of ABA-treated embryos.  相似文献   
采用高效液相色谱法对槟榔中的多酚类物质进行分析.用甲醇提取槟榔中的多酚类物质,并依次用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取,萃取物经抽真空浓缩,流动相定容,高效液相色谱法测定.分析结果表明:槟榔幼果较槟榔成熟果中所含的多酚种类和数量少,槟榔成熟果中果仁的多酚种类和数量都远较皮中多;槟榔的甲醇提取物乙酸乙酯萃取部分中所含的多酚种...  相似文献   
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