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When Phagocata vitta, Crenobia alpina and Polycelis felina were exposed separately to each of seventeen potential invertebrate predators in the laboratory, only two stonefly species, Dinocras cephalotes and Perlodes microcephala, fed on the three triclad species, whilst the trichopteran Rhyacophila dorsalis ate the last two triclads. On exposing pairs of triclad species to D. cephalotes, significantly more P. felina than Ph. vitta were consumed, whereas similar numbers were eaten in each of the other two triclad combinations. Cannibalism and interspecific predation by triclad species were not observed. It is concluded that predation is unlikely to have a major influence in determining the observed distribution and abundance of triclad species in a Welsh study stream which harbours low numbers of effective predators.The de Wit model of competition was used to examine the competitive relationships between Ph. vitta, and C. alpina and P. felina, using chironomids or tubificid worms as food. In mixed cultures of Ph. vitta and P. felina fed on tubificids a stable equilibrium existed within the range of relative densities used in the experiments, whereas Ph. vitta was competitively superior to C. alpina in cultures fed on each of the food types, and to P. felina fed on chironomids. However, in theory, an equilibrium could occur when 10 or 6–7 times as many Ph. vitta as P. felina and C. alpina respectively are in the culture, when intraspecific rather than interspecific competition would become more important. Where the three triclad species coexist in the Welsh study stream, they are in similar numbers. This could imply that food is not limiting, with no consequent interspecific competition, or that the laboratory experiments were too simplistic to allow any interpretation of the field situation.  相似文献   
L. A. Santas 《BioControl》1987,32(3):291-297
Four insect species producing honeydew, exploited by bees, were found on wild pear trees,Pyrus amygdaliformis Vill.. Three of them were Psyllids,Cacopsylla (Hepatopsylla) notata (Flor),Cacopsylla (Thamnopsylla) pyrisuga (Förster), Cacopsylla (Hepatopsylla) pyri (L.), and one was Aphid,Dysaphis pyri D.d.F. The 1 rst one was the most abundant. Although these species are producing honeydew from spring to autumn, the bees are foraging on it only during September and October, and not every year. A total of 18 predatory species were counted. Five of them,Anthocoris nemoralis F.,Atractotomus mali Mey.,Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens),Anisochrysa flavifrons (Brauer) andAnisochrysa prasina (Burmeister) were bred in laboratory on the Psyllids. It seems that the predators of theseHomoptera may be able to cause a decrease of their population level. Three predators,Anthocoris nemoralis F.,Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) andCoccinella septempuctata L., were very common, and the last 2 were present almost all the year round.  相似文献   
The trophic interactions of the marine rotifer Synchaeta cecilia were investigated by determining its feeding and growth rates on a wide variety of marine phytoplankton and by determining its susceptibility to predation by the calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa. Reproduction of S. cecilia was sustained in four-day feeding trails by 13 of 37 algal species tested. Growth-supporting species included species of Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Haptophyceae in sizes from 4 to 47 μm. Within these taxa, other species in the acceptable size range failed to support growth. No species of Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, or Chrysophyceae supported growth of the rotifer. S. cecilia can be maintained on unialgal cultures of Cryptophyceae but growth is enhanced by a combination of two or three species; a mixture of Chroomonas salina (Cryptophyceae), Heterocapsa pygmaea (Dinophyceae), and Isochrysis galbana (Haptophyceae) has sustained laboratory stocks of S. cecilia for over four years. The expected response of S. cecilia to food quantity was observed: as food concentration was increased from 58 to 1154 μg C 1−1, the population growth constant increased from 0.17 to 0.60 d−1 at 20°C. This is equivalent to population doubling times of 4.0 and 1.1 days at H. pygmaea densities of 500 and 104 cells ml−1, respectively. The susceptibility of S. cecilia to predation was investigated by determining its rate of capture by the omnivorous marine copepod Acartia tonsa. At prey densities of 5 to 35 μg C 1−1 (0.3 to 1.9 individuals 1−1), A. tonsa readily ingested S. cecilia at rates up to 3 μg C copepod−1 day−1.  相似文献   
Amounts of seed predation by grapsid crabs (Brachyura: Grapsidae) on two species of mangroves (Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina) were compared among different habitats in an Australian mangrove forest. For Avicennia, comparisons were between canopy gaps and the adjacent forest understory for six, mid intertidal, gaps of different sizes. For Aegiceras the comparisons were among canopy gaps in the high intertidal; open, accreting mud/sand banks where mangroves were colonizing in the low intertidal; and in the forest understory in both the high and low intertidal zones. These were repeated in the high salinity (35\%) downstream portion and the low salinity (0–5\%) upstream portion of a tidal river.Predation on Avicennia was significantly higher in the understory than in adjacent canopy gaps. Within a canopy opening, predation was greatest in the smallest gaps and lowest in the largest gaps. Predation on Aegiceras was greater in the high intertidal compared to the low intertidal, but no differences were found between river mouth and upstream locations. In the high intertidal zone of the forest, there were no differences in predation between canopy gap or forest understory sites for Aegiceras. In the low intertidal zone, however, significant differences in amount of predation were found between habitats. More Aegiceras propagules were consumed in the understory than on adjacent accreting sandbanks.Frequency of tidal inundation, which in turn affects the amount of time available to forage, is hypothesized to account for differences in predation between low and high intertidal forests and between small and large canopy gaps. Our results also suggest that shade intolerance in these two species may actually reflect an escape from predators, successful when the seeds are dispersed into open areas such as canopy gaps or mud banks.  相似文献   
Fisheries exploitation has caused widespread declines in marine predators. Theory predicts that predator depletion will destabilise lower trophic levels, making natural communities more vulnerable to environmental perturbations. However, empirical evidence has been limited. Using a community matrix model, we empirically assessed trends in the stability of a multispecies coastal fish community over the course of predator depletion. Three indices of community stability (resistance, resilience and reactivity) revealed significantly decreasing stability concurrent with declining predator abundance. The trophically downgraded community exhibited weaker top‐down control, leading to predator‐release processes in lower trophic levels and increased susceptibility to perturbation. At the community level, our results suggest that high predator abundance acts as a stabilising force to the naturally stochastic and highly autocorrelated dynamics in low trophic species. These findings have important implications for the conservation and management of predators in marine ecosystems and provide empirical support for the theory of predatory control.  相似文献   
Biological Control not on Target   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Non-target effects of exotic biological control agents, parasitoids and predators, released worldwide to control insect pests, are becoming more apparent. This paper summarizes previously recorded information on the diet breadth of natural enemies released to control insect pests worldwide. It also summarizes the diet breadth of native parasitic hymenoptera in North America to determine whether the diet breadths of native and exotic parasitoids differ. Of released biocontrol agents, 48% were recorded as generalists (attacking more than one genus of host) and another 29.2% attacked more than one species in a genus. Only 22.5% were recorded as specialists on the target pests. This suggests that many natural enemies released in biocontrol programs against insect pests have broad diets and that non-target effects are likely. Data from native hymenoptera in North America also show that many species attack multiple host genera and species, with an average of 5.8 genera and 7.3 species attacked, indicating broad agreement with data from biological control releases.  相似文献   
We use archaeological, historical, ecological, and fisheries data to identify three distinct and sequential phases in the trophic structure of kelp forests in the western North Atlantics Gulf of Maine. Phase 1 is characterized by vertebrate apex predators such as Atlantic cod, haddock, and wolffish and persisted for more than 4,000 years. Phase 2 is characterized by herbivorous sea urchins and lasted from the 1970s to the 1990s. Phase 3 is dominated by invertebrate predators such as large crabs and has developed since 1995. Each phase change resulted directly or indirectly from fisheries-induced trophic-level dysfunction, in which populations of functionally important species at higher trophic levels fell below the densities necessary to limit prey populations at lower trophic levels. By using fractional trophic-level analysis, we found that phase changes occurred rapidly (over a few years to a few decades) as well as relatively recently (over the past half-century). Interphase durations have declined as fishing effects have accelerated in recent years. The naturally low species diversity of the kelp forest ecosystem we studied may facilitate rapid changes because the redundancy within each trophic level is low. If the biodiversity within controlling trophic levels is a buffer against trophic-level dysfunction, then our observations from Maine may be predictive of the fate of other, more diverse systems. If fishing successively targets most, or all, strong interactors at higher trophic levels, then as those population densities decline, the potential for trophic-level dysfunction and associated instabilities will increase.  相似文献   
Food web management is a frequently used lake restoration method, which aims to reduce phytoplankton biomass by strengthening herbivorous zooplankton through reduction of planktivorous fish. However, in clay‐turbid lakes several factors may reduce the effectivity of food web management. Increasing turbidity reduces the effectivity of fish predation and weakens the link between zooplankton and phytoplankton. Therefore, the effects of fish stock manipulations may not cascade to lower trophic levels as expected. Additionally, in clay‐turbid conditions invertebrate predators may coexist in high densities with planktivorous fish and negate the effects of fish reductions. For instance, in the stratifying regions of the clay‐turbid Lake Hiidenvesi, Chaoborus flavicans is the main regulator of cladocerans and occupies the water column throughout the day, although planktivorous Osmerus eperlanus is very abundant. The coexistence of chaoborids and fish is facilitated by a metalimnetic turbidity peak, which prevents efficient predation by fish. In the shallow parts of the lake, chaoborids are absent despite high water turbidity. We suggest that, generally, the importance of invertebrate predators in relation to vertebrate predators may change along turbidity and depth gradients. The importance of fish predation is highest in shallow waters with low turbidity. When water depth increases, the importance of fish in the top‐down regulation of zooplankton declines, whereas that of chaoborids increases, the change along the depth gradient being moderate in clear‐water lakes and steep in highly turbid lakes. Thus, especially deep clay‐turbid lakes may be problematic for implementing food web management as a restoration tool.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Phenological shift in oviposition in seed predators may be a key factor for adaptive radiation if temporal differences lead to less intense competition. 2. This hypothesis was tested at two sites in the French Alps in three sympatric species of larch cone flies grouped into two phenological groups (early and late) differing in adult emergence and oviposition timing by approximately 2 weeks. The present study assessed the intensity of competition within and between groups by measuring four larval traits. Cone traits were measured, and the impact of early species parasitism on cone development was assessed. 3. The occupation of the central axis of a developing cone by one early larva has a strong detrimental effect on cone growth and seed production. However, there was almost no correlation between the variables measured on the cones and on the larvae, suggesting that the resources available were not limiting. 4. Inter‐group competition had no significant effect on early larvae. In contrast, both inter‐ and intra‐group competition had a significant negative effect on late larvae length (–11% and –16% respectively), dry mass (–8% and –23%), and lipid mass (–15% and –26%). The intensity of competition was stronger among larvae in the same phenological group, which is consistent with the hypothesis that shifts in oviposition promote adaptive radiation in larch cone flies by reducing competition among larvae.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The identification of infochemicals for parasitoid females is a critical issue in applied and fundamental parasitoid research. The olfactory location of host and its microhabitat by Fopius arisanus (Sonan, 1932) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an egg-pupal parasitoid of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), is investigated. Potential sources of volatiles are placed in opaque traps and tested in field cages, under seminatural conditions. Fopius arisanus females respond positively to synomones from mango leaves and from fruits belonging to many botanical families, including the nonhost plant strawberry. They prefer fruits infested by Tephritidae to uninfested ones but do not discriminate between fresh and old infestations. Fopius arisanus females are attracted by the odours of faeces of the tephritid fly Bactrocera zonata . They exhibit remote detection of a volatile kairomone coating the egg mass of all tested Tephritidae species but absent in the egg mass of the Muscidae Stomoxys calcitrans . All these infochemicals are volatile but only those emanating from fruit and from faeces are attractants perceived before landing. The relationships between this apparent generalist behaviour and the dietary specialization of F. arisanus are discussed, according to its ecology and behaviour in its natural environment.  相似文献   
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