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Epigenetic inheritance in rice plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Epigenetics is defined as mechanisms that regulate gene expression without base sequence alteration. One molecular basis is considered to be DNA cytosine methylation, which reversibly modifies DNA or chromatin structures. Although its correlation with epigenetic inheritance over generations has been circumstantially shown, evidence at the gene level has been limited. The present study aims to find genes whose methylation status directly correlates with inheritance of phenotypic changes. METHODS: DNA methylation in vivo was artificially reduced by treating rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) seeds with 5-azadeoxycytidine, and the progeny were cultivated in the field for > 10 years. Genomic regions with changed methylation status were screened by the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphysm (MSAP) method, and cytosine methylation was directly scanned by the bisulfite mapping method. Pathogen infection with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, race PR2 was performed by the scissors-dip method on mature leaf blades. KEY RESULTS: The majority of seedlings were lethal, but some survived to maturity. One line designated as Line-2 showed a clear marker phenotype of dwarfism, which was stably inherited by the progeny over nine generations. MSAP screening identified six fragments, among which two were further characterized by DNA blot hybridization and direct methylation mapping. One clone encoding a retrotransposon gag-pol polyprotein showed a complete erasure of 5-methylcytosines in Line-2, but neither translocation nor expression of this region was detectable. The other clone encoded an Xa21-like protein, Xa21G. In wild-type plants, all cytosines were methylated within the promoter region, whereas in Line-2, corresponding methylation was completely erased throughout generations. Expression of Xa21G was not detectable in wild type but was constitutive in Line-2. When infected with X. oryzae pv. oryzae, against which Xa21 confers resistance in a gene-for-gene manner, the progeny of Line-2 were apparently resistant while the wild type was highly susceptible without Xa21G expression. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicated that demethylation was selective in Line-2, and that promoter demethylation abolished the constitutive silencing of Xa21G due to hypermethylation, resulting in acquisition of disease resistance. Both hypomethylation and resistant trait were stably inherited. This is a clear example of epigenetic inheritance, and supports the idea of Lamarckian inheritance which suggested acquired traits to be heritable.  相似文献   
Genotypes with extreme phenotypes are valuable for studying ‘difficult’ quantitative traits. Genomic prediction (GP) might allow the identification of such extremes by phenotyping a training population of limited size and predicting genotypes with extreme phenotypes in large sequences of germplasm collections. We tested this approach employing seedling root traits in maize and the extensively genotyped Ames Panel. A training population made up of 384 inbred lines from the Ames Panel was phenotyped by extracting root traits from images using the software program aria . A ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction strategy was used to train a GP model. Genomic estimated breeding values for the trait ‘total root length’ (TRL) were predicted for 2431 inbred lines, which had previously been genotyped by sequencing. Selections were made for 100 extreme TRL lines and those with the predicted longest or shortest TRL were validated for TRL and other root traits. The two predicted extreme groups with regard to TRL were significantly different (= 0.0001). The difference in predicted means for TRL between groups was 145.1 cm and 118.7 cm for observed means, which were significantly different (= 0.001). The accuracy of predicting the rank between 1 and 200 of the validation population based on TRL (longest to shortest) was determined using a Spearman correlation to be ρ = 0.55. Taken together, our results support the idea that GP may be a useful approach for identifying the most informative genotypes in sequenced germplasm collections to facilitate experiments for quantitative inherited traits.  相似文献   
The genetic and ecological factors that shape the evolution of animal diets remain poorly understood. For herbivorous insects, the expectation has been that trade‐offs exist, such that adaptation to one host plant reduces performance on other potential hosts. We investigated the genetic architecture of alternative host use by rearing individual Lycaeides melissa butterflies from two wild populations in a crossed design on two hosts (one native and one introduced) and analysing the genetic basis of differences in performance using genomic approaches. Survival during the experiment was highest when butterfly larvae were reared on their natal host plant, consistent with local adaptation. However, cross‐host correlations in performance among families (within populations) were not different from zero. We found that L. melissa populations possess genetic variation for larval performance and variation in performance had a polygenic basis. We documented very few genetic variants with trade‐offs that would inherently constrain diet breadth by preventing the optimization of performance across hosts. Instead, most genetic variants that affected performance on one host had little to no effect on the other host. In total, these results suggest that genetic trade‐offs are not the primary cause of dietary specialization in L. melissa butterflies.  相似文献   
成骨不全作为罕见性遗传性结缔组织疾病,具有临床异质性与遗传异质性,迄今已经分为15个亚型.有常染色体显性遗传与常染色体隐性遗传两种遗传方式.常染色体显性遗传以Ⅰ型胶原蛋白结构基因COL1A1、COL1A2突变为主.非Ⅰ型胶原蛋白突变的常染色体隐性遗传的成骨不全患者数量少,但致病基因种类多,涉及到胶原合成后异常修饰,胶原蛋白分子伴侣及羧基端前肽剪切酶缺陷、成骨细胞与破骨细胞分化及转录因子异常、钙离子通道与Wnt信号通路分子等诸多方面.致病基因及其机制的研究,对于成骨不全的基因确诊及个体化药物治疗意义重大.  相似文献   
The dollar spot disease, incited by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennet, is one of the most important diseases of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) on golf courses. An understanding of the inheritance of dollar spot resistance could enhance genetic improvement efforts in creeping bentgrass. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the response of two creeping bentgrass crosses to two different isolates of S. homoeocarpa, determine gene action and identify number of loci involved in resistance to individual fungal isolates. Parental clones, pseudo F2, pseudo F3, BC1 and BC2 progenies from two crosses were established in a field trial in a randomized complete block split‐plot design in the fall of 2002. Progeny of each generation (subplots) were inoculated with each of two isolates of S. homoeocarpa (main plots) applied at a rate of 0.25 g/m2 of prepared inoculum and evaluated for dollar spot disease. Minimum loci calculations averaged 1.0–2.6. Midparent heterosis calculations were not significant. Backcross population means were closest to the recurrent parent. Generation mean analysis supports a simple additive‐dominance model for both crosses and both isolates, although there was also some evidence of epistatic gene action depending on the cross and the isolate. These results confirm previous research that dollar spot disease is quantitatively inherited and indicate that there may be a few genes interacting in a mainly additive fashion to confer dollar spot disease resistance in creeping bentgrass.  相似文献   
In contrast to other approaches, evolutionary perspectives on understanding the power and wealth inequalities in human societies view wealth and power not as ends in themselves but as proximate goals that contribute to the ultimate Darwinian goal of achieving reproductive success. The most successful means of achieving it in specific times and places depend on local conditions and these have changed in the course of human history, to such an extent that strategies focused on the maintenance and increase of wealth can even be more successful in reproductive terms than strategies directed at maximizing reproductive success in the short term. This paper argues that a major factor leading to such changes is a shift in the nature of inter-generational wealth transfers from relatively intangible to material property resources and the opportunities these provided for massively increased inequality. This shift can be seen as a process of niche construction related to the increasing importance of fixed and defensible resources in many societies after the end of the last Ice Age. It is suggested that, despite problems of inference, the evidence of the archaeological record can be used to throw light on these processes in specific places and times.  相似文献   


Amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and dentin dysplasia are the most common non-syndromic dental disorders. In this study, we analysed and localised the gene(s) responsible for inherited non-syndromic dental disorders in a Chinese family.


This study identified and researched non-syndromic dental disorders in a four-generation Chinese family, including four affected individuals whose clinical phenotype was atypical. Linkage analysis with seven polymorphic markers that localise to six different autochromosomes showed that the family was linked through chromosome 4q. All exons and exon–intron boundaries of dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), enamelin (ENAM), and ameloblastin (AMBN), which are located on chromosome 4q, were sequenced in nine of the family members.


Direct DNA sequence analysis revealed the existence of a G to A transversion in exon 4 (g.13081786G > A, c.727G > A, p.Asp243Asn, based on reference sequences NM_014208.3) of the DSPP gene, and this sequence variation correlated exactly with the presence of the disease.


These results indicate that mutation p.Asp243Asn is a highly probable cause of non-syndromic dental disorder in this Chinese family. The presence of symptom heterogeneity is possible, as the clinical classification system is hampered by the lack of close correlation between the subtype and the molecular defect.  相似文献   
In the era of big data, univariate models have widely been used as a workhorse tool for quickly producing marginal estimators; and this is true even when in a high-dimensional dense setting, in which many features are “true,” but weak signals. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) epitomize this type of setting. Although the GWAS marginal estimator is popular, it has long been criticized for ignoring the correlation structure of genetic variants (i.e., the linkage disequilibrium [LD] pattern). In this paper, we study the effects of LD pattern on the GWAS marginal estimator and investigate whether or not additionally accounting for the LD can improve the prediction accuracy of complex traits. We consider a general high-dimensional dense setting for GWAS and study a class of ridge-type estimators, including the popular marginal estimator and the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) estimator as two special cases. We show that the performance of GWAS marginal estimator depends on the LD pattern through the first three moments of its eigenvalue distribution. Furthermore, we uncover that the relative performance of GWAS marginal and BLUP estimators highly depends on the ratio of GWAS sample size over the number of genetic variants. Particularly, our finding reveals that the marginal estimator can easily become near-optimal within this class when the sample size is relatively small, even though it ignores the LD pattern. On the other hand, BLUP estimator has substantially better performance than the marginal estimator as the sample size increases toward the number of genetic variants, which is typically in millions. Therefore, adjusting for the LD (such as in the BLUP) is most needed when GWAS sample size is large. We illustrate the importance of our results by using the simulated data and real GWAS.  相似文献   
为了明确褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、 白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera和灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus 3种稻飞虱翅型分化的遗传规律与差异, 采用翅型筛选与杂交遗传的实验方法, 研究了3种飞虱在秧苗期水稻上的翅型选择响应与杂交遗传规律。结果表明: 3种稻飞虱的翅型具有较强的选择响应, 并且长翅型纯系在白背飞虱中最易筛选得到, 灰飞虱的次之, 而褐飞虱的最难。3种稻飞虱的长翅(M)雄虫与短翅(B)雌虫配对(M♂×B♀)筛选3~5代后, 95%~100%的雄虫和雌虫分别稳定为长翅型和短翅型。筛选和杂交实验结果表明, 褐飞虱的翅型决定基本符合常染色体上的一对等位基因调控的从性性状遗传规律, 雄虫中长翅为显性, 而雌虫中短翅为显性。翅型的表型还受除基因型外的其他条件的影响, 利用长翅雄虫与长翅雌虫后代中出现的极少数的短翅雄虫与短翅雌虫进行配对, 其后代中各翅型出现的比率与长翅雌虫和长翅雄虫配对的无显著差异; 同样, 在短翅雄虫与短翅雌虫配对的后代中也有相同的结果。白背飞虱和灰飞虱在该筛选条件下很少有短翅雄虫出现, 两者翅型的遗传调控较为相似, 可用由两对等位基因控制的性状来解释筛选和杂交实验的结果, 其中一对等位基因位于性染色体上, 调控雄性的翅型, 且长翅为显性; 另一对位于常染色体上, 调控雌性的翅型, 且短翅为显性。据此认为, 3种飞虱翅型决定基因的显隐性在不同性别间的差异, 以及翅表型与基因型的不一致性, 是稻飞虱种群在不同条件下均可灵活调控翅型的重要遗传机制。  相似文献   
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