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Seedlings of the hybrid citrus rootstock, Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensis × Poncirus trifoliata) do not uniformly limit development of the citrus burrowing nematode, Radopholus citrophilus. Variation in nematode population densities in roots of seedlings germinating from the same seed suggests that factors responsible for nematode incompatibility are not functional or are not inherited uniformly among progeny. Seeds which produced a single seedling were more likely to produce plants which suppressed citrus burrowing nematode population increase than were seeds which produced two or three seedlings.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Polyploidy is a major component of plant evolution. The citrus gene pool is essentially diploid but tetraploid plants are frequently encountered in seedlings of diploid apomictic genotypes. The main objectives of the present study were to establish the origin of these tetraploid plants and to ascertain the importance of genotypic and environmental factors on tetraploid formation.


Tetraploid seedlings from 30 diploid apomictic genotypes were selected by flow cytometry and genotyped with 24 single sequence repeat (SSR) markers to analyse their genetic origin. Embryo rescue was used to grow all embryos contained in polyembryonic seeds of ‘Tardivo di Ciaculli’ mandarin, followed by characterization of the plantlets obtained by flow cytometry and SSR markers to accurately establish the rate of tetraploidization events and their potential tissue location. Inter-annual variations in tetraploid seedling rates were analysed for seven genotypes. Variation in tetraploid plantlet rates was analysed between different seedlings of the same genotype (‘Carrizo’ citrange; Citrus sinensis × Poncirus trifoliata) from seeds collected in different tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean countries.

Key Results

Tetraploid plants were obtained for all the studied diploid genotypes, except for four mandarins. All tetraploid plants were identical to their diploid maternal line for SSR markers and were not cytochimeric. Significant genotypic and environmental effects were observed, as well as negative correlation between mean temperature during the flowering period and tetraploidy seedling rates. The higher frequencies (20 %) of tetraploids were observed for citranges cultivated in the Mediterranean area.


Tetraploidization by chromosome doubling of nucellar cells are frequent events in apomictic citrus, and are affected by both genotypic and environmental factors. Colder conditions in marginal climatic areas appear to favour the expression of tetraploidization. Tetraploid genotypes arising from chromosome doubling of apomictic citrus are extensively being used as parents in breeding programmes to develop seedless triploid cultivars and have potential direct use as new rootstocks.  相似文献   
The rare rainforest tree species, Syzygium paniculatum, is the only known Australian species of the genus to produce seeds that regularly have multiple embryos. Evidence from other species suggests that this is a case of adventitious polyembryony, with the embryos arising from maternal nucellar tissue. In the present study we use microsatellite data to determine whether sexual reproduction does occur and, if it does, to investigate the relative fitness of asexual versus sexual seedlings. Genotyping suggested that the species is a polyploid and our results found very little genetic diversity within and among populations (with a total of nine genotypic combinations across the entire species). The only significant variation was between the three northernmost populations and the other eight populations sampled. Analysis of individual embryos showed that sexually derived embryos did occur in some seeds but that these were not necessarily the fittest. In general, the seedling from the largest embryo is the first to emerge and maintains a competitive advantage over the other seedlings from the same seed. We discuss the ramifications of the low levels of genetic diversity and consider whether there is a direct relationship between polyembryony and the inferred polyploidy of the species. We consider the possible advantages of reproductive bet‐hedging but also highlight the susceptibility of a species with low genetic diversity to extreme stochastic events. Syzygium paniculatum occurs in areas heavily impacted by human activity and these findings should contribute to improved management of this threatened species.  相似文献   
Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) parasitized by the polyembryonic egg-larval parasitoid Copidosoma floridanum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) attained significantly larger final weights and head capsule widths than unparasitized controls. The difference in weight between parasitized and unparasitized hosts was not entirely accounted for by the weight of the C. floridanum brood. The head capsule widths of all parasitized and unparasitized fifth instars used in the study exceeded the critical threshold of 1.66 mm previously established for T. ni metamorphosis. The critical ratios associated with each T. ni instar of: 1) maximum weight within the instar:head capsule width and 2) maximum weight within the instar:weight at the beginning of the instar differed between parasitized and unparasitized larvae. Development of C. floridanum was synchronized with that of its host. Germ band formation and gastrulation of morulae destined to produce reproductive larvae invariably coincided with the host molt to the ultimate, fifth instar. Reproductive larvae had two instars. Eclosion from the egg to the first instar occurred during day 2 of the host's fifth instar, and ecdysis from the first to the second instar was synchronized with host cocoon spinning. Conversely, embryogenesis of morulae destined to produce precocious larvae began during the host first instar, continued through the second and third instar and ceased during the penultimate, fourth instar. Precocious larvae never molted and died when the host was consumed by the reproductive larvae.
Résumé T. ni Hübner parasité par le parasitoïde ovo-larvaire C. floridanum Ashmead à développement polyembryonnaire atteint un poids final signficativement plus élevé avec une capsule céphalique plus grosse que les témoins non parasités, sans subir de mues surnuméraires. La différence de poids entre noctuelles parasitées ou non ne correspondait pas entièrement au poids des C. floridanum. Les largeurs des capsules céphaliques de tous les T. ni du cinquième stade dépassaient toutes le seuil critique de 1,66 mm lié à la métamorphose, mais les seuils critiques de taille du corps:largeur de la capsule céphalique et/ou taille et corps, taille initiale du corps au début du stade associé à la mue, différaient chez T. ni parasités ou non. Les développements de T. ni et de C. floridanum étaient synchrones. La formation de la bande germinative et la gastrulation de la morula produisant la multiplication des larves ont coïncidé invariablement avec la mue de l'hôte donnant le dernier stade. Les larves polyembryonnaires ont présenté deux stades. L'éclosion des oeufs s'est produite le deuxième jour du cinquième stade de T. ni, et le passage du premier au second était synchrone de la formation du cocon de l'hôte. Réciproquement, l'embryogenèse de la morula qui donnait des larves précoces commençait pendant le premier stade de l'hôte et se poursuivait à travers les second et troisième, pour cesser pendant le quatrième et pénultième stade.
Somatic embryogenesis was induced in Siberian larch by in vitro culturing zygotic embryos at different developmental stages. Cultures were grown in modified Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with hormones 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2 mg/l) and 6-benzylaminopurine (0.5–1 mg/l). The success of somatic embryogenesis in this species depended on the tree genotype and developmental stage of embryos used for culturing. Somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos at the stage of cotyledon initiation was most active. After 5–10 days, such embryos formed the embryogenic tissue including two cell types—elongated highly vacuolated embryonic tubes and small embryonic cells. Somatic embryos were isolated from proliferating embryogenic tissues after 2 months of culture.  相似文献   
APⅣ是一份多卵水稻突变体.多卵是由"5-2-1"型、"5-3-0"型和"6-2-0"型等蓼型变异型发育途径发育而来的.多卵都能分别受精,因而使APⅣ出现多胚现象.本结果表明,APⅣ中约有一半胚囊的发育属于蓼型变异型,变异型胚囊发育过程中存在多种异常的核行为,这些核行为受着微管骨架组织变化的影响,显示微管骨架组织在胚囊核行为中起着一定的作用.文中观察到的较为明显的异常情况有:"5-2-1"型四核胚囊存在特殊的核运动,四核胚囊刚形成时,珠孔和合点两端各有2个核,但不久合点端有1个核移向珠孔端,形成珠孔端有3个核、合点端只有1个核的特殊四核胚囊.这种四核胚囊在合点端的1个核移向珠孔端期间,合点端2个姐妹核之间存在特殊的长条状微管束,这种微管可能是促进二核有效分开的重要组成部分."5-3-0"型和"6-2-0"型各个时期胚囊内的核行为和核周围的微管组织骨架与同期正常蓼型的胚囊均存在着差异."5-3-0"型二核胚囊1个核位于珠孔端,另1个核近珠孔端,二核呈纵向排列与胚囊纵轴平行,核之间存在随机排列的微管束,因此可能导致二核无法像正常二核胚囊的核一样移向两端."6-2-0"型功能大孢子、二核胚囊和四核胚囊等时期胚囊核均位于珠孔端或近珠孔端,而在核周则存在复杂的网络状微管."6-2-0"型八核胚囊早期除2个近胚囊中央的核存在朝向合点极的长微管(可能有助于推动核向胚囊中央移动)外,其他核周围的微管组织都呈复杂的网络状.  相似文献   
Different concepts of polyembryony and genetic heterogeneity of seeds in flower plants have been reviewed. Different types, ways, and forms of plant reproduction appeared in the course of evolution as a consequences of the attached mode of life and autotrophy. This is ascribed to totipotency, “stemminess” of plant cells, and presence of constantly functioning meristems, which determined to a great extent the system of plant safety. There are two ways of formation of a new individual: sexual process → gamospermy involving meiosis and gamete fusion and asexual process → agamospermy without meiosis and gamete fusion and two types of reproduction: seed and vegetative. Both processes may take place simultaneously in one seed, as a result of which many embryos of different origins are formed: uniparental and biparental inheritance. Traditionally, this phenomenon is called polyembryony. It comprises embryoidogeny (a new category of vegetative reproduction): formation of somatic embryos (= embryoids) in the flower, seed, and on vegetative organs. Genetic heterogeneity is one of the most important characteristics of seeds, which is based on different phenomena, such as embryogeny, embryoidogeny, and gametophytic and sporophytic apomixis. When describing two types of polyembryony, sporophytic (nucellar, integumental, cleavage) and gametophytic (synergidal, antipodal), a great attention is paid to characterization of initial cells of the sexual and adventive embryos. A new concept of apogamety is developed from new positions (totipotency and “stemminess”), which is based on different genesis of cells of the egg and antipodal systems. Five possible pathways of formation of the adventive embryos have been proposed from cells of the egg apparatus. Specific features of the formation of adventive embryos in the case of gametophytic apomixis, such as androgenesis and semigamy, are discussed. Morphogenesis of the sexual and adventive embryos proceeds in the mother organism and is determined by the origin and formation of their initials, types of ovule and embryo sac, and specific features of developmental biology. This determines parallelism in their development. The main difference consists in the way of reproduction: heterophasic and homophasic. The phenomenon of polyembryony and genetic heterogeneity of seeds is essential for development of the theory of reproduction and applied research related to seed productivity of plants.  相似文献   
Apomixis, the asexual formation of embryos and seeds, occurs in approximately 18% of angiosperm families. Melastomataceae exhibits a remarkable number of apomictic species, distributed among different tribes. This mode of reproduction has been elucidated in Miconieae, but remains unclarified for other groups, such as Microlicieae. Although apomixis has been previously described for Microlicieae species, the cytological basis for this phenomenon is entirely unknown in this group. Thus, populations of Microlicia fasciculata and M. polystemma were used in order to (a) investigate the presence of autonomous apomixis; (b) verify if this mode of reproduction leads to polyembryony; and (c) investigate whether apomixis may occur in parallel with the sexual process. We tested these species for autonomous fruit set and polyembryony, and pollen viability, and analyzed pollen tube growth. Anatomical techniques were used to elucidate the micro- and megasporogenesis and gametogenesis. The species showed autonomous fruit and seed formation and exhibited polyembryony. Apospory and adventitious embryony were the developmental mechanisms of apomixis in M. fasciculata and M. polystemma, respectively. Both species exhibited low pollen viability. However, some viable pollen, reduced embryo sac formation, natural pollination and pollen tube growth enable sexual reproduction and characterize these species as facultative apomicts. The independence of pollinators for fruit set, uniparental reproduction and the possibility of sexual reproduction, confer reproductive assurance and flexibility, bringing together advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. In this sense, apomixis may have played an important role in the evolution and diversification of Microlicia, a widely distributed genus in the Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   
1. Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between the resources allocated to reproduction and those allocated to survival. Early maturation of eggs (pro‐ovigeny) is correlated with small body size and low adult longevity in interspecific comparisons among parasitoids, demonstrating this trade‐off. The handful of studies that have tested for similar correlations within species produced conflicting results. 2. Egg maturation patterns and related life‐history traits were studied in the polyembryonic parasitoid wasp, Copidosoma koehleri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Although the genus Copidosoma was previously reported to be fully pro‐ovigenic, mean egg loads of host‐deprived females almost doubled within their first 6 days of adulthood. 3. The initial egg‐loads of newly emerged females were determined and age‐specific realised fecundity curves were constructed for their clone‐mate twins. The females' initial egg loads increased with body size, but neither body size nor initial egg load was correlated with longevity and fecundity. 4. The variation in initial egg loads was lowest among clone‐mates, intermediate among non‐clone sisters and highest among non‐sister females. The within‐clone variability indicates environmental influences on egg maturation, while the between‐clone variation may be genetically based. 5. Ovaries of host‐deprived females contained fewer eggs at death (at ~29 days) than on day 6. Their egg loads at death were negatively correlated with life span, consistent with reduced egg production and/or egg resorption. Host deprivation prolonged the wasps' life span, suggesting a survival cost to egg maturation and oviposition. 6. It is concluded that adult fecundity and longevity were not traded off with pre‐adult egg maturation.  相似文献   
Summary Cell masses of Araucaria angustifolia cultured in LP liquid medium showed different uptake and utilization patterns for different sugars. Fructose was slowly utilized by cell growth during the lag phase. After this lag period, fructose concentration decreased quickly, corresponding to the start of linear growth. Glucose rapidly decreased following fructose depletion. The level of extracellular proteins in the culture medium increased for the first 5 d after cell inoculation, during the transition from the lag phase to the high-growth phase. The pH of the medium decreased through the first half of the culture period (4.94) and increased (5.6) thereafter. Proembryos originated from a single cell, without a cleavage process. Suspensor cells and proembryonal groups developed independently. Only embryogenic cells divided and formed a suspensor or a proembryo group, which differentiated further along the longitudinal axis. The pathway observed for proembryo formation in Araucaria differs from the model proposed for other conifers, which show cleavage polyembryony.  相似文献   
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