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The phylogeny of the Afro-Asian Lorisoidea is controversial. While postcranial data attest strongly to the monophyly of the Lorisidae, most molecular analyses portray them as paraphyletic and group the Galagidae alternately with the Asian or African lorisids. One of the problems that has bedevilled phylogenetic analysis of the group in the past is the limited number of taxa sampled for both ingroup families. We present the results of a series of phylogenetic analyses based on 635 base pairs (bp) from two mitochondrial genes (12S and 16S rRNA) with and without 36 craniodental characters, for 11 galagid and five lorisid taxa. The outgroup was the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Analyses of the molecular data included maximum parsimony (MP), neighbor joining (NJ), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian methods. The model-based analyses and the combined "molecules+morphology" analyses supported monophyly of the Lorisidae and Galagidae. The lorisids form two geographically defined clades. We find no support for the taxonomy of Galagidae as proposed recently by Groves [Primate Taxonomy, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 350 p, 2001]. The taxonomy of Nash et al. [International Journal of Primatology 10:57-80, 1989] is supported by the combined "molecules+morphology" analysis; however, the model-based analyses suggest that Galagoides may be an assemblage of species united by plesiomorphic craniodental characters.  相似文献   
The purpose of these investigations was to evaluate the influence of limited nutrient availability in the culture medium on Proteus vulgaris biofilm formation on surfaces of stainless steel. The relationship between the P. vulgaris adhesion to the abiotic surfaces, the cellular ATP levels, cell surface hydrophobicity and changes in the profiles of extracellular proteins and lipopolysaccharides was examined. In all experimental variants the starvation conditions induced the bacterial cells to adhere to the surfaces of stainless steel. Higher ATP content and lower cell surface hydrophobicity of P. vulgaris cells was observed upon nutrient-limited conditions. Under starvation conditions a reduction in the levels of extracellular low molecular weight proteins was noticed. High molecular weight proteins formed the conditioning layer on stainless steel plates, making the bacteria adhesion process more favorable. The production of low molecular weight carbohydrates promoted more advanced stages of P. vulgaris biofilm formation process on the surfaces of stainless steel upon starvation.  相似文献   
Antibacterial effects of various arginine- and lysine-rich polycationic proteins and polymers were evaluated by broth and solid dilution assay on a range of foodborne pathogens, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of α-poly-l-lysine (poly-lys), α-poly-l-arginine (poly-arg) and protamines from herring sperm (clupeine sulphate) and salmon sperm (salmine sulphate) were determined on Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All these molecules showed antibacterial activity on all strains with different MIC and MBC values. The molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of α-poly-l-arginine might be related to the entrance of the molecule into the cell. In fact α-poly-l-arginine labelled with 7-Diethylamino coumarin-3-carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester (DEAC,SE) showed ability to permeate the cell membrane of B. cereus and E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   
Gangliosides (GGs), involved in malignant alteration and tumor progression/invasiveness, are considered as tumor biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Here, we describe the first systematic GG composition characterization in human gliosarcoma versus normal brain tissue using our recently developed mass spectrometry (MS) methods, based on nano-electrospray (nano-ESI), Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR), and chip nano-ESI quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF), complemented by thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) analysis and quantification. Combined MS enabled detection and structural assignment of 73 distinct GG species: many more than reported so far for investigated gliomas. Apart from the 7.4-times lower total GG content, gliosarcoma contained all major brain-associated species, however, in very altered proportions, exhibiting a highly distinctive pattern: GD3 (48.9%)>GD1a/nLD1>GD2/GT3>GM3>GT1b>GM2>GM1a/GM1b/nLM1>LM1>GD1b>GQ1b. MS also revealed abundant O-Ac-GD3; its sequencing provided structural evidence to postulate a novel O-Ac-GD3 isomer O-acetylated at the inner Neu5Ac-residue, previously not structurally confirmed. The high sensitivity and mass accuracy permitted the assignment of unusual minor species: GM4, Hex-HexNAc-nLM1, Gal-GD1, Fuc-GT1, GalNAc-GT1, O-Ac-GM3, di- O-Ac-GD3O-Ac-GD3, and O-Ac-GT3, not previously reported as glioma-associated. The gliosarcoma-expressed GA2 might represent a marker distinguishing astrocytic from oligodendroglial tumors. This is, to our knowledge, so far the most complete GG composition characterization of certain glioma, which demonstrates that our MS-based approach could provide essential structural information relevant to glycosphingolipid role(s) in brain tumor biology, differential diagnosis/prognosis and novel treatment concepts.  相似文献   
The understanding of the interaction of chiral species with DNA or RNA is very important for the development of new tools in biology and of new drugs. Several cases in which chirality is a crucial point in determining the DNA binding mode are reviewed and discussed, with the aim of illustrating how chirality can be considered as a tool for improving the understanding of mechanisms and the effectiveness of nucleic acid recognition. The review is divided into two parts: the former describes examples of chiral species interacting with DNA: intercalators, metal complexes, and groove binders; the latter part is dedicated to chirality in DNA analogs, with discussion of phosphate stereochemistry and chirality of ribose substitutes, in particular of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) for which a number of works have been published recently dealing with the effect of chirality in DNA recognition. The discussion is intended to show how enantiomeric recognition originates at the molecular level, by exploiting the enormous progresses recently achieved in the field of structural characterization of complexes formed by nucleic acid with their ligands by crystallographic and spectroscopic methods. Examples of application of the DNA binding molecules described and the role of chirality in DNA recognition relevant for biotechnology or medicinal chemistry are reported.  相似文献   
Under laboratory conditions, spores of ectomycorrhizal fungi usually germinate very poorly or not at all. In a previous study, we showed that spores of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus bovinus germinated through the combination of activated charcoal treatment of media and co-culture with seedlings of Pinus densiflora, which suggested that some substances contained in root exudates induced the germination. Among the compounds reported from root exudates, flavonoids have been elucidated to play various and substantial roles in plant–microbe interactions; we therefore investigated the effects of flavonoids on basidiospore germination of S. bovinus by the diffusion gradient assay on water agar plates pretreated with charcoal powder. Seven out of the 11 flavonoids tested, hesperidin, morin, rutin, quercitrin, naringenin, genistein, and chrysin, had greater effects than controls, whereas flavone, biochanin A, luteolin, and quercetin showed no positive effects. The effective concentration presumably corresponded to several micromolar levels, which was equivalent to those effective for pollen development, nod gene induction, and spore germination of F. solani f. sp. pisi and AM fungi. The results suggest that flavonoids play a role as signaling molecules in symbiotic relationships between woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
Human GMP reductase (hGMPR) enzyme is involved in a cellular metabolic pathway, converting GMP into IMP, and also it is an important target for anti-leukemic agents. Present computational investigations explain dynamical behavior of water molecules during the conformational transition process from GMP to IMP using molecular dynamics simulations. Residues at substrate-binding site of cancerous protein (PDB Id. 2C6Q) are mostly more dynamic in nature than the normal protein (PDB Id. 2BLE). Nineteen conserved water molecules are identified at the GMP/IMP binding site and are classified as (i) conserved stable dynamic and (ii) infrequent dynamic. Water molecules W11, W14, and W16 are classified as conserved stable dynamic due to their immobile character, whereas remaining water molecules (W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W7, W8, W9, W10, W12, W13, W15, W17, W18, and W19) are infrequent with dynamic nature. Entrance or displacement of these infrequent water molecules at GMP/IMP sites may occur due to forward and backward movement of reference residues involving ligands. Four water molecules of hGMPR-I and nine water molecules of hGMPR-II are observed in repetitive transitions from GMP to IMP pathway, which indicates discrimination between two isoforms of hGMPRs. Water molecules in cancerous protein are more dynamic and unstable compared to normal protein. These water molecules execute rare dynamical events at GMP binding site and could assist in detailed understanding of conformational transitions that influence the hGMPR's biological functionality. The present study should be of interest to the experimental community engaged in leukemia research and drug discovery for CML cancer.  相似文献   
Adhesion molecules, often thought to be acting by a ‘lock and key’ mechanism, have been thought to control the adhesion of cells. While there is no doubt that a coating of adhesion molecules such as fibronectin on a surface affects cell adhesion, this paper aims to show that such surface contamination is only one factor in the equation. Starting from the baseline idea that van der Waals force is a ubiquitous attraction between all molecules, and thereby must contribute to cell adhesion, it is clear that effects from geometry, elasticity and surface molecules must all add on to the basic cell attractive force. These effects of geometry, elasticity and surface molecules are analysed. The adhesion force measured between macroscopic polymer spheres was found to be strongest when the surfaces were absolutely smooth and clean, with no projecting protruberances. Values of the measured surface energy were then about 35 mJ m−2, as expected for van der Waals attractions between the non-polar molecules. Surface projections such as abrasion roughness or dust reduced the molecular adhesion substantially. Water cut the measured surface energy to 3.4 mJ m−2. Surface active molecules lowered the adhesion still further to less than 0.3 mJ m−2. These observations do not support the lock and key concept.  相似文献   
Peripheral neuroinflammation caused by activated immune cells can provoke neuropathic pain. Herein, we investigate the actions of macrophages and T cells through glucocorticoid-induced tumor neurosis factor receptor ligand (GITRL) and its receptor (GITR) in neuropathic pain. After partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSL) in enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) chimeric mice generated by the transplantation of eGFP+ bone marrow cells, eGFP+ macrophages, and T cells markedly migrated to the injured site after PSL. Administration of agents to deplete macrophages (liposome-clodronate and Clophosome-ATM) or T cells (anti-CD4 antibody and FTY720) could suppress PSL-induced thermal hyperalgesia and tactile allodynia. The expression levels of co-stimulatory molecules GITRL and GITR were increased on infiltrating macrophages and T cells, respectively. The perineural injection of a GITRL neutralizing antibody that could inhibit the function of the GITRL-GITR pathway attenuated PSL-induced neuropathic pain. Additionally, the induction of inflammatory cytokines and the accumulation of GITR+ T cells in the injured SCN were abrogated after macrophage depletion by Clophosome-ATM. In conclusion, GITRL expressed on macrophages drives cytokine release and T cell activation, resulting in neuropathic pain via GITR-dependent actions. The GITRL-GITR pathway might represent a novel target for the treatment of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   


Ontology-based enrichment analysis aids in the interpretation and understanding of large-scale biological data. Ontologies are hierarchies of biologically relevant groupings. Using ontology annotations, which link ontology classes to biological entities, enrichment analysis methods assess whether there is a significant over or under representation of entities for ontology classes. While many tools exist that run enrichment analysis for protein sets annotated with the Gene Ontology, there are only a few that can be used for small molecules enrichment analysis.


We describe BiNChE, an enrichment analysis tool for small molecules based on the ChEBI Ontology. BiNChE displays an interactive graph that can be exported as a high-resolution image or in network formats. The tool provides plain, weighted and fragment analysis based on either the ChEBI Role Ontology or the ChEBI Structural Ontology.


BiNChE aids in the exploration of large sets of small molecules produced within Metabolomics or other Systems Biology research contexts. The open-source tool provides easy and highly interactive web access to enrichment analysis with the ChEBI ontology tool and is additionally available as a standalone library.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0486-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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