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The rewardless orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable flower colour polymorphism, with both yellow- and red-flowered morphs growing sympatrically. Pollination biology and breeding system were investigated to examine the effects of density of plants, colour polymorphism, inflorescence dimension, and flower position within inflorescence on male and female reproductive success in three natural populations of D. sambucina. There were significant differences among sites in the number of pollinia removed and in fruit set per inflorescence. Number of removed pollinia and capsule production in D. sambucina were independent from flower and inflorescence size or flower position. As a whole, the red morphs showed the highest number of capsules produced, while the yellow morphs had the greatest male success. The relative male and female reproductive success were independent from plant density but were significantly correlated with the yellow morph frequency at the population level. Overall, our findings show that the contribution to the total reproductive success deriving from the two colour morphs does not conform with the predictions of negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
Neopomacentrus filamentosus, a common damselfish on the Indo–Australian archipelago, undergoes significant shifts in size and mitochondrial genetic structure upon larval settlement and metamorphosis to juvenile stages. We characterized five polymorphic microsatellite loci in order to study temporal genetic shifts within a single generation of N. filamentosus sampled first as larval settlers then again as demersal juvenile recruits. All loci were extremely polymorphic and exhibited high levels of heterozygosity. While all loci from the larval samples conformed to Hardy – Weinberg expectations, significant heterozygote deficiencies were seen in two loci in the juvenile samples, likely due to extreme size‐selective mortality imposed post‐settlement.  相似文献   
Sexual advertisement and immune function in an arachnid species (Lycosidae)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A simple version of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesizesthat through condition-dependence, the size of the sexual traitmay be positively related to immune function at the populationlevel. In the present study, we investigated the relationshipbetween sexual advertisement and immune function in a naturalpopulation of male wolf spiders, Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata (Araneae:Lycosidae). Males of H. rubrofasciata have a costly and condition-dependentacoustic signal, courtship drumming. In the mating season, malesdrum against dry leaves while wandering around the habitat searchingfor receptive females. Males increase their mating success byincreasing their drumming rate and mobility. We used drummingrate and mobility measured without female proximity as estimatesof sexual advertisement. As estimates of male immune function,we used encapsulation rate and lytic activity. Encapsulationrate is a common challenging technique, which measures immuneresponse against multicellular parasites. Lytic activity isa monitoring technique, which measures immune response againstpathogens. Our results show that males with higher drummingrate had higher encapsulation rate. This suggests that femalesmight use drumming rate as a signal for choosing males withgood immunocompetence. Moreover, our results show that maleswith higher mobility had higher lytic activity. As females aremore likely to encounter those males that have higher mobility,this might also select males with better immune function. Ourresults suggest that the immunocompetence handicap might workalso among spiders, although we could not assess the causalityof the relationship between sexual selection and immune functionin this correlational study.  相似文献   
Morphological characteristics and intestinal content were analysed for five species of coexisting freshwater fishes in Thailand: Rasbora caudimaculata , Schistura desmotes , Dermogenys pusillus , Xenentodon cancila and Monopterus albus (all found in riffle habitats in Thai streams). Rasbora caudimaculata , S. desmotes and D. pusillus fed predominantly on ephemeropterans, hymenopterans and dipterans, X. cancila fed predominantly on fishes, and larger aquatic invertebrates such as Odonata, and M. albus fed on detritus as well as invertebrate prey such as crustaceans and Odonata. Intestine length, mouth height, mouth width, eye position and mouth orientation varied among all five species. Canonical analysis of discriminance of mouth height, width and intestine length showed a clear dispersion of species, which was supported by intestine content. Evolutionary processes leading to the present differences in morphological characters resulted in each of the five species consuming a different portion of the available resource base, thereby facilitating coexistence.  相似文献   
Social selection is presented here as a parallel theory to sexual selection and is defined as a selective force that occurs when individuals change their own social behaviors, responding to signals sent by conspecifics in a way to influence the other individuals' fitness. I analyze the joint evolution of a social signal and behavioral responsiveness to the signal by a quantitative-genetic model. The equilibria of average phenotypes maintained by a balance of social selection and natural selection and their stability are examined for two alternative assumptions on behavioral responsiveness, neutral and adaptive. When behavioral responsiveness is neutral on fitness, a rapid evolution by runaway selection occurs only with enough genetic covariance between the signal and responsiveness. The condition for rapid evolution also depends on natural selection and the number of interacting individuals. When signals convey some information on signalers (e.g., fighting ability), behavioral responsiveness is adaptive such that a receiver's fitness is also influenced by the signal. Here there is a single point of equilibrium. The equilibrium point and its stability do not depend on the genetic correlation. The condition needed for evolution is that the signal is beneficial for receivers, which results from reliability of the signal. Frequency-dependent selection on responsiveness has almost no influence on the equilibrium and the rate of evolution.  相似文献   
The genetic correlation is a central parameter of quantitative genetics, providing a measure of the rate at which traits respond to indirect selection (i.e., selection that does not act upon the traits under study, but some other trait with which they have genes in common). In this paper, I review the pattern of variation among four combinations of traits: life history × life history (L × L), morphological × morphological (M × M), life history × morphological (L × M), and behavioral × behavioral (B × B). A few other combinations were investigated, but insufficient data were obtained for separate analysis. A total of 1798 correlations, distributed over 51 different animal and plant species, were analyzed. The analysis was conducted at two levels: first by dividing the data set solely by trait combination, and second by blocking the data by trait combination and species. Because selection will tend to fix alleles that show positive correlations with fitness traits faster than those that are negative and because the latter are expected to arise more frequently by mutation, correlations between life-history traits are predicted to be more often negative than those between morphological traits. This prediction was supported, with the ranking in decreasing proportion of negative correlations being: L × L > L × M > B × B > M × M. The mean magnitude of the genetic correlation shows little variation among morphological and life-history combinations, and the distribution of values is remarkably flat. However, the estimated standard errors and the coefficient of variation (SE/rG) are large, making it difficult to separate biological factors influencing the pattern of dispersion from experimental error. Analysis of the phenotypic and genetic correlations suggest that for the combinations M × M and L × M, but not L × L or B × B, the phenotypic correlation is an adequate estimate of the genetic correlation.  相似文献   
We analyzed the pattern of correlations among fitness components, herbivory, and resin characteristics in a natural all-aged stand of ponderosa pine, to infer the strength and mechanism of natural selection on plant chemistry. Male and female cone production were monitored yearly for 15 years, and levels of herbivory for 9 years in 165 trees. Resin flow rate and monoterpene composition were determined for these same trees. Multiple regression of fitness components on resin characteristics showed significant associations consistent with directional selection for increased resin flow rates and increased proportions of α- and β-pinene, myrcene and terpinolene. However, negative correlations among monoterpene fractions of the resin constrained the overall selection. Selective herbivory by aphids approached statistical significance and monoterpenes showed some (non-significant) effect as deterrents against deer browse. Resin characteristics were not correlated with attack by cone insects or porcupines. However, the association between resin characteristics and fitness is significantly different from that predicted by the path coefficients involving herbivores. Therefore the hypothesis that these herbivores mediate selection on the resin is not supported by the observed pattern of correlations among resin characteristics, herbivory, growth and fecundity. In this population, most of the association between resin characteristics and fitness appears to be mediated by some other factor independent of attack by herbivore species present. Received: 18 March 1996/Accepted: 18 July 1996  相似文献   
In participatory plant breeding, farmers are involved in simple selection schemes that are not suitable for assessing genetic variability in the segregating populations. We propose to use information derived from molecular marker analyses to help monitoring such populations. In this study, we used three indicators to compare genetic variability in eight genetic structures, that is three plant populations selected by farmers over five generations, three nonselected populations and two commercial varieties. The three indicators were the polymorphic locus rate, heterozygosity rate and dissimilarity index. The results highlighted that the genetic variability decreased more with farmers’ selection than with environmental factors. The breeding process was not complete because genetic variability in the selected populations was midway between that of the nonselected populations and that of the commercial varieties monitored. The three proposed indicators were relevant for describing the studied populations. They could be interpreted according to a grid drawn up on the basis of the results of the present study.  相似文献   
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