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Figs and their pollinating fig wasps are dependent on one another for propagation of their own kinds. The wasps reproduce by ovipositing through the styles of female flowers within the closed fig receptacles (syconia). About half of the female flowers within the syconia of monoecious figs have styles which are longer than the ovipositors of the wasp, and they will therefore produce seeds rather than wasp larvae. Since a longer ovipositor would enable a wasp to reach more ovules and deposit more eggs, the question arises at to why longer ovipositors have not evolved.
In an attempt to answer this question, four seemingly plausible hypotheses are examined but each is shown to be problematical in some way. Consideration is then given to a fifth hypothesis which proposes that ovipositor length is constrained by abortion of syconia with relatively few seed embryos and many agaonid larvae. It is argued first that this pattern of abortion will be selected during a sustained period of heavy wasp infestation because seeds will then become scarce relative to pollen-carrying wasps. Increased expenditure by the fig on seed production would therefore be favoured by natural selection. A greater expenditure on seeds would occur if young syconia with exceptionally heavy wasp infestations were dropped and the saved nutrients invested in syconia of a subsequent crop containing average levels of wasp larvae and seeds. Provided that the energy and nutrient cost of dropping young syconia is small, the selective advantage to the wasp of longer ovipositors is eliminated in this way. A stable coexistence of figs and wasps is therefore possible. The paper concludes by discussing two general predictions of the abortion hypothesis, and how these may be tested.  相似文献   
Specificity and mutual dependency of the orchid-euglossine bee interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seasonal and geographic relationships, and host pollinator specificities are examined for indications of interdependency in the orchid-euglossine bee interaction. The orchids are dependent on the bees for pollination, and their flowering seasonality corresponds well with peak activity of their pollinators. However, there is little evidence that the bees are dependent on these fragrance hosts. The orchids tap the majority of euglossine species and individuals for pollinator services during any given season, but most of those bee species that temporarily lack orchid fragrance hosts persist in the area, continually emerge from nests, and seek floral fragrance compounds. Pollinator specificity occurs in less than half of the orchids, and host specificity is rare. Geographic distributions of nearly all orchid-pollinator pairs are not mutually inclusive. Moreover, nearly a third of the local male euglossine bee species censused are not pollinators of any fragrance orchids in the area. Local alternative fragrance sources occur. The orchid-male euglossine bee interaction does not appear to represent a mutually obligatory relationship. The orchids may have exploited a preexisting behavioural phenomenon of the bees, and reciprocal evolutionary responses may not have occurred.  相似文献   
In P. affinis, pin pollen is shorter on average than thrum pollen. Pins have more coronal hooks on stigmatic papillae than thrums, but gaps between papillae are relatively smaller for thrums. Pin stigmas receive more pollen than thrum stigmas. Thrum stigmas receive more (dissortive) pin pollen, but pin stigmas are assortively pollinated. Pollen only germinates when trapped below papilla coronas. On thrum stigmas, most trapped pollen is pin. Pollen germination is better on thrum stigmas than pin stigmas, and thrum stigmas show a close relationship between numbers of legitimate pollen grains, numbers of germinating grains, and numbers of pollen tubes in the style. There is no inhibition of illegitimate pollen germination. Illegitimate pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Incompatibility operates by a combination of dissortive pollination, dissortive pollen trapping, and stylar pollen tube inhibition. All heteromorphic features differing between pins and thrums are implicated in the inhibition of within-morph fertilization in thrums.  相似文献   
Some plants in arctic and alpine habitats have heliotropic flowers that track the sun. This results in a heating of the flower's interior, which may improve the possibilities for insect pollination and seed production. Here, I examine whether flower heliotropism in an alpine population of the self-incompatible Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) enhances pollinator visitation and seed production. Flowers of Ranunculus acris tracked the sun during the day. Tracking accuracy was greatest during the middle of the day. The temperature elevation in flowers was negatively correlated with the flower's angle of deviation from the sun. Despite the increased temperature, insects did not discriminate among flowers on the basis of their angle of deviation from the sun, or tend to stay longer in the flowers aligned closest towards the sun. A tethering experiment was conducted on three groups of plants flowering at different times in the 1993 season and on one group the following season. Manipulation plants were constrained not to track the sun, whereas control plants tracked the sun naturally. Solar tracking had no effect on seed:ovule ratio, seed mass, or abortion rate in any of the groups. There is probably a very narrow range of weather conditions (cold, sunny, and calm) where flower heliotropism may enhance visitation rate to flowers and their seed production.  相似文献   
Plants of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) cv. Olwen were grown in an open glasshouse maintained at a mean temperature of 20oC and ovule growth and seed production measured. Differences in the rate of growth of ovules within ovaries were observed as early as 2 days after pollination. Ovules reached a maximum size after 8 days with the smallest only half the size of the largest. After 8 days, the smallest ovules became flaccid and shrivelled. Ovule position within the ovary had little effect on the frequency of seed set and although there was an apparently higher probability that central ovules produced a seed than those nearer the peduncle or style this was not statistically significant. Inflorescence position and floret position on the inflorescence had a significant effect on the number of seeds per floret and seed weight; the first formed inflorescences and the first florets to be pollinated on each inflorescence had more seeds per floret and heavier seeds and fewer florets with no seed than later pollinated florets. There were also differences between florets within the same whorl. The role of a number of factors which may influence floret site utilisation are discussed.  相似文献   
The behavior of visitors to the flowers of the orchidEpipactis thunbergii was studied, with special attention to the role of the epichile in the pollination process. Only four species of syrphid flies legitimately pollinated the flower, among whichSphaerophoria macrogaster was regarded as the most effective pollinator. The movable epichile, possessing a furrow at its base, played a critical role in the pollination process: it threw the syrphid fly onto the stigmatic surface when both sides of the basal slanting surface of the furrow were presumably pressed in the direction of the hypochile by the fore (and middle) legs of the retreating syrphid fly. At this moment, the fly received a set of pollinia on the thorax.  相似文献   
A simplified and non-destructive method using starch gel electrophoresis has been developed on seeds to identify inbred lines of Vicia faba and assess outcrossing rates and gene dispersal in pollination experiments. Six enzyme systems (Alcohol dehydrogenase, Aspartate aminotransferase, Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and Shikimate dehydrogenase) were analysed from parental lines, crosses performed between lines bearing dissimilar isozyme patterns in pollination cages with Bombus and F2 progenies obtained from manual selfing of F1 hybrids. The allozymes at each of the seven studied loci segregated in the expected Mendelian fashion and behaved in a co-dominant manner except for the Adh-2 locus where the only variant was a null allele. No evidence of genetic linkage was observed between at least 13 of the 15 pairs of the studied loci. Percentage of cross fertilisation by Bombus between seven pairs of inbred lines ranged between 1.7% and 28.3%. Pollen transfer between a donor line and a recipient line by two species of Bombus did not lead to differences in outcrossing rates (both about 8%). The new PGD marker with two loci at three alleles each is particularly discriminating and valuable in pollination studies and breeding of V. faba.  相似文献   
Anthecological observations of an orchidBletilla striata were carried out in Kobe, Japan. The purplish pink flowers were visited by 26 species of insects belonging to Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera, although the flower did not offer food rewards of any kind. Candidates for pollination were seven species of aculeate Hymenoptera with a body size that well fitted the space in between the column and labellum. The most effective candidate was the male of the longhorn beeTetralonia nipponensis, judging from its abundance and legitimate intrafloral behavior. The female ofT. nipponensis and the other six species also contributed to promote out-crossing, but to a lesser extent than the maleT. nipponensis, since they occasionally exhibited illegitimate intrafloral behaviors for pollination and also, their flower visitation rate was lower.  相似文献   
Summary The relative ability of cross- and self-pollen to achieve fertilisation in Brassica was studied by making double pollinations using cross-pollen carrying a dominant seedling marker gene. With simultaneous self- and crosspollination 12–40% self-seed was set, but when cross-pollen was applied to the stigma four hours before self-pollen, only 2–4% self-seed was obtained. In two plants to which cross-pollen was applied at various time intervals after self-pollen there was a tendency for the percentage of self-seed to increase as the time interval increased. In a third plant this trend was not apparent, probably because of a greater degree of self-incompatibility. The competitive advantage of the first pollen to arrive on the stigma is discussed in relation to the strength of the self-incompatibility and the sib problem in F1 hybrid brassicas.  相似文献   
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