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记述了发现于陕西镇安黄家湾早更新世晚期的一个大型哺乳动物群。动物群包括哺乳动物4目、11科、24种,它们是:Canis variabilis, Hyaenidae gen. et sp. indet. , Homotherium sp. , Megantereon sp. , Lynx cf. shansius , Panthera pardus , Elephantidae gen. et sp. indet. , Equus qingyangensis , Hesperotherium sinense , Ancylotherium sp. , Megatapirus augustus, Rhinocerotidae gen. et sp. indet. , Dicerorhinus lantianensis, Sus sp. , Moschus moschi ferus , Cervus unicolor , Cervus sp. 1, Cervus sp. 2, Hydropotes sp. , Capreolus sp. , Strepsiceros annectens , Leptobos sp. , Bubalus sp. 和 Budorcas taxicolor等。动物群伴生植物孢粉分析表明,当时在化石产地生长着下列植物:Selaginella sp. , Pinaceae gen. et sp. indet. , Picea sp. , Cotinus coggygria , Juglans regia , Quercus sp. , Myrica rubra , Meliaceae gen. et sp. indet. , Celtis sp. , Oleaceae ( Syringa sp. ?) gen. et sp. indet. , Chenopodiaceae gen. et sp. indet. ,Kobresia sp. , Scrophulariaceae gen. et sp. indet. , Humulus sp. , Gramineae gen. et sp. indet. , Ranunculaceae gen. et sp. indet. , Sparganium sp. ,Celastraceae gen. et sp. indet. ,Elaeagnaceae gen. et sp. indet. ,Compositae gen. et sp. indet. ,Aremisia sp. , Xanthium sibiricum 和Carex sp.等。分析了动物群生活时栖息地的气候、植被和地貌特征,结果表明,动物群栖息在温暖、湿润、有森林、灌丛草地并富有水体的生境中,当时秦岭腹地存在着相当开阔的河谷地带,山势没有现在这么险峻,因此阻断秦岭南北动物交流的天然屏障当时可能还未真正形成,秦岭南北两侧的动物可以沿着开阔的河谷地带随季节和气候的变化互相扩散迁移。  相似文献   
Pollen limitation (PL) of seed production creates unique conditions for reproductive adaptation by angiosperms, in part because, unlike under ovule or resource limitation, floral interactions with pollen vectors can contribute to variation in female success. Although the ecological and conservation consequences of PL have received considerable attention in recent times, its evolutionary implications are poorly appreciated. To identify general influences of PL on reproductive adaptation compared with those under other seed-production limits and their implications for evolution in altered environments, we derive a model that incorporates pollination and post-pollination aspects of PL. Because PL always favours increased ovule fertilization, even when population dynamics are not seed limited, it should pervasively influence selection on reproductive traits. Significantly, under PL the intensity of inbreeding does not determine whether outcrossing or autonomous selfing can evolve, although it can affect which response is most likely. Because the causes of PL are multifaceted in both natural and anthropogenically altered environments, the possible outcrossing solutions are diverse and context dependent, which may contribute to the extensive variety of angiosperm reproductive characteristics. Finally, the increased adaptive options available under PL may be responsible for positive global associations between it and angiosperm diversity.  相似文献   
The pollen wall ultrastructure of the primitive AngiospermLactoris fernandeziana Phil. (Lactoridaceae) is described. The monosulcate aperture, granular wall structure and sacci (all primitive features) suggest placement of this family in theMagnoliales. Pollen ofLactoris is compared to fossil dispersed pollen from the Lower and lower-Upper Cretaceous. The fossil pollen shares characteristics which are restricted to theLactoridaceae suggesting that this family was present during the early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
不同品种黑莓的花期生物学特征及花粉活力观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黑莓(Rubusspp.)9个品种的开花物候期、花器官性状及花粉生活力进行了观察,并对其花粉的贮藏条件进行了初步研究。结果表明,黑莓开花期为4月中旬至6月初,花期长19~35 d;每株有花穗50.67~127.33个,花穗长8.30~14.95 cm,每穗有花4.95~7.63朵;花色为白色、粉红色和红色,花冠直径3.07~5.28 cm。黑莓不同品种的花期、花穗数量与大小、花色和花冠大小等均存在显著差异。不同黑莓品种的花粉萌发率可达50.29%~85.16%;随贮藏时间的延长,花粉萌发率逐渐下降;在0℃~4℃、相对湿度10%~20%条件下密封贮存,有利于保持花粉的生活力。  相似文献   
上海广富林地区广富林遗址IT1238和IT0446剖面的孢粉记录,并根据14C数据和遗址层位所建立的年代标尺,通过孢粉分析结果表明,在5300cal.aB.P.之前,本区尚无人类活动的迹象,遗址点周围主要生长由栎树和榆科等植物构成的常绿和落叶阔叶混交林,气候温暖湿润。良渚文化中前期,在花粉谱上出现了农作物的证据,说明当地已有人类进驻,并开展农业活动;大量水生植物花粉的分布说明当时水体面积扩大,降水量增多。良渚文化晚期以后,栎树林几近消失,水生植物减少,而蒿、藜增加,可能是由于水体面积的减少,以及区域气候变得干冷所致。广富林遗存、战国和东汉文化层时期的状况,在一定程度上延续了良渚文化晚期的特征。在战国和东汉文化层时期,栎树林有所恢复,人类活动在后期有所增强。  相似文献   
Ac/Ds(GUS)结构介导的水稻启动子捕获系统的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建了基于Activator/Dissociation(β-glucuronidase)[简称Ac/Ds(GUS)]结构的捕获质粒p13B,用于分离水稻基因启动子.以此质粒用衣杆菌介导的方法转化粳稻品种中花11的胚性愈伤组织,对获得的18个独立转化株的T2代植株进行了抗除草剂筛选,从141个抗除草剂转基因植株中用PCR方法检测到其中37株是Ds因子发生了转座的植株,而且这种转座到新位置上的Ds因子是遗传的.初步观察到其中5株的GUS染色呈阳性.  相似文献   
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used to suppress or eradicate infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), an insect whose broad polyphagy poses a serious threat to fruit and vegetable crops. The SIT involves the production, sterilization and release of sterile insects to obtain sterile male by wild female matings, thus yielding infertile eggs. Mass‐rearing over many generations is known to produce dramatic changes in the behaviour and life history of C. capitata. This study investigated the possibility that mass‐rearing also alters male response to trimedlure, a sex‐specific attractant widely used in detection and monitoring programmes. We compared captures of released males from a mass‐reared strain and a recently established colony of wild flies in trimedlure‐baited Jackson traps at three spatial scales – open field, large field enclosures (75 m2) and small field cages (7 m2) – in two separate years. In the first year, males were used independently of flight ability, while in the second year only males with demonstrated flight capability were used. Trap capture was scored 2 days after release for the open field and the large field enclosures but either 1 h or 1 day after release in the small field cages. The findings were consistent across these different experiments: wild‐like males were captured in significantly greater numbers than mass‐reared males in both years of study, except in the trials lasting 1 day in the small field cages where significantly more wild than mass‐reared males were captured in 1 year but not the other. These results are compared with other studies, and their implications for SIT are discussed.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Cell wall pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are important for pollen tube growth. The aim of this work was to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of these compounds in olive pollen during germination.


Immunoblot profiling analyses combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy immunocytochemical detection techniques were carried out using four anti-pectin (JIM7, JIM5, LM5 and LM6) and two anti-AGP (JIM13 and JIM14) monoclonal antibodies.

Key Results

Pectin and AGP levels increased during olive pollen in vitro germination. (1 → 4)-β-d-Galactans localized in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, the pollen wall and the apertural intine. After the pollen tube emerged, galactans localized in the pollen tube wall, particularly at the tip, and formed a collar-like structure around the germinative aperture. (1 → 5)-α-l-Arabinans were mainly present in the pollen tube cell wall, forming characteristic ring-shaped deposits at regular intervals in the sub-apical zone. As expected, the pollen tube wall was rich in highly esterified pectic compounds at the apex, while the cell wall mainly contained de-esterified pectins in the shank. The wall of the generative cell was specifically labelled with arabinans, highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonans and JIM13 epitopes. In addition, the extracellular material that coated the outer exine layer was rich in arabinans, de-esterified pectins and JIM13 epitopes.


Pectins and AGPs are newly synthesized in the pollen tube during pollen germination. The synthesis and secretion of these compounds are temporally and spatially regulated. Galactans might provide mechanical stability to the pollen tube, reinforcing those regions that are particularly sensitive to tension stress (the pollen tube–pollen grain joint site) and mechanical damage (the tip). Arabinans and AGPs might be important in recognition and adhesion phenomena of the pollen tube and the stylar transmitting cells, as well as the egg and sperm cells.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(5-6):409-417
Patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) were investigated for the production of free radicals and cholesterol hydroperoxides during reperfusion. Fifteen patients were studied. Ischaemia during balloon inflation was assessed by serial coronary sinus lactate analysis (mean maximal increase in anterior descending artery diltation was 130%), and by the demonstration of reperfusion hyperaemia (mean increase of coronary sinus oxygen saturation 74%).

Free radicals were detected by electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping using the spin trap PBN (N-t-Butyl-α-phenylnitrone). Radical adducts were detected in up to 50% of samples taken during reperfusion after anterior descending lesion angioplasty. No radicals were detected in control samples or during the ischaemic phase. Radical detection was positively correlated with the change in coronary sinus lactate (p<0.025).

Coronary sinus cholesterol hydroperoxide analysis did not show a significant increase over control during reperfusion, due in part to unexpectedly high pre angioplasty levels.

This study provides clear evidence for the production of a burst of free radicals and evidence for lipid peroxidation in the minutes following myocardial reperfusion during angioplasty. A relationship between the severity of the ischaemic insult and the detection of radical adducts has also been found.  相似文献   
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