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生物类专业基础课“生物化学”课程思政教育探索与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业课教学中渗透思政教育是实现高校全过程、全方位、全员育人的重要途径,而且以专业知识为载体的思政教育比纯粹的思政课更有说服力和感染力。生物化学作为生物类专业的基础必修课,蕴含着丰富多样的思政资源。近年来,我们教学团队结合“生物化学”课程自身特征,开展了颇有成效的课程思政教学探索与实践,明确了课程育人目标,丰富了课程教学资源,创新了课程教学模式,构建了思政融合策略。思政资源的深度挖掘和巧妙应用收获了“润物细无声”的效果,实现了“生物化学”课程教学价值塑造、知识传授与能力培养的三者有机结合。  相似文献   
“代谢工程”课程是生物类工科专业本科生或研究生的一门重要的专业选修或必修课程,涉及学科领域广、应用性强。加强“代谢工程”课程思政教学是适应教书育人和立德树人的时代需求。文中详细列举了“代谢工程”课程中开展思政教学的一些典型案例,寓思政教育于课程教学环节之中,借此对工科生进行正确的价值引领,从而培育学生的科学精神,加强学生的文化自信和家国情怀,增强学生勇攀科学高峰的信心。  相似文献   
课程思政是高校思想政治理论课改革创新的重要举措,因其德育与智育协同的优势,逐渐成为高校课程改革的方向.为探究新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称“新冠”病毒肺炎)疫情下“病原生物学与医学免疫学”课程思政教学模式及其实施效果,以成都中医药大学2018级中医学(5+3一体化)的2个班级学生为教学对象,其中1班采用传统教...  相似文献   
杨希  高强  梁鹏  何慧 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3910-3922
微生物学属于生命科学的重要分支,是生物、食品科学、临床医学等大学专业一门重要的基础课。该课程综合性强、知识涉及面广,所以如何有效调动学生的学习兴趣将直接影响课堂效果。为达到良好的教学效果,教师可在微生物学教学过程中综合运用多种方式提高学生学习兴趣与学习质量。因此,我们采用“趣味教学法”进行教学设计,并针对连续3个不同年级的相同专业班级做出教学改革,通过学生期末闭卷成绩、过程考核(签到率、课堂参与度、注意力集中程度等)成绩与学生反馈评语对教学成果进行验证。结果表明,采用“趣味教学法”进行教学改革的班级学生期末闭卷成绩中不及格率低于未改革的班级,“良好”与“优秀”学生比例均高于未改革的班级,过程考核成绩远高于未改革的班级,说明“趣味教学法”教学改革有效调动了学生的学习兴趣。我们认为,在大学微生物学课堂上,教师可在教学设计中适当引入趣味教学内容并适时展开,有助于改善教学气氛,调动学生学习积极性与主动性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   
为解决当前传统教学方式不能满足学生差异性与个性化需求、大学生普遍感觉迷茫与微生物抽象难学造成学习动力与兴趣不足这两大教学问题,微生物学教学团队以学生为中心、产出为导向,通过“找闪光点、做人生规划”帮助学生“树立志向、报效国家、振兴乡村”;进行“课前自学-课中研讨-课后体验”的创新设计,实现线上线下无缝对接。依据创新性、高阶性与挑战度要求,实施每集一悟、体验学习、拓展学习等创新举措,并将课程思政贯穿全程,充分开展师生、生生互动。建立了形成性多元考核评价体系。学生对改革较为满意,双创项目参与率、考研录取率、学习成绩与学科竞赛成果持续显著提升。研究结果可为微生物学课程的创新教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   
BackgroundPatients with advanced heart failure may benefit from palliative care, including advance care planning (ACP). ACP, which can include referral back to the general practitioner (GP), may prevent unbeneficial hospital admissions and interventional/surgical procedures that are not in accordance with the patient’s personal goals of care.AimTo implement ACP in patients with advanced heart failure and explore the effect of ACP on healthcare utilisation as well as the satisfaction of patients and cardiologists.MethodsIn this pilot study, we enrolled 30 patients with New York Heart Association class III/IV heart failure who had had at least one unplanned hospital admission in the previous year because of heart failure. A structured ACP conversation was held and documented by the treating physician. Primary outcome was the number of visits to the emergency department and/or admissions within 3 months after the ACP conversation. Secondary endpoints were the satisfaction of patients and cardiologists as established by using a five-point Likert scale.ResultsMedian age of the patients was 81 years (range 33–94). Twenty-seven ACP documents could be analysed (90%). Twenty-one patients (78%) did not want to be readmitted to the hospital and subsequently none of them were readmitted during follow-up. Twenty-two patients (81%) discontinued all hospital care. All patients who died during follow-up (n = 12, 40%) died at home. Most patients and cardiologists indicated that they would recommend the intervention to others (80% and 92% respectively).ConclusionACP, and subsequent out-of-hospital care by the GP, was shown to be applicable in the present study of patients with advanced heart failure and evident palliative care needs. Patients and cardiologists were satisfied with this intervention.  相似文献   
In a recent article in this journal, Carl Knight and Andreas Albertsen argue that Rawlsian theories of distributive justice as applied to health and healthcare fail to accommodate both palliative care and the desirability of less painful treatments. The asserted Rawlsian focus on opportunities or capacities, as exemplified in Normal Daniels’ developments of John Rawls’ theory, results in a normative account of healthcare which is at best only indirectly sensitive to pain and so unable to account for the value of efforts of which the sole purpose is pain reduction. I argue that, far from undermining the Rawlsian project and its application to problems of health, what the authors’ argument at most amounts to is a compelling case for the inclusion of freedom from physical pain within its index of primary goods.  相似文献   
Coastal Exploitation, Land Loss, and Hurricanes: A Recipe for Disaster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Southern Louisiana occupies a dynamic landscape, marked by coastal wetlands interrupted by both natural and human-made levees, and vulnerable to both the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and major storms coming off the Gulf of Mexico. It is also a region into which, for centuries, exiled and threatened populations have moved and found refuge. Systematic and dramatic changes along the entire reach of the Mississippi River coupled with activities within the region's wetlands such as levee construction, canal dredging, and petroleum extraction have contributed to both pollution and extensive coastal land loss. In this article, I discuss the recent hurricanes in light of the relationship between Louisiana and the rest of the United States and the environmental and community degradation that has occurred along the coast. I focus on petroleum development, the most recent and extensive natural resource to shape southern Louisiana's wealth and economy.  相似文献   
Anti-Semitism in Germany has a long tradition. It dates back to religious anti-Semitism many centuries ago culminating in the Holocaust. More recently, anti-Semitism was rising again in Germany. At least partly, it was encouraged by recent news reports on the Israel-Palestine conflict. This occurred at the time when a new Anti-Semitic party – the Alternative for Germany – emerged at Germany's political scene. To ascertain the prevalence of anti-Semitism, Germany's federal parliament set up an independent commission in 2012. In 2017, the commission reported its findings. This review discusses the commission's results focusing on a definition of anti-Semitism; hate crimes based on anti-Semitism; the extend of anti-Semitism in Germany's political centre; anti-Semitism in the media, social movements and racist organizations; an evaluation of anti-Semitism based on surveys and interviews; anti-Semitism in Germany's political parties; and finally, anti-Semitism of refugees and migrants. The report concludes recommendations seeking to prevent anti-Semitism.  相似文献   
在全面推进高校课程思政建设的背景下,为落实立德树人的根本任务,各高校纷纷开展专业课程思政建设。以成都医学院的《生物化学与分子生物学》课程为例,文章深度挖掘该门课程所蕴含的思政元素,最终确定了7个典型的思政元素,并进行了相应的课程设计,采用案例式教学方法将其在实践中教学。课后,对成都医学院2019级临床医学、麻醉学、儿科学、医学影像学、药学和中药学等6个专业的888名学生发放调查问卷,检测其实施效果。结果表明,所开展的案例式思政教学能够较好地增强学生对该门课程的认可度,帮助学生树立良好的价值观念,初步达到了专业课思政教学的目的。最后,结合实施效果,本文从教学内容和方法的改进、课程思政教学团队的打造和思政教学评价机制的完善等方面展开了积极的探索,以期为专业课程全面实施课程思政提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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