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目的:探讨微信平台健康教育在慢性肺源性心脏病(肺心病)患者延续护理中的效果,为临床护理工作提供依据。方法:将90名肺心病患者按出院顺序分成观察组和对照组,各45 例,对照组进行定期随访,观察组利用微信平台进行健康教育,6 个月后评价两组患者的遵医行为,并采用慢性肺源性心脏病患者生命质量测定量表(QLICD-CPHD)于患者出院时及6 个月后进行生活质量评价。结果:观察组患者具有很好的遵医行为,对照组遵医行为较差,两组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。两组患者干预前生活质量比较无显著差异(P>0.05);观察组在干预前后,生活质量各模块无明显改变(P>0.05),对照组生活质量各模块明显降低,与观察组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:微信教育在一定程度上能够地提高患者的遵医行为,弥补传统健康教育的不足,提升了健康教育的效果,值得临床借鉴。  相似文献   
为了适应培养高素质创新人才的要求,本中心建立了开放式网络信息平台,包括硬件和实验影像视频课件建设,并对平台学生自主管理模式进行了探索和实践。实践表明,开放式网络信息平台运行3年来在大学生创新研究及实验课件开放使用等方面已获得显著成效。不仅为本实验中心其他实验技术平台的开放管理奠定了基础,而且为国内高校相关实验室开放的管理提供了参考模式。  相似文献   
The chemical industry is currently reliant on a historically inexpensive, petroleum-based carbon feedstock that generates a small collection of platform chemicals from which highly efficient chemical conversions lead to the manufacture of a large variety of chemical products. Recently, a number of factors have coalesced to provide the impetus to explore alternative renewable sources of carbon. Here we discuss the potential impact on the chemical industry of shifting from non-renewable carbon sources to renewable carbon sources. This change to the manufacture of chemicals from biological carbon sources will provide an opportunity for the biological research community to contribute fundamental knowledge concerning carbon metabolism and its regulation. We discuss whether fundamental biological research into metabolic processes at a holistic level, made possible by completed genome sequences and integrated with detailed structural understanding of biocatalysts, can change the chemical industry from being dependent on fossil-carbon feedstocks to using biorenewable feedstocks. We illustrate this potential by discussing the prospect of building a platform technology based upon a concept of combinatorial biosynthesis, which would explore the enzymological flexibilities of polyketide biosynthesis.  相似文献   
目的:探讨利用分子量阵列平台进行特定序列甲基化分析的方法。方法:通过对不同扩增条件和扩增效率及不同条件处理的质谱分析比较了MassArray平台进行甲基化分析的特点。结果:本研究通过与重亚硫酸盐测序结果比较证实,MassArray分子量阵列技术平台能够反映甲基化修饰的真实水平;通过不同条件下PCR扩增效率与甲基化分析的结果,发现扩增效率是制约MassArray分子量阵列技术平台甲基化分析的关键因素,而产物的放置时间和不同的处理没有明显影响甲基化分析。结论:Mas-sArray甲基化分析平台是高效快速检测甲基化修饰的平台,在使用过程中应该根据实际的实验条件,进行合理的质控。  相似文献   
Summary  This paper is focused on the facies associations of an Early-Middle Norian stratigraphic succession cropping outin the Northern Calabria (Buonvicino, Cosenza). These carbonate deposits, pertaining to the Verbicaro Unit, represent a dolomitized platform characterized by a clear dominance of automicrites over skeletal metazoans. On the basis of the chronostatigraphic data and sedimentary evolution, two stratigraphic units have been distinguished: the Lower Unit (object of the present paper) and the Upper Unit. The Lower Unit consists of an Early-Middle Norian high-relief prograding carbonate platform. The Upper Unit is represented by Middle p.p.-Upper Norian basinal deposits. Three main facies associations, indicative of different depositional settings, have been identified. The inner platform facies association is characterized by automicrite (cauliflower-columnar subordinate planar stromatolites) associated with detrital carbonates (intraclastic breccia, bioclastic grainstone and packstone). Apeculiar facies is represented by megalodontid-bearing beds. Mud-cracked horizons and low-developed teepees occur quite frequently. The margin facies association is dominated by automicrite (planar to low relief stromatolites associated with thrombolitic fenestral boundstone) and detrital carbonates with subaerial exposure features. The slope facies association includes detrital carbonates (breccia/megabreccia) associated with serpulid/sphinctozoan bioconstructions and automicrite (planar stromatolites/thrombolitic boundstone). The whole carbonate body is completely dolomitized; nevertheless the morphology and microarchitecture of carbonate components (cements, grains and automicrite) is still clearly recognizable. The dolomite Mg content ranges from 40 to 48 mole%, sometimes reaching the stoichiometric value. Cements, primary and late, represent a minor component of the rock volume; they occur more frequently on the margin and upper slope setting. Quantitative tacies analyses lead to the following conclusions:
–  ⊙ the entire platform is largely led by automicrite (50% in the inner platform, 70% in the margin, and 30% in the slope), with planar to columnar stromatolitic or thrombolitic fabrics;
–  ⊙ primary skeletal framework is usually missing, although small bioconstructions of sphinctozoans and, subordinately, serpulids, occur on the slope;
–  ⊙ automicrite has been affected by early cementation, as witnessed by non-gravitative microfabric, early fracturing and boring.
The sedimentary facies and the low-diversity fossil associations seem to indicate a stressed marine environment; the platform margin probably flanked an intra-platform basin, not an open marine basin.  相似文献   
微生物学实验作为生物学科的重要基础课程,在创新人才培养和素质教育中起着重要作用。提高学生的创新实践能力,培养服务区域经济的创新型应用人才是地方应用型本科高校的办学目标。结合长治学院的学科建设,探讨了普通地方本科院校应用型人才培养中,微生物学实验教学模式的新思路,建立了由基础性实验和综合设计性实验相结合的实验内容,开放学科实验室为学生搭建科研创新实践平台,借助微信平台实现"线上"与"线下"的互动交流学习,构建了科学考核评价体系。改革后的新型教学模式能够切实提高教学质量,对学生的能力培养和综合素质提升起到积极促进作用。  相似文献   
酶工程网络课程建设是生物工程专业教学模式改革的重要部分,通过网络平台可将学生与授课教师有机结合,同时能更好地整合教学资源,提高学习效果,优化学习结构,为学生多媒体教学后的复习与知识拓展、疑难问题的及时解决创造了良好的条件。因此,为了进一步提高网络课程的建设质量,需优化课程设计体系,突出网络学习优点,并紧密结合学科发展前沿和本院教师科研方向,以促进网络课程的应用及实践。  相似文献   
五大连池火山熔岩台地草本层物种多样性及环境解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
五大连池火山熔岩台地是一种火山地貌, 研究熔岩台地草本物种分布及其环境解释, 对认识火山原生演替过程中植物群落空间格局形成及适应机制具有重要意义。本文以五大连池熔岩台地的草本物种为研究对象, 调查了苔藓、草本、灌丛、阔叶林和针阔混交林等不同植被类型中的草本层样方, 并测定样方中的土壤养分和水分等状况, 采用多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、物种丰富度评价草本层物种多样性, 通过典范对应分析方法研究了群落组成与土壤因子的关系。结果表明: (1)熔岩台地草本层物种丰富, 共56种, 占本研究调查区总物种数的82.35%, 草本样地的草本层物种多样性、优势度和均匀性高于其他植被类型。(2)熔岩台地土壤pH值对群落草本层物种丰富度和物种个体的空间分布均有较大影响。(3)土壤因子解释了群落分布的79.39%, 其中土壤pH值、速效磷、硝态氮、铵态氮所占的解释量比较大。(4)岩败酱(Patrinia rupestris)、万年蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)、硬质早熟禾(Poa sphondylodes)和中华苦荬菜(Ixeris chinensis)对环境要求较低, 能够适应熔岩台地土壤贫瘠恶劣的环境。熔岩台地不同植被类型表现出对环境资源的特定需求, 熔岩地貌导致了土壤pH值、养分、水分的差异, 并影响植物群落的分布。  相似文献   
随着信息化手段的不断丰富,新型教育理念结合线上学习平台的新信息化教学模式成为高校课堂的改革新趋势。本次教学改革利用科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、艺术(Art)和数学(Mathematics)多学科融合的超学科教育理念(简称STEAM教育)对教师教学过程进行了整体设计,同时借助“线上+线下”教学平台对学生学习过程进行了全面优化。将原本分散的验证型、操作型实验重新整合串联成以多角度“项目式”任务为主线、以Blackboard线上平台为辅线的自主研究型实验项目。新型教学模式以学生为主体,给学生提供更多自我展示和讨论互动的平台。从学生的课堂表现、知识测验、课后反馈、实验操作及实验报告4个方面对新型模式下的教学效果进行了分析和评价。结果表明,此模式不仅提高了学生在微生物学实验中的学习质量,增强了其学习主观能动性,而且有利于培养和提升学生的问题探究及实践创新能力。这一新型教学模式对其他生物学科实验课程的教学具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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