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Eurytemora affinis, a calanoid copepod, has been encountered in Volkerak-Zoommeer (Rhine delta region, S.W. Netherlands) both before this lake system was isolated in 1987 from the estuarine influence, and after. It was the main particle-feeding crustacean at all the 3 sampling stations in March–April 1990 when it reached densities of up to 215 ind.l–1. Its decline from mid April onwards, and low densities through summer, coincided with increase in cladocerans, especiallyDaphnia spp. (D. pulex andD. galeata), a decrease in seston (<33m) and chlorophyll concentrations and in primary production rates. The clearance rates (CR) ofEurytemora measured in the spring period varied enormously (0.6–24 ml.ind–1.d–1) depending mainly on size (0.44–1.06 mm), food concentration (0.8–2.2 mg C.l–1), and the water temperature which varied only narrowly (8.0–9.0°C). Mean ingestion rates of the animals measuring 0.68±0.02 mm during the study was 6.7±3.2 gC.ind–1.d–1; and assimilation efficiency varied between 27 and 53% (mean: 41±9%). The weight specific CR (SCR) varied between 0.96 and 6.4 litre.mg–1 body C.d–1. Pooled regression of SCR on the animal's body weight at the 3 study stations revealed a significant inverse relationship. Also daily ration and specific assimilation ofE. affinis varied greatly and inversely with the body weight. This calanoid contributed from about 50 to 100% to the zooplankton community grazing rates and assimilation rates, the former often exceeding the phytoplankton primary production.  相似文献   
Enhanced soil ammonium () concentrations in wetlands often lead to graminoid dominance, but species composition is highly variable. Although is readily taken up as a nutrient, several wetland species are known to be sensitive to high concentrations or even suffer toxicity, particularly at low soil pH. More knowledge about differential graminoid responses to high availability in relation to soil pH can help to better understand vegetation changes. The responses of two wetland graminoids, Juncus acutiflorus and Carex disticha, to high (2 mmol·l?1) versus control (20 μmol·l?1) concentrations were tested in a controlled hydroponic set up, at two pH values (4 and 6). A high concentration did not change total biomass for these species at either pH, but increased C allocation to shoots and increased P uptake, leading to K and Ca limitation, depending on pH treatment. More than 50% of N taken up by C. disticha was invested in N‐rich amino acids with decreasing C:N ratio, but only 10% for J. acutiflorus. Although both species appeared to be well adapted to high loadings in the short term, C. disticha showed higher classic detoxifying responses that are early warning indicators for decreased tolerance in the long term. In general, the efficient aboveground biomass allocation, P uptake and N detoxification explain the competitive strength of wetland graminoids at the expense of overall biodiversity at high loading. In addition, differential responses to enhanced affect interspecific competition among graminoids and lead to a shift in vegetation composition.  相似文献   
1. There is continued interest in controlling non‐biting midges (chironomids) in some freshwaters because of the potential nuisance caused by emergent adults. One option is to apply Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti), primarily used against mosquitoes and blackflies, to control benthic chironomid larvae. Chironomids are also at risk of collateral effects where Bti is used on other targets, and such instances may increase if climate change alters the incidence of dipteran‐borne diseases. However, most research on Bti effects on chironomids is available from mesocosms or ponds and might not scale‐up to larger waterbodies. 2. We present results on the effects of Bti on larval chironomids from eight experimental treatments, over 3 years, on a newly created eutrophic, urban lake of 200 ha, Cardiff Bay. 3. The first two experimental years provided limited evidence of Bti effects, with chironomid densities reduced by up to 14%. Increased scale of application and altered experimental design in the third year revealed reductions in chironomid larval densities of around 35% following Bti treatment, with suppression lasting several months. 4. These large‐scale Bti experiments – among the largest ever undertaken on chironomids – complement previous smaller‐scale experiments in illustrating how field conditions and application methods influence Bti effects on chironomid densities. Specifically, the work reveals how near‐neutral buoyancy formulations of Bti can reduce chironomid numbers in large lakes exceeding 3 m depth, but only where treatment methods avoid over‐dispersion. We advocate further evaluation to assess whether chironomids can be suppressed over longer periods using whole‐lake application without long‐term ecological implications or excessive cost. We also suggest further consideration be given to non‐buoyant Bti formulations for use in deeper lakes.  相似文献   
1. Knowledge of synchrony in trends is important to determining regional responses of lakes to disturbances such as atmospheric deposition and climate change. We explored the temporal coherence of physical and chemical characteristics of two series of mostly alpine lakes in nearby basins of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Using year‐to‐year variation over a 10‐year period, we asked whether lakes more similar in exposure to the atmosphere be‐haved more similarly than those with greater influence of catchment or in‐lake processes. 2. The Green Lakes Valley and Loch Vale Watershed are steeply incised basins with strong altitudinal gradients. There are glaciers at the heads of each catchment. The eight lakes studied are small, shallow and typically ice‐covered for more than half the year. Snowmelt is the dominant hydrological event each year, flushing about 70% of the annual discharge from each lake between April and mid‐July. The lakes do not thermally stratify during the period of open water. Data from these lakes included surface water temper‐ature, sulphate, nitrate, calcium, silica, bicarbonate alkalinity and conductivity. 3. Coherence was estimated by Pearson's correlation coefficient between lake pairs for each of the different variables. Despite close geographical proximity, there was not a strong direct signal from climatic or atmospheric conditions across all lakes in the study. Individual lake characteristics overwhelmed regional responses. Temporal coherence was higher for lakes within each basin than between basins and was highest for nearest neighbours. 4. Among the Green Lakes, conductivity, alkalinity and temperature were temporally coherent, suggesting that these lakes were sensitive to climate fluctuations. Water tem‐perature is indicative of air temperature, and conductivity and alkalinity concentrations are indicative of dilution from the amount of precipitation flushed through by snowmelt. 5. In Loch Vale, calcium, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate and alkalinity were temporally coherent, while silica and temperature were not. This suggests that external influences are attenuated by internal catchment and lake processes in Loch Vale lakes. Calcium and sulphate are primarily weathering products, but sulphate derives both from deposition and from mineral weathering. Different proportions of snowmelt versus groundwater in different years could influence summer lake concentrations. Nitrate is elevated in lake waters from atmospheric deposition, but the internal dynamics of nitrate and silica may be controlled by lake food webs. Temperature is attenuated by inconsistently different climates across altitude and glacial meltwaters. 6. It appears that, while the lakes in the two basins are topographically close, geologically and morphologically similar, and often connected by streams, only some attributes are temporally coherent. Catchment and in‐lake processes influenced temporal patterns, especially for temperature, alkalinity and silica. Montane lakes with high altitudinal gradients may be particularly prone to local controls compared to systems where coherence is more obvious.  相似文献   
高原湿地是生态系统中重要的碳汇。土壤CO_2通量作为高原湿地生态系统碳收支的重要组成部分,碳的释放对区域碳平衡发挥着重要的作用。藏香猪放牧是我国高海拔藏区一种特有的放牧方式,是导致高原湿地土壤退化的重要干扰因素之一,并影响着土壤CO_2通量的变化。采用土壤CO_2通量自动测量系统(LI-8100A,LI-COR,USA),分别在不同季节对滇西北布伦、哈木谷、伊拉草原上藏香猪干扰和对照(非干扰土壤)CO_2通量变化进行监测,研究发现,藏香猪干扰型放牧降低了土壤CO_2排放通量,且表现出明显的日波动变化特征。相比旱季,雨季不同放牧方式影响下的土壤CO_2通量差异性更为明显,其中布伦、哈木谷、伊拉草原较对照分别降低了70.4%、87.5%、60.7%。CO_2排放通量与土壤理化性状及植物生物量的回归分析表明,对照样地的土壤容重、孔隙度、pH、总活性碳、植物生物量与土壤CO_2通量具有显著的相关性(P0.01)。通过植物-土壤指数(plant-soil index,PSI)分析了藏香猪干扰型放牧对高原湿地的影响,总体来看,对照样地中土壤CO_2通量与PSI之间具有较好的线性关系,可以用来很好的预测未来高原湿地土壤CO_2通量的变化。该研究结果不仅有效估算了强干扰放牧影响下的高原湿地土壤碳排放量,而且为加强藏香猪放牧的科学管理,高原湿地生态系统的保护、恢复及重建提供了理论支持。  相似文献   
No detailed food web research on macroinvertebrate community of lacustrine ecosystem was reported in China. The present study is the first attempt on the subject in Lake Biandantang, a macrophytic lake in Hubei Province. Food webs of the macroinvertebrate community were compiled bimonthly from March, 2002 to March, 2003. Dietary information was obtained from gut analysis. Linkage strength was quantified by combining estimates of energy flow (secondary production) with data of gut analysis. The macroinvertebrate community of Lake Biandantang was based heavily on detritus. Quantitative food webs showed the total ingestion ranged from 6930 to 36,340 mg dry mass m−2 bimonthly. The ingestion of macroinvertebrate community was higher in the months with optimum temperature than that in other periods with higher or lower temperature. Through comparison, many patterns in benthic food web of Lake Biandantang are consistent with other detritus-based webs, such as stream webs, but different greatly from those based on autochthonous primary production (e.g. pelagic systems). It suggests that the trophic basis of the web is essential in shaping food web structure. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   
1. Spatial variation of methane (CH4) efflux from the littoral zone of a meso‐eutrophic boreal lake was studied with a closed‐chamber technique for three summer days in 22 vegetation stands, consisting of three emergent and three floating‐leaved species. 2. Between‐species differences in CH4 emission were significant. The highest emissions were measured from the emergent Phragmites australis stands (0.5–1.7 mmol m?2 h?1), followed by Schoenoplectus lacustris > Equisetum fluviatile > Nuphar lutea > Sparganium gramineum > Potamogeton natans. Within‐species differences between stands were not significant. 3. In P. australis stands, the stand‐specific mean CH4 emission was significantly correlated with solar radiation, probably indicating the role of effective pressurised ventilation on CH4 fluxes. The proportion of net primary production emitted as CH4 was significantly higher in P. australis stands (7.4%) than in stands of S. lacustris and E. fluviatile (both 0.5%). 4. In N. lutea stands, CH4 efflux was negatively correlated with the mean fetch and positively with the percentage cover of leaves on the water surface. There were no differences in CH4 efflux between intact N. lutea leaves and those grazed by coleopteran Galerucella nymphaeae. In S. graminaeum and P. natans stands, CH4 effluxes were not related to any of the measured environmental variables. 5. For all vegetation stands, the biomass above water level explained about 60% of the observed spatial variation in CH4 emission, indicating the important role of plants as gas conduits and producers of substrates for methanogens in the anoxic sediment.  相似文献   
Xu X W  Wu M  Wu Y H  Zhang H B 《农业工程》2007,27(8):3119-3123
Molecular diversity of halophilic archaea from Ayakekumu salt lake was investigated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and culture methods. 19 water samples and 15 soil samples were taken from 19 sites within Ayakekumu salt lake in winter and spring. Under aerobic culture conditions, some halophilic microorganisms were isolated by five different media. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 62 red strains were amplified by using PCR, determined by the DNA sequencer and analyzed through the BLASTn program subsequently. Results revealed that all sequences belonged to six genera grouped within the Halobacteriaceae. Mostly 16S rRNA gene sequences related to the genera Halorubrum (47%) and Natrinema (24%) were detected. Subsequent analysis by using Shannon index indicated that cultured halophilic archaeal diversities are not significantly different between winter and spring samplings in Ayakekumu salt lake. Similarity values of haloarchaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences to known sequences were less than 97%, suggesting the presence of two novel taxa. In addition, taxonomic characteristics of Natrinema altunense and Halobiforma lacisalsi isolated from Ayakekumu salt lake had been described previously. The discovery of the novel species provides new opportunity to further examine the diversity of these halophilic microorganisms in Ayakekumu salt lake.  相似文献   
The Antarctic Lake Wujka (62°09′28.3″S, 58°27′56.3″W), a shallow water body (Z m  = 1.38 m), situated at c.15 m from the seashore was sampled at two points (Sp 1 and Sp 2) at 3-day intervals from December 2003 to June 2004. The two sampling points differing in location and depth: Sp 1 (Z m  = 0.50 m) was the shallowest site, located near the lake outlet, while Sp 2 (Z m  = 1.38 m) was the deepest spot of the lake. The population density of Notholca squamula salina peaked in June (at 114 ind. l?1) at Sp 1, while at Sp 2 peaked in January (80 ind. l?1) and May (150 ind. l?1). Spearman non-parametric correlations with temperature, salinity, total dissolved solids, conductivity and pH revealed effects that characterize N. squamula salina as a species capable of surviving in a range of aquatic environments, but with a preference for high salinity, food and low temperature. It occurred in highest numbers when the diatom Achnanthes lanceolata var. rostrata (Øestrup) Hust., normally a benthic species, was stirred up into the water during storms that also raised the lake’s salinity to above 20 psu.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterial community composition in the mesotrophic Lake Blaarmeersen was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments during two consecutive years to assess the importance of different classes of explanatory variables (bottom-up and top-down factors, physical variables and phytoplankton) in cyanobacterial community dynamics. The most dominant cyanobacteria in Lake Blaarmeersen were Synechococcus (three genotypes), Limnothrix redekei and Anabaena/Aphanizomenon. Analyses of Similarity revealed that the cyanobacterial community in Lake Blaarmeersen differed significantly between the growing season and the winter season as well as between the epilimnion and hypolimnion during the stratified periods. Mantel tests revealed significant correlations between the DGGE data and bottom-up factors, physical variables, the phytoplankton community composition and, interestingly, the zooplankton community composition. In general, the zooplankton community composition (especially the cladoceran community) was more important in structuring the cyanobacterial community than the total zooplankton biomass. This study shows that grazing zooplankton communities can have a relatively strong impact on the cyanobacterial community dynamics and that this impact can be equally important as bottom-up processes regulated by nutrient concentrations and/or physical variables.  相似文献   
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